Week of I?ecember 21, 2046
The Gr�nt County Com�nissioners s�ssion��as called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the
Commissioners in attendance with the Clerlc of the Board.
The Commissioners approved the request of tl�e Hum�n Resources Director and the
County Auditor ta change the Cou�aty Stop Loss Carriers to Sur�Life with a$175,4Q0.00
. deductible.
The Commissioners �pproved the request of the Grant Mental Healtllcare Executive
Dircctar for out of state tr�vel far one employee to atte�ld Anasazi Computer Saftware training in
Th� Chair of the Baard was authorized to sign the Tirst Amendment other Agree�nent
Numbers Q7Q1 and 0742 between North Ce�ltral Washington Regional Support Networl�
(NCWRSN) and Grant County dated August 29 azld 30, 20Q6.
The Chair of the Baard was a��thari7ed to sign the Tom Johnson(Johnson Replat} Fi��al
Plat Submission and Revicw, File#�QS-4334-42. ;
Tl�e Commissioners held an apen record public llearing regarding the Grant County
Treasurer's request to decrease the Hillcrest Lighting D'zstrict per parcet assessment rate from `;
$17.40 pet•pareel ta $16.00 per parcel. Cammissianer Alliso�l moved to close the public j
comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner iVlaore seconded and the motion passed '
unanimously. Commissio�zer A1lison moved to a�prove tl�e dec��ease as presented, ��
Can�missioner Moare seconded and the motian passed unani�nously. The hearing adjaurned. �
A matio�� vvas made by Coznmissianer Allison, seconded by Cominissioner Maore, tl�at
ResolL�tion No. 06-264-CC, a resolution decreasing the assessrnent rate for Hillcrest Ligl�ting ;
District for 2007 to $16.00 per parcel,be passed. The motion carried. �
The Comnaissionezs�net in Execi�tive Sessian with Legal Cauncil fiom 10:15 am to ��
10:25 am regarding Professional Services Cantracts. '
A nlotian was made by Gommisszaner Maore, seconded by Coinmissioner Alliso�z, that `
4rdinance No. 06-265-CC, �zl Ordin�nce relating ta an alnendme�t of the Grant County Zoning ,
Map changillg t11e zc�ning of twa parcels frotn Rural General Commercial to Urban Cozn�nercial - ,
2. The sl�bject area is located north of I-90 and east of t1�e city li7nits af Moses La1�e(parcel no. �'
21-2772-000 and 21-1771-000}, be passed, The motion carried. �
�,s of this date, the Baard,by a tnajority vote, does approve for payment tllose vouchers �
certified by the auditing officer as reqi�ired by RCW 42,24.080, and tbose expense �
rcimbursement claims ccrtified by the auditing of�"icer as required by RCW 42.24,090, in the �
amount $646,108.62, as recorded o�1 a listing and znade available to tlae Baard.
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Week of December 11, 2006
The Commissioners approved and signed an Agreed Order No. DE 3810 in the matter of
Remedial Action by Grant County and the City of Ephrata from the State of Washington
Department of Ecology for to provide remedial actions at the Landfill where there has been a
release or threatened release of hazardous substances.
The Commissioners approved the request of ANC Cominunications to change the
remittance date of their 911 tax payments due to the County.
The Commissioners approved the request of the Grant Mental Healthcare Executive
Director for 2 einployees to attend the National Council for Community Behavioral Health care
training in Las Vegas,NV.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers as i
presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll Vouchers No. 1 — 5, and General Fund I
Vouchers No. 6—61, in the amount of$173,931.53, as recorded on a listing and made available
to the Board. i
The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Human Resources Director for �
the Prosecuting Attorney's Office to promote Amy Wen to a Legal Secretary IV position.
The Commissioners met in Executive Session from 3:50 pm—3:53 pm regarding j
personnel issues.
The Commissioners held an open record public hearing regarding the implementation of I
the Grant County Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Plan and approval of this �
plan. Commissioner Allison moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, !
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Moore i
moved to adopt the ADA Compliance Plan as presented, Commissioner Allison seconded and
the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adj ourned.
The Commissionars signed and implemented the Grant County ADA Compliance Plan. �
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued
until December 12, 2006. �
December 12,20Q6 �
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m, with all the Commissioners in attendance with the i
Clerlc of the Board. I
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Weeli of December 11, 24Q6
The Chair af tha Board was authorized to sign t]1e follawing 20Q7 Grant Coi�nty Sheriff
Towing Contracts:
• Agri-Fix,Moses Lalce
• Beeline Frame &Axle, Inc., Mases Lake
• B��rcic's A�tta Parts, Ephrata
• Central Towing, Moses Lalce
• GeQrge Washingto�a Towing, Quincy
• Moses Lal�e Towing, Moses L�l�e
• Tzm's Fottr Carizers 76, Inc., Crrand Co�.�lee
• Royal City Towi�lg
The Commissianers met witll t11e Public Works Director regarding: Resolution Adopting
the 2407 Annual Road Program; Authorization ta Call far Bids for 2007 Cri�shing& Stockpiling;
DOT and SR 243; Dadson Road Accidents; and JUB Engineers Mceting an Deceanber 13, 2006
at 8:04 aln(Pulalic Worlcs 4ffice).
Tl1e Chair of the Board was authorized to szgn an Application far CaYnmuiaity Litter j
Cleanup Pro�ram Funds (200'1-2009}between the Grant Caunty Sheriff's Qf�ce and tl�e i
Department of Ecology Solid Waste and Filzancial Assistance Pxagran�.
The Coznn7issianers signed the Authorizatiozl to Call �'ar Bids ot1 the 2007 Cruslling and (
Stockpiling project. Bids are to be apened January 2, 2007 at 1:30 pm. '�
A motion was made by Cammissianer Alliso�, secanded by Commissioner Moare, tl�at ;
Resoiution Na. 06-26b-CC, a resolution xn t12e matter of adopting the 20d7 Annual Road '
Pro�ram,be passed. The motion carried.
Tl1e Camznissioners signed the Pi�biic Worl�s Claims Tund Voucher Approval 1�1a. 12-I �
tl�rrough No. 12-145 in the total amount of$579,411.58, as reearded orl a listing and made !
available to the Board. li
The Comnaissioners received and approved for distribution a request ta initiate the Sick ,
Leave Donation Palicy for an employee af District Cou�-t.
The Commissioners a�Sproved the salary, wage, andlor pasition changes as recaznmended
by tlxe Huxnan Resources Director for Dan Brel�hi�s, Public Warks. '�
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, i
Weel�of December 11, 2006
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued
until December 18, 2006.
Signed this ��" day of-�--�-=' 2007.
Grant County, Washington
c I� �
LeRo llison, Chai
Richard Stevens '
Attest: EXCUSED �
G� ' Cindy Carter i
erlc of the Boa !
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