Week of November 27, 2006
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the
Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that
the following resolutions be passed:
• 06-255-CC, an ordinance/resolution increasing the 2007 Grant County Road
property tax levy by 1% ($63,085.00);
• 06-256-CC, a resolution approving the Current Expense budget for 2007;
• 06-257-CC, a resolution approving the Mental Health budget for 2007;
• 06-258-CC, a resolution approving the Veteran's Relief Fund budget for 2007.
As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers
certified by the auditing o�'ficer as required Uy RCW 42.24.080, and those axpense reimbursement
claims certi�ed by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount $467,716.14, as
recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued
until November 28, 2006.
November 28, 2006
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners i�i attendance with the
Clerlc of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Worlcs Director regarding: CRP Resolution for
Rd N-NE / TIB; Refreshment approval for December 5, 2006 Solid Waste Coordinators
Meeting; Possible Moses Lake Port Area ULID; and Gloyd Dropbox suspension of operations,
The Commissioners approved the request of the Solid Waste Programs Coordinator to
purchase refreshments for a Coordinators meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Cornmissioner Allison, that
resolution no. 06-259-CC, a resolution in the matter of initiating a county road project designated
as CRP no. 06-15, be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal for the month of November,
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher Approval No. 011-1
through No, 11-99 in the total amount of $183,864.45, as recorded o11 a listing and made availaUle to
the Board.
Page 1 of 19
Weel� of November 27, 240G
The Commissioners l�eld an open record public hearing regarding two budget extezzsion
rec�uests from the Grant Cou�lty Fairgraunds for ADA Compliance expe��ses. 'I'1ie �rst request is far
Fund #QO ], Department # 142 for an operating transfer oat in the amount ot' $1$,869.OQ. The second
requcst is Cor fund #116, Depaz-�mcnt #1S9 for ADA expenses incurred, Co�nmissioner Allison
n�oved to close the public co;mme�at portion of the hearing, Commissioner Maara secanded anc� the
motion passed unanimously. Commissionex Allison moved to approve tl�e budget extensions a
presented, Cornmissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The he�rir�g
adj ourned.
A motion was made by Com�nissianer Moare, secozlded by Commissioz�er A1lison, that
resolution x1o. 06-2C0-CC and 06-261-CC, resolutions xelatzng to supplemental extensiotis for thc
Fairgrounds, be passed. The motion carried,
The Commissioners approved the request af the Facilities and Maintenance Director for a
County Credit Card far tlleir depai-tment.
As there was no furtl�er b��siness to come before the Board the session was continued
uiatil Novelnber 29, 2U06.
November 29, 2006
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Stevens and Allison in
attendance with the C1erl� of the Board. Commissioncr Moore was out and excused.
The Commissioners approved the request af the Emergency Management Director to
purchase an HP Desig7�jet 4500 printer through funding received fram Hameland Security
cantract EU6-028; a.nd ta purchase publications to ba �ised for public education using Hameland
Security Funding (CERT Contract OFM No. 59U-Q7) in the amount of $10,416.QQ.
The Commissioners approved the request of the Chief Accountant for the following
budget extensions and set the hearing 1`or I?ecember 18, 2046 at 9:40 am:
• Fund #129, Departrnent #�17Q $B4OQQ.40 Homeless Housitlg
* Flxrld #116, Depar�ment #1S9 $90,04Q.00 Fairgrounds
• Fund #503, Department #182 $20,OOO.QO Liability Insurance
• Fund #001, to various de��artments far 2006 Tin�l Budget Adjustme��t far Sa�ary
Increases and other expe7�ses.
Page 2 of 1�
Week of November 27, 2006
The Commissioners held an open record public hearing regarding the Community
Development Blocic Grant (CDBG) which provides North Columbia Community Action Counsel
with funding for seivices to low income families for housing assistance, victim servicas, etc.
The Director discussed how the Grant is used and for what purposes. The grant is in the amount
of $170,844,00 plus administrative fees of $3,000.00. The Commissioners acknowledged the
attendance of the Spanish interpreter and that handouts describing the CDBG program were
available in both English and Spanish. Commissioner Allison moved to close the public
comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2
Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Allison moved to approve the grant as presented,
Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.
The hearing adjourned.
The Chair oFthe Board was authorized to sign a Cominunity Development Blocic Grant
Pttblic Purposes Application, Resolution with Certifications of Compliance, Project Summary
Form, Finding of Exemption and Categorical Exemption, Grievance Procedure, Certification on
tobacco, Professional Service/Consultant Agreement, Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update
Report, Determination of Exemption, and "Other Requirements" Compliance Document
Checiclist, between Grant County, the North Columbia Community Action Council, and the
State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development for funding assistance.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued
until November 30, 2006.
November 30, 2006
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Stevens and Allison in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissiozler Moore was out and excused.
The Commissioners signed a Certification and Acknowledgement pursuant to the
provisions of RCW 84.52.070 ackt�owledging receipt of the 2006 budgets and estimates as
submitted by various taxing districts within Grant County certifying the amounts to be raised by
taxation on the assassed valuation of the property within each taxing district for the purpose of
levying taxes.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued
uiltil December 1, 2006.
Page 3 of 19
Weelz of November 27, 20Q6
December 1, 2046
The sessiox� was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all t11e Commissiollers in attendance with the
C1er1� of tlie Board.
The Commissioners held an apen recard public heari�2g regarding the 2006
Coznprehensive Plan Ainendments tllat have been st�bmitted this year. Billie Su�nrall discussed
how t11e SEPA �oz-tio�� of each hearing would nat be discussed. Hecior Tarres �assed aut
Comnzunity Trade and Econa�nic Develo�ment {CTED) comnlents oli these 2006 Anlendments.
