HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCC4MMISSI4NERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of October 16 2006 The Grant County Commissioners sessian was called ta order at 9:00 a,rzl. witli �Il the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of tlle Baard. The Commissioners approved and sigxled a Special Counsel Contract between Grant County and Hellez Ehrmann LLP {Leslie Nellermoe} for le�;al assistance ta brizag the Grant County Landfill inta compliance with current environmental standards. "1 he Clxair of the Board was atithorized to sign appxaval of the Special Occasian License Application of the Cohtmbia Basin Development League, $582 Rd I�-SW, Royal Gity, �VA 99557, from the Washington State Liquor Contral Board. As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve far payment those vouchers certi�ed by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.Q84, and thosa expense reimbursement claims certified by tlle auditing af�ce7• as required by, RCW 42.24,494, in the amount of $2,484,421.47 as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Cammissianers app�oved the Corrected Uctober 31, 2045 and Corrected June 12, 2Q06 Camtnissioners Proaeedings. The Comrnissioners appraved the reqliest af the Grant County Treasurer to transfer the third quarter matching fixnds for the Trial Court Improvement Fund in the amount of $5,539.04, as per SSB 5454. Thc Chair of the Board was authorizea to sign a Request for Advallce or Reimbursement (#3) from the USDA-NRCS in the amaunt of $1,577.44 on l�ehalf of the Gr�nt Conservatian District. The Comrnissioners held a Freeholder Educational Fotum at the Moses La1�e Fire Statian to discuss Proposition 1 on the November General Blection Ballat. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was co�ztinued until Qctober 17, 2006. October li, 2Q46 The sessian was continued at 9:4Q a.m. with a11 the Cammissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the I3oard. The Com2nzssionErs approved the August 28, 2Q46 Commissioners Proceedings. Page 1 of 3 COMIVIISSIUNERS' PR4CEEDINGS Week af October 1G 2006 Tlae Commissioners met wit11 t]ae Public Works Director regarding: 2:30 cantinuatian hearing for Rd 4-NE Moses Pointe and Rd 4-NE Rigllt of Way Vacaiio�z; Priaritizatian of Gravel Road Upg1•ades Final Repox�t; PLJQ Easement Request far Paxson Dr; PUD Agreement for Dodson Flashers; Employee hours of 4-10 hour shifts ends Octaber 26, 2006; and Roya1 City Drop Box. The Commissianers held a cantinued open recard public hearing on the Rd 4-NE {from ox-iginal date of October 3, 2006). The Public Wor��s Director discuss�d new information he learned from the Chief Deputy Prosec�iting Attot�ney about this project. The Pul�lic Works Dzrector stated he still halds his pasition that this applicatian should be denied. Commissioner Moor� stated the applicant's proposal is a gaad one but based an the recammendatian by the Pub�ic Warka Director and the RCW Ianguage, she cannat apprave this Road VacationJTrade. Cammissianer Allison maved ta accept the trade of property for the impraved aceess and vacate the existing Rd 4-NE Easenlent. Com�a�issianer Stevens secorlded. Discussion was held. Cammissioner Steveils called far. the questian, Cammissioner Stevens and Allison vated in favox of tlae tnation, Commissianer Maare moved to deny the applicatian and tha motion passed with a vate of 2 ta 1.. The hearing adjou�-ned. A motion was made by Commissianer Allison, secanded by Commisszoner Stevens, that resalutian no. 06-243-CC, a resolution order granting vacation of a portian of the Right of Way of Rd 4-N�, be passed. Co�nmissiot�er Moore voted against the n�otian to deny the vacation. The matio�l passed with a vote of 2 ta 1. The Commissioners held an open public hearing regarding a request for an amendment ta the Desert Aire PUD from Gary J. Varney. The arne��dment wzll a�low tiie developxnent of a single-faniily residence on a lot currently desig�ated for condomini�,im d�velopment, The site address is 308 Desert Aire Dr. N, Mattawa, also known as Lot 12 of the Replat of Desert Aire Condoxniniuins; and is a portian of S 22, T 14 N, R 23 E, W M(parcel # 02l 701000}. Commissioncr Moore moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendatian and approve the PUD Amendmant as pres�nted, recognizing the 8 Conditians of Appraval and 12 Findings of F�ct. Commissioner Allisoxz secanded and th� mation passed unanimously. The hearing adj oi�rned, Tha Commissioners held a Freeholder Educational Forum at the Quincy High Schaol Library to discuss Proposition 1 an the November General Election B�llat. As there was no further blisiness to come before the Board the sessian was continued until October 18, 2006. Page2af3 COMMISSIONERS' PIaOCEEDINGS Week of October 16 2Q46 a�to��� is, zoo� The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a11 tl�e Commissioners in attendance with the Clerlc oF the Board. A motion was made by Commissianer Moore, secand�d by Commissiozler Allisan, that resolution no. 06-244-CC, a resolution approving an amendment to the PUD for Desert Aire for Gary Varney, be passed. The motion carried. The Car�unissioners appaiilted Bev Sllulard to the Grant Caunty Ladging Tax Advisory Corrunittee. The Commissioners held a Freeholder Ectucatianal Farum in Rayal City to discuss Propositian 1 olz the November General Election Ballot. As tl�ere was l�a furtller business ta came befare the Baard the session was continued until Qetober 23, 2046. Signed tl�is day of , 2006. Attest: Clerk of the Board BO�-1RD 4F C4UNTIr C{�MMISSIONERS Grant Ca�,�nty, Washington Ricilard Stevens, Chair Deborall Moare LeRoy Allison Page 3 of 3 CQMMISSIUNERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of October 16 2006 October 18, 2Q46 The session was continued at 9:Q0 a.m. with all the Cominissic�ners in attendance with the C1erk af the Board. A motion was made by Commzssioner Moare, secanded by Comrnissioner Allisan, that resolution no. 06-244-CC, a resolution approving an amendment to the PUD far Desert Aire for Gary Varney, be passed. The motian carried. The Commissioners appoint�d Bev Shuford to the Grant County Lodging Tax Advisory Gommittee. The Commissioners held a Freeholder Educatiol�al Forum in Royal City to disc�iss Proposition 1 azz the Navember General Electio�l Ballot. As there was no further busi�ess ta come before the Board tlle session was conti��ued until Octaber 23, 2006. Signed this ��`�" day of !t/'aU , 20�6. A St: . ) ,� Clerl� of the Board BOARD OF C4U�TT� CC}MMISSIONERS �rant County, Washin on . ��. Richard Stevens, Chair �l�J�`�ir(�{ r����/���%� Debarah Moore ef + � LeRoy Allisan Page 3 of 3