HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� �OM1I�ISSI(��ERS' PRt�CEEDINGS Week af January 3,�aao The Grant County �ommissianers session was called to o�der at 9.00 a.n�. by Cha�r Deborah Moore. A�l af the Cammissioners w��e in aitendance tivith the �lerk af the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the min�tes of the preceding session as wri�en. ��� ��The Commzssioners ap�ointed Sh�r�ey Heer to a fu�ther 3 ye�r t�rm on the Gran� caunty Mental Kealth and Developmental Dzsabii�ties A.dvisary Baard. ;� i� t The Commissioners signed the Warrants List # 1 Q9414 ihrough 109999 for the D�cember payro�l. ����-.As af t�is date the Board by a majority vote does approve for paymez�� thnse vauchers filed in the Auditors t�ff ce 12/30/�� in the �otal amouni of $57,98�.16. ��; ���As of thzs date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payr�ent th�se vouchers filed in the Auditars C}ffice 1/3/2���0 in the total amount of $��,�a1.28. ����.�� Chairman Moo�e �as autharized to sign Contr�ct # El�'�0 � 9132 wit� the Washington State M�liiaa:ryy Departm_ent. ��.,��,� T�e ��mmissioners signed the Public ��rks Claims Fund Vaucher Appraval # 12- � through # 12-2 in the tatal amount of $:Z�,38Q.11. As ther� was na further busine�s to came before the Board the sessian was coniinued untzl January 4,2000. January 4, 2000 The sessian was continued at 9:OQ a.m. vvith all of the Co�missioners in atten�ance with the C1erk of the Board. The Commissianers met �vith the Public �orks Director reg�rding Sandcastle Estates Phase I-Road Bond, Resoluiion-Laad �.es%�cti�ns, Gravel Rc�a�s Study=�eb.1, Perso:nnel �Unfi�l�d Positions). C c�!,�,zc�, A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissio�er Allison that Resolution Number 2000-1-CC in �he matier of lc�ad restriction� on �rant �ouniy Roads be passed. The motion carried. ;=��� The �omm�ssioners appro�ed the salar� increase of Brian Klsler of �he Sher�ff's Qf�ce ta $2,462 per month effective December 1,1999. j.� ��� A motion was made by Co�r�missioner Allison, seconded b� Commissioner Snead that Resolutian 1�Tumber 2000-�-CC in the mat�er of altering lots 7, 8 and 9, of Astra Acres Phase � in.to �vt� lots be passed. The motzon carr�ed. }� i.>=�� The Commissrone�rs signed ihe Intergovernmental Agreement for pouglas Co�nty �vatershed p�anning and designa�ion o� lead �:-; As there was no fi.�rther business to come befo�e the Board ihe sesszon was adjourned until January 1�,2000. ATTEST: � � ��� Gler��fthe Bo�'�d $o� oF coV�r� ca�%avassro��.s ���Nr cau�T�, wAs�n�v�TON