Lisa Parks disc�lssed the reco�nmendations �'ram Planning Commissioz2 and Planning Departmex�tt
with rega��ds ta a�nel2dme�lts that are required io our Comp Plan and UDC based on the requi�-ed
review and u�d�te found in tl�e Growtl� Management Act Updat�s.
Alliance �erfarmed a technical review, amendlnents tl�at are necessary to our dacuments based
on changes that have accurred to State laws silxce Grant County tzas adapied oxigirtlal Camp Plan
a�1d UDC. Ame�zdment to the Camp Plan tl�at ap�lication deadline be more flexible, The
reqt�iremant naw is tlaat applicatians must be submitted by Tu1y 1 a� each year Cor review. The
rccammendatioxl is thai the Board adapts a resalutian gzvi�lg flexibility on the required date to
submit ap�lications. The sacand procedural reca�nn�etlded change is in regards to how UGA
Amendments are initiated. Suggested cha�lges would require that any change to a UGA tl�at are
associated with a Inc. City ar Towl�, the applicatian would have to con�e first to the County from
tlzat particul�r city. This ezzsures that the city is inFormed of the praposal and the applicant must
wor�c with that particltlaz jltrisdiction. This also ensures that the analysis �1as occurred before
l�eing brought to the Board of County Commissioners {BOCC).
Ms. Parlcs dzscussed Staff Ttepart No. 29 regarding the Comprehen.sive P1an, Develapme�it
Regu�ations; and Critical �reas t�nalysis� Cammissianer Allison ask�d �baut the use af the
wording "Best Available Sciance" in tlle Critical �reas of the Amendment. Hc wanted to lcnow
if this wordi��g is a requirement? Ms. Parl�s stated that she characterizes this langua�e as
mandated and discussed why.
Commissioner Stevens also stated that he is alsa concexned; is it G�ant Caunty's "Best Available
Science" ar the west side of the state's "Best Available Science"? :Discusszon ensued. Ms. Parks
statcd that this doas not specify wh�t the Best Available Science is; it pravidas the aiaility for th�
lacal governrnent to determine with the best available science within tlle criteria identi�ed in the
Washington Administrative Code. Discussion then ensued about "Wetlands" and naturally
occurring wetlands.
Con7missioner All'rson moved to close publzc corrament on this pzoject. Co3nmzssioi�er Maore
tl�en seconded tlle 7notion and the motion passed ��nanimoLtsly. Coxnn�issioner Allison moved to
approve the project Con�prehcnisive Plan, Development Reg�,�lations and C�-itical Areas analysis
and recognizing the 7 Findiiigs of Fact; Coinmissioner iVIoore seconded.
Coxnmissioner Allison �mencied his n�otion to amend pagc 21 referenced as p�ge 13-12 dealing
with the defi�litiozl of wetlands. He stated since the Coia�p Plan is determined lac�lly, he would
lilce to add 2 words in tk�e definition in the �a-st line, whcre it states "Inundated or saturated by'°,
he would lilce to add the wards "naturally occurring" graund water.
Page 4 of 19
Week of November 27, 2406
Commissioner Moore secondcd t�he ame3lded motion. Discussion e�sued. Cornnlissioner
Allison made anothe�� motion dealing with Title 24 Enviranment 24.08.470b deal'zng with c��itical
areas determinatian with Best and Available Sciez�ce. He would like to add the ward
"Reasanable" to the frol�t of this. Comrnissioner Stevens asked �f "Local best available sczel�ce"
would be better. Cammiss�oner Stevezis seconded the motian. Conlmissioraer Moare st�ted she
did not want ta second because changing the language of the Staie Statute leaves the County
ope1� for passible lztigation. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Moore called for the c��iestion a�1
the amendment ta adci the wards "local" in frox�.t of Best and �vailable Scie��ce. Coznmissiot�er
Allisan and Stevezas voted in favor af the anaended maiian, Cotnmissianer Maore voted against
the alnerzded motian. The motion carried with a vate of twa ta ane.
Tl1e Commissianers then voted to pass the abave project with amendments, ail vated in favor and
the nlatian car�ied. This presentation adjoux�ned.
File #Ob-4567 Tyrane Trexler
Bi11ze Sumrall stated tl�e praposal is for a site-specific land use re-desig�iatian frazn tJpen Space
Conservatiol� to Rural Reside�ltial 2 for a parcel tataling 72 .74-acres located narth of the Tawn
of Coulee City on the west side of SR 155, and is a partian a#' S 23, T 25 N, R 28 E, W M(parcel
no. l 71535000}.
A matio�l was made by Comrnissioner Moore seco��ded by Al]ison to close ihe public
camment portion of the he�ring. The xnotion passed ut�animausly.
A matio�l was rnade by Colnmissio�aer Allison ta approve the application as presented
recognizing ihe 9 Tindings of :Eact. Comnlissianer Moare seconded and the xnatian passed
unanimausly. This partion of the hearing adjourned.
File #06-45Gb Tim Jenne
Hector To.�res stated the proposal is for a site-specific land use redesignatiot� of 46.17-acre parcel
with a Comp P�an Land Use Designatian of Rural Remote �nd is requesting to change to
Agricultural Resoi�rce. Location of the property is a�proximately 5 miles south of tbe Town of
Mattawa north af State I�ighway 243; and is a portion of S 08, T 13 N, R 24 E, W M(parcel
#1507'72000). A motion w�s made by CoXnmissioner Moora to close the public camxnexlt portion
of the laeaxing. Cominissionar A1lison seconded and the motion passed unaniinously.
�1 mation was made by Maore to approve the application as presented recognizing the 1.4
Fmdings of I-� act, Commissioner Allisan second.ed and the motiaxl passed unanimously. TI1is
portion of the hearing adjourned.
