HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-002-CCBOARD OF COITNTY COMlYYi�S�IONERS GRA��TT COUNTY, �VASHINGTON IN'THE MATTER OF ALTERING LOTS 7, 8 � RESOLUTION NO. 2000-2-CC AND 9, OF ASTRO ACRES PHASE 2 INTO � TWO LOTS. SUBTECT SITE IS LOCATED � RESOLUTION APPROVING IN A PORTION OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 19 � A PLAT ALTERATION NORTF-I, RANGE 28 EAST, W. M., GRANT � COLJNTY, WASHII�GTON. � JOHN & VERGLNIA THOMAS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant Caunty Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on D�cember 1, 1999, on the matter of al�ering Lot 7 and 8 and combining lots 8 and 9 of Astro Acres Phase 2, into (2) lots, which is located in a portion of Section 34, Township 19 North, Range 28 Easi, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission on December l, 1999 made a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to approve this proposed plat alteration; WHEREAS, the Grant Couniy Board of Commissioners held a closed record public meeting on December 28, 1999; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to uphold the recommendation to approve the proposed plat aIteration request; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does conform to the general purpose of the Grant County Comprehensive Plan; W�EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the plat alteration; W�EREAS, the Board of Couniy Commissioners have found that appropriate provisions for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites and grounds and other public and private facilities and improvements have been made; N��V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution the plat alteration of Astro Acres Phase 2, Replat #1 on the following described property, subject to the conditions listed below: , �� �����: L07'S 8. 9 ArD Tr1AT PQ'iTS6N Or lD7 7. ASi�7 qL�S .'�i�¢ 2. AS � IN �'1JK 15 OF FiA75. PA;3 SZ MLI 53, '�=�"�^G � QM7 G3.P`!T. YA9i?nG'TL4i. IN '-E 1.�7Y}EJST 2lAn'�.-'Z 0""r 7+E 57JhE157 '1�I7 c4 ?�-"'"''..T?2Y 34. T=.'h"i�i? .3 IirT-1. NJ�f— 23 E/uT. Y.M.. G�AHi CgMY. Yf.91?n�'SY. �_—�:3-D 0.5 F�pYS. C2l:AZKI1�'. 1_i% n�'3 MS�E 5: LSS_ . Page 2 of 2 Appiication 99-2812 CC?N�}ITI43NS: F The following are canditians of approval, which were used in the Gra�it Caunty Baard of Caunty Comrnissioner's closed record pubiic meeting to approve the proposed Plat Alteration 1. The Proposal shall be in compliance with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the C�owth Management Act, The Washingtan State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant Ca�anty Zoziing Chdinance, the Grant Caunty Resource Lands and Cri�ical Areas Development Ordinance and aIl applicable federal, staie, and local regulations, rulings ar requ.iremenis. 2. �'roposal shall compiy with alI requixements deemed neeessary by the �ant County Health District, the �ashing�on State Department of Health, and the Washingion Siate De�aartment of Ecology regarding doznestic watez supplY, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment ix�cluding, but not iarniied to; RCW 9Q.48.080 Discharge of Polluti�g Wate� Prolvbiied; WAC I73-201, Surface �ater Sfandards; WAC I73-2qIA, C�ound Water Quali�y Standazds; and, WAC 246-272, Gn-Szie Sewage Sysiems. 3. Fraposal sha11 comply wiil� aI1 requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal and sha13 comply with the Gzant County Fixe Flow Guidel'znes, the Unzform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and all otl�er applieable requirements far fire protectiosz/life safety. 4. Proposal s1za�I camply with aIl requirements of ihe Crant County Auditar. 5. Ii any IvTa�zve 1�merican Grave site(s) ox archaeal.ogicaUcultural resources (Indian Artzfacts) are four?d all construction activity shall str�p and ihe oumerJdeve�oper shall immediately natify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washingian State (�ffice of Archaea2ogy and �istorie Pres�rvatian. 6. Preliminary Piat appraval sha11 be cautingent upon confarmance wiih all applicable land use rules and regulations in effect as of C?ctober 19, 1999. 7. Propasal shall comply with alI requirements ofthe Ur�ited States Degar€�aent ofthe Interic�r, Bureau af Reclamation and the Easi Columt�ia Basin �rrigatio� Dzstrict. Done ihis --�� ,�� , — day °f ���?� , -�� r��. _.._--- � �T � Commission T- S�a�ad �1j �.j1�'� Q�.��t���.- Cammissianer, Debozah Maore � ��....----'"' A'I"I'EST: �e7-' �/C.-� C 'sszo r, LeRoy Allison Pegg� �`gg, Clerk of Board Constitnting ehe Baard of CounY�y Commissioners of Grant County, Washingian