HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� COMMISSIONERS' PRC}CEED�N�S V�eek of January 24, �O(l0 The Grant County Commzssioners sesszon was called to order at 9:00 a.m. w�th Chair Deborah Moore. AI� of the Comm��s�oners were in attendance w�ih the Clerk of the Board. 'The Commissioners read and approved the minutes af the pre�eding session as ��ritten. (�-(��� The Com_missic�ners signed the municzpal services agreement wzth the Grant County Economic Development Council far the year 2000. ��j�5� As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Audiior� CJffice 1I24I�000 in the total amount of $SIS,S68.88. �� !- ���C,� The Commissioners approved the recommendation af the Mainienance Supervisor and au�a�ded the bid far the additian at Grant Mental Healihcare in Qu�ncy to �Vhitebird, Inc. zn �he amaunt of $1�4,416 plus s�1es tax and addendum #1. �����-` � The Commissioners approved the appoxntment of Gazy Nicho�s and Becky Garc�a to the Grant County 1Vlental Healtn and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Baard. �=� ���� The Commisszoners a.pproved the salary increase of Kichard P. Cole ef the Juvenile Department to $2,2�7 per month. ���G�--��The Commissianers received no�ification o� Separation or Worl� Interruptzon of Dar�ene Sand of the Juvenile Department. ��/��t� i�e Commissioners ap�roved the salary incre�se of Jennifer L. Ratigan �af the Tuvenile D�partmerzt to $2,8�2 per month. f�t���The Gommissioners approv�d the sa�a�y increase of Carrie Bayd of the Treasurers Office to De�auty Treasur�r II salary level. ��,� ��,�,.. The Commissioners received a signed release from Linda Holden and I2andie Po�ozzo of ihe Dist�i�t Court C7ffice regarding back wages. ��; f�� The Commissioners app�cved the requesi for out af state travel for {)sca� C7choa r�f �he PARC Advisory B��rd to attend the annual child abuse ca�ference. ��'���The Commissioners approved the r�quest by the Grant County Tourism �ommisszon for .fuund to facilltate the public relatians pxogram by Wendt Advertising. ��;�,.� A moizon was made by Commissic�ner Snead, seconded by Commissloner A1lisan that Resolution Number 2040-$-CC setting Grant County le�ries for the 2000 taxes b� passed. The matian carried. ���; ���, A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissianer Snead ihai Resolutzon Number 2400-9-CC regarding the Sprayfzelds and Wastewater GW.�,C Research Proj�ct by passed. The motion caxried. ��f `�A mation was made by Comr�issioner Allison, seconded b� Commisszoner Snead ihat Resolutzon Num.bex 2{�OQ-10-CC re,gard'zng the Irrigated and Dryland Agriculture GWAC Cost Share programs be passed. The motzon carried. As there was no further business ta come before the Board the session was coniinued unti� January 25. January 25, 2000 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m, w�th all Qf the Comrnissioners in a�tendance with the Clerk of ihe Board. The Commissioners met with the Public Warks Director regarding 10:00 a.m. bid opening (Gars & Pickups}, bid Autho�i�ation-Loader, Mowers, Fuel Purchases, 10030 a.m. Bid Opening {Graders}, 10;45 Bid Qpen�ng (Asphalt Transpoz� Trai�ers}, 1 J:00 Bid Opening (Pressule VVashers), 11:1 S Sid C��ening (Po�ver Broam}, 11;30 Bid Award Recommendation (herbiczde Appiication Contract}, �c�. ��� �' The Commissioners signed the Authorizatzon io Call far Bids for 200(} Fuel Pu�chases, ��ith the bid openzng to be held February 1 S, 2QOa at 10:30 a.m. ��- ���� The Commissioners signed the Auihorization io Ca1i for Bids for 3- Tractc►r with Boom Mo�uers, u�ith the bid apening to be held February 8, 2000 at 10:45 a.m. j�..