File #06-4571 Su» Basin 4rchards, LLC (Mr. Kim Foster, Aspi Gronp}
Billie Sun�rall stated the project is a site-specific land use redcsi�nation from �G resource to
Rural Residential 1 for one parcel totaling 87.86-acres. Property is located in a portion of S 23,
T 19 N, R 27 E, W M(Parcel no. 211323003} Farm Unit 179, blocic 89, Colunzbia Basin
Irrigation Project in Mae Valley, near Moses Lalc�.
Week of November 27, 240G
Kim Faster 52QQ Southcenter Blvd , ASPT Group Re�resentative, showed a ma� of the proposed
area and disc�zssed the project. A motion was made by Commissioner A1lisan moved to close
the public camment portion of the hearing. Comnlissianer Maore seconded and the �natian
passed unaziimausly. A motion was made by Maore to approve the application as presetzted
recagnizing the 14 Findi�zgs oi Fact, Commissioller A1lison seconded and the lnfliion passed
unanimausly. This portion af the hearing adjolirned.
File #46-4568 Vic Didz�a
Hectar Torres stated the project is for � site-speci�'tc land use redesignatiol� of four parcels
totaling approx. 219.5-acres with a Com Pla�� Land Use Designation of "Rurai Reznote" axld is
rec�uesting a change to "Agricultural Resource {Irrzg�ted}",
Property is located 2 miles sauthwest of t�e Town of George at the z�ltersectiaz� af N Frantage Rd
and Rc� S SW nor�h of Interstate 90; and is a partian of S 1.4, T 18 N, R 23 E, W M(parcel nos.
20161SOQ0, 150411Q01, 201615002, and l 50401Q00). Mary Didra discussad the project brie�ly.
A motion was made by Corz�missia�ler Allison to close the public caznmant po��ion of the
hcaring. Cammiss�oner Moore secanded and t1�e motion passed ullanimously.
A mation was made by Commissianer Allison to approve the applicatian as presented
recognizing the 14 Findings o C Fact, Commissioner Moore secan,ded and thc matian passed
unanimously. This portian af th� hearing adjoltrned.
File #05-4573 Tim McN amara
Billie Sunaratl stated the praject is a site-specific land use redesignation af apprax 22 aeres with a
Comp Plan La�1d Use Designatzon of "Agricultural Resource" and is requesting a change to
"Rural Residentiai 1". Property is lacated i�a S 14, T 22 N, R 2b E, t�V M, F�rm Unit 137, Bloc
701, Columbia Basi�� Irrigatian Project, west o£ County Rd B-NVtT and north of �auiaty Rd 21-
NE (parcel nn 312594000). A znotian was madc by Commissioner Maore to class the public
comzne�lt partian of the he�ring. Commissioner Allison seconded and th� naotion passed
unanimausly. A mation was made by Carnmissianer Moore ta uphold the Plantai�ag Commissions
reca�nnaendai;ion and approve the applicatian as prescnted recagnizing the 14 Findings of Fact,
Canlmissioner Moare seconded and the motzon passed unallirzlol�sly. This portio�� of the hea�ing
File #06-4�72 HAS BEFN WITHllRAWN
-----.^�'ile 0 a-45'75 T2od and Connie Pierce !
Billic Sumrall stated the project is a site-specific land use redesignatio�� fronx Rural Residential2 ��
to Shoreline Developmezlt 3 for ane parcel tataling 9.2-acres. ;
Tl�e prapex-ty is located in a portion of the N half, SW quarter of S 21, T 24 N, R 27 E, ;
W M, Bluc Lalce S�.immer Hoines off of Mundy Lane (p�rcel no. 162154000). �
Weelc of November 27, 2006
Brent Miller discussed the septic systems and stated that the Health Department does not lcnow
about the project. This is going to have to be addressed.
Michael Budd, Knudsen Land Surveying, discussed the project and stated the health district will
look at the project once the SEPA review has been completed.
Brent Miller stated once again that he does NOT believe the Health District has been notified.
Commissioner Stevens clarified that the BOCC is only loolcing at the site redesignation, not
anything else. The proponent will have to apply for a plat for this to happen.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and appxove the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the hearing
adj ourned.
File #06-4574 David Adams
Hector Torres stated the project is for two parcels totaling approximately 25,01-acres with a
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of "Open Space" and is requesting a change to
"Rural Residential2." Location of the property is approximately 2 miles northeast of the Town
of Coulee City and west of Hwy 155; and is a portion of S 23& 26, T 25 N, R 28 E, W M(parcel
nos. 171541000 & 171538000).
Nicic Wallace of Shulteis Tabler Wallace Law Firm discussed the project.
A motion was made by Cominissioner Allison to close the public comment portion of the
hearing. Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the hearing
adj ourned.
File #06-4577 Nicli and Donna Tommer
Billie Sumrall stated the proposal is for area approx. 160-acres with a Comprehensive Plan Land
Use Designation of "Agricultural Resource". The applicant has submitted an application
requesting a Site Specific Land Use Redesignation to Rural Residential 1. Property is located in
the NE quarter, SW quarter of S 6, T 20 N, R 26 E, W M, at the intersection of SR 28 and SR
283, Naylor Junction, outside of Ephrata (parcel no, 160584000).
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was rnade by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Pl�mling Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 14 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the hearing
adj ourned,
Week of November 27, 2Q06
�'ile #46-4583 Tinn Ray, Tom Bruno, and Gene Armstrong
Hector Torres stated the project area consists of four parcels totaling approximately 181.64-acres
with a Coznprehensive Plan Land Use :Desig�lation af "Agxicultural Resource {irrigated}" and
rcquests a change to "Rural Residexltial 1".
Location is approximately 1.S miles east of the Tawn of Saap Lane south af Hwy 28 ancE north
of Rd 2Q NE; and is a po�-tion of S 22, T 22 N, R 27 E, W M{parcel no. 2000310Q6 TGW
161934Q06, 16192840Q, & 161928001).
