HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-143-CCBOAl2D OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS Grant County, Washington XN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 195.0$ ACI2ES INTO FT'VE (S) LOTS FqR GAk H. DYDERICKSEN, LOCATED IN A PORTYON pF SECTION 2, TOWNSH�P 2U NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST, WM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHII�iGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07- � / .,��-CC APPROV�NG A PRELIMINARY P�,AT OF DIDETtTCKSEN-STRATFORU MAJOR PLAT WHER�AS, the Board of County Commissioi�ers of Grant County have been advised that an open record public �earing was conducted befare the Grant County planning Gommission on �epiember 5, 2007 in the matt�r of a Preliminary Plat of 195.08 acres into �ive (5) lots, which are located in a portion of Section 2, Township 20 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, VVashington, and WHEREAS, the Crrant County Pl�ning Commission on September 5, 20Q7 did approve a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners io deny this proposed Preliminary Plat with Facts Number Two (#2) and Number Seven (#7) af the ten (10) �'indings of Fact fnund to be in the negative, and W�iE12EAS, th� Board of Caunty Commissioners held a closed record public hearing regarding this m�tter on Octaber 17, 20q7, and WHEI�AS, the Board oi County Commissioners have reviewed the application material, staf� report, and a summary of the Planning Commissio� hearing, and W�IEIt�r�S, the Board oi County Commissianers k�ave found that t�iis proposal will not adversely effect the health, sa%iy, and general vaelfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found thas proposal to be consis�ent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Developrnant Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning," other la.�d use regulations, and SEPA, and WH�REAS, the $oard of County Comrnissioners have found thai the public use and interest will apparentl� be served by the proposed Prelitninary Plat, and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminaiy Plat, subject to the Conditions oi Approval, meats the �pplicable requirements af the Unified D�velopment Cocle Chapter 22.04 "Land Division," and IN THE MA'1'TEIt OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY DIDERICKSEN-S'TRATT'ORD MA,TOR PLAT PLAT OI' 195.08 ACRES INTU TN� (5) LO'TS FOR GAR H. DID�RICKS�N WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does comply with the Health District's requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supplq, and WHER�AS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does contain an accurate legal descriptiinn of �he lots being created, and the roads and easements therein, and WHEREAS, the proposed Prelimxnary Plat does cornply with Grant County regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other inirastructure impravemen�s, and WHEI�AS, the Bo�rd of Cotuity Commissioners have found that "best available science" has been considered in the final decision regarding the proposed subdivision, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners ha�ve found that all road improvement requirer�ents are ensured pursuant to Crrani County Code § 22.04.450, and WHERE.A,S, the Bnard of County Commissioners have found tihat the proposed subdivision does appropriately identify and protect critical areas pursuant to Grant County Code § 24.08, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Comrnissinners have made a d�cisian to approve the Didericksen-Stratford 1VV]fajor Plat, NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Gx�nt County, Washington hereby approve by this Resolution, subject to the fourteen (14) Conditinns af Approvallisted below, a Prelimin�ry Plat of 195.08 acres into five (5) lots, located i� a portxon of Section 2, Townslu�a 20 North, Range 28 East, Willamet�e Meridia�, Crrant County, Washing�on (Parcels #17�0905-001, #19-022$-000, & #19-035�-000). CONDIT�ONS OF APPROVAL 1) Developme�tt shall be in compliance with tk�e Growth Management Act, the countywide Planning Policies, the "Washington State En�ironmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Unified Dev�lo�ment Code, aild all applicable local, state, and �'ederal regulatio�Zs, rulings or requirements. 2) Development shall cornply with all requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal a�d shall be in compliance with Grant County Fire FZow guidelines, the Uni%rm Building Code, the Unifonn Frre Code, and �11 other ap�alicable requirements for fire protection and safety. 3) This p�oposal shall comply �v'ith all requirements deemed necessary by the Washington State Department of Healtl� and the Washington State De�a.r�ment of Ecology in ragards to domestic water supply, sewa�e systems, and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 9Q.48.080 (Discharge of Polluting Matte� in Waters Prohibited), WAC 173-200 (Ground Water Quality Standards), WAC 173-201-A (Surface Water Quality Standards), and WAC 246-272 (O�-Site Sewa�e Systems). Gar bidericicen Preliminary Plat - BoCC Resolution - page 2 IN TH� MATTE$ Or APPROVING A PR�LIMINARY DIDERICKSEN-STR.ATF'ORD MAJOR PLAT PLAT OF 195.08 ACRES INTQ FN� (5) LOTS FOR GAR H. DIDERICKSEN 4) If any Native American grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural r�sources (India�n arCifacts) are found, all constxuction activity shall stop and the owner/de�veloper sharl immedaiately notify the Grant County Planning Department, Colville Confederated Tribes, and the Washington State Of�ce of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 5) This proposal shall comply with any/all applicable Federal, state, and local regulations in place at the time the applicatians were deem�d Technically Compleie; tha� date being Ju1y 1$, 200'i in this instance. 