HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-032-CCGRANT GQUNTY BQARD 4F CQI��VIISSIQNERS Grant Caunty, Washington RESOLUTZON NO. 00-32 -CC ORDINANCE NO. 00- 32 -CC AN C1RDINANCE RE-ADCIPTING INTEI�IM 4FFICIAL CONTROLS IN THE AGRICULTURAL Z4NE, .AND OTHER MATTERS PRtJPERLY RELATING THERETO, WHEREAS, the Baard af County Connmissioners (Board) of Grant County Washington intends to fitlly comply with tl�e E�stern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board; and WHEREAS, the Board adopted Resolution Na. 97-143 -CC entitled, A Resolutic�n Adopting Grant County's Plan For Continued Compliance With The Growth Management Act, and Resolution No, 98-25-CC entitled, A Resalution Adopting GMA Work Plan/Critical P�th Schedula, Expressing At� Intent To Apprave Supplemental Budget To Complete Elements Qf Appraved GMA Work Plan, And Designating Review And Cansideration Of Additional Interim Measui•es, and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.390 empowers the Board with the authority ta adopt interim official contrals to protect, inter^ alicr., the Agricultural zone, without holding a public hearing on the proposed anterirn of�'icial control ordinance/resolution, and WHEREAS, the Grant County (the "County"} is currently studying and preparing code amendments to its zaning code regulating its Agriculture zone to establish new zone categories, to protect the Agriculture zone; and WHEREAS, the County xs currently studying and preparang its developmenial regulations consistaflt with its Grawth Management Aci {GMA) comprehenszve p1an, which was adopted on September 30, 1999; and WI�EREAS, the Boaz-d iinds th�t interim afficial cantrols prohibiting commercial �nd residential rezones within the Agricultural zone, with exceptions �s set forth in Sectian 1V herein, AGRICULTURAL ZONE PROTECTION ORDINANCE - 1 ordinanc\zone-con.005 �re reasonable and necessary to protect the Agricultural zone during tl�e period of time require to adapt a GMA comprehensive plan, adopt and establish nevv zone categories in the Agriculture zone and co��ply �vith the aforementianed arders of the Eastern Washing�on Growth Management Hearings Board; �nd WI�EREAS, the Board aclopted ResolutianlOrdinance Na. 98-32-CC on March 24, 1998, adopting interim aff'icial cantrols in the Agricultural zone, which expired an ar about September 26, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Board adapted ResolutionitJrdinance No. 98-145-CC on September 23, 1998, re-adopting interim off'icial cantrols in the Agricultural Zone, which expired on or about March 23, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Board adopted Resolutionl0rdinance Na. 99-40-CC on March 23, 1999, re-adopting interim official controls in the Agricultural Zone, which expires on or about 5eptember 23, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Board adopted ResolutioY�/Ordinance No. 99-1S5-CC on September 2�, 1999, re-adopting interim official controls in the Agricultural Zone� and tiVHEREAS, Gr�.nt County is currently in the public participatian sta�;e of drafting and adopting nevv developmental regulations cansistent with its GMA comprehensive plan adopted by Grant County on Septe�aber 30, 1999; and WHEI�AS, the Planning Commission has extended the time period in which to obtain public comment beyand the deadline originally imposed; and WHERCAS, the Ba�rd desires to extend the protections and inierim official cantrals in Resalutioza/4rdinance No. 99-155-CC, for a�� �dd'ztional six (b} months, pursuani ta RCW 3 b.'10A.3 90. NC;W, THEREFORE, THE BUARD OI' CUUNTY CUMMISSIONERS DO HEREBY ORDACN AND ESTAI3LISH AS I'OLLOWS: I. Interim afficial cantrols �r.e required taecause the County is complying with previous orders of the Eastern Washington Growtla Management Hearings Board and the requirements of the GMA; and IL lnterim afficial controls are required to pratect the Agriculturai zone while Grant AGRICIILTURAL ZOI�tE PROTECTTON URDINANCE - 2 ordinanc\zone-con.0o6 County is studying and preparing new developmental regulations consistent with its GMA comprehensive plan adopted on September 3Q, 1999; �nd III. A public hearing will be held on s�id interiln afficial controls within the time period rec�uired in chapter 36.74A RCW; and IV. Commercial and/ar residentzal rezones and regulated subdivisions it� the Agricultural zone of Grant County, �re hereby prohibited, tivith the following exceptians: siting of essential public facilities {RCW 36.70A.200); new fully cantained communities (RCW 3b,70A.350); mastar planned communities (RCW 36.70A,360); majar industrial develapments (RCW 3b,70A. 3b0}; expansion af exiating projects; siting of legitimate natur�l resaurca based agricultural commercial/industrial uses as allawed by the GMA andlar 1997 GMA �,mendments pursuant ta ESB b094; and "in- filling" of existing commercial, industrial or residential uses already sited or developed within the Agricultural zone; �nd V, This interim official cantrol sh�ll be in force an.d effect for the earlier of six (6) months from the date of �daption of this resalutionlordinance by the Baard ar the adoption of new zoning cate�ories for the Agricultural zone, PASSED AND ADOPTED this � D;f�l, day of April, 2000, BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS GR�NT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Deborah Kay Moo,a�, Chair r LeRay �✓'�Al�o,�; Member Tim ATTEST; �� - Clerk of t ar AGRICULTURAL ZONE PROTECTION ORDINANCE - 3 ordin�nc\zone-con.005