Discussion ensued; clarification was needed about the Staff recommendatiozl compared ta the
Plalzning Coznmission recortnmendatian.
Tim Ray 3525 I�wy 28, prapaxzent, discusseci his property azzd the ability to irrigate ii.
Discussio�l ensued amangsl: the Baard.
A moiion was made by Commissianer Allison to close the public comment partion af the
hearing. Co�nmissioner :1VIooxe seconded and the motio�l passed una��imously.
A motian was naacle l�y Camm.issioner Aliison maved to uphold tl�e Pla�lning Co7nmissions
recommendation and approve the applicatio�� as presented recag�lizing the 14 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Stevens seconded the matian. Coznniissioner Moore discussed heY concern and
aslced far clarificatiaz� fram Tin1 Ray. Mr. Ray discussed I�is praject and Staff's cancer�l. The
motion passed unanimously. This partio» of the hearing adjourned.
File #06-4581Curlew Crest, Meseberg Farnily
Billie Sut�rall stated the project is far approxilnately 10-acres with a Cainprehensive Pian Laz�d
Use Designation of "Agricultura] Resaurce" ta "Rural Con�munity". The property is located in
t3�e E half, SE quarter, SE t�uarter af S 18, T 17 N, R 28 E W M, and W half of the NE qua��ter of
tlae SE quartez, of the SF quarter af S 18, T 17 N, [2 28 E, tN M, located south af Pothales
Reservair and Potiaales State Parit (pareel nos. 170029000 and 170028000}.
A mation was nlade by Gommissio�aer Maore ta close tha public co�nme��t portion of the laearing.
Cammissianer Aliison seconded and the matioza passed unanimausly.
A motian was made by Commissioner Moore to uphold the Planning Commissioxas
reeomn�ei�dation atld apprave the application as presented recog��izing the 14 Findings of I�act,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unaxiimously. This portion oftlae hearing
File #06-4561 David and Dale �Iendricks
Bi1lie Sumrall stated the project is for an 8 5-acre parcel with a Comprehensivc Plan Land Use
Designation of "U�ban Residenti�i 3" to "Urba�i Commcrciai". Thc parcel is already within the
Urban Growth Area of the City of Moses Lal�e.
Locatian o�property is a portion of the SW quarter of S 9, T l.9 N, R 28 E, W M, and
immediatcly east of Ottmar Rd and south of Cochran Rd (parcel nos. 170264000 �nd
Weelc of November 27, 2006
Dave Hendrick discussed the proj ect.
Dale Schults, Assoc Planner, City of Moses Lake, stated the City of Moses Lake has these 2
parcels designated as Medium Density Residential.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motioi� was made by Cominissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the hearing
adj ourned.
File #06-4585Kenneth Wentworth
Billie Sumrall stated the subject area is a 4.69-acre parcel with a Comp Plan Land Use
Designation of "Rural Residential 1". The applicant has submitted an application requesting the
subject property be included within the boundary of the City oiMoses Lake Urban Growth Area
(UGA) and site-specific land use re-designation to "Urban Residential2".
Location is a portion of the southeast quarter of S 25, T 19 N, R 27 E, W M, immediately west of
County Rd F-NE (parcel no. 161545014) and the current UGA boundary fbr the City of Moses
Rich Walpole Columbia NW Engineering, discussed the access issues brought up by citizens
around the area.
Dale Schultz wanted to mention that the City's Land Use Designation as Low density
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to close the public comment portion of the
hearing. Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the
hearing adj ourned.
File #06-4587 ACHI Group '
Hector Torres stated the subject area consists of fourteen parcels totaling 719.52-acres with a '
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of "Agricultural Resource (Irrigated). The '
application is to_mclude the subject area within the boundary of the Moses Lalce Urban Growth '
______ -- ----� - -- - - - -- - -__ �
- - --
Area (UGA) and a site0specific land use re-designation of 649.62-acres to "Low Density
Residentiial" and 69.9-acres to "Industrial (Urban)". Hector passed out comments received late �
from the WA State Dept of Transportation (DOT) Aviation Division and Grant County
Emergency Services.
Location of the area lies 2 miles east of Stratford Rd, N of Moses Lake alsong Rd L NE fi�om RD ��
5 NE to Rd 3.7 NE; and is a portion of S 6,7,& 18, T 19 N, R 29 E, W M(parcel nos. ;
Page 9 of 19
Week af November 27, 2406
19Q420Q40, 194438404, 19Q438041, 19�f�5804Q, 1905S8Q01, 190434000, 190436Q00,
194439QQ1, � 94437404, 311772040, 31177304Q, 311774400, 190454Q00, and 190455000).
Planssit�g Staff recommends denial af this applicatzon. Planrling Commissia�l recamnle�dation is
ta cantiilue this application to the 2007 Comp Plan Ainendments sa fi��-thcr review could be
Rich Walpole Colulnbia NW Engitleeril�g, Agent far proposal, di.scussed tllis �roposal. He
believes that because the City of Moses Lal�e is growing sa fast and that there will not be enougl�
developable Iand in tl�e �'ut�re that this applicatioi� should be cantinued until 2007 and i�ot
Richard Pierce, representing the Municipal Airport which is acrass ihe street from the land in
question, stated lze is concer•ned with the f�igh� plan tl�ai is currezltly over tlle prapez-�y and the
issues that citizens wi11 have. He believes that a�ly kind of zesidentiai will be a problem with this
Dale Schzllts, City af Moses Lake, walated to discuss the wa�ter and sewer availability ta the ar�a.
He siated tlzai the sewer daes not support the proposed ar.ea at tiii.s time and that therc may be a
wate�- pressure problem in a portian of the proposed area.
