HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-157-CC' '��J BOAR.D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ��� �� z��l GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON �.aR�4NT�Q�)N°iYC�f��71a�!(�I���" A RESOLUTION APPROVING T�IE RESOLUTION PRELIMIN�i.RY PLAT OF DESERT No. 2007- /5r� -CC RIDGE, PHASE 3, AND AMENDMENTS TO DESERT RIDGE, DANCO HOMES PHASES 1 AND 2 IN A PORTION OF & SECTYON 34, TOWNSHIP 19 IV. MR. BUILD RANGE 28 E. WM., GRANT COUNTY, WA. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners has been advised that an open record public hearing was conducted, before the Grant County Plarming Commissioil on October 3, 2007, on the matter of recommendation of a Preliminary Plat; said proposal being located in a portion of Section 34, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, WM. Grant County, Washington; axzd, WHEREAS, the Grant Coullty Plamlii�g Commission on October 3, 2007, did approve by a majority of inernbers a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissiozlers to approve this Prelilninary P1at applicatioil with conditions of approval; and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record pl�blic hearing on 2007 ; and, WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Commissioners, have reviewed the application file, stafFreport and Plannixlg Coinmission recomialendatzon; aizd, WFIEREAS, the Board of County Coinn�issioners have fouizd that the proposal will not adversely ef%ct the health, safety, aild ganeral welfare oithe public ii� the vicinity of the proposal; and, W�IEREAS, the Board of Coui�ty Commissioi�ers 11ave lound that t11e proposal is consistei�t with the Grant County Coinprehensive Plai�, tlae Utzified Development Code, other laizd �.ise regu�atioils, including SEPA; and, WHEREAS, the Board oI� County Commissioners have fotuld that the pL�blic use and interest wi11 apparently be served by tl�e Pxelizazi�iaz•y Plat and; WHER.EAS, the proposed developi�lent �pplication and preliminary plat application meets the applicable requirements of the Uzli�ied Developmei�t Code, and is cozlsistent with the reqltirements as listed in Ch�pter 23.04 (b) Deterininatioil of Consiste�icy with the Comprel�ensive Plan as determi�Zed by the Administrative Olfici�l and/or his designee. Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the prelinzinary plat ineets all applicable criteria as listed in the Unified Development Code under Section 23.04, Zoning and Title 22, Subdivisions/Plats and; WHEREAS, the Administrative Orficial issued a Mitigated Detei-�nination of No11-Significance %r this proposed development on July 8, 2007, NOW, THEI2EFOI�, BE IT I�EItEBY RESOLVED, THAT the Board of CoLtnty Commissioners %r Gra11t CoLuity, Washilzgton approves by this Resolution, and with the coizditions of appro�al listed below, a Preliminary Plat for Desert Ridge, P11ase 3, and amendments to Desert Ridge Phases 1 and 2, near Moses Lalce, in a portion of Section 34 Township 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Wasliington. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1) _�:���7c�iop�i�z�C ���1� �� ��1 co�rx�ig�a��e °��vi�:� d�xh'���I�����xt;orx �'da�:� T;�v�x•orta�e�rf;�� �'ca�.�c�y �c1:, t�a.e ��°��ai; �`c��a��i:s� �;az�a.�y�•ei���t�a�e ��.��s., �:lre Cp������9; �;'o�.�.tt� �T�i�'�ed ��r��.c�p.��.��t �;�pz.�e, ��c� dx:d� �������c;�al�l� �c»���, tii.�.te, ���c� �'ed����� ��e��l����c�r�.�, �°t�ii���;� a�� ��c�����~e�����i�. 2) Proposal shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant Cour�ty Health District, by the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storin water control and treatmenti includiz�g, but not limited to; RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Grotilld Water Quality Staiidards; and, WAC 246-272, Oza-Site Sewage Systems. 3) If any Native A�nerican Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indiaxl Artifacts) are foluid all construction activity shall stop and the owner/develo�er shall immediately notily the Grant County Plaxuling Department, the Colvil�e Confederated Tribes and the Washington State OfF'ice of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. �) Approval of tha plat sh�ll be cozZtizlgent upon confor�nance with all applicaUle land use i�.�les and regul�tioxls in effect as of July, 2007. 5) Dttriiig road gzading and/oz� construction activities, colinty roads sh�ll be maiz�.tained clear of soil and rocks at tlle point olingress / egress. 