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Week af Apri11'7, 200(l
The Granr Cou.�iy Gom�ziss�o�ers session was called �o orde� at 9;00
a.m. by Chair Deborah Moare. All of the �ommissioners w�re in aitez�dance
� wit�. the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minuies of the preceding
sessic�n as written.
i'�.�-� �-`7� The Commissioners ac�epted the resignatian of Deanna Clarksan whcr
�uas ujarking on ihe GW1VIr'� project.
��-� `�7 7 The Commissioners �.pproved the salary inerease of Sue Flaherly af
�he Treasurers �ffice to 100 percent effecizue April l, 2000.
1�1 �� � The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Carol McD,�nel of
the Assessors Qffice to $8.00 per hour effecti�e April 1, 2000. '
���`�"� � The Commissioners approved the salary increas� of Colleen Irtivin of
ihe Ct�operative Extension C?ffzce to $9.�0 per hour beginnzn� in Aprr1.;
;�-� �� �'� The Cominissione�°s appro�ed the salar� zncrease of the fc�ilowzng
employe�s in the Ma.intenance Depaz-�ment: ,
Lrc�n Byrd to $9,Q0 �er haur and Lany Howall io $8.(}0 per hour.
;`�t �� The �a�nmissioners notified the Accoun�ing Depaa�rrzent af ;salary
incr�ases for the year 2000 for some personn�I. ;
������, The Commissianers notified all departments at the decision to
zncreas� the pay scale for hourly employees up to the amount of $9.�J0 pex
hour. ;
f�, ��:���� The Commissioners approved the starting salary of I�.risti Olsen ;of the
Plannin� Department tt� 80 percent of base pay for a Pla.nner. !
;�€ ��-- Th� Cammissioners appraved the salary increase of Betty Catl,ow of
ihe Cle�rk's CJffice ta $7.OQ per haur.
r�( ��'The Commissianers approved the salary increase of Karin �tokoe of
th� Cler�'s O�ce to �7.00 per h�u�. �`
��"��y� The Commission�rs �.pproved th� salary iner�ase of Raina Spt��ee of
the Planning D�partment to b9.40 pe� �our.
��.-� ��� The Comnzissianers rec�ived ihe resigr��tion of Eli Rodriguez ;of the
Coop�rativ� Ex�ension 4�cea
{��`���`� The Comm�ssioners received the Notice of Separatian of Che�l
Gan�enbein of the Disirict �ourt Office effective Ap�il I4, 2000.
t�-���`�T`he Commissioners appra�red the request by the Sheriff's (Jff;ce for
the pu�rchase af one P�soner Restrazn� Chazr in the amount o�' $1,16a; �rom
Laur and Justice Funds.
��(`��L The Commissianers approved oui of state travel for Sheriff Wiesier to
attend a meeiing in Nevada.
�:�( c�.� � The Com.missianers approved the request by the District Court fJff ce
to add Benjamin Abraha�n Kozlov �o the District Couu:rtt payroll, as a Russian
Intexpreter at �20.00 per hour, on an as needed basis.
��( ���,,The Commisszoners approved the sala3ry increase of Bradford; Scott
1=�uni�r of the Sheriff's (�ffice tc� $2,4�2 per month.
l.�°%��`� The �o�nrnissioners a�proved �he salary increase of Nicole H;ale o�`
ihe District �ourt Office to $7.Q0 per haur.
;����� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of MQliy Bates of
the District Couri 4ffice to $7.Ot� per hour. ;
r�� �-�� The Cor�imzssxoners approved ihe salary increase of Ashley Po'nazzo
of the Distrzct Court C�ffice to $7.00 per hour. '
��; ���,The Commission�rs approved the salary increase of Heather Lewellyn
of the Dist�-ict Cauri C�ff'ice io $7.Q4 per hour.
��.(:��.�� A mot�on was made by Cammissioner Allison, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resalution Number Za00-35-CC in the ma�er of
unredeemed warrants be passed. The motion carried.
�;,,��.�� Chainnan Moore was auiharized ta sign ihe Memarandum of
Understan�.ing wzth the U.S. Department of Energy in regard �o �he
emergenc� planning Grant C�unty conducts with DC?E.
��1�� `� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Frances 11�eunch
of the Treasurers Off ce to $9.00 per hour, effective April I, 2000,
As there was no further buszness �o come before the Board �he sessiQn
was continued until April 18, 2000,
April 18, 2000
The session was eoniinued at 9:Oa a.m. with Chairman Moore and
Comn�.isszoner Snead �za attendance wiih the Clerk of the BQard.
Cammissianer Alrison was oui of the office on �ouniy business. '
The Cammissioners met with il�e Public Works Director regarding
Asphal�-1999 ($0.701Ga1); 200C} ($1.09/Gal.}, �ast-Share-1999
($10,350lMile); 2000 ($14,2000/Mile), Sealcoat-1999 (�,340/Mi1e);; 2000
($�,027,�Mile), Crrroundwater Wells, 10.45 Bzd tJpening, Hauling.
�����A bid openzng was held regarding asphalt 1�auling servzces, ;and a
motion was made b� Cammissioner Snead, seconded by Chairman Moore to
refer the bids to the Public Works Director for l�s revieu� and
recommendati�na T`he motzon car�eied. �
�� ��� � As of this da�e the Board by a majority vate dQ�� approve for payment
thase vouchers fled in �h� AuditQrs (�ffic� 4/17/2{7�70 in ihe iotal amount of
�����,The Commissioners appraved the request by the Civil S;ervice
Commzssion to increase the salary �a�' Ruth Grigg ia $9.00 per hour effective
April l, 2Q00. `
����� The Commissioners approved �he request by the Sage-N-Sun Festival
Com�mittee for the use of the Cau7rthouse lawn and parking lots for the
festival dates of June 9,10 and I 1. '
As there was no �urther busin�ss to come before the Board the session
was adjourned untrl Apri124, 2000.
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Clerl� � e Boar �, Chainnan �
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