�-i��� The Commissiflners sign�d the Authorization to CaII for $ids for 1- 3.5 C.Y. Whe�l Loader, witl� the bid opening to be held February 8, 2400 at 10:3 £� a.m. ��,��; �� The Commissianers held a bid openinb for Automobiles; a motion u=as made by Commissioner Sneael, seconded by Com�missianer Allison that the bids be ref�r�red to the Public Works Director far review and recommenciation. The motion carried. ���?.�,�.The Cc�min�ssioners hel� a bid openzng for Motor Graders; a mQtion was made by Cammzssioner Sn�ad, seconded by Commissic�ner Allison that the bids be ref�rred to the Public Works Direcior for review and recommendation. The motion caz�ried. � � � �,`73 The Commissioners held a bid aper�in� far Asphalt Trailers; a motion was made by Cammissianer �neac�, seconded by Cammissioner Allison ihai tne bid� be r�ferred to the Public Wc�z�ks Director far � eview and recommendation. The mot�on carried. ���,�-��r T�e Cornnvssion�rs h�ld a bid c►pening for Pressure Washers; a motion was znade by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commzssianer A1lzson �hat the bids be ref��red io the Public Works Director for review and recommendation. The mation carr�ed, £;� �-� cJ The Cammissioners held a bzd apening for Power Brooms; a motion ' was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Con::unissio�er Allison that th� bzds be refez-red to th� i'ub�ic Works Direc�ar far r�vie�v and recommendation. The rnotior� carxzed. ; t��.� �- A motzon was made by Commissioner Snead, s�canded by Commissxoner �1]Iisan io accept the recommenda�zon of the Publ�c Works �zrectc�r and �.�a�d the herbicide bid tc► Darrryy Air, Inc. The m�tion carr%ed, :�€.� i� T�e Commissioners were notif ed by the Publzc Works Directar t1�at 5 NWtU I�1W (�verlay was built �� accardance with ihe plans and specifications, and that all mat�rzals incorporated inia ihe project met contract specifications. ;�i�-�a� �`�Ze Commzssioners approved the salary inc�ease of David D, Bosch ofthe Juvenile P�-c�bation Department at �890.$0 per month. ����-� ��"he Commiss�aners approved ihe sa�ary increase �f Arm�ndina Valdez af the �uvenile Prc�ba�ion Department at $1,113 .50 per month. ,t�i�.�'� The Cornrnissioners appr4ved ihe salazy increase of Michae� A. Lidbetter o� the Juvenz�e Frob�.cion D�par�ment at $1,002.15 per month. ����i Th� Cammzssioners approved the salary increase of Dennis L. Haley ofthe Ju�renzle Probation Departn�ent at $1,11354 per month. i:�� �-��- T�e Commissioners approved th� salary increase of �ollin Hyer of ihe Sheri.ff's �ffice ta $3335.�0 per month. ���,�-��'�'I�e Commissioners appro�Ted the start�ng salary Qf D�z-�yl L. Hudson of the Sherif�s C}ffice at �2,829.�i0 p�r month. I,�X,�;.� The Cc�mmissioners approv�d the st�rting salary of St�phen Mzchael Crowder ofihe Sheriff's O�fice ai �2,829.60 per month. ����-�� The Commissioners approved o�i af state travel for Floren�ina I�ernand�z of the Grant County PAR� to attend Project Alert Fac�litatar Training in (���on. ��f ��� The Cornmissioners signed the Interlocal Agreement to create an Interagency Narcotics Enforcemen� T�am, �`r ��-�`E The Commi.ssioners approved th� request for Barbara Huss of the Juvenile Probaiion L}epartment t� take Family Medical Leave. As there was no further business ta cc�me befare the Boazd the session was adjourned un�il January 31,2Q00, BOARD (7F C4UNTY CO�'LMISSI(�I�IERS ATTEST: GR.ANT C(�L:1NTY, WA���INGTQN � ����...��'� '� i�'�.... � .,� �r� �-- � Clerk ;�he Boar Chairman � � . _ � �..� � �,f