6) This pxoposal shall coiaZply wit11 the reqL�ireinezlts of GCC 23.12.080 Clearing, Gradizlg and Drainage Standards, including but not liznited to: a) Clearizlg and grading activities s11a11 Ue conductad so as to ininimize potenti�l adverse effects on olfsite pzoperty, b) All developznellt shall ensure that soil erosion and sedimezltatzon of drainage-w�ys will Ue controlled to prevent dazn�ge to adjoining properties. Page 2 0l4 c) Surface drainage sha11 iiot be directed to or discharged onto County Roads or ditches within County right-of-ways unless approved by the Courlty Eizgineer. 7) This proposal sh�ll coinply with the requirements of GCC 23.12.100 Road Standards, iilcluding but not limited to: a) Road names shall be �pproved by the Grant County �mergency Services Department and s1ia11 be estab1is11ed using t11e addressing and grid system delineated in GCC 10.36. 8) Development shall comply with the requirements of the Grant County Assessor's office; illcluding but not limited to, a) The clients mltst contact the Assessor's office regarding status of current use at least 1 weelc beI'ore recording plat. 9) Developrnent sha11 comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public Worlcs Department including, but not limited to: a) Provide a plat checic feo of $200.00 b) Provide control monuments for �.11 road intersections and centerline tangents. c) Pro�vide a plat certificate from the title company for a11 land being dedicatad to Grant County. d) Provide a completa road plan and p�rofile with all celiterline data and drainage facilitxes for new roads, e) An Approach Permit must be obtained for each lot prior to the issuance of a building pennit. � Prior to Grant County Public Works accepting the teinporary gated einergency vehicle railroad crossing on Baselzne 2 Road, written correspondence from the Railroad shall be �ro�ided stating that a railroad crossing permit is in progress and will be approved chaizgi��g the type of crossing from emergency vehicle to a public crossing. A boiad shall be put in place for the construction of tlie public railroad crossing. g) The Road right-of-way that was obtained between the railroad �z1d Karl Road shall be show�l and labeled with the Auditor's File Numbex. h) A hatched/shaded �rea shall b� added to tlae following locatiozls azld Labeled as "NO ACCESS". Tl�a northwest corner of lot 5 extendii�g for 100' ii� both directions from tlie intersection. The most westerly cori�ez oCLot 4 extendixlg for 100' i1� both directioias from the ixitersectioi�, The east side of Lot 11 except 30' cezltered will B�saline 2 Road. The most southwesterly coi-ner of Lot 27 extending for 100 ` ii� Uoth directio�zs from the intersection. The inost westerly coi7ler of Lot 26 extei�ding for 100' in botl� directions from the intersection. The most soutl�easterly conier of Lot 12 extending for 100' in botl� directions of tlie intersection. Page 3 of 4 The most northerly corner of Lot 17 extending for 100' in both directions from the intersection, 10) Development shall comply with all req�.tirements of the Grant County P1aiuling Departinent including, but not limited to; a) Comply witli all requireinents listed in UDC Chapter 22,04 Article V Final Subdivisions and Shoi-� Sl�bdivisions. b) Cornply with all requireinents listed in the SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance issued by Grant Co�inty, "FINDINGS OF FACT" (1) The proposed subdivision does meet the applicable requirements of UDC Chapter 22.04 "Subdivisions and Plats"; (2) The proposed subdivision does sezve the public use and interest; (3) The proposed subdivision does comply with the Comprehensive Plan, tihe Shoreline Master Program, the zoning code and other land use regulations, and SEPA; (4) The proposed subdivisioxl does comply with healtll requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; (5) The proposed subdivision does contain an accurate legal descr�ption of the lotis being created, and the roads and easements tharein; (6) The p�oposed subdivision does comply with Grant County regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, accass for emergency vehicles, and other infrastn�cture improvements; (7) The best available science has beeil considared in tha final decisiozl regarding the prelin�ix�ary plat. EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon sigzzature. DATED this %� day of � 2007. -�� Yea Nay � ❑ ATT�ST: � � Clerlc of the Board ` C ❑ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain GRA.NT COUNTY, W SHINGTON �:z , � ' . _ LeRoy llison, 1� i` � Ric Zard Stevens, Vice Chair I � Cindy Car r, Member Page 4 of 4