HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSI4NERS' PROCEEDIN+GS Week af Navember 6, 20Q6 The CJrant Coullty Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with tha Clerk of the Board. The Commissianers approved the Sepiember 18, 2Q06 Ca�nmissio�lers Proceedings. The Comnlissiol�eYs approved the request af'the Treasurer to set a public lleari�zg regarding the 2007 AssessmenCs for the Hillcrest Lighting Dist7•ict az�d his request to clecre�se the assessment frorn $17.00 to $1 b.00 per parcel. The hearing was scheduled foz December 1 l, 200b at 9:4�5 am. The Cam�nissial�ers signed tlie Payroll Fi�lal Register far the manth of Qctaber, 2006. A matian was �nade by Cammissianer Ailisan, scconded t�y Cominissialier Stevens, that Resolution No. 06-249-CC, a resolution in tlae matter af approving a P�-elimznary Subdivision of a 7.45-acre parcel into eleven lats far Desez�t Aire Divisian 10, be passed. Thc matian carried. The Chair of the Board was autharized to sign a Proposed Sale and Installatian Agreement betwcen Grant Caunty and Sterling Elevatar, LLC far the labor, materials, equipment and i��st�ilatian of a Garaventa Express II Inclitied Platform Lift for tlle Courthouse �rst fiaar. The Commissianers approved the recommeiad�tian of the Health Insi�rance Committee to change fro�n a Washington Dex�tal Service member plan to a Preferred Provider Orga7lization (PPO) plan for the 2007 year. The Commissianers approved the request a:EJuvenile Court and Youth Services far a budget transfer within Fund #OQ1, Department #117 in the amaunt of $1,024.27 to purchase shirts and jacicets far staff. As there was no fiirt)zer busiiaess to come befo�-e the Baard the session was co�itinued until November 7, 2006. November 7, 2006 The session was continueci at 9:00 a.m. with all the Cominissioners in attendalace with the Clerlc of the Boaxd. As of this d�te, the Board, by a 7najority vote, does approve for payment those vaitcl�exs certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24,080, and those expense reixnbursement claixns certi�ed by the auditing af�cer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the ainoL�nt of $6$8,848.28, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. Page 1 of 3 COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Weelc of November 6, 2006 The Commissioners held an open record ptiblic hearing regarding the Grant County Hoineless Taskforce Ten Year Plan Phase II. The North Columbia Community Action Council Director discussed the plan and how they are currently working on a Male Only homeless shelter. The hospital estimated 1 inillion dollars a year lost for services to homeless persons needing medical care. Funds from HB 2163 are collected by the Grant County Auditor and direct them to the NCCAC quarterly. Commissioner Moore moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Moore moved to approve and adopt the Phase II plan as presented, Commissioner Allison seconded and the motion passed unanimously, Discussion ensued. The hearing adj ourned. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution No. 06-250-CC, a resolution approving the Grant County Homeless Taskforce Ten Year Plan Phase II, be passed. The motion carried. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Maysae Norisada (Meadows 4`�' and Sth) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #92-1458-08, The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding: Local Agency Agreement for the Dodson Rd and Rd 12-SW Intersection Beacon; December 8t�' SQG Meeting refreshment purchase request; USBR request to cross land for the Columbia River Mainstem Off-Channel Storage Options study; Floyd Jess Road; and SWAC Meeting on November 30t�', 2007 at 6:30 pm. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the US Bureau of Reclamation request to cross County land for the Columbia River Off-Channel Storage Options Study for at Sand Hollow. The Commissioners approved the request of the Solid Waste Programs Coordinator to purchase refreshments for a technical assistance workshop for farmers on December 8, 2007. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a Local Agency Agreement for the Dodson Rd and Rd 12-SW Intersection Beacon. The Commissioners approved the September 25, 2006 Commissioners Proceedings. The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Facilities and Maintenance Director to award the bid for removal of debris of the Building Department demolition to Desert Rock Excavation in the amount of $13,487.50. The Commissioners approved the request of the Sheriff's Office to purchase a Scanner for their Records Division in the amount of $5,131.00. Page 2 of 3 COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of November 6, 2006 As there was no fiirther business to come before the Board the session was continued until November 13, 2006. Signed this ��T day of , 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington Page 3 of 3