Jerry Richardsan, Airport Commissian, stated kzis concern that therc is anly sa �lnich AG l�nd
left iY� tlze world and changing this area would reduce it even xnore. He is also concerned with
the fly over a�-ea.
Tom Dent, stated his concerns over noise and safety.
Rich �Valpale, Colu�nbia NW Engineering, stated he l�nows there axe cancex-ns and the
proponents ktlow tllat ihere are issues that need to be addressed.
Fred Meising, Airpart, wanted to reiterate safety is a conce�-n along wit11 aioisa.
A mation was made by Commissio�ler Moore to clase the public comment portian of the bearing.
Cammissianer Allison seconded and the znotia�� passed r.inanimously.
A mation was �nade by Cammissioner Allisan to uphold the Plaianing Commissions
recommendation and ' tl�e application as presented recognizing the 1� FindiXlgs of Fact to
si�pport the denial, Comtnissione� Moore seconded and the matian passed unanimously. Tl1is
portion af the hearing adjourned.
File #06-4586 Kyie Lnblin
Billie Sumrall stated the subject �rea is 113-acre parcel with a Camprehansive Plan Land Use
Desi�nation of "Rt�ral Residential l." The applicant has submitted an ap�7licatian requesting the
subject property be included within the boun.dary af tlle City af Moses Lal�e UGA and a site-
specific lat�d use re-designation to "Urban Residential, Low Density".
Property is located in a portioia of the Easi half af the so��thwest quarier of S 24, T 10 N, R 28 E,
W M immedxately north of Mae Valley Rd and sough of Winesap Rd NE (parcel no. 161483000,
161486000, 14169200d, 170754000} atld soL�th and adjoining the ci�rrent UGA boundary of the
City of Moses Lake.
Rich Waipole, Agent, stated there is a l�igh i�zterest of development in tllis area.
Page 10 of 19
Week of November 27, 24Q6
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to close the public comnlent poz�tion of the
hearing. Commissioner Moore seconded allcl the nzotion passed una11in1ous]y.
A motion was made by Coz7unissiol�er Allison to uphold the Planning Coznmissiozls
recomrnendatio�� and approve the applicatlon as presented recogz�izing the 9 Finditigs o� Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed irnanimously, T�ais portion of the hearing
File #4C-4588 Larry and Susan Haven
Billie Sumrall stated tl�e subject area is a 4.08-�cre parcel with a Comprehensive Plaz� Land Use
Designation af "Rural Residential 1 and 3". The applica�lt has submitted an application
requesiing the subject property be ineluded witl�in the boundary of the City of Moses L�ke UGA
and a site-specific �and use re-designatian to "Urbarl Cammercial".
Property is located in a partion of the southwest quarter of tlle northwest guarter af S 11, T 19 N,
R 2$ E, W M, immediately east of Stratford Rd and nortl� of Maple Drive {parcel no.
17Q483Q4Q) and the current UGA bouladary Cor thE City af Moses Lake.
A motion was made by Col�missioner ta close the �ubiic commcnt pox�tion of the l�earing.
Commissioner seconded and the znotio�� passed unanimously.
A mation was made by Commissio�er to uphald the Plaru�ing Commissions reeommendatian
and app�ove the applicatian as presented a�ecognizit�g the 9 Findings af Fact, Commissioner
seconded and the motion p�ssed i�nanimously. This portion of the heazing adjourned.
File #Q6-4560 Big T3end Cammunity College and BBCC Foundatian
Hector Torres stated the subject area is an approx 31.78-acre partiola of faur parcels with a Co�np
Plan Land Use Designation of `Public Facility". The applicanis have sub�nitted an applicatian
requ�stizlg a Site Specific Land Use Re-designatian of 20.78 acres to "Cammercial {Urban)" and
12-acres to "Industrial {Urban)". Comments were passed out fran� the BBCC Foundation a�1d
Bzg Bend Co�llmunity Collage. Hector passed out comments received from Doug Sly o�'the
BBCC Toundation. During the Planrling Commission, a portion of the project area w�s found
not to have bee3z included in the project, the BBCC Foundatio�l Opportunity Cexlter Building.
Mr, Sly's letter requests this portion be added but Staff had already completed tlie SEPA
determizlatian o�� the project and this was nt�t included in the Comp P1an amerldment cycle. Staff
does rlat feel this is �ppropriate to add this now. Hector shawed a map of the 1.86 acres that t11e
proponcnts would like to add. Planning Commission recommended approval but it does not
include thc 1.86 acres.
The Board aslcec� af StafEhow to mal�e this pxoject happen to include the 1.86-acres? Scott Clar1�
- — --
stated that tlirough the-baards-revzew-mal�e a detertninatio� th�it tlz�s is a tecl�nical correctian and -- --
n�inoz� in nature, because the p�rcels included that addition�l area �vas insigniF'icant.
Doug Sly, Big Bend College and �o�.uldatiol�, stated he gave Staff a bad n�ap and recognizes his
error. This changes th� acreage af Public Land fram 31.78 to 33.65 and the Urban Cammercial
20.78 ta 22.65.
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Week of November 27, 2006
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to close the public comment portion of the
he�ring. Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A inotion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the �pplication as presented and include the new acreage numbers
based on the changes made above with calculation to be done by Staff, recognizing the 9
Findings of Fact, Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This
portion of the hearing adjourned.
File #06-4562 Ken Jorgensen
Billie Sumrall stated the subject area is a 5-acre parcel with a Comp Plan Land Use Designation
of "Rural Urban Reserve". The applicant has submitted an application request the subject
property be included within the boundary of the City of Moses Lake UGA and a site-specific
land use re-designation to "Urban Residential, Low Density".
Location of the property is in a portion of the southwest quarter of S 24, T 19 N, R 28 E, W M,
immediately west of Hamilton Rd NE (parcel no. 190666000) and immediately east adjoining
the current UGA boundary for the City of Moses Lake.
