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Week af A�pril 24, 2t��la
The Gra�.t County Gflmmissioners session was called to order at 9:Q0
a.m. Comm�ssianer A�iison and Gommissioner Snead were in aitendance
with the C�e�k �f the Board. Chairznan Moore �ras out af �he office due to
The Corrimissioners r�ad and appraved the minutes of the preceding
session as writ�en.
i�����-- The Comxrr�issioners approved the salary increas� of Vxrginia Lawder
and �oyce Cooley-Wood of the Grant C�unty Falrgrounds to $9.00 per hour.
�� ���� The Ca:�nmissioners received a signed copy of �e Community
�evelapment B1ock Grant Contract A�endment #F-99-64099--06SA
regarding the rent a ient program.
��,��C?� The Commzs�ioners received a�Ia�m for Discrimination and
ne�ligence and punishrnent frc�m Ralph Howard Blakely, Jr. The matter was
referred to the Prosecutzn� 14ttorne�r for �andling.
�},� ���� The Comin� ssioners re�eived a Tort C1aim against Grant Cou���y, .filed
by Alan Bassa�v. The matter was �efer�red ta th� Prosecut�n� A.t�orney for
�,�,� �t�� The Cammissioners �pprc�ved ihe request for a budget extension zn the
amouni of $S,C?�Q ta the PA��C 2Q00 budget �o purchase tl�e Portable Ropes
Challenge I�i�.
t� f�"�� The Commissioners appro-��ed the salary increase ot �dith S. Gom�ez
o� the Juvenile Probation Department to $6.75 pe� hour,
��- ��� t� As of this date the Baard by a maj ority vote does appr�ve �'Q� pay�ent
thase vouchers filed in the Audito�s CJffic� 4I24/2(}00 in the iatal amount of
��,�� }� The �ommissioners approved the sala�y zncrease o� Clara Fitzgerald
of the Audiio�s Qffice to $9.00 per hour eff�ctive May l, 2400.
r;.� �,�;`�, The ��mmzssic�ners appraved -tne sa�ar�j increase of Donald J. Colsaz�
�f the J�uvenile Probation Departnl��t to �7.Q� per hour.
�;,� ��-�?, The Gomrnissioners approv�d the �alary increas� of CZeo 11�Z, Kenian
of the Juve�ile Probation Department to $8.50 per hou�.
��-{�"� �' The Cornmission�rs app�oved the salary increase of Jol�en D.
Keil�ms of i�e J�uvenile Probation Departz�ent to �7.50 }�er hour.
��;i,�/�' The Can�missioners appro�c�ed the salary increase of Brian J. Sie�ert of
rhe Juven��e Probatian Department io $9.OtJ per hour.
������ The �ommissioners app�ove� the salary increase of Cc�llette Herrera
�f the C�rant County Sheriff's C}ff Ge to $2,16$ pex month.
��„�.�-� -� The Commissioners approved the request b� the Grant County
Fazrgrounds t� ma�e Tami Schoti a Regular E�zployee for the position af
BoQkkeeperfFacility Secretary,
�� 1���` The Commissioners approvec� the salary change for Alma Garcia af
the I�reventian and Recovery �enter to $1,246.5$ per month effective April
lj �VVIJ.
�.� ���� The Commissioners approved ihe �alar� change for B��nda Larsen af
the Ca:�mmunity Develo�ment Department from 40 hours �er week to 35
hours per week.
��..�. p�"ac� A moizo� was made hy Commissioner. Ailisan, seconded by
Commission�r Snead that Resolution Number 2000-36-C� setting the sa�azy
for the Grant Caunty Prosecutang Attorney be passed. The zz�oti�n carried.
E��, ���2� A mation was made by Commissionex Allisan, seconded by
CommissiQne� �nead that Resolution Number 2t�00-37-CC s�t�ing a Public
Hearzng �`or May 16, 2000 at I:30 p.m. relating to the �acts requiring an
appropriation and expenditure af funds for the Cu�rent Expense Fund #OQ 1,
Interfund Gammunications Department #1�9 in the amc�uni of $749 be
passed. The motian c�z-ried,
����-�� A maiion was made by Commzssianer Allisoz�, seconded by
Cammzsszaner Snead thai Resolution Number 2000-3 8-�G relatzng to the
transfer of funds vvzthin the �Q00 budget of't�e Law and Jus�ice Fun�. #121,
Department #163 in the amount of $3t7,00�} be pa�sed. The motzon carxzed.
As there �ras no fu�her bus�ness to come before the Board the sesszon
was adjourned uz�til April 25, 20t�0.
Aprzl �5, 2d00
The session was caniinued at 9.00 a.m. wzth Chairman I�Zoore and
Commzssioner Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
Comrrussion�r Allison was attendzn,g a trial rr� T,ouglas County.
�^� �`�--�� The Commissioners met �rith the Public Wc�rks Director regarding a
lO:OQ a.m. bid opening (K SEil SE), 10030 Pubiic Hearing (Vehicle
Marking), Bid Award Recommendation-Re-�id Hauling, Bid Authorizatian-
2Q00 Hauling Services, Cooperative Purc�asing Agreement-Dauglas
a�-�,� ��= A hid opening was held regarding K SEI1 SE. A motior� was made by
Commzssio��r Snead, seconded by Cammissioner Moore to refer the bids to
the Public Warks D'zrector for review and �ecommendaizan. The motion
� l
�`� ���� A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner
Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Ordinance No. 2000-39-CC
in the matter of "County Owned Vehicle Marking" be passed. The motion
��`d��2� The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Ca11 for Bids on May
9, 2000 at 10:30 a.m. on Asphalt Hauling Services-2000.
�'�(��7 The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Vouchers
Approval #4-1 through #4-2 in the total amount of $22,730.76.
f� /�� The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal for the
�month of April in the total amount of $297,134.40.
� fi(��� The Commissioners approved the cost quoted by Apollo, Inc. for the
Grant County 3ustice Center pormitory �ddition in the amount of $155,200,
excluding Washington State Sales Tax.
t� (�3c� The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriff's Office to
surplus two 1979 Kawasaki 1000 motorcycles and transfer them to Island
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session
was adjourn�d until May l, 2000.
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Clerk � e �oarc�U
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