HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PR4CCEDINGS Week of November 13, 24Q6 Tl1e Grant County Conzmissioz�ers session was called to order at 9.00 a.m. wzth all the Cornmissionars in attendance with t:he Clerk of the Board. As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payn2ent thase vouchcrs certified by the �uditing afficer as required by RCW 42.24.Q80, and thase expel�se reimburserncnt claims cerCzfied by t11e audit�ng offic�r as required by RCW 42,24.090, iY-� the atnount of $594,6$Q.14, as recorded on a listing and m�de available ta the Baard. The Cornmissioners signed the Public Works Ctaiins Fund Vaucher Approva� No. 11-1 through No, 11-154 in the tatal amaulit of $1,133,673.28, as recorded o�� a listing and madc available to the Boa1•d. The Commissioners approved t;he recon�mendatian of the I�uman Resources Director ta promote I�aye Burns of the Prosecuting Attorney's Offiee to the Legal Secret�ry N positian. The Commissiancrs approved the salary, wage, al�d/ar position changes as recommended by the Hunlan Resources Director for Kaye Burns, I'rosecuting �lttorney' Office; a31d Susie lYlora, Treasurer's Offzce. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign approval of the Special (?ccasion License Application of the PUD No. 2 af Grant Cozinty Employees Associatia�l, 30 C Street SW, Ephrata, WA 98823,1ron1 tl�e Washington State Liquar Control Baard. The �ommissioners approved the requcst of the Grant County Public Hospital District #2 (Quincy Va11ey Medical Center) to increasa their warrant level from $1 million to $1.25 millian dollars. The Commissioners approved the request of the Colunzbia Basin Herald ta purch�se an ad sponsarship for thc Partnership for a Drug-Free America Campaign, in the amount of $2,S 10.40. After signing their workixlg agreement, the Commissioners approved a two point five percent �2.5%) general wage increase to the Campensation Plan salary strt-ucture for the Correctiortls Baxgainillg 1Jnit, effective lanuary l, 2007; and approved for this bargaining tinit a one-time ]ump sum cash payment of $336.OQ,1ess normal deduetions. As there was no further business to oome before the Board the session was contint�ed until Novcmber 14, 2Q46. Page 1 of 4 CClMMISSIONERS' PR4CEEllINGS Week of Navember 13, 24U6 November 14, 2046 The sessiozl was continued at 9:40 a.m. with Comtnissiozlers Stevens and All'zsorz i�z �ttendance witl� the Clerk of the Board. Coznmissioner 1Vloore was out and excused. The Ca�nmissioners met wit11 the Publzc Works Directar regardi�zg: Reinabursable tiVork Request from the Town of Wilsan Creek; Port of Moses Lal�e Street Ligllts, 204'7 Budget Dr�ft Submittal; Clothing Allowance; Crushing; Drl,im Exploration; and the Glayd Drop Bax, The Comnzissianers accepted the recammendatio� af the Public Works Director ta approve 2 Requests to the County Raad De�artlnellt for Reilnbursable work bctween Grant Col�nty and the Town ot' Wilson Creek. The Cornmissianers held a closed record pul�lic hearizlg regarding a prelimillary subdivisio7l application from Grcgory Miller to subdivida a 41.8 acre parcel into eight lats in the Rural Residential Zane of Grant Caunty. A118 lats wi11 be for si7�g�e-family residences and related uses. The lacztion of the proposal is the SW quarter of il�e NW quarter of S 25, T 20 N, R 27 E, W M{parcel na. 161677001 }. The Planni�lg Co7n�nission added Condition # 11 c to address the need for futute road systern continuity. Cammissioncr Ailison nzoved to up]lald the P1al�li��g Coz�unissiozls recamzncildation to ap�arove the subdivisia�� as presented recagnizing the 11 Car�ditions of Approvai as alnended and presented and 12 Findings of Fact consistent witla approval. Com�nissioner Stevans seconded and the znotion passed with 2 Comznissioners in atte�zdazlce. Thc hearing adjourned. A matian was made by Cammzssioner Allisan, seconded by Com�nissioncr Stevens, t11at Resalutioil No. 06-251-CC, a rasolution in the matter of approving a preliminary plat of 41.8- acres into ei�l�t lots for Gregory Miller., be passed. The xnatian car�ied. The Cammissioners appraved tl�e salary, waga, andlor