HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� C4MMISS�C}NERS' PRt)CEEDINGS Week of Aprii 10, 2000 The Grant County Commissioners sesszan was called to arder ai 9.fl0 a.m. by Chazr Deborah Moore. AII of the Commissione�s were in attendance with the C1erk o�'the Board. ; �� "-�-� { The Comm�sszoners approved the sala:ry increase of Debbie G. Stephens af the District �c�urt Offiee to $1,9�5 per manih. ; J c.�.� �� � The Commissioners app�oved t�e salary increase of Darlene Holman af ihe District Caurt C3ffice ic� $1,925 per mani�.. � ; ��, ���"� The Commissioners apprflved the salary af John W. Ricci of the � Sherif�'s (�ffice at $2,092.70 per mon� effeciive March 28, 2(?{�0. � a , ��!�� The Commissioners appraved the salary zncrease o� Damien C. Haoper �f the Planning Department io �3,247 per manth effec�ive A�pril l, 2000 as �e SEPA r�spansibl� (�fficial. j �c�L,1.c�t A motion was made by Cammissioner Allisc�n, second�d by Commissioner Snead that Resalution Number 2000-31-CC in the matter of unredeem�d warrants be passed. The motion can�ied. � ��-( �-�� A moiion was made by �ommissioner Snead, seconded by Commissianer Allison that Resolution Number 2040-32-CC re-adopting Interim C?fficial Cantrols in the A�rzcultural Zane, and other rnat�ers prflp�rly relating thereto be passed. The motion carried. j ������, A motzan was made by Commissioner �nead, secanded by Cammissioner Allisan that Resolution Number 2000-33-CC �e-adc�pting Interim Official Con�rols relating to the rea�onable us� exception, and other ma�ters �rc�perly relatzng ther�to be pass�d. The ma�ion carried. ; ��,, :.�,� � A motion tivas made by Commissioner Snead, secandecl bv ��a�nnussioner Al�ison that Resolution Number 2000-34-CC re-adopting Amendments to the zonzng Qrdinance, amending the R�sidentza�, Suburban, Planned Unit Development and Ope� Space Recreatzanal sections c� f the Grant County Zozaing Ordinance to provzde far rural and res�deniial development densities outside of designaied Interim Urban GrQwth Areas andlc�r Urban Growth Areas on the Interim 8asis, and other maiters properly reiaiing t�e�eta be passed. Thc mation carried. � As ihere was no further business to come before the Board the was continued until April 11, 2C?00. April 1l, 2000 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a13 of the Cammis�i� zn attendance wzth the Cierk of the Baard. ;�� `� �'� The Commi�sroners met with t�e Public Warks Director regarding 14:30 Bid {�pening {Asphalt}, Coniract Executian-Radio Consultant Services, Plotter, G�avel Road Commii�ee, Gorge Tra�`fic Study, Personnel. �� ���The Commissianers upheld the recoxnmendation af the Public V�orks Dzrector and awarded the bid for asphati material to Chevron Producis.; �.� � y�w�The Cammissionexs approved the Public Warks Claims Fund Voucher Approval #3-1 ihz�ough #3-192 in the tatai amouni of $994,715,42. � i ��t� �7 Th� Commissioners held a bid opening on Bituminous Materials. A motion was made by Commi�szoner Snead, seconded by Co:mmis�sioner A�lzsan ta refer the bids to the Public Works Director far review and recommendation. The motion ca�-ried. i a � E.�. ��} �� The Commzssioners approved the request by the Department of Emergency Managemeni to purchase a portable storage shed. ' ; t��`� �� T'he Co��missioners agpainied Belinda Caz�ow to a posifiiQn bn the Grant County PAR.0 Advisory Board. � ' , ����s-`�� The Cammis�ioners app�c�ved �he year ZODO salaries far Supervi�ory or Non-Union personnel zn the Public �T�arks Department. ��.;� �� A b�d apening was held on the Grant County Jusiice �e�ter Darmitory Additian. There was on�� one bid submitted. A motio;n was made by �omn�ssioner �nead, secandecl by Commzssianer Allison ihat the bids be referred to the Maintenance Supervzsor and Integrus for their review and recommendation. The rnotion carried. ' ������-, The Ccammissioners signecl a Cansultani Agreement urith Spect�um Communications. � � �'`-� ��-�..� As of this dat� the Baard by a majority vote does approve fo:r pa�ment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Offi�� 4/IQC2000 in the total amauni of` �478,6$4.9�. ' ��. ��`� � The Commissioners set � Public Meeting for May 1, 2000 at 1:3,''4 p.m. regarding th� proposed Prelimznary Plat A�plication from Reza Farouzi, Kenney Preliminary Plat, a�ourieen lc�t subdivision on appro�zmaiely 31.11 acre� �a the Ligh� Industrial Zone. + i� I�-`�� The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for May 2, 2000 at 1:3j0 p.m. regarding the proposed Preliminary Plat Application from Wolfkill Feed & Fertilizer Ca�a.,Reza Firauzi. A iweniy-eight Iot subdivision o� appra�mately 36.54 ac�es in the Light Industrial Zone. '' � , i As thez-e was no further business to come before the Baard the session was adjourned until Apri1 17, 2040. � BC}A.,R�J {�F Ct�UN`�`Y CO��VIISSIC?NERS ATTEST: GRANT C(�UNTY, WAS�[IN�TON ''� F d � ���� �� 1��� ���� . 1�� �c ��'�.- Clerk���he Boarc��� �hazz-man r ; _ .�'� . . ...._,.-..---:----� � �� � � � ;