6) During any construct�on activities, cvunty roads sha11 be maintained clear of soil and xocics at point(s) of ingress and �gress. 7) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, including, but not limited to: a) A site registration is required for Lots 1 and 2. 8) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as d�emed necessary by the Grant County Public Works Departrnent, including, but nat limiteC� to: a) Provide a plat review fee oi $200.00. b) Provide a plat certificate from the title company for a11 land being dedicated to Crrant County. c) An Approach Permit rnust be obtained for eac�i lot prior to the issuance of a building perm�t. d) The pan-handle for Lot 3 will areate a new access far the existing home site. The existing appraach accessing the home sits shall be removed and relocated to the new pan-handle lacatxon. 9) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grat�t County Assessor, includxng, but not limited to: a) Clients must contact Assessors o£fice regarding status of current use continuance at least ane weelc before recording plat. 10) The applicant sha11 camply with al1 requirements as deemed necassary by Grant County Emergency Services, but not limited to: a) Address wi11 n�ed to be posted as lots are developed with the address at driveway aecess. 11) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary l�y the Grant Count� Auditor, includin�, but nat limited to: a) The i�ame "Didericksen-St�at£ord Major �'lat" is approved. 12) The a�plicani shall comply with a11 requirements as deemed necessary by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, inCluding, but not limited to: Ga�• Didericken Preliminary Plat � BoCC Resolutinn - page � IN T�iE MATTER OF APPROVING A PR�LIMINARY DTD�RiCKSEN-STRATI'ORD MAJOR PLAT PLAT OF 195.08 ACIi�S INTO F'IVE (5) Y,OTS FOR GAR H. DIDERICI�SEN a) The Bureau of Reclamation re�ord bearing on the west sic�e of Farm Unit 191 must be changed/corrected. b) The Reclamation record bearing on the south side of Farm Unit 191 must be c�anged/corrected. c) All survey data on tihe Bureau of Reclamation Farm Unit Maps pertaining to Reclamation facilities, associated rights-of-w�,y, and farrn unit boundaries within the area being subdivided must be included on the plat. d) Landowners should be aware of existing Reclamation and Dist�ict rights to construct, reconstruct, c�perate, and maintain Pxoject facilities as necessary. Any worlc that will invalve the�e facilities or the existing rights-o� way must be reviewed and approved by Reclamation and the District prior to proceeding. e) Structures are prohibited from encraaching upon existing right-of-way corridors without Reclamation's and the District's prior app�oval. This includes, but is not limited to, temporary improvements su�h as paving, fencing, and landscaping. � Reclana�.tion's concurrence to this proposal is conditioned upon the assumption that there are no eneraachments upon Project facilities or rights- of-w�y. g) Should the proponents desire to use ground water for other than domestic purposes (5,000 gals. per day/irrigatian of '/a acre per dwelling, as established in WAC 173-134A), t�ey will be required to obtain both a Ground Water Permit from the WA State Department o�Ecology and a QGVVSA license from Reclamation, h) Lot #3 of the proposed plati consists of less than 10 acres. The Bureau of Reclamation recommends that tha agricultural w�.ter supply be released �rom that portion oi land. The proponent can Ynitiate this process by contacting the Districi Headquartexs in Othello, WA. 13) The applicant shall comply with a11 requiremEnts as deemed �ecessary by the East- Columbia Basin Irrigation Dist�ict, including, but not limited to: a) The subject praperty is within a Columbia Basin Project farm unit and it is entitled to receive Columbia Basin Projecti irrigation water and it is required to pa� East District irrigation assessments whether water is used or not. b) Appraval of the final plai by the East District and by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation will be necessary pursuant to RCW 58.17.310. c) Irrigation easements must be provided for the conveyance of wal:er ta a�� lots from the �xisting farm unit turnout. d) Irrigation facilities must be installed or bonded for before the District will sign the final plat. Gar Didericken Preliminaty Plat - BoCC Resolution - page 4 YN Tki� MATTER OT APPTtOVING A PRELIMiNARY DIDERICKSEN-STRATI� ORD MAJOR PLAm PLAT OP' 195.Q8 ACR�S iNTO T�'iVE (S) LOTS rOR GAlt H. DID�RICICSEN e) The irrigation requirements for �,ots # 1 and #2 can be waived i£ the wa�er allntment is released nn those lots. � Irrigation nates on Sheet 4 of 5 are satisfactory as submitted. 14) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Crrant County Planning Department, including, �tlt not limited tn: a) Develdpment shall camply with the requir�ments of GCC § 22.04 Article V "Fina1 Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions" and all other pertinent portions of Grant County Cade. b) D�velopment shall comply with all requirements included in the S�PA Mitigatied Determination of Non=Signi�cance issued on J`uly 19, 2007. c) Please malce the following corrections/additions to the mapping consistent with UDC 23.04.080: ii. Under Note on Page 2 of 5, please change (five tirnes) the refer�nce from �"short plat" to a"plat." Under Plat Rastrictions on Page 4 0£ 5, please change the reference f�om a"short plat" to a"plat" in note "C." EFFECTTVE DAT�: Upon signature. DAT�D this �� day of d L ,� , 2007. Yea Nay Lki ❑ � ❑■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIUNERS Abstain �R�lleT'�[" CiD�T.�TT3�, �VA�lETIl<iGTC110i � � � LeRoy C�: Alliso , irman � Rich�xd Stevens, Vice-Chairman , ❑ ❑ Cindy Carter, Member Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant Coanty, Washington Gar Didericken Preliminary Plat - BoCC Resolution - page 5