HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� CCiMMISSI{�NEI2S' PR��EEI3�NG� Week of March 2�, 2�04 The �rant �ounty Cammissioners session was called to arder at 9:00 a.m. by Chair Deborah Moore. A11 of the Commissioners were in attendance tivith the Clerk of th� Baard. The Commissianers read and approved ihe minutes of the prececling session as wriiten. #�-� �`c��,� 'T`he Cammissioners approved the R�quest for Transfer of fi�nds in the Prosecutors' Office zn ihe amaunt of $6,000 frQm Wages and Salaries to Capital Outlay. F����A motion was made by Commissianer Snead, s�conded by Commissi�ner A1lison that Resoiution Number 2000-�4-CC recognizing the Ephraia Lady Tigers Basketball Team be passed. The motit�n carried. ��J�-;� jt� A mc�tion was made by Cnmmissianer Snead, seconded by Commissic�ner A.11`zson that Resolution Number 20QQ-25-CC recognizing the Quincy �ackrabbits Basl�eiball Team be passeda The rnotion carried, �� ��} A mation was made by Commissioner Allison, secanded by Comrnissi�ner Snead that Resalution Number 2000-2b-C� recagnzzing �he Moses Lake Wrestiing Tea�n be passed. The moiion carried. ������� A�naiion was made by Commzssioner A1lisan, seconded by C�mmissi�ner Snead that Resoluiion Number 2000-27-CC recc�gnizing the Warden High School Wrestling Team be passed. The motion carried. t�( °��3 The Commissioners received a clazm far damages from Dezlnzs Williams. The matier was referred to the Prosecuiing Attorne}� for handlzng, £,� ����.�. A motian was made by Cammzssioner Allison, seconded by Commis�ioner Snead thai Re�olution Number 2000-28-CC setting a Public H�aring for April 4, 240� at I:QO p.m. relating to the facts requzrzng an apprc�priat�on and expendzture of funds for the Current Expense Fund #�Ol, Burlding/Fire Marshal Dept. # I 16 in the amount af $14,OQ0 be passed. The mation carried. ��.�.� ���` The Commissic�ners approved the Request for Transfer af Funds in the District Court Department in the arnount of $�,43 S fr�am Mzscellaneous, to Capital (Juilay for microphones in the Moses Lake court�-oom. ��,�� �� As af this daie by the Board by a ma�ority vcate daes approv� for payment thase vouchers included 'zn the list filed in the Auclitors Qffice 312{�/2000 in the total amouni of �326,769.32. ���.� ��-� The Comrnissioners approved the Request far Transfer of Funds in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office in the a�nounfi af $6,000 from Wages a�d Salaries to Capital Outlay for the purchase of con3puters. As there was no fi�rl:her business ta com� before the Board the session was cc�ntinued until March 2I, 2000, March 21, 2000 The session was continued ai 9:Q0 a,m. with ail of ihe C�mmissioners in attendance with the Clerk ofthe Board. The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regardin� Call For Bzds-Asphalt, Supplemental Agreement-`S' NW, P.oad Zmprovement Request-Tommer, (�'.xarge Traffic Study, Ruff Appraach, Vehicle m�rking. �� }���� The Corr�mi sszoners signed the Autharizatian to Ca11 for Bzds for Bziuminous Materials. T`he bids to be opened l-�pril 1 l, 2000 at 10:30 a.m. �� t� €� The Commissioners received a Note far Trial Set�ing, Amended Petition for Review, and Declaratian of Mailing regarding Day Star v, Grant County and Depariment of Revenue. ��.�.��}- ��The Cc�mmissioners were notified of ihe resignatzan of CQrrectzons C}fficer Mike Caffman and Corrections (�Jfficer Paula Rena. ����� The Canunissioners held a Public Hearing regarding the �oap Lake Terrace Plat. After takzng public testimony a mation was made by Cammissianer Allison, second�d by Commissior�er Snead to upho�d the recammendation of the Planning Commisszon and approve the Plat with findings and conditions as proposed, r�cagnizing th� name change on East Lake Raad, The motion carrzed, As there was no further business to corne befc�re the Baard ihe sessic�n was adjo�rned until March �7,2000. BQARI) OF C(�i.1NNTY� CCI��SSIC}I��RS ATTEST: �irRANT CC}U�IT�, WASHINC`rTC.�N r �� �.�`�.�%Y... �� k ,-.,� ��,� � ' S Clerk af the Board �hairman � , a _ fr� /? � ��"�-'� r ; 3 i