HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 08-001-CCI2CFB MAtJUaz, 5NE � NOVaivtaER 14, 2007
NQ�/,p1: ReS�.1�U'�l011
O�tV � Noise Enfc�r�ement
Local Age:ncies only — May be reproduced o�n ypur oum paper; text rnay not change,
Organizal�ionNanze Grant County Sheriff's Office ResolutionNa, �� d��'"C�'
ProjectName(s) ORV Noise Enforcement Gr�nt
A resolution authorizing applicai�an(s) for fiu�ding assistance £or � Noi�laighway and C)ff-Raad Vekaicles Activi�cs
Program (NOVA) project ta the Recrearioi� and Cotxservation Office (RGO) as provided in Cha�te� 4C,Q9 RCW,
NoYahighway a�zd O££ Raad Vehi�les Activities Pro�ram.
WHER:I:?,!a S, under the pravrsiox�s of NOVA, state funding assistarzce is requested to aid in fuza�icing th� cast of
an C7RV Nais� L��farcexnent prog�a�n, and
WHE�.S, aur organization canside�s it in the besx public zntea�est ta aubinit the ORV Noise �nforceme��t
praject desc�bed in tkxc application;
� x�� Commissioners ��Y���,��,o��,�,$�. �,G � bs a�ith�.rized to malze £ormal
applicat�az� to RCO fc�r fundi��� assista�ice;
2, Any fund assistance xeceived be used £or implemenxatio� of rhe �r�ject �e£erenced above;
3. Our orgasvzatio�� hereby cerrifies that its share o£ praject fiincling zs committed and wiU b� deeived £ratn
[ sr�rrsor�M,�r��cR�.sor�r��
4. We a�l��awledge tlaat we are rsspansible far s��p��or�uzg all non-cash ca��itmex�ts to tl�a sponsax share
should they not:maxeri�lize; [ �'a�plicabk ]
5, This ��sal�,�tian becames part o�'a far�nal application to RCO; and
6. We provided app:rapxiate appar�uaity foz �ublic ca�nmeiit on this applica�ion.
This �esolud.o�a was adopted by our �arganazati�n dur�1� xkae ineeting l�elcl;
����Q Ephrata, WA ��t� j,P.� s�,.�
Si�,xlsd axzd approved by tha Eollowiiz ,� t�xarized ���a�esentative:
i /'J .s''°� �
Approved as to form
1MILEWKS.RPT Qctober 16, 2007 Page:
RCFB Mntvunz, 5Na � Nov�Ms�x 14, 2007
Appl�cation Authorization Memorandum
Si�fe and F�d�r�l �1g�rrcie� �r�ly
NOVA � QRV Nc�ise �nfor�ement
T0: Recreation and Conservation Offiae
P,O. Box 4Q917
Qlympia, Washingfion 985�4-0917
FROM: Grant County Sheriff's Office
RCFB is hereby requested to consider this application for financial asaistance for the outdaor reoreation ar
habitat aonservation projec#(s) described below and to grank funding from such State and Federal souraas
as may ba available, This applioakian has been prepared with full knowledge of and in camplianca with
RCFB's Manuals, Further, we agree to cooperate with the RCQ by furnishing such additional infarmation
as may be necassary to exeaute an RGO Projsct Agreement and to adhare to all �pprapriate stake and
federal statutes governing grant manies undar the Projeat Agreemen#, We ars aware that #he grant, if
approved, will be paid on a reimbursement basis, We agrae that all appliaa#ion materials, inaludin�
photos, slides, site drawings, maps, eta., may be used by RCQ for eduaation, informatian, ar othar
non-cammercial purposes in RCQ publications, presentations, or an f�CO's Web site,
ORV Noise Enforcement Grant
PraJsct Name(s):
(Attach list
if neaessary)
Prajeat Cont�at Person:
N�me; Courtney Conklin
Title: Chief Deputy
Talephona Number; � 509 ) 754-2011 ex t. 468
I/we ce�iiy that to tha best of our knowledge, the information in this applicatian is true and correck, In
addition, I/we certify that tha matching resources identified in the grant �re committed ta the above projeat,
I/we aoknowledgs responsibility far supporting all non-c commitments and donations should they not
Aukhorized Represen�ativs:
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