A petition against the application was submitted For the record, brought in at 10 am break. Billie
then showed a map on the overhead of the opposing parcel owners around the proposed area.
Casey Sprouts discussed the petition brought in by himself and surrounding proparty owners.
They respectfully request that the Board review their petition and talce their concarns under
Ken Jorgensen, proponent, stated he's lived there for approx. 30 years and he is now the only 5
acre plat in the area. Everyone else has developed his or her property.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the applzcation as presented recognizing tha 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the
hearing adjoun�ed.
File #06-4565 Keith H�nsen
Billie Sumrall stated the subject area is 13.89-acre parcel with a Comp Plan Land Use
Designation of "Rural Residential 1." The applicant has submitted an application requesting the
subject property be included within the boundary of the City of Moses Lalce UGA and a site
-- speeific land use re-designation to "Urban Residential, Low Density".
Location is a portion of Tracts 3 and 10, Stade Orchard Tracts in S 19, T 29 N, R 28 E, w M,
immediately north of Mae Valley Rd and west of Rd F.5 NE (parcel nos. 141682001 and
141676001) and to the east adjoining the current UGA boundary for the City of Moses Lalce,
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Week of November 27, 2006
Dale Schultz, City of Moses Lake Planner, stated the City does not currently have an active
application for this proposal at this point. He is requesting clarification from Staff on a boundary
of one of the parcels.
A motion was made by Commissioner A1lison to close the public comment portion of the
hearing. Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison tio uphold the Planning Commissions
recominendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This poi-tion of the hearing
adj ourned.
File #06-4615 Grant County Ccorrection
Hector Torres stated the area consists of forty-nine parcels totaling 19.15-acres with a Comp
Plan Land Use Designation of "Rural Residential2". The application is to include the subject
area within the boundary of the Moses Lake UGA and a site-specific land use re-designation to
"Low Density Residential". Hectior stated this area was removed in error.
Subj ect area lies on the east side of Scenic Drive SE and south of Goodrich Rd in the Pelican
Point area; and is a portion of S 3, T 18 N, R 28 E, W M(All of Sandcastle Estates #2)
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public commenti portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion o�the
hearing adjourned.
File # 06-4563 and 06-4564 Grant County Port Dist #7 and AJ Gerard Building Company
combined with Sanks Lalce Developers.
OG-4563 - The subject area consists of fourteen parcels totaling 234.55-acres with a
Coinprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of "open Space" (0-1DU/40AC). The application is
to include the subject area within the boundary of the Electric City UGA and a site-specific land
use re-designation to "Medium Density Residential" (4-8DU/AC). Subject area lies south of
Electric City on the west side of SR 155; and is a portion of S 17 & 21, T 28 N, R 30 E, W M
(parcel nos.
06-4564 — The subj ect area consists of three parcels totaling 290-acres with a Comp Plan Land
Use Designation of "Open Space" (0-1DU/40AC) and "Rural Residential2" (1DU/SAC). The
application is to include the subject area within the boundary of the Electric City UGA and a
site-specific land use re-designation to "Medium Density Residential" (4-8DU/AC). The subject
area lies south of Electric City on the east side of SR 155; and is a portion of S 21, T 28 N, R 30
E, W M(parcel nos. 182314001, 182301001, 182311000).
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Week of November 27, 2006
Hector stated that based on the analysis of OFM population projections for both projects, a
determination was made by staff that there was not any additional residential lands needed in the
Electric City area but if it were approved they recommend that 170-acres of Golf Course and
Bureau lands be designated to "Open Space/Recreation", and the develop�ble areas to be
designated as "medium density residential", both are consistent with the Planning Commission
recommendation. Hector stated that two adjacent parcel owners have recently requested to be
removed from this proposal; this was missed at the Planning Commission hearing. Shawn Coolc
and Richard Johnson are the owners. The acreage is included in the recommendation and staff
will need to malce this correction and talce out the acreage.
OJ Scharback Grand Coulae Port District, asked to have the hearing continued until after lunch.
Commissioner Moore moved to have the hearing continued until 1:15 pm.
The Hearing was called to order. The Board continued projects 06-4564 and 06-4563.
John Snyder, Spokane, Banks Lake Residential LLC, passed out a sheet in response to the facts
and findings put together by Grant County Staff.
David Schmidt, Coulee Dam Credit Union and AJ Gerard's Interest, stated that the current
boundaries are confusing to those living in the Dam az'ea, He also discussed how there is not
much "buildable" land. He is for the proposal.
Troy Ritter, City Council, Electric City, discussed his approval of the proposal.
OJ Scharback stated how the area would benet"it for this change.
Gerald Sans, Electric City Council, stated his approval for the expansion.
Commissioner Moore asked of those who were in the audience, if they understood the Planning
Departinent's recommendations and what the Planning Coinmission approved. One proponent
stated they did understand. Another proponent asked for Staff to review the Planning
Commission recommendation. Hector re-read for the audience, the recommendation.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation on File #06-4563 dealing with the Urban Growth Boundary Change for Electric
City's Urban Growth Area and the site specific land use redesignation from Open Space to Open
Space Recreation on approx. 170-acres and open space to medium density residential on approx.
82-acres and recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact; and direct Staff to exclude the 2 parcels by
Cook and Johnson that have requested to be removed and approve the application, Commissioner
Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation on File #06-4564 and approve the Urban Growth Boundary Change and site
specific land use redesignation %r Mr. John Konen, accepting the Planning Connmission
recommendation to approve the developers UGA Boundary amendment excluding the SE
portion and site specific redesignation to "Medium Density" and the UGA ground to 660pen
Space/Recreation", recognizing the 9 Findings oiFact, Commissioner Allison seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. This portion of the hearing adjourned.
