HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 16-028-CC BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOl�1ERS Grant County, Washington , AN OfdDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY Ordinance No. 16- U� -CC COM�/IISSIONERS(COUNTY COMMISSIONERS) OF GRANT COUNTY,WASHINGTON, , ESTABI.ISHING A PLANNED ACTION FOR THE GRANT COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (GCIA) EMPLOYMENT CENTER, PURSUANT TO THE S�'ATE ENVIRONMENTAL POL(CY ACT WHEREAS, the State Environmental Policy Act("SEPA") and implementing rules provide for the integration of environmental review with land use planning and project review through designation of"Planned Actions" by jurisdictions planning under the Growth Management Act (°GMA"); and ' WHEREAS, the County has adopted a Compr.ehensive plan complying with the GMA; and i WHEREAS,the County has adopted development regulations permitting designation of Planned Actions� WHEREAS,the GCIA Employment Center has received an Advanced Planning grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce to prepare a Planned Action EIS; and WHEREAS,the County has established development regulations for properties within the GCIA Employment Center site; and � WHEREAS,the County desires to designate a Planned Action for the GCIA Employment Center area; and WHEREAS, designation of a Planned Action expedites the permitting process for subsequent, implementing projects whose impacts have been previously addressed in a Planned Action environmental impact statement ("EIS"), and thereby encourages desired growth and economic development; and � WHEREAS, the GCIA Employment Center Planned Action EIS identifies impacts and ' mitigation measures associated with planned development in the GCIA Employment Center area; and WHEREAS,the County has adopted development regulations which will help protect the environment and will guide the amount, location, form and quality of desired development; and WHEREAS,the GCIA Employment Center area is deemed to be appropriate for designation of a Planned Action; and N:�Af?JVIINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grani� County International Airport E'mployment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 1 t i WHEREAS,the County, as SEPA lead agency, provided public comment opportunities ; through an EIS scoping period in February and March, 2015, and for the GCIA Employment : Center Draft EIS during June and July 2015; and , NOW THEREFORE the County Commissioners of Grant County,Washingtan ordains as follou�rs: � SECTION 1 -Recitals. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein by reference. � SECTlON2 -Pur ose. The County Commissioners declares that the purpose of this ordinance is to: � A. Combine environmental analysis, land use plans, development regulations, County codes and ordinances together with the mitigation measures in the GCIA Employment Center EIS to mitigate environmental impacts and process planned action development application in the GCIA Employment Center area; ' B. Designate the GCIA Employment Center as a Planned Action for purposes of , environmental review and permitting of subsequent, implementing projects pursuant to the SEPA, RCW 43,21C.031; i C. Establish criteria and procedures, consistent with state law that will determine whether subsequent, implementing projects qualify as Planned Actions; D. Provide the public with information about Planned Actions and how the County will , process applications for implementing proj�cts within the Planned Action area; E. Streamline and expedite the land use review and approval process for qualifying projects by relying on the EtS completed for the Planned Action; and F. Apply the County's development regulations together with the mitigation measures ' described in the Planned Action EIS and this Ordinance to address the impacts of future , development contemplated by the Planned Action. S�CTION 3. —Findinps. The County Commissioners finds as follows: A. The County is subject to the requirements of the Growth Management Act, RCW ; 36.70A, and portions of the GCIA Employment Center site located in the County are within an Urban Growth Area; and B. The County has adopted a Comprehensive Plan complying with the GMA which , addresses a portion of the GCIA Employment Center site; and i C. A portion of the approximately 1,258-acre Planned Action area is location within Grant County, and encompasses an area smaller than the Grant County limits; and D. An EIS has been prepared for the Planned Action area, and the County ' Com.missioners finds that the EIS adequately identifies and addresses the probable : significant environmental impacts associated with the types of land uses and N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Emp/oyment Center Qrdinance 032216.do...Final.doc 2 f � j amount of development planned to occur in the designated Planned Action area; and E. The mitigation measures identified in the Planned Action EIS and attached to this ordinance as Exhibit 8, incorporated herein by reference, together with adopted County development regulations,will adequately mitigate significant impacts from development within the Planned Action area; F. The Planned Action EIS identifies the location, type and amount of development that is contemplated by the Planned Action; G. Essential public facilities defined in RCW 47.06.140 are excluded from the Planned Action and are not eligible for review or permitting as Planned Actions; H. Future projects that are impiemented consistent with the Planned Action will protect the environment, benefit the public and enhance economic development; I. The County has provided several opportunities for meaningful publiC involvement in the proposed Planned Action, has considered all comments received, and, as appropriate, has ' modified the proposal or mitigation measures in response to comments; J. Public services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed Planned Action, with implementation of mitigation measures identified in the EIS. SECTION 4. =Procedures and Criteria for Evaluatinp and Determininp Proiects as ' Planned Actions. A. Planned Action Area. The Planned Action designation shall apply to the area shown in Exhibit A, incorporated herein by reference. B. Environmental Document. A Planned Action determination for a site-specific project application shall be based on the environmental analysis contained in the Draft EIS issued on June 26, 2015, and the Final EIS issued on November 6, 2015.The Draft and Final EISs shall comprise the Planned Action EIS for the Planned Action area.The mitigation measures contained in Exhibit B are based upon the findings of the Planned Action EIS and shall, along with County regulations, provide the framework that the County will use to impose appropriate conditions on qualifying Planned Action projects. C. Planned Action Designated. Land uses and activities.described in the Planned Action EIS, subject to the thresholds described in subsection 4.D and the mitigation measures contained in Exhibit B,are designated Planned Actions or Planned Action Projects pursuant to RCW 43.21C.031.A development application for a site-specific Planned Action project located within the Planned Action area shall be designated as a Pianned Action if it completed the modified SEPA Checl<list in Exhibit C, and meets the criteria set forth in subsection 4.D of this ordinance and applicable laws, codes, development regulations and standards ofthe County, N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County Internationpl Airport�Grant County lnternational Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216,do...Final.doc 3 I D. Planned Action Thresholds. The following thresholds shall be used to determine if a site-specific development proposed within the GCIA Employment Center site is contemplated by the Planned Action and has had its environmental impacts adequately evaluated in the Planned Action EIS: (1) Qualifvin� Land Use. The following general categories/types of land uses which are permitted in zoning classifications applicable to the GCIA Employment Center site, and subJect to any limitations in size contained in the applicable zoning districts, are considered Planned Actions; anticipated land uses are further identified below: (a) Heavy industrial and manufacturing uses; (b) Light industrial and technology uses; (c)Aviation development, revenue support uses and airfield operations; ' (d) Public; and (d) Infrastructure and utilities, such as roadways, water, wastewater and stormwater, which are also Planned Actions, Individual land uses considered to be Planned Actions shall include those uses specifically listed in development regulations applicable to the zoning classifications applied to properties within the Planned Action Area. (2) Development/Emplovee Thresholds. (a) The following total amounts of various new land uses and employees are contemplated by the Planned Action at build-out: a3:.