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V�eek of January 24, �O(l0
The Grant County Commzssioners sesszon was called to order at 9:00
a.m. w�th Chair Deborah Moore. AI� of the Comm��s�oners were in
attendance w�ih the Clerk of the Board.
'The Commissioners read and approved the minutes af the pre�eding
session as ��ritten.
(�-(��� The Com_missic�ners signed the municzpal services agreement wzth the
Grant County Economic Development Council far the year 2000.
��j�5� As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment
those vouchers filed in the Audiior� CJffice 1I24I�000 in the total amount of
�� !- ���C,� The Commissioners approved the recommendation af the
Mainienance Supervisor and au�a�ded the bid far the additian at Grant
Mental Healihcare in Qu�ncy to �Vhitebird, Inc. zn �he amaunt of $1�4,416
plus s�1es tax and addendum #1.
�����-` � The Commissioners approved the appoxntment of Gazy Nicho�s and
Becky Garc�a to the Grant County 1Vlental Healtn and Developmental
Disabilities Advisory Baard.
�=� ���� The Commisszoners a.pproved the salary increase of Kichard P. Cole
ef the Juvenile Department to $2,2�7 per month.
���G�--��The Commissianers received no�ification o� Separation or Worl�
Interruptzon of Dar�ene Sand of the Juvenile Department.
��/��t� i�e Commissioners ap�roved the salary incre�se of Jennifer L.
Ratigan �af the Tuvenile D�partmerzt to $2,8�2 per month.
f�t���The Gommissioners approv�d the sa�a�y increase of Carrie Bayd of
the Treasurers Office to De�auty Treasur�r II salary level.
��,� ��,�,.. The Commissioners received a signed release from Linda Holden and
I2andie Po�ozzo of ihe Dist�i�t Court C7ffice regarding back wages.
��; f�� The Commissioners app�cved the requesi for out af state travel for
{)sca� C7choa r�f �he PARC Advisory B��rd to attend the annual child abuse
��'���The Commissioners approved the r�quest by the Grant County
Tourism �ommisszon for .fuund to facilltate the public relatians pxogram by
Wendt Advertising.
��;�,.� A moizon was made by Commissic�ner Snead, seconded by
Commissloner A1lisan that Resolution Number 2040-$-CC setting Grant
County le�ries for the 2000 taxes b� passed. The matian carried.
���; ���, A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by
Commissianer Snead ihai Resolutzon Number 2400-9-CC regarding the
Sprayfzelds and Wastewater GW.�,C Research Proj�ct by passed. The
motion caxried.
��f `�A mation was made by Comr�issioner Allison, seconded b� Commisszoner
Snead ihat Resolutzon Num.bex 2{�OQ-10-CC re,gard'zng the Irrigated and
Dryland Agriculture GWAC Cost Share programs be passed. The motzon
As there was no further business ta come before the Board the session
was coniinued unti� January 25.
January 25, 2000
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m, w�th all Qf the Comrnissioners
in a�tendance with the Clerk of ihe Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Warks Director regarding
10:00 a.m. bid opening (Gars & Pickups}, bid Autho�i�ation-Loader,
Mowers, Fuel Purchases, 10030 a.m. Bid Opening {Graders}, 10;45 Bid
Qpen�ng (Asphalt Transpoz� Trai�ers}, 1 J:00 Bid Opening (Pressule
VVashers), 11:1 S Sid C��ening (Po�ver Broam}, 11;30 Bid Award
Recommendation (herbiczde Appiication Contract},
�c�. ��� �' The Commissioners signed the Authorizatzon io Call far Bids for 200(}
Fuel Pu�chases, ��ith the bid openzng to be held February 1 S, 2QOa at 10:30
��- ���� The Commissioners signed the Auihorization io Ca1i for Bids for 3-
Tractc►r with Boom Mo�uers, u�ith the bid apening to be held February 8,
2000 at 10:45 a.m.
j�..�-i��� The Commissiflners sign�d the Authorization to CaII for $ids for 1-
3.5 C.Y. Whe�l Loader, witl� the bid opening to be held February 8, 2400 at
10:3 £� a.m.
