HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of December 18, 2006 The Grant County Cainmissioners sessian was called ta order at 9:00 a,rn. with all tha Commissiollers in attel�dance wil:h the Clerk af the Baaxd. The Coznmiss�oners approved for dis�ribution to Elected {�fficials and Department C�eads Adzl�inistrative Policy 02-06 R.evised, Sic1c Leave Donation, The Gominissianers held al� open record public hearilxg regarding the y�ar-end bud�et exte�lsians for 2006. Bill Vanaey desczibed the budget extensians as foilows: • County Fair $90,000,00 . Liability Insurance $20,000.00 . Hon�eless Hausing $8,000.00 • 2006 Final Budget Adjustment for Salary Increascs and other expetises $1,095,200.00 + Facilities and Maixiteriance $37,993�00 Comrnissioner Moore moved to close �1ze public camtnent portion of the hearing, Commissioner Allison secoi�ded aild the motion passed unax�imously. Commissioner Allisan lnovecl to apprav� the budget extensians as presented, Commissioiler Mooxe seconded and tlze mation passed unanimously. Tlie hearing adjou�-ned. A rno�ion was znade by Comznissioner Allison, seconded by Comxnissionex• Moore, that Resolution No. 06-267-CC, a resolution i�i tlle rnatter of approving a supplernexital bud�et extensian request as noted in t11e hearing above, be passcd. The motion carried. The Chair of tlae Board was authorizcd to sign a 2007 Grant Caunty SherifFTowing Contract for Quincy Towing. The Commissioners approved t11e request af tlie Human Resources I7irectar for � budget transfer from Cuml�lative Reserve in the amaunt of $3,900.00 for an Ainericans with Disabilities Act (AUA) pi�oject invoice. The Commissioners approved t11e request frorn the Trcasurer's Oifice for aut of state travel to attend an Investrnetlt Confere��ce in Las Vegas, NV. The Commissioners approved the computer replacement request of t11e County Glerk for the Superior Court Hearing Raam. The Commissioners approved and signed a Cantract for Personal Ser.vices (Land Use Hearing Examiner) between Grazlt County and Andrew L. Kattkamp. Page 1 af 4 �OIVIMISSIQNEI2S' PROCEEDINGS Week of December 18, 2006 The Commissioners approvad and sigized a 2407 Professianal Services Agreement Public Infortnatioll and Comznunications Cansultant beiweez� Grant County and S.C. Communications, Scott Cave, ta perform public infornlation and cammunications se�vices. As there was no further business ta come before the Board the sessioll was continued until Deceznber 19, 2006. December 19, 2006 The sess'rolx was cantinued at 9:00 a.zn. with all the Comrnissiozlers xn attendal�ce witl� the Clerlc of the 8oard. The Cam�nissionexs met with the Public Warlis Dix�ctor regardirlg: Authorization to Call for Bids fo�� the Dodson Road Tntersectian Beacons; Employees Assaciation Clatl�ing Allowance; and Health Depar�xnent Cal-respondence regarding the Ephrata Landfill. The Canzmissioners signed the Authorization to CaII for Bids on the Dodsan Rd Intersection Beacons (at Rd 5 NW and at Rd 12 SW}. Bids are to be opened January 9, 2007 at 1,30 pn�. As af this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for paymeilt thase vauchers cerii�"ied by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense rein�buxseznent claims certi�ed by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the arzlot�nt af $1,984,586,44, as recorded on a Iisting and made available t;a the Board. The Cha'rr of the Board was authorized ta sign the Bill Tracy (Bill Tracy Shox� Plat} Final Pl�t Submission and Review, Filc #OS-4383. 1� motion was made by Coznmissioner Allisan, s�canded by Cammissianex Moare, that Resaluiion No. Ob-268-CC, a resoh�tiaxl in the znatter af Winter Starrn, December 14-15, 2006, Local Lleclaratian of Elnergency, be passed. TI�e mation carried. A motion was 7nade by Commissianer �lllison, seconded by Cammissioner Moare, that Resolution No. 06-269-CC, a resoh�tion relating to Comprehensive Planning in Grant Caunty in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management t�ct (RCW 36.70 A} and atnending the September, 1999 Cornprehensive Plan and Developme�t Regulations, be passed. The motion carried. Page 2 of 4 COMMISSIONERS' PRUCEEDINGS Week of December 18, 2006 As there was no further business to come before the Boaxd the session was continued until I?ecem�er 2Q, 2006. Deceznber 20, 20Q6 Tl�e session was continued at 9:00 a.�x1. witl� a�l the Comznissioners in attendance witl� the Clerl� of the Board. The Canlmissioners approved the request oFthe Noxiaus Weed Board far a budgei transEer froln Enforcemexlt Weed Spraying to Regular Salaries & Wages in tha amount of $6,000.00. The Chair of the Board was autllorized ta sign the Erik Broi�glatat� �Replat af Desert Aire Conda Replat #1} Fina� Plat Submission azid Review, File #OS-433S-02; and the Martell Palmer (Palmer Shox�t Plat #2} Fin�l Plat Subrnissian and Review, File #OS-4321-01. The Commissio�iers re-appainted Bob Bernd to the Hausing At,�tharity of Grant Caunty, The Camn�issiozaers requested a budget transfer from t}f�ce Salar.ies to the Canamissianers Office Supplics zn the amount of $1,200,�0 far the purchase of Publia Records Officer supplies. As there w�s no further business to come befare the Baard the session was continued until December 21, 200b. December 21, 200b The session was continued at 9:d0 a.m. with all tlie Cominissioners in attendance with the Clerlc of the Board. The Chair af tha Board was authorized to sig�a the A.J, Fanns / A�ady Jenson (A.J. Ac��es SlZort P1at #2) Final Plat Sut�mission az�d Review, File #OS-4328-01. The Commissioners met in Executive Session fiam 11:35 an1-12:10 pm with Public Defender Supervisor Alan Wl�ite. As thcre was no further b��sitaess to come before the Board the session was conti�lued until Deceznber 22, 200f�. Page 3 of 4 COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of December 18, 2006 December 22, 2006 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerlc of the Board. A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No. 06-270-CC, a resohition in the matter of adopting the Grant County Budget for the 2007 Year; and Resolution No. 06-271-CC, a Resolution establishing the effective date of salaries and benefits for employees classified on the Grant County non-bargaining salary schedule, be passed. The motion carried. The Commissioners signed a Professional Seivices Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in Grant County Superior Court (Adult Felony Only) Fu11 Time Contractor between Grant County and the following: Michael E, Haas, and Jeff Goldstein. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until December 27, 2006. Signed this �o�C day of ����, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washingtio , �...�, w.,. � LeRo llison, Chair Richard Stevens EXCUSED Cindy Carter Page 4 of 4