� - -'.'.1": �:'wr = 3{'., '+��}F� ^�y'�1 ;,�<}. /2� _ y`�y� ,.f:. Z�������'L F 1 - �}t J � {if 1 �Y�;�YN��QGY`a"� �����brl'P1���;�I�III `�'F i- i .,1� { ..t, ��,<54 � t x � - e ? lY C�� �' 8 � -� �_ -' ,_ _r�:�e K+.� .:., ,�-. �' }� ;r ;�-; Heavy Industrial1 Up to 7,290,967 sq. ft. Aviation Developmentz Up to 2,245,460 sq.ft. � Revenue SupportZ Up to 274,494 sq.ft. � Employees Up to 19,010 1 Includes uses permitted in the City of Moses Lake Heavy Industrial (HI)zoning classification described in MLC Title 18, and the Grant County Urban Heavy Industrial (UHI)zoning described in the GCC Chapter 23. Z Includes uses permitted in the Grant County International Airport Aviation Development and Revenue Support classifications described in the GCIA Master Plan. (b) If future development proposals at the GCIA Employment Center Planned Action Area exceed the development thresholds specified in this ordinance,further environmental review may be required pursuant to WAC 197-11-172. Furthermore, if proposed development would alter the assumptions and analysis in the Planned Action EIS, further environmental review may be required. (3) Transportation. (a) Trip Ranges& Thresholds. The total number of new trips anticipated in the Pianned Action area and reviewed in the EIS is as follows: Total Trips Up to 40,500 N:�ADMINISTRAT/ON�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport��Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 4 Uses or activities that would exceed these maximum trip levels will require additionai SEPA review. (b) Concurrency, The determination of transportation impacts shall be based on the County's concurrency management program contained in the Grant County Code (GCC 25.20). ' (c) Traffic Impact Mitigation. In order to mitigate transportation-related impacts, all Planned Action projects shall be responsible for a proportional share of off-site improvements for local streets and roads listed in Exhibit B unless a separate mitigation funding agreement has been executed by the affected agencies.A proposed project's proportional share shall be determined based on a firaffic generation study, included with the Planned Action checl<list required by Section G1 of this ordinance.The study shall consider the type, intensity and location of the proposal, and its proportional demand for identified local traffic improvements. (d) Director Discretion. The Planning Director shall have discretion to determine incremental and total trip generation, consistent with the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE)Trip Generation Manual (latest edition) or an alternative manual accepted by the County Engineer at , his or her sole discretion, for each project permit application proposed under this Planned Action. ' (5) Other Criteria. (reserved] � (6) Elements of the Environment and De�ree of Impacts. A proposed project that would result in a significant change in the type or degree of impacts to any of the elements of the , environment analyzed in the Planned Action EIS shall not qualify as a Planned Action. (7) Chan�ed Conditions. Should environmental conditions change significantly from those analyzed in the Planned Action EIS, the County's SEPA Responsible Official may determine that the Planned Action designation is no longer applicable until supplemental environmental review is conducted. E. Planned Action Review Criteria. (1) The County's SEPA Responsible Official may designate as "Planned Actions", pursuant to RCW 43.21C.030, applications that meet all of the following conditions: , (a) the proposal is located within the Planned Action area identified in Exhibit A of this ordinance; , (b) the proposed uses and activities are consistent with those described in the Planned Action EIS and Section 4,D of this ordinance; (c) the proposal is within the Planned Action thresholds and other criteria of Section 4,D ofthis ordinance; ' (d) the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan; � (e) the proposal's significant adverse environmental impacts have been identified in the Planned Action EIS; N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County lnternational Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 5 � (f) the proposal's significant impacts have been mitigated by application of the measures identified in Exhibit B, this ordinance and other applicable County regulations, ' together with any modifications or variances or special permits that may be required; (g) the proposal complies with all applicable local, state and/or federal laws and regulations, and the Responsible Official determines that these constitute adequate mitigation; and (h) the proposal is not an essential public facility as defined by RCW 36.70A.200(1), unless the essential public facility is accessory to or part of a development that is designated as a Planned Action under this ordinance. (2) The County shall base its decision on review of a SEPA checklist, or an alternative form authorized by state law, and review of the application and supporting documentation, ' (�) A proposal that meets the criteria of this section shall be considered to qualify and be designated as a Planned Action, consistent with the requirements of RCW 43,21C.030, WAC 197-11-164 et seq, and this ordinance. F. Effect of Planned Action (1) Designation as a Planned Action project means that a qualifying proposal has been ' reviewed in accordance with this ordinance and found to be consistent with its development parameters and thresholds, and with the environmental analysis contained in the Planned Action EIS. (2) Upon determination by the County's SEPA Responsible Official that the proposal meets the criteria of Section 4.D and qualifies as a Planned Action, the proposal shall not require a SEPA threshold determination, preparation of an EIS, or be subject to further review pursuant to SEPA. G. Planned Action Permit Process. Applications for Planned Actions shall be reviewed pursuant to the following process: (1) Development applications shall meet all applicable requirements of the Grant County Unified Development Code (GCC). Applications for Planned Actions shall be made on forms provided by the County and shall include a SEPA ched<list, or an approved Planned Action ched<list. (2) The County's Planning Director or designee shall determine whether the application is complete as provided in GCC 25.04.130—25.04.160. (3) If the application is for a project within the Planned Action Area defined in Exhibit A, the application will be reviewed to determine if it is consistent with the criteria of this ordinance and thereby qualifies as a Planned Action project. (a) The SEPA Responsible Official shall notify the applicant of his/her decision, Notice of this determination shall also be mailed or otherwise verifiably delivered to federally � recognized tribal governments and to agencies with jurisdiction over the Planned Action project ' pursuant to Chapter 1, Laws of 2012 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill [ESSB] 6406). N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 6 (b) If the project is determined to qualify as a Planned Action, it shall proceed in , accordance with the applicable permit review procedures specified in GCC 25,04, except that no ' SEPA threshold determination, EIS or additional SEPA review shall be required, (c) Notice of the application for a Planned Action project shall be pursuant to GCC 25.04.190—25.04.240, (4) If notice is required for the underlying permit,the notice shall state that the project has qualified as a Planned Action. If notice is not otherwise required for the underlying permit, no special notice is required by this ordinance. (5) Development Agreement.To provide additional certainty about applicable requirements,the County or an applicant may rEquest consideration and execution of a development agreement for a Planned Action project.The development agreement may address review procedures applicable to a Planned Action project, permitted uses, mitigation , measures, payment of impact fees or provision of improvements through other methods, design standards, phasing, vesting of development rights or any other topic that may properly be considered in a development agreement consistent with RCW 36.70B.170 et seq. (6) If a project is determined to not qualify as a Planned Action, the SEPA Responsible Official shall so notify the applicant and prescribe a SEPA review procedure consistent with the County's SEPA regulations and the requirements of state law.The notice shall describe the elements of the application that result in failur.e to qualify as a Planned Action. (7) Projects that fail to qualify as Planned Actions may incorporate or otherwise use relevant elements of the Planned Action EIS, as well as other relevant SEPA documents, to meet their SEPA requirements, The SEPA Responsible Official may limit the scope of SEPA review for the non-qualifying project to those issues and environmental impacts not previausly addressed in the Planned Action EIS. SECTION 5. -Monitorinp and Review. A. The County should monitor the progress of development in the designated Planned Action area as deemed appropriate to ensure that it is consistent with the assumptions of this ordinance and the Planned Action EIS regarding the type and amount of development and associated impacts, and with the mitigation measures and improverrients planned for the GCIA Employment Center Planned Action Area, B. This Planned Action Ordinance should be reviewed by the SEPA Responsible Official no later than five years from its effective date.The review shall determine the continuing relevance of the Planned Action assumptions and � findings with respect to environmental conditions in the Planned Action area, the impacts of development, and required mitigation measures. Based upon this review,the County may propose amendments to this ordinance or may ' supplement or revise the Planned Action EIS, as appropriate. , N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County lnternational Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 7 C, When Planned Action monitoring indicates that development proposals that generate a cumulative of about 12,000 daily trips have been submitted,the County will begin worl<towards developing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Transportation to address identified impacts to state transportation facilities. The MOU may address timing, design and funding of state facilities, and/or such other topics as the parties may determine. SECTION 6. - Con lict. In the event of a conflict between this Ordinance or any mitigation measure imposed thereto, and any ordinance or regulation of the County, the provisions of this ordinance shall control EXCEPT that the provision of any International Code shall supersede. ; j SECTION 7. -Severabilitv. If one or more sections, subsections or sentences of this Ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance and shall remain in full force and effect. , SECTION 8. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall tal<e effect and be in force ten (10) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. � PASSED by the County Board of Commissioners this�o2�ay of , 2016 ��..�. �.N,a„�) 5 ��;�;�►� Cindy Carter, Chair �-��'L2��G�2�%� ' Carolann Swartz, Vice-Chair W_—..__,_,---� W---__. Richard Stevens, Commissioner ATTEST: ,� ''1 ��'• � ,��; .•,. 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In order to meet SEPA requirements, Grant County issued the Draft GCIA Employment Center ; Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement on June 26, 2015, and the final Environmental Impact Statement on_, 2015.The Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the Final , Environmental Impact Statement are reverenced collectively herein as the "EIS".The EIS has identified significant impacts that would occur with the future development of the Planned Action area,togetlier with a number of possible measures to mitigate those significant impacts. This Mitigation Document lists the specific mitigation measures identified in the EIS, based upon the identified significant impacts.The EIS considers potential impacts associated with: Earth, , Water Resource5, Plants and Animals, Environmental Health, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases (GHGs.), Noise, Land Use/Relationship to Plans and Policies, Aesthetics/Light and Glare, Historic and Cultural Resources,Transportation, Public Services and Utilities. The mitigation measures would apply to future development proposals which are consistent with the EIS and located within the Planned Action area (see Exhibit A). Please see the Draft and Final EIS for complete text associated with each element of the environment. Earth Re+quired/Proposed Mitipation Measures The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential earth- related impacts that could result from the construction and long-term use of Alternatives 1 or2. � Prior to and During Construction • Site-specific subsurface investigations and geotechnical analyses will be performed as part of design and permitting of infrastructure and buildings associated with future site development. ' • During construction,TESC measures and BMPs will be employed to control erosion. These measures could include the following: o Limit areas oF exposure; o Schedule earthwori<during drier times of the year; o Retain vegetation where possible; o Seed or plant appropriate vegetation on exposed areas as soon as earthworl< is completed; o Route surface water through temporary drainage channels around and away from disturbed soils or exposed slopes; N;�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 11 i i o Intercept and drain water from any surface seeps, if encountered; o Use silt fences, temporary sedimentation ponds, or other suitable , sedimentation control devices to collect and.retain eroded material; � o Cover exposed soil stockpiles and exposed slopes with plastic sheeting, as appropriate; , o Use straw mulch an.d erosion control matting to stabilize graded areas and reduce erosion an.d runoff impacts to slopes, where appropriate; o Incorporate contract provisions allowing temporary cessation of worl<under certain, limited c'ircumstances, if weather conditions warrant; and 1 o Construct stabilized construction entrances with rocl< pads or trucl<washing � stations to limit excess soil materials from leaving the site. During the appropriate dry seasons,wherever possible, soils excavated from the site would be reused as on-site structural fill. • Standard construction measures, such properly designed and installed temporary excavation shoring systems, and properly constructed open excavations, will be used to reduce the potential for adverse excavation impacts. , • Any necessary fill will be designed to control potential settlement impacts at � adjacent structures/surfaces. As necessary, adjacent structures/surfaces will be monitored during construction to verify that no adverse settlement occurs. , . • If drilled shafts are used to support buildings, they will include casing to control caving soils. As necessary, adjacent structures/surfaces will be monitored to verify that no adverse settlement and vibrations occur. , • The appropriate management of contaminated soils that could be disturbed and , groundwater that could be encountered during redevelopment of the site will be � addressed through the cleanup/remediation process and by institutional control � requirements overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (see Draft EIS � Section 3.5, Environmental Health, for details). • Buildings and infrastructure will be designed in accordance with the most current version of the International Building Code (IBC) to address potential life safety impacts from seismic events. During Operations • A permanent stormwater control s.ystem will be installed in accordance with the Washington State Department of Ecology(Ecology)Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington to avoid long-term erosion, sedimentation and , pollutant impacts on off-site water resources. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 12 i i I i i � Air t��sality/GHG Emissions Repuired/Proposed Mifipation Measures ' The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential air , quality/GHG-related impacts that could result from the construction and long-term use of Alternatives 1 or 2. Prior to and Durinq Construction ; • As necessary, construction contractors will prepare and implement air quality control plans for construction activities at the site.These plans will feature BMPs to control fugitive dust and odors emitted by diesel-fired construction equipment, and could include: ', o Use wate"r sprays or other non-toxic dust control methods on unpaved : roadways; o Minimize vehicle speed while traveling on unpaved surfaces; o Prevent tracl<-out of mud onto public streets; o Cover soil piles when practical; ' o Minimize work during periods of high winds when practical; o Maintain the engines of construction equipment according to manufacturers' specifications; and o Minimize idling of equipment while the equ.ipment is not in use. • As necessary, if there is regular heavy traffic during some periods of the day during construction, haul traffic will be scheduled during off-peal<times(e.g., between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM)to minimize the effect on traffic and mitigate indirect increases in , traffic-related emissions. • Burning of slash or demolition debris will not be permitted without approval from Ecology. • As required by Ecology, any future development that could potentially cause an increase of criteria or toxic air pollutant emissions that will exceed exemption threshold levels specified in V1/AC 173-400-110 or WAC 173-460-150 will obtain a , Notice of Construction Approval order prior to construction and use best available control technology(BACT)on stationary equipment to minimize emissions. . Durinq Operations ' • As possible,trip-reduction and energy conservation measures will be provided to reduce GHG reductions. • As possible, GHG emission reductions will be achieved by using building design and ' construction methods that incorporate recycled construction materials, reduce space heating and electricity usage, incorporate renewable energy sources and : reduce water consumption and waste generation (see Appendix F to the Draft EIS for further possible mitigation measures to reduce GHG emissions). N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActlonElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County lnternational Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 13 I � Wat�f' ReSOUCC@S Requir�ed/Proposed Mitipation Measures The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential impacts to ' water resources that could result from the construction and long-term operation of Alternatives 1 or 2. Prior to and Durinq Construction • Construction act.ivities will be subject to the Construction Stormwater General Permit issued by Ecology. ' • TESC and BMPs will be implemented to control stormwater runoff during construction, consistent with the Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington. ' • Stormwater management systems will be sited and designed in accordance with institutional controls defined by EPA in the final remediation plans for the Moses Lake Wellfield Superfund Site (see Draft EIS Section 3.5, Environmental Health,for details) Durinc� Operations • Permanent stormwater control system(s) will be designed and installed in accordance with the Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington to avoid long-term erosion, sedimentation and pollutant impacts on , off-site water resources. Planfis and Animals Repuired/Proposed Mifiipation Measures , The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential impacts to , plants and animals that could result from the construction and long-term use of Alternatives ' 1or2. Prior to and Durinq Consfiruction • Future development will be subject to Grant County and City of Moses Lal<e ' regulations at the time of permit issuance.Additional site-specific critical area , studies could be required to evaluate potential impacts and identify required , mitigation. • TESC and BMPs will be implemented to control stormwater runoff during construction to prevent erosion, sedimentation and pollutant impacts on off-site water resources and associated impacts on aquatic habitat and species. • Burrowing owl nesting surveys will be conducted to determine the presence of ' these species within the specific site area at the time of development applications. ' • . Work will be restricted within 0.5 mile of active burrowing owl nests. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 14 � ' , • As appropriate, plant surveys will be conducted to determine the presence of the rare plant species within specific site areas at the time of development applications. • Landscaping will be included in proposed development that will meet or exceed Grant County and City of Moses Lake landscaping requirements. If native plant species are used,this will serve to replace a portion of the habitat for wildlife � species onsite. ' • If impacts to priority plant and wildlife species are unavoidable, appropriate mitigation measures will be implemented as needed. Currently,there is a burrowing owl mitigation site that was constructed for another project within the vicinity of the site. Appropriate mitigation for burrowing owls could include expanding this mitigation area or identifying another appropriate mitigatiori area. • Specific project design will respond to guidance from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) on Priority Habitats and Species Management Recommendations, Grant County, the City of Moses Lake and the Port ' of Moses Lake for species that are determined to be at the project site. Durinq Operations • A ermanent stor w p m ater control system will be installed to prevent long-term erosion, sedimentation and pollutant impacts on off-site water resources and ' associated impacts on aquatic habitat and species. � Environmental Health Repuired/Proposed Mitiqation Measures The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential environmental health-related impacts that.could result from the construction and long-term operation of Alternatives 1 or 2. Prior to and Durinq Construction • Soil Management—Compliance with the soil management provisions of site institutional controls will be ensured, and compliance of all future site construction activities with these control measures will be ensured as well. • Worker Health&Safety—Compliance with construction worker safety protocols defined as part of site's institutional controls will be ensured, and compliance of all future site construction activities with these control measures will be ensured as well. • Stormwater Quality Impacts—Cover soil will be maintained over contaminated soils where practicable, and/or stormwater treatment and monitoring during construction activities that could disturb contaminated soils will be implemented. • Groundwater Quality—Compliance with the site-specific institutional controls during site cleanup and development construction activities will be ensured. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International.Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 15 I • Facility/Land Use Siting—A review of use restrictions associated with institutional control plans will be incorporated as part of future building permit reviews, and either: 1)will ensure that all proposed uses comply with these use restrictions, or 2) will require conducting additional removals of the contained hazardous materials in ' coordination with local,state and federal agencies, as necessary,to remove the use restrictions. • Discovery of New Cleanup Issues—Compliance with release reporting, investigation , and applicable cleanup provisions of the applicable regulations will be ensure.d. Durinq Operations • Soil Management and Worker Safety—Utility coreidors will initially be developed in cl�an bacl<fill material where practicable. Where this is not practicable, the same � soil management and worker safety provisions applicable to construction activities � (e,g., compliance with worl<er training, monitoring and work practice requirements , defined in site institutional control plans)will apply to utility maintenance or other subsurface maintenance activities. � • Future Haaardous Materials Use—The use, storage and/or processing of hazardous ' materials will comply with local (e.g.,fire department hazardous materials regulations), state (e.g., Washington underground storage tank regulations) and federal regulations (e.g., federal spill prevention control and counter-measures requirements) relating to the use, storage or processing of hazardous materials. , Idoise : Required/Proposed Mitipation Measures � The following required/proposed mitiga.tion measures will address the potential noise _ impacts that could.result from the assumed construction and long-term use under Alternatives 1 or 2. Prior to and Durinq Construction • Nighttime construction will not be allowed without approval from the local agencies (City of Moses Lake or Grant County). Local regulations do not regulate noise from daytime construction activities. Regardless, based on site-specific considerations at the time of construction permit review, construction contractors could be required to implement noise control plans for construction activities in the site area for - daytime activities. • As appropriate, construction noise will be reduced by using enclosures or walls to surround noisy stationary equipment, installing mufflers on engines, substituting quieter equipment or construction methods, minimizing time of operation and ' locating equipment as far as practical from sensitive receivers. To reduce : construction noise at nearby receivers,the following mitigation measures could be incorporated into construction plans and contractor specifications. o Locate stationary equipment away from receiving properties; N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionE/S�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216,do,..Final.doc 16 o Erect portable noise barriers around loud stationary equipment located near sensitive receivers; o Limit construction activities to between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM on weel<days and between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM on weekends and holidays to avoid sensitive receptors during nighttime hours; o Turn off idling construction equipment; and, o Require contractors to rigorously maintain all equipment. During Operations • Industrial Noise Sources—Future industrial operation will be required to comply with the applicable noise regulations which establish permissible noise levels from industrial noise sources at receiving off-site properties. • Traffic Noise Sources—Development exceeding approximately 94 percent of assumed full development under Alternative 1 and exceeding 85 percent of assumed full devefopment under Alternative 2, will require mitigation to limit increased traffic noise on Randolph Road from significantly impacting Columbia Basin Secondary School. Mitigation measures could include: o Limiting traffic on Randolph Road to a level not exceeding 94 percent of total assumed trips under Alternative 1 and 85 percent of total assumed trips under Alternative 2; or, o Construction of a noise barrier between the school and Randolph Road as the level of traffic on Randolph Road approaches 94 percent of total assumed trips under Alternative 1 and 85 percent of total assumed trips under Alternative 2. Land Use Required/Proposed Mitigation Measures The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential land use impact�that could result from the construction and long-term use of Alternatives 1 or 2. Prior to and During Construction s Development of the GCIA Employment Center under Alternatives 1 and 2 will be consistent with the site's existing zoning classifications and new development will be required to comply with applicable zoning requirements for the site, including maximum building heights, maximum lot coverage, building setbacks, landscaping, visual screening and performance standards for operation (e.g.,for noise,air quality, odors, hazardous materials, etc.). • A Development Agreemer�t could be executed between the County, Port,City and other property owners at the site.This agreement could specify the standards and conditions that would govern d'evelopment of the site. N;�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport`Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 17 • A Master Plan could be developed for the site for review and approval by the County,.Port and City.This plan could contain more definitive information on site ; development, infrastructure, parking, and landscaping, and could represent a more , cohesive, predictable concept for development of the site. , AestheticslLight and Glare ; Mitipation Measures � The following mitigation measur�s will address tfie potential aesthetics and light and glare � impacts that could result from the construction and long-term use of Alternatives 1 or 2. � • The development of the GC1A Employment Center under Alternafiives 1 and 2 will be c"onsistent with the existing zoning classifications for the site and new development would be designed to meet the applicable requirements of the Grant County Unified ' Development Code, the City of Moses Lake Municipal Code and the Grant County ' International Airport Master Plan, including requirements to minimize negative � impacts orr aesthetics from new development(e.g., maximum building height, building site coverage, separation of buildings, landscaping and visual screening). � • A Development Agr�ement could be executed between the County, Port, City and other property owners at the site.This agreement could specify thestandards and conditions that would govern development of the site. . • A Master Plan could be developed for the site for review and approval by the County, Port and City.This plan could contain more definitive information on site development, infrastructure, parl<ing, and landscaping, and could represent a more cohesive and predictable concept for development of the site. hiistoric and Cultural Resources Repuired/Proposed Mitipation Measures The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential impacts to historic and cultural rescturces that could result from the construction and long-term use of � Alternatives 1 or 2. ' Prior to and Durinq Construction • Formal consultation with Tribes in Washington State will be initiated to determine which Tribes have an interest in the site. ' • A protocol/checklist for review of projects that includes a form