HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-251-CCBC;ARI� 4F GOUNTY C(3MMISSI{)NEI2S GRANT COUl`�TY, WASHINGTON 1�SOLUTION: IN'THE MAT'l,ER Or APPROVING A 1'RT;LCMINARY PLAT OI� �41.8 ACRF;S TNTO EIGHT (8) LOTS FOR GRF.,GQRY MI:L,L�R, LOCAT�D 1N A I?OIZTION OF S 25, T 20 N, R 27 T, WM, GRANT, W A RESOLUTION No. 2006-���-CC APPROVING A 1-'RELIMINARY PI,A'I' OI' MILLER M�JOR PLAT WHLREAS, the Cxrant C�oirl�ty Boarcl af CoLt�lty Go1�1i1�issioners h��ve been �c�vised that �n open record p�,tblic hearil�g was coisdi�cted, UcEole tlie Graizt Col�nty I'lanili�lg Colnn�ission an Uctober 4, 2006, on the matte,r o:C � pz'e1i1�1inary plat ol �41.8- acres iilto eight (8) lots; lac�teci il1 Gi portion of Section 25, Tc�wnsl�ip 20 Nortla, Range 27 L;�st, �Villalnette Meridian, Grant Coi�nty, Waslli�zgtol�; and, W�I.EREAS, tl�c Cirai�t Coullty Pl�nning Conu�lission did approve a n�otio�l to r�colil��lend to tl2e Boaz�d of Gol�zlty Coi��mission�;rs to �tpprove the propc�sed prelill�ina�•y pl�t with ele�Te11 �11) conditio�zs of �pproval axad tllir�ee�1(13) findings of'f�ct af�ri1�i11� tL1e recolz�i�l�;ildation; and, WH�RE�S, tlae; Grar�it Colrilty Baa�d of Commissiol�ers lzelc� a clasecl record p�il�lic l�earing o11 �,Tove�laber 14, 2()Q6; ��Zd, �VHCR�r1.S, tl�e Foaed of Coullty Cozalmissianers, laa�Je re�Tic�ved tL�e ap��licatioll materi�tl, st�ff z�epozt and I'la��tling Co�111��issiozl minutes; a.nd, WHLRE�S, tl�e Baard of County Coz1�ll�issianers have fa�uzd tlaat tlze praposed subdiviszoil will not adversely affect the llealtl�, safety, alld gencral �velfarc oi'tlle public i» tl�e vicanity of t11e propos�l; and, �VI�EREAS, the Baard af Coullty Col�in�issiol�ezs have foul7d tl�at tlie �ra�osed subdivision docs n�eet tlle applic�ble rec}uiren�elzts ol E7ratat Ca�.tnty Ihlified Devclapment C;ode Ch��pter 22.04 "S��bdivisic�r�s �l�d I'lats"; and, WHEREA�, tl�e I3oard of Courity Com���issionezs l�ave found i11at t�e praposed subdivisioll c3oes serve the pl�blic use �l�d izlterest; �nd, WHERE��, ihe Boa�cl of Cou�zty Caznmissia�aers ha.ve foltnd tliat the propased Sl12lC�IVISl011 C�OCS C0121��y Wlti"I t�1� �iTc�llt C011ll�y �0111�1'ei1C11S1Vt� P1�i11, t11� ��101'�II11e M�stez� Program, the U��ified Developznent Code, Claapier 23.04 "loz�ing", otlaer lazld use t�egltl�tio�ls, arzd SEP�; and, IN TH� MATTER Or APPROVING A PR�LIMINARY PLAT OF �41,8 ACR�S INTO EIGHT (8) LOTS GREGORY MILLER MILLER MAJOR PLAT WH�REAS, the Bo�rd of County Commissioners have found that the proposed suUdivision does comply with the He�lth District's requirements for sewage dispos�l �tnd potable w�ter supply; and, WH�REAS, the Board of Cotulty Commissioners have found th�t the proposed suUdivision does coi�t�in an accurate legal descriptioil of the lots being cre�ted, and the ro�ds �nd e�sements therein; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners h�ve fotiuld that the proposed subdivision does comply with Grant County regulations pertaining to ro�ds, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other inf'rastructure improveinents; �nd, WH�REAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the "Best Available Science" has been considered in the final decision regarding the proposed subdivision; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed subdivision does comply with the requirements of the U.S. Department olInterior, Bureau oFReclamation aiad tlle Quincy-Co1Lui�bia lrrigatioil District; and, WH�REAS, t11e Boai�d of County Commissioners h�ve found that the ph�sing p11n does inchlde all land within the subdivision; and, WHEREAS, the Board of CoLulty Commissioners have Found th�t the suUdivision is an independent planning unit with safe and convenient circulation, and contains facilities and utilities that have been coordinated with the requirements established I'or the entire subdivisioi�; and, WH�R�AS, the Board of County Coinmissioners have I'oLu1d th�t all road improvement requiren�ents �re ensured purs�.l�nt to GCC § 22.04.450; and, WHER�AS, the Board of County Commissioners have Found that the proposed subdivision does appropriately identify and protect critic�l �reas pursuant to GCC § 24.08; and, WHEREAS, the Bo�rd of Cotuity Commissioi�ers have made a decision to �pprove "Miller M�jor Plat." NOW, THEREFOI2�, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the