HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-022-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLVTION NL7ME3ER A RESOLUTION relating to the transfer of funds within the 2000 budget af the LAW AND JUSTICE FUND # 121, IbEPARTld'IENT # 163 2Q00-22—CG WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of Crrant Comcrzissioners that it is necessary ta transfer funds wiihiz� the ctbnent budget of the abave-named Counly Department(s) in the �aunts enumerated below; and WHEREAS, there is na expenditure of funds not previously budgeted but a tral3sfer pursuant to RC.W. 36.40.100 and County and State auditing pracedures; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOA.R.D OF COU�TTY COMMISSIC?NERS af GR:ANT COUNT�, STATE OF WASH�TGT4N, that the following transfers cvitl�in the current budget are hereby made: 1999 BUDGET dF THr FROi'T ACCOUNT NCJMF3ER LAW r11VD JUST'ICE Fi;ND # 121, DEPARTME'_�'T # 163 TO AMOUNT ACCOiTNT'NiJMBER PliOJECT # 109 PRdSFCUTIi�G ATTORNEY Sp8.00 END�TG F[JND BAI.t1NCE $ 1,700 594.15_64.00 CAP.OUTLAY-iV1ACH. & EQULF. $ 1,700 EXFI,�NATION TO RE ALLOCATE ENDING FLTND BALARTCE APPR(3PRIATI4NS TQ THE PROSECUT'L�G ATTORNEX PROJ. 109 FOR THE UNANTICAPTEI3 INCREASED COST dF VOICE MATL SYSTEM. This resoluiion is in the best interest of good government and shall take effect inamediately upon passage. Done thzs 13t�:t �ay o� March, 2000 ATTEST: �`,J � �' Clerk c�f Board � Grant County, Washington Chairman JOHN KNDDELL Prosecuting Attorney STEPHEN J. HALLSTROM Chiet Depury CATHLEEN NEILS AdminlstraHve Assistant Deputies CHARl.ES RICNENS CAROLE L, HIGNLAND CAROLYH FAIA STEVE SCOT( BRENTA, D8JON0 ALeERT H. LIN EDWARD A, OWENS OFFICE OF GRANT COUNTY PRC�SE�UTIiV� ATi'�RIVEY March 2, 2000 Board of Commissioners Grant County Courthouse P,O. Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Re: Capital-Outlay Dear Commissioners: P,O. BOX 37 • EPHpATA, WASHINGTON 98823 (509) 754-2011, Ext. 450 • Fax (509) 754-3449 � c:.: � , ��,��� ;��.,� Please col�sic�er ihis my official requ�st to p�ircha�� th�; voice rrzail phone systern. `I'l�is equipm�nt has been previously approved for purchase from the 2000 Law and Justice I�i.ix��5, �'��� c��;� ��Z� cl����;��� ��.a�� t� �arz�:� ir��rea�� �nci s�l�� ta.�. i�vvz�t �:� r�;f��iesti���; to trun�:�c�• wr��:ro�imate�y 1%Gt3.C7�3 �r�c�rr� �va�es an� ::��.la��i�;s �c� cover this ac���,��;i�r.�.�,.1. cost. I am also requesting to purchase the computer %r the new civil deputy, which was also approved in the 2000 Law and Justice funds, The cost of the computer should not exceed $1600.00. Tha total cost of the �voice mail phone system would be $12,159.98. Very truly ours, �� John Knodell Prosecui:ing Attorney Stephen J. Hallstrom Chief Deputy JDK:cn ec; Robert N, Mosher, Chief Accoutant . , ;.; �� ��un�ty r .;,rnmissi�n�. �� ..n'�,�nt CuuntY, VVashington Approve :., Dist, # ], �� �}� dlSt, #2,�,; i�ist. ���..�.._ l�isapprove DISt. # ],� Dist. #2 ---......�� Dist. #3