HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, DECEMBER io, 200�: 9:0o a.m. — 9:go a.m. V Cummings, Fair Construction Update 9�3o a.m. — io:oo a.m. 10:2o a.m. — 10:5o a.m ii:go a.m. — i2:3o p.m. i:45 P.m. — 2:15 p.m. 2:go p.m. — 3:2o p.m. 3�45 P.m. — 4�45 P.m. Health District Budget Meeting Commissioners Worlc Session 2007 Year End Budget Extension in the amount of $991,500.00 for the following Grant County funds: salaries/wages, Medical/Life, Retirement, Professional Services, Professional Services/GWMA, Interfund Insurance, Miscellaneous, and Public Defense Superior Court Budget Meeting Sheriffs Office Budget Meeting District Court Budget Meeting Prosecuting Attorney's Budget Meeting The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:0o a.m. with all the Comrnissioners in attendance with the Clerlc of the Board. COMMISSIOIiTERS WORK SESSION The Commissioners approved a public hearing for the end of the year budget extension as listed above. The hearing was set for December 2�, 2007 at 9:0o a.m. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until December 11, 200�. TUESDAY, DECEMBER x1, 2007: 8:45 a.m. — 8:55 a.m. 9:0o a.m. — 9:3o a.m. 9�45 a.m. — io:15 a.m. io:go a.m. — ii:oo a.m ii:i5 a.m. — i2:oo p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Grant Mental Healthcare, Sheriff's Office, and Fairgrounds Budget Extensions Coroner's Office Budget Meeting Clerk's Office Budget Meeting Treasurer's Office Budget Meeting Juvenile Court Budget Meeting Page 2 of 5 COMMISSIOIVERS' MINUTES i:3o p.m. — 2:0o p.m. 2:io p.m. — 2:2o p.m. 2:3o p.m. — 3:3o p.m. 3�45 P.m. — 4�45 P.m. D Pohle, PW Update Jurisdictional transfer to the City of Moses Lake, from the City of Moses Lalce, for certain portions of City and County roads. ConsentAgenda Fairgrounds Budget Meeting Commissioners / Public Defense Budget Meeting The session was continued at 9:0o a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerlc of the Board. OPEN RECO_RD PUBLIC HEARING, GRANT MENTAL HEALTHCARE, SHERIFF'S OFFICE�, AND FAIRGROUNDS BUDGET EXTEI�TSIONS The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing regarding the following Grant County budget extension requests: • Fairgrounds Fund #ool, Dept #142 operating transfer in the amount of $15,000.00 to cover year end expenses • Grant Mental Healthcare Fund #108, Dept #1,o in the amount of $�o,000.00 for Community Frameworks • Sheriff's Of�ce Fund #ooi, Dept #i42 in the amount of $88,000.0o for an operating transfer to ATV missed for transfer in 2006 • Grant Mental Healthcare Fund #io8, Dept #15o in the amount of $247,62i.00 for the North Central Washington Telepsychiatry Project For a total budget extension of $$420,621.00. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with unanimously. Commissioner Stevens rnoved to adopt the budget extension as presented, Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Resolution leTo. o�-i72-CC) D POHLE, PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE The Commissioners approved and signed Resolution No. 07-17�-CC in the matter of adopting the 2008 annual road program. The Commissioners approved and signed Resolution No. o7-i74-CC in the matter of transferring jurisdiction of portions of 4 roads from the City of Moses Lake to Grant Couniy, and of transferring jurisdiction of a portion of a road in Grant County, to the City of Moses Lake. CONSENT AGElVDA: Commissioner Carter moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously, as presented below: Page 3 of 5 COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE: Commissioners Office Vouchers State of Washington Invoice Voucher, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, CDBG Contract No. 0�-6400�-002, Payment Request #11 as certified by the North Columbia CommunityAction Council ("NCCAC"), in the amount of $i6,6o5•89• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT. PLANNING UNIT Ordinance No. 0�-175-CC amending Ordinance o�-o85-CC regarding Scriveners errors relating to �he amendment of Grant County Unified Development Code Ch. 2g.o4, Zoning and 25.02, Definitions. This public hearing was held on October gi, 200�. SHERIFF'S OFFICE 2008 Grant County Sheriff Towing Contracts between Grant County and follow companies: • Agri-Fix • Beeline Frame & Axle, Inc. • Randy's Towing • Central Towing • George Washington Towing • Moses Lalce Towing • Quincy Towing • T&J Services • Tim's 4 Corners Texaco • Royal City Towing • DJ's Auto Wrecking As there were not action items to come before the Board the session was continued until December ig, 2007. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER g2, 2007: 9�3o a.m. — 12:0o p.m. R Stevens, Disability Board Meeting io:oo a.m. — i1:oo p.m, Z:go p.m. — i:5o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 3:go p.m. 3:3o p.m. — 4:3o p.m. �:oo p.m, — 8:go p.m. �:oo p.m, — 8:0o p.m, L Allison at WRCIP Entrance Audit Meeting H White, Grant County Animal Outreach 2008 Contract 2008 Budget Work Session D Nelson, DCD Update BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Commissioners at Health Board Meeting (Public Worlcs) Page 4 of 5 COMMISSIONERS' MINUTE� THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1�, 2007: 8:go a.m. — 9:go a.m. C Carter at Central Safety Committee Meeting (Multi-Purpose Rm) i2:oo p.m. —1:0o p.m. i2:oo p.m. — i:oo p.m. i:3o p.m, — 2:0o p.m. 2:i5 p.m. — 3�45 P.m. 4:0o p.m. — 4:io p.m. 4: i� p.m. — 4:3o p.m. 6:0o p.m. — 9:0o p.m C Carter at Columbia Basin Hospital Social Event L Allison and R Stevens at Community Relations Council Luncheon (Col Basin Job Corps) PARC Budget Meeting GMHC Budget Meeting Open Record Public Hearing, Department of Community Development, Building/Fire Marshall Unit, Budget Extension F Floyd, Executive Session Conference Call with Legal Counsel re: Best Litigation PLANNING COMMISSION The session was continued at 9;0o a.m, with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, BUILDING/FIRE MARSHAL UNIT, BUDGET EXTENSION The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing regarding a budget extension requests from the Department of Community Development in the amount of $8,000.0o for repairs and Update telephone system. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with unanimously. Commissioner Stevens moved to adopt the budget extension as presented, Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Resolution No. o7-i�6-CC) As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until December i7, 200�. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2002 io:oo a.m. — i2:oo p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: C Carter at Big Bend RC&D (Ritzville) The Commissioners approved supplemental funding for the Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area (GWMA) in F'Y 2008 in the amount of $18,800.0o to support ongoing and additional public outreach, education and communication efforts by staff. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Marilyn and David Meseberg (Curlew Crest Short Plat #2 ) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #0�-4854-oi; and Curlew Crest Short Plat #i, File #0�-4853-01. Page ,� of 5 COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES As of this date the �3oard by a majarity vote does approve for payment those vouchers as presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll Vouchers No. l— 4, and Gener�l Fund Vauchers No. 5— 55s in the amaunt of $�53,642.1�, as recorded on a listing and made available ta the Board. As of this date, the Board, by a nnajarity vote, does approve far payment those vouchers cei�tified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.2q.o8o, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by KCW 42.24.ogo, in the amount of $�,�27,010.13 as recarded or� a listing and made available to the Boart�. The Comnnissioners signed the Public Worles Claims Fund Voucher Approval No. r2-i through No. i2-i34 in the total aamaunfi of $1,;3b9,i��7.g8, as recorded an a listing and made availab�e to the Board. The Commissioners granted permission to the Grant County Mosquito Confiral Distriet # 1 to operate in the airspace over Grant County during the zoo8 year, within the boundaries of the Grant County Mosquito Control District #x, for the purpose af mosquito abatement. After further review, fihe Coznmissioners reconsidered their previous denial dated Decaza�ber g, �oo� , and approved the reiirement reqnest of a Public Works employee. The Commissioi7ers approved and sigxled the June ii, 200� Mi�lutes. � Signed this __ i"`� day of ��� , 2aa8. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS G� ar�� ounty, ash' gton . � Rinhar� ,tpvaiic_ Chair