letter for the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP)will be established. • Cultural resources surveys will be conducted prior to specific development actions. ' • The historical significance of structures within the site that are over 50 years old will ; be documented and evaluated prior to specific development actions. N:�ADMIIVISTRAT/ON�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 18 • Consideration will be given to establishing a team to manage the critical area � designation of archaealogical sites.The team could be responsible for data mana�ement and consultation with Tribes, agencie.s, developers and/or other stal<eholders. A member of tfie team could be assigned to search for grants and ' other funding sources in order to begin collecting data to improve the � understanding of precontact land use at the site. • Consideration will be given to es�ablishing a heritage program that will help guide , development by incorporating a he.ritage theme in the GCIA Employment Center. �. • Consideration will be given to partnering with existing businesses or agencies (e.g., Port of Moses Lal<e,ASPI Group) with a strong interest in history, and which lil<ely maintain good historical records. • Should any potentially significant archaeological or historic sites be encountered ' during development of the proposal that could not be avoided, impacts could potentially be minimized by measures including: o Limiting the magnitude of the proposed work; o Modifying proposed development through redesign or reorientation to , minimize or avoid further impacts to resources; ' o Rehabilitation, restoration or repair of affected resources; � o Preserving and maintaining operations for any involved significant historic : structures; , o , Archaeological monitoring,testing or data recovery excavations; and/or o Dacumentation of historic elements of the built environment through photographs, drawings and narrative, at the appropriate level based upon DAHP standards. • In the event that ground disturbing or other activities result in the inadvertent discovery of archaeological deposits, worl<will be halted in the immediate area and DAHP will be contacted. Work will be halted until such time as further investigation ; and appropriate consultation is concluded. • In the unlikely event of the inadvertent discovery of human remains,work will be ' immediately halted in the area,the discovery covered and secured against further disturbance, and contact made with law enforcemerit personnel, consistent with the provisions set forth in RCW 27.44.055 and RCW 68.60.055, Tran�portation Requie�ed/Proposed Mitipation Measures The ne2ded roadway configuration and intersection control will change with increased ernployment at the site, regardless of whether that employment is related to development under Alternative 1 or 2. The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential transportation-related impacts that could result from development under Alternatives 1 or 2. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 19 � Pre-Development Activities ! • Prior to development, an implementation and funding plan for the phased � transportation mitigation package will be prepared. If no funding plan is executed, then all developments will be responsible for their pro-rate share of transportation improvemenfs. i • Grant County will partner with the City of Moses Lake and WSDOT to perform ! detailed study of the SR 17/Stratford Road NE interchange. � � Transportation Improvements i • Intersections will be improved per the threshold guidance listed in Table B-1.The potential North Access Road can be deferred until development reaches , approximately 9,500 employees. • Stratford Road NE and SR 17 wi�l be.widened, as needed, between and adjacent to improved intersections to increase capacity(see guidance in Figure B-1 and Figure B-2). • Trucl< movements will be provided for at all new roundabouts and intersections. • The Port, City and County will work witli Grant Transit Authority to extend existing � routes from Big Bend Community College to the site, or to establish new routes � when demand warrants. • Pedestrian facilities will be constructed on at least one side of the new roads developed for the project.The optimal location for new crosswall<s at intersections ' will be assessed during the design of_those improvements. Publac Services ' Repuired/Proposed Mitiqation Measures The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential impacts on , public services (police service and fire and emergency medical service)that could result from the construction and long-term use of Alternatives 1 or 2. Police Services '� • On-site security will be provided during construction to reduce the potential for construction-related incidents. Such measures could include fencing and securing areas where construction equipment is stored onsite. ; • Traffic control measures will be provided for construction vehicles and equipment . during the construction process and traffic mitigation measures will be provided to ' minimize the operational traffic impacts of the GCIA Employment Center(see Draft EIS Section 3.10,Transportation, for details). I N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant CountyJnternational Airport�Grant ' County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 20 � I I� Fire and Emergencv Services • Construction worl<er safety measures will be implemented during development on , the site, in accordance with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. • All new buildings on the GCIA Employment Center site will be constructed in compliance with applicable International Building Code and International Fire Code requirements and standards, as adopted by Grant County and the City of Moses Lake. Other mitigation measures that will be implemented to address impacts on public services include: • A portion of the tax revenues generated from future development of the GC1A Employment Center site will help to offset the increased demands for police and fire services. � • Increased demand for police and fire services from future development will also be , addressed by Grant County and City of Moses Lal<e capital facilities planning processes and the planning processes of Grant County Sheriff's Office, Moses Lal<e ' Police Department, Grant County Fire District#5 and Moses Lal<e Fire Department. Utiliti�es Required/Proposed Mitipation Measure� The following required/proposed mitigation measures will address the potential utility impacts associated with development of the GCIA Employment Center site under Aiternatives 1 and 2. Water • The Larson zone of the City of Moses Lake water system has adequate capacity to accommodate a level of development between Phase 1 and Phase 2 under , Alternative 1 (approximately 3 million sq. ft.)and a level of development between Phase 2 and Phase 3 under Alternative 2 (approximately 5 million sq.ft.), including a , two percent background growth factor. However, additional water system wells will need to be drilled to serve full buiid-out.of Alternative 1, and.will likely be necessary for full build-out of Alternative 2 (Alternative 2 will use most of the existing capacity of the Larson zone). • The City will monitor water demand by screening development applications to determine anticipated generation rates for dev.elopment.The overall City system is proj.ected to have capacity to meet the Larson zone water needs and will provide a supply buffer as plans are developed for well drilling and expansion of the Larson zone supply and distribution system once development demand approaches system capacity. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Flnal.doc 21 Sanitarv Sewer + The City of Moses Lake Larson Treatment Plant has capacity to treat a level of assumed development between Phase 2 and Phase 3 underAlternative 1 (approximately five million sq.ft.) and an assumed level of site development between Phase 1 and Phase 2 under Alternative 2 (approximately 3.5 million sq.ft.), including a two percent background growth factor. However, the City will require an increase in treatment capacity to accommodate flows associated with full build-out of both alternatives. • The City will monitor the sewage treatment capacity by screening development applications to determine anticipated sewage generation rates for.the proposed development.The City will monitor projected incoming flows through the screening : process and begin plans for expansion when the facility reaches 80 percent capacity, , which is anticipated to occur around 2024 (see Draft EIS Figure 3.12-3). • The Port of Moses Lake industrial wastewater treatment system has some capacity to treat additional volumes of industrial wastewater.The Port is presently designing an expansion of the land application system that is projected to meet the projected demands of subscribed users, and also meet the demands projected for Phase 1 of Alternative 2. However, additional expansion of the system beyond the current , planned expansion will be required to fully accommodate Phase 1 of Alternative 1 and#ull build-out of both Alternatives 1 and 2. Electrical • GCPUD can accommodate incremental new development with power demand loads that total less than 5 MW. However, new industries moving into the site that have power demands in excess of 5 MWs will be required to enter into a "Facility Cost � Contribution" arrangement with GCPUD,the proceeds of which are us�d to expand the electrical distribution system infrastructure to the extent required to serve the industry contributo.r. GCPUD has indicated that a new substation will have the capacity to serve an approximately 78 MW electrical load, which is large enough to accommodate build-out under Alternatives 1 and 2. N:�ADMIN/STRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionE/S�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 22 Table B-1 INTEfSECTI�N NEEDS AT VARIOUS LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT .:: :.::......��....>-r..:_.:,. ,.... _.�.u,_....,..,._„�. . , .> ... _ . _ .r.Y,,..�,,�,w�.�,:.W.,...�.�....->�..._._ �. ,,- -:-�: <.a:._ ,. . . _ �: ... _w7. .,�.,_....:.4 .,. f.,. ., �. ...... _..,, . - - ,..._ ... :.�,,.,. w ... ..,_.s.. .v......�. u.. ,.�s..,,;,,�- , �;�-�:; .:r: .. .....,� ... ., . .�-.,rwt.�;,.,.-�,:;-- _ .... w .w�,b, _ ._...... .. :........,..__ „�,.. . . . _..�..,.-.�. ,�. � _:F� y _ _ x ,{y �,�,�3�� ���y.�� j ,y��.=� „wE' ..'::�;,.i,� _ t _ � ,W� }_ t.�. .��.%s' - _ �.�L'�S� ' ' Qi' - �6:7:C6i'.:�3ti�LW,'. .�:.��'L�i� :� - ..'V -�y�.n`�' a"`� '3+Pc<.E�, '�,- ��n�, .,^"�l. 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Stratford Road NE/ Install roundabout Same as previous with Same as previous with Interchange that Road 7 NE with one lane on all two lanes on Stratford two lanes on all vertically separates approaches Road NEapproaches approaches northboundleft turns frorr�through traffic Stratford Road NE/ Retain existing stop Install roundabout with Same as previous but Same as previous Tyndall Road NE � sign control but add two lanes on add 2"d lane on separate right-turn northbound and southbound approach pocket on eastbound eastbound approaches Tyndall Road NE and one lane on approach southbound approach Stratford Road NE/ Build new North Install roundabout with Same as previous Same as previous with North Access Road Access Road_Control one lane on all two northbound lanes (New) eastqound approach approaches throughroundabout with stop sign SR 17/Randolph Rd lnstall roundabout Same as previous with Same as previous with Interchange that NE with two lanes on SR two lanes on Randolph right-turn bypass vertically separates 17 approaches and Road NE approaches lanes on northbound southbound left turns one lane on Randolph and westbound from through traffic Road approaches approaches Randolph Rd NE/ Install traffic signal. Same as previous Same as previous but Same as previous with Patton Blvd NE No other changes convert one of the one additional lane needed. northbound lanes to eastbound on right-turn only lane Randolph Road with island Source:Heffron Transportation,Inc.,Apri12015. 1Configuration needed to achieve a LOS E or better conditions during both the AM and PM peak hours. N:IADNIINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County InternationalAirport�Grant County International Airport Employment � Center Ordinance 032216.do_..Final.doc 23 Figure 8-1 VOLUME VERSUS CAPACITY ON STRATFORD ROAD IVE 35.000 �..._.__..___..�_.......___..r.._.___......�__._.._.-------'---'--_,_–.-�...._.._..__..._._.,_..^_..�----�— ' LOS D for 5 Lanes 30,000 � LOS D for 4�Lanes, ' -- -- -- � ' 25,000 Dalty TrafFic With Alternative 2� � � r � ,,, . E �r • p 20.000 � M' � LOS D for 3 Lanes • U � @ �, . j T 15,000 LOS D for 2 Lanes _ _� ,,,�✓� , �� -- � � ' . � 10,000 � �i'� • ' �Daity Tra�c with Alternative 1 ; �✓rs� � � �o���oa�.�v � 5��0� .�_-------e------ }— i I _ . No Action Alternative(Growth at 2%par year) i � 0 � 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 � Year , Source:Heffron Transportation,Inc.Ap.ri12015. ' Figure B-2 , VOLUME VERSUS CAPACITY ON SR 17 NORTH OF RANDOLPH ROAD NE 36,000 -- -- -- LOS D for 5 Lanes � 30,000 LOS D for 4 Lanes , � 25,000 Daily Traffic With Alternative 2� � • / �/' a� � . E • � 7 20,000 LOS D for 3 Lanes �. � . ' �-\Daily Traffic with Alternative 1 .r. c� ' �3w @ • � L09 D tor 2 Lanes � • � ''s e � � 15,000 � � �r�, • �r "r _ ,o.000 .��'`'==�--'�" "j . ' No Action Altemative(Growth at 2%per year) 5.000 � o ' 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 ' Year , Source:Neffron Transporfation,Inc.Apri12015. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant ; County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 24 t i EXHIBIT C � GCIA Employment Center Planned Action ' Modified SEPA Environmental Checklist Purpose of Checklist: , On , 2015,Grant County adopted Ordinance_,establishing a Planned Action designation for the Grant County International Airport(GCIA) Employment Center, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), Environmental review for the GCIA Employment Center project was conducted through preparation of a Pianned Action EIS(Draft EIS dated June 26, , 2015 and Final EIS dated , 2015). WAC 197-11-172 establishes the procedures for project-level review within the Planned Action area,stating that "Review of a ; project proposed as a Planned ActiOn is intended to be simpler and more focused than for other projects."Verification that probable significant impacts of the proposed proje.ct have been adequately addressed in the EIS is estabiished through review of an environmental checl<list.The Second Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (2ESSB)6406, as adopted durir�g the 2012 Washington State legislative session, establishes that a county may utilize a modified checklist to determine consistency with a j Planned Action ordinance.Grant County has adopted this modified checklist as part of the GCIA Employment Center Planned Action ordinance. : Instructions forApplicants: ' This environmental checklist asl<s you to describe basic information.about your proposal. Answer the questions briefly,with the ' most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases,you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations, project ; plans, or the GCIA Employment Center EIS without the need to hire experts. If you do not know the answer,or if a question � does not apply t�your proposal,write"do not I<now" or"does not apply." Staff will review and comment on specific items of this checl<list, as appropriate. �' Questions about environmental elements that were analyzed in the GCIA Employment Center EIS ask for confirmation as to ' whether the proposed project is consistent with analysis in the EIS. In order to respond to these questions,the EIS is available online at http://www.grantcountvwa.