RESOLUTION NO. ��p —c+?y�� C C...
WHEREAS,the Growth Management Act requires that jurisdictions review and
update their comprehensive plans and development regulations every seven years; and
WHEREAS, the process, which consists of two phases, the compliance review and the
revision, shall be completed by December l, 2006, and is usually referred to as the "2006
Update," and
WHEREAS, the County Planning Department at the Direction of the Board and under
the guidance of the adopted Public Participation Program conducted open public meeting to
review the needs oFthe Work Plan, and
WHEREAS, the Wor1c Plan is a proper work program that fulfills the requirement of
the compliance review in the 2006 Update process, and provides the guidelines for
accomplishing the needed revision;
NOW, THEI�FORE, BE YT RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the attached document
entitled Wo�Iz Plan 2006 Comp�ehensive Plan and Development Regulations Update,
referenced as the "Work P1ai1", the Board of County Coininissioners of Grant County,
Washington, does hereby resolve as follows:
Section 1. The County will implement, to the best of its ability, tlie components
of the "Work Plan" attached as "Exhibit A"within the adopted public participation plan.
Section 2. The Resolution will take effect and be in full force immediately upon
passage by the Board.
APPROVED BY THE BOARD tlus �U day of " � , 2006.
� � � 'c ard Stevens, Chair
TTEST: ' ���"'� � '�'^"q'�'C�,
� � � Deborah Kay oore Member
� erlc of the B ard � � � ,
LeRoy C. Allison, mber
Grant County
Work Plan for the 2006 Comprehensive Plan & Development Regulation
Review and Update
What is this document?
This document summarizes the results of the technical and initial community
review of the County's comprehensive plan and development regulations.
It identifies those portions of the plan and regulations that need to be
revised in order to comply with the State Growth Management Act (GMA),
along with desires and needs identified during public meetings. The State
Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, has
provided a grant for this Update with additional `in-kind' contributions from
the County.
What is the Comprehensive Plan?
Grant County's Comprehensive Plan is the official statement adopted by
the Grant County Board of Commissioners setting goals and policies to
protect the health, welfare, safety and quality of life of Grant County's
residents. The plan expresses a long-range vision of how citizens want their
community to look and function in the future. It helps to focus, coordinate
and direct many diverse activities by providing a comprehensive vision.
What are development regulations?
Development regulations are a means to carry out the goals and policies
of the Comprehensive Plan. They generally include such tools as zoning
regulations, which manage the location and intensity of uses in different
areas of the community; regulations to protect the functions and values of
critical areas as development occurs; and subdivision regulations that
govern how land is divided into smaller lo�s, ensuring public facilities and
services necessary to serve the subdivision are in place.
What documents were reviewed?
The following documents were reviewed:
1 . The Comprehensive Plan
2. The Zoning Code
3. Subdivision Code
4. Critical Areas Ordinance
5. Other documents, as necessary
What are the findings?
Since the Comprehensive Plan was last adopted there have been changes
in State regulations and community needs that will be addressed during this
update and in future update processes. Overall, the County's
Comprehensive Plan and development regulations remain consistent with
GMA. However, certain changes in law, the need for review under currenfi
population demands, and specific clarifications are necessary as part of
this update process.
Because of the required deadlines for review and update, the amount of
time required of the volunteers serving on the Planning Commission and
other advisory groups, and because of the procedural commitments in the
County's codes with regard to individual applications, only those items
identified through the technical review and by staff are listed for the 2006
Update Work Plan.
Future public comment and review may yield additional changes to the
Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations.
Review and Update Work Plan
Comprehensive Plan:
The following elements of the Comprehensive Plan will be addressed during
Phase 1 :
Individual Applications for Comprehensive Plan Amendments:
• Individual applications for text and map changes to the
comprehensive plan that were submitted consistent with the
County's procedural code requirements.
Technical Amendments to Address State Law Changes:
Land Use Element
■ Reference Airport Plan and certification by WSDOT
■ Reference Department of Ecology's Stormwater Manual
■ Review Best Available Science requirements
■ Update definition and delineation of Wetlands
■ Review Natural resource lands designation criteria
■ Review Major Industrial Area text against RCW
Housina Element
■Add text for home daycare facilities
Transportation Element
, ■ Recognize sfiate certification by regional transportation planning
■Address concurrency and certification requirements
■Add framework fior pedestrian and bicycle as a separate component
with details and data to be completed at a later date
Essential Public Facilities
■Clarify text to allow for review of OFM list of EPF at least every six years
Public Participation
■ Review and expand public participation process and exceptions
Development Regulations:
The following technical updates have been identified, by topic area, for
the development regulations.
Zonina Code
■ Review regulations and "takings" protections
■ Review daycare "type 1 " and "type 2" to ensure state compliance
Resource Lands
■ Review Best Available Science language
■State how mineral land designation are determined
■ Expand written finding to meet state requirement
■ Exempt highways of statewide significance from concurrency
Other Items:
The following existing projects will be completed during Phase 1 2006
Review and Update:
■ Update of Flood Regulations
■ Update of Population Projection with current OFM and US Census data.
What is the timeline?
The following table depicts the main tasks and the timeline for the
technical changes and other items identified above (the timeline fior
individual amendments follows).
Timeline Tasks
/��d/� ��t����r Board of County Commissioners adopt work plan
September Public Meeting throughout the County
�taV -��p-t-e�r-��k�e��- Planning Commission review proposed changes, including
SEPA analysis.�r- � tr
-�ab�e�r— Submi to State Department of Community, Trade and
�.? Economic Develo ment for 60-day review
November Board of County Commissioners review
December Grant County Commissioner public hearing and adoption
Who to contact for more information?
For more information, please contact the following staff at Grant County:
Scott Clark, Grant County Planner, phone 509-754-201 1