HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-242-CCBo.�xn oF coulvT� co�ss�orr�Rs ���� �c�u�v�, v��,���r���►� OR.DINANCE Na. 06�a�a2 -CC A.�n Qrdi�nance relating to Amendment o�' �h� Grant Cou�nty �a�n��ng Map changing a�proximately 9.4 acres owned by Steve and Ga7 Ac�ai�, Pa�rap Max�ea��, Johm H�xman�n, and Ray B�rown, N.�oses Lal�e located i�i Central Cascade ValZ�e� �n � portion o�' Sectiar� 17, Twp, 19 N. Rng. 28 E WM., fra�m Urban Res�dential 3 to Urk�an Ca�nmerc�al 2. �t�c�tals: WHEREAS, in compliance with tlae Growth Managemez�t Act a� 1990, Girant County adopted a Connprehensive Plan in Septsmbsr oi 1999, and WHEREAS, Grant Cou�ty adc�pted tl�e Unified Develo�men� Code (LTDC) in October of 20Q0, �stablishing a�f'zcial zo�axng distaricts xn can£orm�nc� witk� the CAmpr�hensive Plan; and, W�3EREAS, the Unified Developmsnt �ode Chapter 25.12 "Legislaiive A,ciioz�s" § 040 establzshes a process for makin� .Am�nd�aaents to the Comprehensive Plaz�; and, W�R�AS, th� T7n��'ied Develapment �ade Claapter 23.04 "Zani�ag Districts'" §� SQ astablishes a process far N1.�nor Zoa�i�g Aa�endme�ts wk��ch a.re cor�sistent with the goals and policx�s of the Compr�h�nsiv� �'lan; and, WHEI2EAS, an May 9,2006, �esolutzon No. Q6-158�CC "�11 Resalutian Re�ating to Comprehe�nsive P�a�xn�ng �n C�ant Cau�.ty in Aacor�ance wxth the Wask�iz��tan State Crawth Management Act (RCW 36.70.A) and Amending th� Septem�ber, 1999 �ornpr�henszve Plan", was sig�ed by ths C"r,rant Caunty �aaard ai Com�nissian�rs; and, W��R�AS, a�n app�icatian (#q5��29�) £or a Miz�or Zon;e Char�ge has been pracessed in accordance with th� IJ1�C �haptear �3.0� "�onin� �istr�cts", �hapt�r 24.Q� "SEPA", and Chaptsr 25.04 "Permit Ap�alicatxon Revxsw Procedures"; and, WHEREAS, t�e Gxant Caunty Plannin;g Camnaission held an Ops�a R�cord Public Hearing xegarding this propased zon� change, durz�ng th�ir regular meeting on September 6, 2006, after which they voted u�animously to recammend approva� of this minor zone ch,ang�; anc�, WHEREAS, the Grant Cour�ty Boaxd of Com�naissioners held a Closed Record Publxc T��aring re�arding t�azs �roposed zane al�ange on QC7`d��� /,� , 2006; and, WHEREAS, after considexatio� o�'the Plan�ing Commission's ra�ort, and staif camments, th� Boaxd o� Cou�.ty Com��aaissio�a�rs voted �o appxave this zox�e chang�; ar�d, W�El�EAS, the Crrant County Board of Commisszo�ers have ado�ted thE following nine "Findings of Fact" establ��h�d by th� Plan�x�g Connm�ssian i� support ai�h�ir recammendation £or approval of this zone char�ge: 1. Th� �roposed reza�ae wi1� not be contraxy ta the intent or �urpqses and r��ulatxons of the Grant County �ode ax the Comprehensive Plan; 2. The property i�n question xs suitiable for uses allowed undex the prqpased zaning district; 3. Uses allow�d un�der tha pra�aosed zone chang� are campatible witla neighboring land uses; 4, The propased rezone can be served by ade��at� :facilities includ�ng access, fire protectzon, water, starm-water aontrol, and sewage dis�asal iaciliti�s; 5. Substa�t�al chat�ges exast to warrant an amendm�nt ta tlae curxent �aning district; 6. A public need exists far the proposed rezone. Pub�ic need shall mean ihat a v.alid public purposs, ipr whicla th� comprehens�ve plan and this chapt�r have bee�n adopted, is served by the proposed rezone. 7. The praposed rezo�ae vvi11 not result in signi�'icant adv�z�s� �mpacts o�a ihe huzna� or natural environments th�.t cannot be mitigated by aonditions of approval; 8. The cumulativ� impact af additzonal rec�uests for �ike actians (tk�e tatal d�the rezanas over time or s�ace) wili nat praduce sign�ficant adverse et'fects to the �nvironment that cannot be r��tigated by con�dxtio�as of appr�aval; 9. The pedestrian an�d vehicular tra�£'zc associ�ted wzth 1:he rezo�e wa�A n��t be k�azardous to existi�g a�nd an�icipated traii'ic in tl�e neiglabork�aod; and NOW, THEItEFOR:C, BE IT ORDA�NED, that tk�e Boaxd Qf Caunty Commissionexs �a�x�by resGi�d the cuarrent zaning desxg;�atipn an the Oi'fi�xal Zon�ng 1VV�ap of parcels �ist�d belaw,located in �ec�ion 17, Twp. �9 N., Raz�ge 28 E WM., and; A.d�.x�' 170725021 Maiers 17065�QQ0, Z70720QQ, �7Q723000 Brawz� 1707130p0, 1701�QOQ Herm�nn 12164700U BE IT FURTHE�.t. ORDAINED, that througk� the adoptior� of this ordinance the Grant Caunty Board of Commissio�exs appxoves t�is zon�e from TJrban Residen�ial3 ta ZJrba,n Comznercial2, and; BE ZT FURTHER ORDAINED, that �he e�eetxve date of �this ordinanc� shal� be 5 p,m. of ths date signed, DATED this ��� day of �L����jEl� 2006, ATTEST: Clerk o�t Bo d Yea Nay Q ❑ ❑ ❑ L�" ❑ B�DA.RD QF COUNTX CQMMISS�ONERS Abstain G AT CUUI�TY, W'H�TGT�N � Richard B. Stevens, rChair ��. d Deborah Kay Moore, Member —,���`� ; � � � LeRoy Allisom, emb r