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Weelc of November 27, 2006
File #06-4582 Warren Morgan, dba H&M Commercial Properties, LLC
The subject area is a 12-acre parcel with a Comp Plan Land Use Designation of "Agriculture" .
The applicant has submitted an application requesting the subject property be included within the
boundary of the City of George's UGA and a site specific land use re-designation to "Urban
Residential2". Location is the northeast quartar of the southwest quarter of S 7, T 18 N, R 24 E,
W M and immediately adjacent to and south of the City of George (parcel no. 201600010).
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing,
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed un�niinously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 14 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the hearing
adj ourned.
File #06-4578 Nick and Donna Tommer
Billie Sumrall stated the subject area is a 120-acre parcel with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use
Designation of "Rural Residential2", The applicant has submitted an application requesting the
subject property be changed and a site specific land use re-designation to "Urban Residential2,
low density" be given and further, that the parcel be included within the Urban Growth Area of
the City of Ephrata. The subject area is located in a portion of the North half, of the northeast
quarter of S 9, T 21 N, R 26 E, north and west of the Ephrata City Limits west of the irrigation
canal off of Morningstar Blvd (parcel no. 1600786000). The Ephrata city limits border the
proper�ty on the west and south.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to close the public comment portion of the
hearing. Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissioner Moore seconded and tha motion passed unanimously. This portion ot'the hearing
adj ourned.
File #06-4576 City of Quincy
Hector Torres stated the subject area consist of eighty-three parcels totaling 2272.56-acres with
Comp Plan Land Use Designation of "high Density Residential;, "low Density Residential",
Urban Reserve', Commercial (Urban)', "Rural Residential2", Agricultural Resource
(Irrigated)", and Master Planned Industrial". The application is to include a portion of the
subject area, 2006,44-acres, within the boundary of the City of Quincy UGA and Site-specific
Land use Re-designations to "industrial (Urban)" 1184.65-acres, "Coinmercial (Urban) 340,1-
acres, "High Density Residential" 10.4 acres, and "Medium Density Residential" 737.41 acres.
The subject areas lie to the north, south, and west of the City of Quincy; and are portioi�s of
Grant County.
Week of November 27, 2006
Tim Snead, City of Quincy, showed the proposal of the UGA on the overhead.
Curt Morris, Port Commissioner Quincy, spoke in favor of the proposal.
Diane Callaway Rd 10.7 NW, Quincy, discussed how the proposal is talcing away too much Ag
Land. She is not in favor of'the proposal.
Comtnissioner Moore asked Tim to respond to Ms. Callaway statement that some did not want to
be put into the UGA. The City stated they do not object to this person being excluded.
Hector showed a map of the parcels wishing to be excluded.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public comment portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to uphold the Planning Commissions
recommendation and approve grant the application as presented excluding the 2 parcels owned
by the Thompson's (approx 220 acres) recognizing the 14 Findings of Fact. Hector was able to
get identification oi the 2 parcels that want to be excluded: Brook Thompson and Deborah
Thompson are the owners of the 2 Farm Units — one is 55.8-acres and 55.7 acres in size, no 20-
0807-000 FU 134 Blk 73 and 20-0809-000 FU 139 Bllc 73. Coinmissioner Moore amended her
motion to remove the two parcels after confirmation is received from the 2 property owners,
Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the
hearing adj ourned.
File #06-4569 Northwest Technical Industries
Billie Sumrall stated the proposed amendments would conditionally allow "remote uses" in
Agricultural Resource Lands. A remote use is defined in NTI's application as "a use of land that
does not require urban services and that is best suited to remote locations, away from urban areas
and not limited to the use of explosives in manufacturing". NTI's proposed use, the use of
explosives to bond dissimilar materials in the manufacture of products for use in aerospace,
marine, and other hostile environments, is much better suited to remote locations such as
Agricultural Resource lands than places of human habitation, such as urban areas and other
residential areas, NTI would lie to relocate its explosive bonding operation from Clallam County
to Grant County, The site location is non-specific. The proposal is to change the text in the
Comprehensive Plan to allow such use conditionally in the Agricultural zoning districts of Grant
Marco De Sa e Silva, Davis Wright Tremain LLP, agent for NTI, is here to answer any questions
the Board may have.
Lou Ware, Wenatchee, President of NTI, is here to answer any questions.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to close the public comment portion olthe
hearing. Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed uilanimously.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commissions
recornmendation and approve the application as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact,
Commissionar Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously. This portion of the
hearing adjourned,
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Week of November 27, 2Q06
File #06-4570 ASPI Group
The proposal is to �mend the definition of Master Planned Resart as fallaws (deletio�zs are
stricicen through and additiolls are underlined}:
n., y,. „�.,,�,,,�,a r��„r+ ,�� ,aor�r,a ��., rv�n�r ^ y�."A self-contained a�zd fully integrated plannet3
v v p. wA�.�..�..� �...,.,.o ..�, �
unit develapmez7t, in a setti��g of significazzt natural ameY�ities, and which is planncd for as a
whale and deve]aped in a pra�mmed series of sta�es, witl� a primary focus on destination
resort facilities and other facili�ies associated with a ran�;e of on-site indoar or outdoor
r�creational facilities including, but not lilnited to, ^ry����� short-term visitor
accomnlodations includin� hotels condominiums, and further includin�Lother residential
elements that maybe desi ne� d foz' vacation retirelnent and/az "secol�d l�ome" buyers seel�in�
proximii�ta the anlenity. Where the "si�nificant amenitv" is in ar near existin�popl�lafion
ccrlters, additional residelltial uses that 7nay accomnmod�te local laousin� demand slzall also be
authorized w1�en ilzte�rated into the averall resort develot�ment �se^;^*�� <,,,+,, „,,,,,,�Ya ��
Location of the proposal is Cauntywicie.