�ov/Plannin�/or at Grant County Planning Department, 264 West Division Avenue, Ephrata, WA. 1 e � • � a ' 1. Name of proposed project: 2. Name of applicant: 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 4. Date ched<lis�prepared: 5: Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): � 6. Do you have any plans for future additions,expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal?If yes, ; explain. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment CenterOrdinance 032216.do...Final.doc 25 , 7. In addition to the GCIA Employment Center EIS, list any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, � or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 8, Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. 9, List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if I<nown.. ; 10. Give a brief,complete description of your proposal, including the square footage of proposed uses and the site area. i 11. Please provide a street address or legal description to allow confirmation that the project site is located within the GCIA , Employment Center boundary. � ; „ � , � a. General description of the site(circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly,other. b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximatE percent slope)? , c. What general types of soils are found on the site(for example,clay,sand,gravel, peat, muck)? ' If you I<now the classification of agricultural soils,specify them and note any prime farmland. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity?If so,describe. � , e. Describe the purpose,type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. N:�ADMINISTRATIUN�Dhooper�Pl.anned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final,doc z6 ' f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so,generally � describe. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example,asphalt or buildings)? h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if ' any: , , a. What types of emissions are expected to result from the proposed development? b. Describe proposed measures to reduce or control emissions to air or to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as applicable. a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site i (including year-round and seasonal streams,saltwater, lal<es, ponds, wetlands)? if yes,describe type and provide names. If appropriate,state what stream or river it flows into. 2) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. 3) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions?Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. I 4) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so,note location on the site plan. � � N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 27 f 5) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water?Give general description, purpose,and approximate quantities if known, c. Water Runoff(including stormwater): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water)and method of collection and disposal, if any(include quantities, if known). Where will this ' water flow?Will this water flow into other waters?If so, describe. � d. Describe measures, if any, beyond those described in the GCIA Employment Center EIS proposed to reduce or control surface,ground and runoff water impacts. : , . � a. Check or circle the types of vegetation found on the site: � ❑deciduous trees ❑evergreen teees ' ❑shrubs ❑ rass b. What existing vegetation will be removed or altered? c. Describe measures, if any, beyond those described in the GCIA Employment Center EIS, proposed to address potential impacts to vegetation. , , a. What types of birds and animals are known to be on or near the site? b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. i N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County Internationai Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final,doc 28 c. Describe measures, if any, beyond those described in the GCIA Employment ' Center EIS, proposed to address potential impacts to fish and wildlife. 0 4 ' a. What I<inds of energy(electric, natural gas,oil,wood stove,solar)will be used to meet the cornpleted project's energy needs?Describe whether it will be used for , heating, manufacturing,etc, , b. What kinds of sustainable design features are included in the plans of this , proposal? . a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and expiosion,spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. � 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLpnned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216,do...Final.doc 2g i i 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: b. Noise , 1) What type of noise exists in the area which may affect your project (example:traffic,equipment, operation, other)? 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis(for example:traffic, ' construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: w � a. Describe the current use of the site and that of adjacent properties b. Will any.structures be demolished?If so,what? c. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so,specify. d. Describe the amount of industrial, or other development proposed. e. Describe measures, if any,.beyond those described in the GCIA Employment Center Planned Action EIS proposed to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans. 0 4 � N:�ADMINISTRATIQN�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 30 a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? b. If applicable, has the proposal achieved compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations for height of structures? ', c. Proposed measures Co reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: s . a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce?What time of day will it mainly occur? ' b. If applicable, has the proposal achieved compliance with FAA regulations for potential light and glare on the Grant County International Airport? c. Are measures to control light and glare proposed or needed? o e ' • a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site?If so,generally describe. b. If applicable, has the proposal achieved compliance with FAA regulations for potential light and glare on the Grant County International Airport? c. Are measures to control impacts on historic and/or cultural resources proposed or needed? 1 8 8 a. Provide information describing the total number of trips and trip distribution pattern anticipated by the proposal.Trip generation shall be estimated according to the following methodology: N:�ADMINISTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�f�rant County International Airport�Grant County International Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 31 1) Gross trip generation shall be estimated using rates published by the � Institute of Traffic Engineers(ITE).1 I i b. Describe measures, if any, beyond those described in the GCIA Employment ' Center EIS proposed to address transportation impacts of the proposal. � a. Describe the potential increased demand for police protection, and/or fire and ', emergency medical services resulfiing from the proposal. b. Describe measures, if any, beyond those described in the GCIA Employment Center EIS proposed to reduce or control direct impacis on public services. , a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas,water, refuse serVice,telephone,sanitary sewer,septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the , service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. C.SIGNATURE � The above answers are true and complete to the best of my I<nowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: DateSubmitted: .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE),Trip Generation,9th Edition,2010,Future development proposals should use information from the most current edition of Trip Generation. N:�ADMINlSTRATION�Dhooper�PLanned ActionElS�Grant County int'ernational Airport�Grant County international Airport Employment Center Ordinance 032216.do...Final.doc 32