HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMIS�IONERS' PRCICEEDINGS Week of October 9, 240G The Grant County Commissioners session was call.ed to arder at 9:00 a.m. with ail the Commissioners in at�endance with ihe Clerlc of the Board. The Commissioners denied the request of the ASPI Graup far road name changes to Loring Drive and a portion of Harris Drive. The Cammissioners ap�roved the follqwing recomme�ldatians fram the Human Resourcas Director: • Pramote azld hire Suzi Fode as the New Hope DVISA pro�ram Director; + Ilire Jacab Rivera far the District Court Civil Clerk ZI positian and the st�i�t date af 4ctober 2, 2006; • Promote Wanda Stratton ta a Legal Secretary ITI position in the Prasecuting �ttarney's Of�ce; and • Ghallge the job position of Jex�nifer L. Ratig�n, Juvenile, from Treatment Man�ger ta Treatment Counselor. The Commissioncrs appraved for distribution to Elected Offici�ls and Departrnent Heads Palicy Memo 03-02 Revised, Maximum Hourly Rates far Temporary Emplayees, adding a third rate for advanced level of worl�. As of this date, the Board, by a inajority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers cex-tified by the auditing afficer as required by RCW 42.24.080, aiid those expense reimbursemeilt clairns certifed by tha auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $195,$51.91, as recorded on a listing and nnade available to the Baard. The Commissioners approved the req�lest of the Juvenile Court and Youth Services Administrator to extei�d tlie annlYal leave maximum usage date for Birgrit Ruf��1. The Cammissioners signed tlle Working A�reement By and Between Gi•ant County and Gz•ant County Sheriff's Office; Teamsters, Food Processing Employees, Public Employees, Warehousemen and Helpers, Local Unian 76Q; and Sheriff's Oifice Cor�rections, azid effective January l, 2006 to Decernber 31, 2008. As of this date tlie Bo�rd by a majority vote does approve for paymeiit those vauchers as presented by the Grant Coiinty Health Dist�ict: Payroll Vouchers Na. 1— 5, ai�d General I'und Vauchers No. 6— 74, ii� the axnoL�nt of $138,223.34, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. As thez•e was na further business to corne before the Board the session was continued untii October 10, 2006. Page 1 af 4 C011�IMISSIONERS' PRt)CEEDINGS Week of October 9, 2006 C►ctober 10, 20Q6 The session was continued at 9:40 a.m. with Commissioners Stevens and Allison in attendance with the Clerk of tlle Board. Commissioner Maare was aut and excused. The Commissioners held a public hearing re�arding a Unified Deve�apment Code Amendnlent ta Ch 23.04 Zol�zng and 25.02 Definitions. This proposal has been farwarded fra�� the Planning Commission. Tl�e proposed amendments are the rasult of efforts made by the UDC Review Canlmittee, a five-member appoir�ted group of County citizens. The Baard discussed tl�e propasal �nd citizens gave comznents. Commzssiozler Allisoza maved ta continue thc open record pubiic heating to October 25, 2006 at 2�rn, with tl�e Land Ationaey present and passible Executive Session, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commisszoners in attendance, The Commissianers met with the Public Warks Directar re�arding: Motor Paol Rental Rat� Changes; Request far Reimbursable Wark from Grant County Port Aistrict No. 9; CRP Resolution far Rd 7-NE; Park & Rzde Rec�uest fram WSD(3T; Cannawai Bridge Na. 163; 2006 Seal Coat praject; Aiternative Daily Caver Deznonstration ta be held (Jctaber 25, 2006 at 11:00 a.m, ai the Ephrata Landfill; and Royal City Drap Bax. A mation was mad� by Commissioner Allison, secanded by Commissianer Stevens, that resolution no. 06-240-CC, a resolutian in the matter of initiating a caunty raad projact designated as CRP Na. 06-14, be passed. The motion earried wi.th 2 Commissioners ii�. attendanca. The Commissioners accepted the recommendation ofthe P�tblic Worlcs Director to approve the Request to the County Road Department for Reinlbursable Worlc for Grant County Port District Na, 9. The Commissioners appraved the chan�es by the Public Works Accountant for the 2007 EquipmentlRental Rates and Motor Pool Rental Rats C1langes. The Comrnissior�ers held an open record public hearing regarding a bud.get extension rcquest from the Sheriff"s t�ffice, Jail �nd Juveliile Court for tha following: • Sheriff -$20,000 for a reimblirsable grant from the WA State Patrol as part of the NW High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area's National Marijuan� Initiative • Sherif� -$2000 ta purchase infraction bool�s • Jail - $12,500 video arraigXlment/caurt system • Juvenile Court -$5099 Commui�ity Juvenile Accountability Act giant Pagc 2 of 4 COIYIMISSIQNERS' PiTUCEEDINGS Weelc of October 9, 2046 Gommissioner Allisa�s moved ta close the public recorc� pol�tion of the l�earing, �an�nissioner Stevelis secondEd and the motzon passed wit112 Commissioners in atterldance, Commissianer Allison moved to approve the bt�dget extensioz� as presented, Commissioner Sievens secoxlded ai�d the motion passed with 2 Commissianers ir� attendanca. The hearing adjourned. A xnotion was made by Cominissianer Allison, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, that resolutian na, 06-241-CC, a resolution relatitlg ta a s�pplementa] extensian of the bl�dgets af the Sheriff"s Office, Jail, and Juvenile Coltrt as presented abave, be passed. The motian carried with 2 Commissioners in atteizdance. The Cammissioners held a closed record public hearing regardzng a mi�lor zona change application fram Steve and Gail Adair, Jahn Hermann, Ray Brawn, and Pamp Maiers. The subject area has a Camp Plan Land Use Designation af "Urban Cammercial and is approximately 9-acres. Tl�e r�quest is to rezane the Urban R�sidential 3 prapex•ty to Urbax� Comm�rcial2. Property is lacated in the northeast quarter af S I7, T 19 N, R 28 E, WM, at t11e irztersection of Stanley a�1d Valley Roads, al�d aloxzg I�onisiai Drive in Ce�ltrai Cascade Valley, Moses Lalce. Commiss�oner Allisozl naaved ta uphold the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the minor zane change as prasented, recogz�izing the 9 Findings of Fact, Commissioner Stevens secanded and the mation passed with 2 Coznmissioners in atienda�lce. The hearing adjaurned. A moiion was made by Commissioner Alliso��, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, that ardinance na. 06-242-CC, an ardinance relating ta an Artnendment ofthe Grant county zonin� Map changing approximately 9.0-acres owned t�y Steve and Gail Adair, Pamp Maiers, John Hermann, and Ray Brawn in Central Cascade valley, be passed. The motion ca�-ried with 2 Co�nmissio�iers in attendance. Thc Gammissioners sig�led the Public Warics Clairns �uiad Voucher l�pproval No. 10-I thraugh No. 10-159 in the total amount of $1,551,087.47, as recarded on � listii�g and made available to the Board. Cammissioners Stevens and Allisan held a Freeholder Educational Forum at the Caulee CitylAlmiraiHartline High Schaol to discuss Propasition I an th� Noveml�er General Election Ballot. As there was no further business to come before the Baard the session was continued uiztii October 16, 2006. Page 3 of 4 COMIYIISSIQNERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of October 9, 2446 Signed this __p�� _ day of Na lf � , 2Q46. Atte : � Clerk of the Board BOARD OF GOLINTY C4IVIMISSIONERS Gra ounty, Wa ington �.�----�--.--�. Richard Stevens, Chair Debarah Moarc �� � . � LeRoy A]lison Page 4 of 4