��,��; �� The Commissianers held a bid openinb for Automobiles; a motion
u=as made by Commissioner Sneael, seconded by Com�missianer Allison that
the bids be ref�r�red to the Public Works Director far review and
recommenciation. The motion carried.
���?.�,�.The Cc�min�ssioners hel� a bid openzng for Motor Graders; a mQtion
was made by Cammzssioner Sn�ad, seconded by Commissic�ner Allison that
the bids be ref�rred to the Public Works Direcior for review and
recommendation. The motion caz�ried.
� � � �,`73
The Commissioners held a bid aper�in� far Asphalt Trailers; a motion was
made by Cammissianer �neac�, seconded by Cammissioner Allison ihai tne
bid� be r�ferred to the Public Wc�z�ks Director far � eview and
recommendation. The mot�on carried.
���,�-��r T�e Cornnvssion�rs h�ld a bid c►pening for Pressure Washers; a
motion was znade by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commzssianer
A1lzson �hat the bids be ref��red io the Public Works Director for review and
recommendation. The mation carr�ed,
£;� �-� cJ The Cammissioners held a bzd apening for Power Brooms; a motion
' was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Con::unissio�er Allison that
th� bzds be refez-red to th� i'ub�ic Works Direc�ar far r�vie�v and
recommendation. The rnotior� carxzed.
; t��.� �- A motzon was made by Commissioner Snead, s�canded by
Commissxoner �1]Iisan io accept the recommenda�zon of the Publ�c Works
�zrectc�r and �.�a�d the herbicide bid tc► Darrryy Air, Inc. The m�tion carr%ed,
:�€.� i� T�e Commissioners were notif ed by the Publzc Works Directar t1�at 5
NWtU I�1W (�verlay was built �� accardance with ihe plans and
specifications, and that all mat�rzals incorporated inia ihe project met
contract specifications.
;�i�-�a� �`�Ze Commzssioners approved the salary inc�ease of David D, Bosch
ofthe Juvenile P�-c�bation Department at �890.$0 per month.
����-� ��"he Commiss�aners approved ihe sa�ary increase �f Arm�ndina
Valdez af the �uvenile Prc�ba�ion Department at $1,113 .50 per month.
,t�i�.�'� The Cornrnissioners appr4ved ihe salazy increase of Michae� A.
Lidbetter o� the Juvenz�e Frob�.cion D�par�ment at $1,002.15 per month.
����i Th� Cammzssioners approved the salary increase of Dennis L. Haley
ofthe Ju�renzle Probation Departn�ent at $1,11354 per month.
i:�� �-��- T�e Commissioners approved th� salary increase of �ollin Hyer of ihe
Sheri.ff's �ffice ta $3335.�0 per month.
���,�-��'�'I�e Commissioners appro�Ted the start�ng salary Qf D�z-�yl L. Hudson
of the Sherif�s C}ffice at �2,829.�i0 p�r month.
I,�X,�;.� The Cc�mmissioners approv�d the st�rting salary of St�phen Mzchael
Crowder ofihe Sheriff's O�fice ai �2,829.60 per month.
����-�� The Commissioners approved o�i af state travel for Floren�ina
I�ernand�z of the Grant County PAR� to attend Project Alert Fac�litatar
Training in (���on.
��f ��� The Cornmissioners signed the Interlocal Agreement to create an
Interagency Narcotics Enforcemen� T�am,
�`r ��-�`E The Commi.ssioners approved th� request for Barbara Huss of the
Juvenile Probaiion L}epartment t� take Family Medical Leave.
As there was no further business ta cc�me befare the Boazd the session
was adjourned un�il January 31,2Q00,
� ����...��'� '� i�'�.... � .,� �r� �--
Clerk ;�he Boar Chairman �
_ � �..� �