HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC =.�3 y�,a�'„�' +C(JIVIMISSIt3NElZS' PRQCEEDINGS '�Veek of February 1.4, 2000 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Comm�ssioners in a�endance urith the Cle�k of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of �he preceding session as u�ritten. 1 ��,�,..,,�' The Com.zxussione�s approved out of state travel for Chief Deputies Butler and Po�ozzo and Pastor Paul E1lis to attend t�aining regarding trauma of Iaw enforcement death. ��4��°� The Commzssioner� approved out of s�tate trave� far Sheriff�iester to attend�he National Sheriff's Assocza�on seminar. ����,�C�The Cammissioners approved the request by Grant Mental Healthcare for author�ty to set up a revc�Iving fiznd of$1,504. As there was no further buszness to come before the Board the session wa.s cantinued until February 15, �004. February 15, 2d40 The session was continued at �:QO a.m, wi�h all of the Cammissioners in attendance with the C1erk of the Board. The Commissionears met with the Public tiVorks Director regarding Bid Award Recommendations-Tractor/10�1owers & Whee1 Loader, R1�V- Pat�on T�affic Signal, Bid Authorzzations-`W' NE & Herbicides, Request fo� proposals-Radio Consultant, Draf�News Release-Gravel Road Study, 10.30- � Bid Op�ning (Fuel). � ��.��� � The Cammisszoners signed the Request �'or Consultant Services for twa--way radio improvements. Proposal due date to be Feb�ua� 28, 200Q at 5:00 p.m. ����?�..The Comumisszoners signed the Autharization to Call for Proposals for Year 240Q Hexbicide 11�aterials. Propasals to be opened an February 29, 2004 at I0:30 a.m. �`����-�The Commzsszoners signed the Authorization ta Gall for Bzds on W- NE Rd., CRP �9-6. Bid opening date to be Februazy 29, 2000 at 10:00 a,m. t�.g���The Commisszoners approved the recommendation of the Public Works Director azzd awa.rded the bid for braam mawe�s ta Carrall Adams Tractor in the total amaunt of$218,052.04. i'�-(���Th� Commissioners approved the recommendatian of the Publzc Works D"zrector and awarded the bid for one 3.S C.Y, Whee� Loader ta Western Po�ver & Equipment zn the amount of$14�,$25.60, �s���-� The �ommissioners held a bid opening �or fuel purchases. A motion �as made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Comn�issioner Allison that the bids be referred to the Public �orks Department far thezr review and recommendatian. ����`� The Commissioners signed an agreement with the Town of Hartlin� for Iaw enforcement se�vices. �ti.��3� The Commissioners szgned a Quit Claim Deed with Ronald and Maria Pennington, a�1d George and Rflbin (�;rtuna far thase partions of Section 4, Tawnship 19 Nc�rth, Ra.nge �8 East W.M. containing Q.280� acres. ������ As ofthis date the Baard by a majority vate does approve for payment thase vouchers included in the lzst filed in the Auditors C}ffice 2/l4/20�0 in the tatal amount of$7S6,9b9.87. �,���,� The Commissioners held a Public �Iearing on the reverting of a canditxonal rezone to Crawfard Jones for the propased Genie �ndustrial Campus Project back to agrieulture fram heavy zndustrial. A mation was made by Cc�mmisszoner A1lisc�n, seconded by Commzsszoner Snead that Resolutxc�n Number 2Q00-14-CC tfl recc�gnize that the reverter in the c�ri�inal dacument has happened, which creates an incansistency in the Comprehensive Plan wh�ch will be addressed in the normal plan amendment cycle, recognizing properl� oumers and city's �oncerns be passed. With Staff tc� provide findings of fact. The motion carried. As there was na fi.arther busin�ss to cozn� before the Board the session was adjoumed until February 22, 2000. B{�t1F�.L� OF C{�UNTY C(�MNL[SSI(JNERS ATTEST: GR.ANT COUNTY, WASHINGT{�N �� � "���t.�'.��.. ���L'�r���€:��� : C1erk he Boar Chairman � � -__,,...-' . _.._._.___-.--------- � � �� .