position changes far Reagan Smitll, Humal� Resources Directar. The Commissianers approved the recomnaendation af the HeaZth Il-�surance Cammittee for charlges ta the Grani County belae�t plan as follows: • Change frarn one prim�ry coxe pla�� to two separate plans; • The current plan, (Optian 1} has a cost ii�crease of 22.1% to be split SO/SO batween the Caulzty and employees: and • Thc additional plan, (Option 2) is a modi�ed benefit design with some illcreased costs to the ernployee but no inerease to emp�ayees in monthly premiums, As there was i�o further busiuess to come before thc Board tlze session was continued until November 1 S, 2006. Page 2 of 4 COMMISS;[ONERS' PR4CEEDINGS Weel� of November 13, 2006 Navembe�• 15, 2406 Tlle session was contillucd at 9.40 a.m. with Cammissianers Stevens and A1lisan in attendance with the Clerk af tl�e :Baard. Canllnissioner Maare was aut a�1d excused. The Coznmissionels a�apraved the request af the Emergency Management Directar ta begin the process o�nding funditlg resaurces tllat may be available ta construct a new Emergency Mazlageznent Of�ce and Emergency 4perations Center {EOC} facility; in canjunctian witlz t11e Multi-Agency Communicatian Cente� (MACC}. Tl�e Colnmissianers approved the recolnmendation of the Human Resources Direc�ar to reclassify the Public Works Service Mechanic position to a salary band 6, The Commissianers approved the requcst of the Sl�eri�'f's Office for a budget; transler in the amau��t af $88,40Q.00 to cover the curre�lt expense Coutlty tnatch of their IAC Grant for their ATV budget. The Com�nissioners approved the recoxnmendatioll of the E�nergency Management Director to: Noi; ta renaine Private Rd a.5-NW to Myers Rd-NW; and Ta rename the other half as Rd A.6-NW to reflect tl�e proper location in the section and grid. The Commisszo��ers approved the request of the Facili.ties and M�intenance Director for a budget extension in the amount of $37,993.00 to cover trtilzties, CoL�rthot�se Tree Trimming, �nd Buildiz�g Department dema�ition and clean ltp. The hearing was set far Decemba�� 1$, 2006 at 9;�0 ain. The Commissioncrs held �n apen recard public hearing regardi�lg 2 budget extensions: + Planning Dep�rtxnent T`und #001, Dept 1�111 in the ainou�lt of $75,000.00 for Commuxlity Tr�de & Econon�ic Development Grant (CTED) to update ille Caxnprehensive Plan; aud « Buildin� Dept/Fire Marshall Fund #001, Dept #11G in the axnount of $68,997,00 for expex�.ses rclated to a new position and miscellaneolis items. Commissioner Allison moved to clase the ptYblic recard portion of the hearing, Cominissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Cornmissioners in attendance. Comxnissioner Allison moved to approve the bi�clget extension as prese�lted, Commissioner Stevens seconded axld �he m.otion passed with 2 Commissioilers in atteixdance, The hearing adjourned. Page 3 af 4 COMMISSIONERS' PRC>CEEDINGS Week of November 13, 20QG A mation was madc by Cominissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Stevei�s, that Resolutian No. 4Ei-252-CC, a resolution relating to the hearing mentioned above, be passed. The motian carried. As there w�s no further business ta come before thc Board the session was continued until November 16, 2446. November 16, 2006 The session was cantinued at 9:00 a.m. with Cominissianers Stevens and Allisozl in attendance with the Clerl� ofthe Board. Commissioner Moare was aut and excused. The Cammissioners ai�thorized the Public Works Departrnent ta per�'orm the necessary clean-up wark at the farmer Mascs Lake Sherif�s Office sttb-statio�l in the Larson Housing Development. The Ch�ir of tlle Board was autllorized to sig� az� Easement a�1d Right of Way Electric Distrzbution Line(s} and Communication :Facilities betweezz �rant County and the Grant County Public Utility District No, 2{PUD}. As there was z�o further business ta corne before the Baard the session was continued until November 20, 2006. Sigr�ed this y%?���_. 7 day of , 20� Bt}�RD OF C4UNTY COMMISSIONERS Grarat Caunty, Washit�gton� N P �;�. �- LeRoy Ilisoil, Chair -, ��� . Cin arter , Ric ard S�evens Page 4 of 4