Bo�rd of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, with the conditions of approval listed below, a prelimin�ry plat of �41.8-acres into eight (8) lots; located in a portion of Saction 25, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, W�shington. Parcel No, 16-1677-001; IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF �41, 8 AC1Z�S INTO EIGHT (8) LOTS GREGORY MILL�R MILL�R MAJOR PLAT CONDITIOl�TS OF APPROVAL: 1) Development shall be in compliance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Gr�nt County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant Cotulty Unified Development Code, and all �pplicable loc�l, st�te, and feder�l regul�tions, rulings or requirements. 2) Propos�l shall comply with �11 requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Healtll District, by the Washington State Department of IIealth, and the Washington St�te Department of �cology regarding domestic w�ter supply, sewage systen�s and storm water control and treatment inchiding, but not limited to; RCW 90.48.080 Disch�rge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, GroLuld W1ter Qu�lity St�nd�rds; and, WAC 246-272, On-Site Sew�ge Systems. 3) If any Native Americ�il Gr�ve site(s) or archaeologicaUcultural resources (Indian Artifacts) �re found �11 construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Department, the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington St�te Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 4) Approval of the plat shall be contingent upon conformance with all applic�ble land use rules and regulations in effect as of August 30, 2006. 5) During ro�d grading and/or construction activities, county roads sh�ll be maintained cleai• of soil and rocks at the point of ingress / egress. 6) This propos�l shall comply with the requiz�ements of GCC 23.12.080 Clearing, Grading and Drainage Standai•ds, including but not limited to: a) Clelring and grading �ctivities shall be conducted so as to minimize potenti�l adverse effects on offsite property. b) All development shall ensure that soil erosioil and sedimentation of drainage-ways will Ue controlled to prevent damage to adjoining properties. c) SurFace dr�inage shall not be directed to or discharged onto County Roads or ditches within County r�ight-of ways unless approved Uy the County �ngineer. 7) This propos�tl shall comply with the requirements of GCC 23.12.100 Road Standards, including but not limited to: a) Ro�d names sh�ll be approved by the Grant CoLulty Emergency Services Department �nd sh�ll be est�blished using the addressing �nd grid system delineated ii1 GCC 10.36. 8) Development shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County He�lth District including, but not limited to: a) A site evaluation will be reqltired for e�ch lot to determine the suitability for septic system inst�ll�tion, Worlc must be done by a licensed septic 1N TH� MATT�R OF APPROVING A PR�LIMINARY PLAT OI' �41.8 ACRES INTO �IGHT (8) LOTS GREGORY MILLER MILLER MAJOR PLAT system designer or engineer, Completed evaluations must be suUmitted to the IIealth District lor review and �11 fees p�id. 9) Development shall comply with the requirements oFthe WA St�te Dep�rtment of �cology (DOE) including, but not lilnited to, compliance with DOE's W�ter Quality and Solid Waste Programs. 10) Development shall conlply with all requirements of the Gi�nt County Public Worlcs, 11) Develolmzent shall comply with all reqLtirements of t11e Grant County Planning Department, including but not limited to: a) Comply with �11 requirements listed in UDC Chapter 22.04 Article V Fin�l Subdivisions ai�d Short Subdivisions, b) Comply with all requirements listed in the SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance issued Uy Grant County on August 13, 2006, c) Developer agrees to dedicate a 30-foot e�sement along the westerly boiuldary of subject property for future development of Road "�", unless a dedicated easement of 60-foot alre�dy exists �long the westerly Uoundary. Dated this / 1 da of 2006. y , ATT�ST; Gw Clerlt of le Bo� • Yea Nay L�" ❑ ❑ ❑ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Abstain G � COUNTY WASHINGTON � Richard Stevens, Chair ❑ �'--�—�' Debor�h Kay Moore, MemUer . � Le,�oy C. Allison, Member