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Week of March 13, 2000
�'he Grant County Commissioners s�ssion was called to order at 9:0�
a,m. on March 13, 2�00 by Chair Deborah Moore. A11 of the
Commzssioners �vere in attendance �vith the Clerk of ihe Board.
The �ommissioners read and approved the mznutes of the preceding
sessian as written.
:��-���'� The Commissioners approved �he salary increase af �,eslie �.
I�Iiphardt ofthe Juvenzle Probation L}epaz-tment to $2,$�2 per month.
�� 1�9�- The Commissioners approved the salary increase of �evin M, Hake of
the Juvenile Probation Department ta $2,�44.3Q per month.
��e,�� The Commisszoners approved the salary in�rease of EIi Rodrique� of
the Cooperatzve Extensron t�ffice io $1,865.70 per month.
�,� �.� t'� The Cominissioners approved ou� of Stai� travel far I�a�hy Qcho� and
Pat Burleson of Crant 1V�ental Healthcare to attend a conference on Trauma,
Violence and Abuse.
��i �`� 7 The Commissioners approved out of State iravel for Mark Biallas of
ihe Sheriff's 4ffice to attend the Intermediate Boating Accident
Investigation T�aining.
.c�� ��� The Commissioners appro�ed the requesi by ihe Departznent of
Community Development for a budget �ncrease from the unrese�ed fund
balance in the amount of $14,Q00 �or a permi�iing system fram Computech.
��. g 3�� As of this daie the Board by a majority vote does approve �or payment
those vouchers included 'zn tl�e list fzled in tl�.e Auditors O�fice 3/13i��00 zn
the total amaunt ofS78,927.5b.
�����C� Chair Deborah Moore was authorized tc� sign the Juvenile
Accountability Incentive Biock Grant Response Form.
i���� A motion was made by Commissianer Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Atlzson that Resolution Number 2400-2�-CC relaiing to the
transfer of funds �vithin the 2000 budget of the Law and Justice Fund #121,
Department # 163 in �he amaunt af � 1,700 be passec�. The moiion carried.
As there �vas no further business to ccame before ihe Board ihe session
was continued uniil March 14, 2000.
March 14, 2004
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a1I of the Commissioners
in attendance with the Cler1� of the Board.
T�e Comm�ssioners r�tet �,��th ihe Public Works Director reba�ding
Cc�ntract �,x��,uticn-Fue1 Cc��.tra�t, Aspha.l�t Trai�ers, `W' NW, Crravel �oad
; L��,.�� The Cc�mmisszoners signed a cc��traci v�i�h Beall Trailers o� WA fox
faux Bea11 in�ulated semi-ira�lers and four insulatcd pull-trailers.
_.� �� �3 The �ommissioners signed a contract with North Central Petroleum
for fuel.
���.� �..�� Chairman Moore was autharized to szgn the Rural Arterial Program
Certification of Road Fund Expendituxes for Traffic Law Enforcement.
��-`�� The Gommissioners signed a cont7~aci wzih Tommer �onstruction
Company, Inc. far the W-NE Road P�oject.
��� �� The Commisszoners signed the Public �rorks Cla�ms F�nd Voucher
approva� #2�1 through #2-187 in the total amount of $922,893.7�.
�,��t ��-� A motifln was made by Commissioner Allison, secc�nded by
Cc�mm�ssioner Snead thai Resaluticrn Number 2004-23-CC requesting
��anges in the Endangered Species Act be passed. The motion canrzed.
As ihere tivas no furth�r busz�aess to come before the Board ihe session
was adjourned until March 20, 2�?00.
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Clerk a�' e 8oard ��
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Chairman �,