Kim Foster, ASPI Group, commented on the great flexibility of the Plannin� Department of
Grant County. He also mentianed how the ASPI Graup has brought to Grant Caunty a 1lumber
of majar Master Planned Resart developers. He nle�tioned that the current de�nitio�l aE'MFR
aecon�xnodates z�ostly shol-t-term visitor accommodations.
Commissioncr lYIoare asl�ed if the other counties that laave beet� researched have approximately
the same wording as what he is proposing today. Mr. Foster stated that they are a11 diffarent, he
then z�ead i�lto the �•ecord a couple of examples.
A motion was made by Co�nmissionez Moore to close the public canzment portioz� of the heari�zg.
Comznissianer Allzso�z secanded atzd the matian passed unalzi�nously. For discussion only, a
motzon was rnade by Com�nissiolzer Maore ta approve the tex� arnendment proposed by ASPI
with some potentzal changes to their 1azlguage, recog�aizit�g the 9 Findi�lgs of Fact; Camtnissionert•
Allison seconded. Commissio�zer Maore asked af Staff to respor�d an what Mr. Fastex l�as
comnlented today. Discussion ensued. Cominissianer Moare called fox tl�e questio��s; �11 were
in favor and t11e �notion passed unanimously. Tllis por-tion oithe hearzzlg adjourn�d.
File#06-4580 Douglas Lakman, Ray Wardenaar and .Karl Kreig, Pothoies Resevoir RV &
Golf Resort LLC
Hector passed out corzlments received by Lisa Steele, Homeawner; Betty Jean Pruitt; and a
petitior� from Marine View Heights. The subject area includes forty-eight lots ar parcels totaling
294.82-acres with a Comp Plan Land Use Desig�lation of "Agricultizral Resource (Irrigated)
250.6 a7zd Rl�ra1 Community 44.22. The applicant has subn�itted an application requesiing a site-
specific land use re-designatioxl to "Master Plaz�nec� Resort (MPR)" and approval of the
assoeiated Master Pla�it�cd. The location is just soutlz af thc Pathales Reservair across SR 262
from the Pa�holes State Par1c; and is a portiazl of S 18, T l� N, R 28 E, W M.
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Week of Navember 27, 2406
Cammissioner Moore asl�ed of the petition received. Hector stated that t11e develaper h�s stated
he will remove their area from the proposal. Hector sllowed a map an the overliead of the
proposed MPR, Hector mentioned the 1acl� of Carnmercial develapmeizt ta suppart tlie
rasideniial development.
Wayne Carlson Taconla, WA, showed a picture of the project. He mentioned tlley propose ta
expand the Golf Course to 18 holes. He mentianec� that a`°Gald Village" is proposed to ad.dress
the Commercial issue. Mr. Carlson passed out a revised site plan (not given to Clerk). This is to
address the 18 lot owners that submitted the petition. The ori�inal praposal included individual
s�ptic systems, but if th€ sozls will not allo��v this, they are amendable to building a community
septic system.
Caralyn Bertic of Othello, Potl�oles Golf Course. She is here ta support tlle project. She also
read into tl�e record a letter fram Marilyn Meseberg who is in favor of the project.
Rocky Cassiano said he lil�es the project but has heard tl�at there is currently problems witlz the
�uater systam. He believes that tliis issue shauld be corrected before this zs allowed to continue.
Gerald Campbell, Health District, said that based on the so�l t1�e 1ot sice shatild be 18,Q40 ft. He
believes a practical solution wou]d be tl�e community sewer system. Cammissianer Stevens
asl�ecl about the tinle to �pprave the plat; the sewer. systems c�n be addressed then alsa.
Commissioner All7son asl�ad af Staff, is Chis the time to add conditions? Scott Clarlc st�ted that il;
could be.
Terese Schrom, Chairman of the Tourism Caminission, and stated t11at the Commission voted
uraazximously to support t11e praject.
Dul�e Staker, lives in Marine View Heights, states the expansion wauld bring Inany more
tourists. He is in favor of the project,
Bill Denholm 7037 Hwy 262 #12, C)thella, President af the Potholes Hameowners Assn, read
from a letter concer�li�zg where their drinl�ing water wi11 conie fio1n, wl�at plans are in place iza
c�se the aquifer becolnes depleted, what is ihe sewagc rernaval plan, is the nitrate leve� going ta
increase? They do not want the new development lzooking into thezr water system.
Doug Lakeman, owner of the Potl�oles Golf Coursc, 3828 West Lakeshore Drive, passed out a
sma11 picttitre of the proposed project. He read inta ihe rccord a leticr fi-om Betty Pruiti removing
her abjcction, He states this will be a self-sustaining resort. Tliey have secured water rights and
will have a great septic system.
3aff A1len, represel�ting the °`silent" partners ill the project and believes the area wzll have �Za
problem cornpeting with other Master Planned Resorts arounc� the Caunty.
Ray Wardener OihellolRoyal Slape, read inta the lecord a leiter from Steve Coz�ers produce
who is itz favor of the project.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore to close the public commellt portzan af the heari�lg.
Com��issioner Allison seconded atld the n2otian passed unal�imously.
A motian was made by Commissianer Alliso�� to uphold the Plannil�g Co�nmissions
recon�mendatian a�ad apprave tlle application as presented recognizitlg the 2S Findings of Fact,
Cammissioner Moore seconded and the �notian passed uzzani�nal�sly. This portion of the hearing
ad j oz��-ned.
Aage 18 of 19
Week of November 27, 2006
Commissioner Allison moved to approve a1128 Amendments as presented, the SEPA, and #29,
and for Staff to draft all documents for Board signature. Commissioner Moore saconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
As there was no iurther business to come before the Board the session was continued
until December 4, 2006.
Signed this ,� r day of ������, 2007.
of tl�e Board
Cindy Carter
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