HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-233-CC�OAI2D C)]� �(D�Tl�T'�Y �O�Mi��ICDNERS GRANT COU'NTY, WASHIl�TGTON A RCSULUTI4N APPROV.[1�TG T�+, PUD (S:['� D�VE�,,OPN.CENT PLAN) .A,ND PRELTMINARX PLA'.�' 4F R,�'V�RVTEW A.'� CRESCENT �.A.R, IN SECT�ON ZS, �'OWNSH�' ZO N. RANC.�E 23 E. WN.�. RESOL�CJTION OG� � 33 ``�CC I�VERV�EW AT CR�SC�J.�T'�' BAR. WHEItEAS, tk�e G�ran.t Cou�ty �oard af Cou�ty �ammissior�ers has bee� advised that an apen xec�rd public heari�g was conduct�d, b�fore the Gxant County Plar�n�in� Cammission on August 2, 2006, oan the matter of a Planned j.T�nit pevelopme�at ap�l�catiaza ar�d P�'e�iminaxy Plat,; said pxoposal beir�,g lc�cated in a portian of �sctian � 8, Township 20 North, R�nge 23 East, WM. G�raa�t Coanty, Washingtan; a�d, VVHT�,ItEAS, the Grant Cc�unty Planning Coznmission o�n August 2, 2006 did unarumously appxove � motio� to recor�mand to the Board c�f County Comrnissioners to apprav� this PLJD (Site Develppment �'lan) and Preliminary Plat �.pplicatia�n with conditions o� approval; and, WHEREAS, the Board o� Caunt� Coz�amissionez�s approved the Minor Zbns Change re�uest as recommended by the Planni�ag Commission an .1VSay 9, 2006, and WHI�REAS, tl�� �oard o;F Caunty Commissioners, laave re�viewed the a��licat�on fi1e, staf�report and �'xanning Commission recamr�endatian; and, WHEREAS, �h.e �oard a� County Cammissianers hav� �ound that the propasal will not advers�ly effect tk�e h�a�tl�, safety, ancl gen�ral wel�are of the �ublic in the viczr�ity of the �ropasal; and, WH�1t�AS, the ]3oaxd of Cour�ty Comm;iss��n�rs have found tk�at the prapasal is cc�nsistent witla the Garant C�unty +Comprek�ensiv� Plan, the Unifi�d Deve�opznent Cod�, othez- la.nd use regulatia�s, inclut�i�.g S�PA; and, R'HE�.tEAS, t�e Board of Caunty Commissipners �ave £or�r�d tk�at tk�� pub�ic use and interest will a�apar�ntly be served by the FUD (Site D�velqpme�t Plan)/.�'reliminary P�at and; WHER�A�, th.e praposed PZTD (Site Developm�nt Plan) doss include a divzsian ar sa�e o£ l�,nd and tlaers�'are does xequire recording of a pl�.t �nd binding; s�te pla�, and WH�REAS, the Baard of County Coammission�rs �as approved the designatzon o�this land as a Master Plar�ned Resort in thexr x�view �:f tk�e 2005 Camp�rehensive P1az� Amendmentis by Resolutian 06�158-CC dated May 9. 2006, Pa,ge 1 0� � WHEREA�S, the proposEd d�velopment applications �nd the PiJll (S�te D�veXopment Plan) me�ts the a�plicable requirements oiUni�ed Development Code, and is consxstent with the z�equirern��ats as listed in Chapter 23,04 (b)17etez-�inat�or� of Coz�sxstez�cy witla the Compre�enS�ve �'lan as det�rm�ned by ths Administ�-atxve Oi�'xcial, WH��tEAS, the pxopossd PUD (Site T��velopment �'la�) as conditianed ��ets the applicab�� appro�val crit�r�a o�Unx�'ied Dev�lopment CQde, �l�apter 23.04.800 "Planned Unit Developm�nts" ��d WH��AS, the pr�l�mxnary pl�.� me�ts all applicable criteria as ��sted in tl�� Unified D�ve�opm�nt Code under Sectiaz� 23.04, �a�ning and Tit�e 22, Subdivis�ons/P�at� and; WHEREAS, the Administxative Of�'icial has issued a Mitigatad Determination a� Non-Significance £or this prapased develp�ment on �u�e 27, 2006 and; NOW, THE�FOItE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVEU, THAT the Baard of County �ommissioners for Grant Cpunty, Washington approves by this Resoluti�n, and with the attached cor�ditio�s a� a�prova� listed belaw, a Planned Unit I7evelopment and Preliminary Plat for Crescea�t Ridg� R��nch at Crescent Bar; being located in a portion of Sections 18,- Township 20 Narth, Range 23 E�st, W�llamette M�ridian, Grant �ounty, �Jaslaington, iCON:�i"�IUl�S OF A,P�'R4VAL 1) proposal shall comply witih all requirem�r�ts de�med necessary by ths Gra,nt Cou�ty Health District, by tl�e Wash�ngton State Department of Hea�th, and th� V�ashington State D�partme�t o�'Ecalc►,�y regardi�g dam�stic water supply, sewage systems and storm water cantrol and treatment inCludin�g, but not �imxted to; RCW 90.48.080 Discl��rge p��alluting "VVater �rol��bi��d.; WAC 17�-20�, Surface Water Sta;ndards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, VtTA.0 246,27�, On�Site Sewag� S�stems. 2) Praposal shall �omply with al� requirements of tihe Grant Caunty Fxr� Marshal and �hal� coznply witk� the Crrant Caunty Fire Flow Guide�i��s, �he L,7�niforzn Building �ode, U�ifoarm Fire C�de and all otlaer a��licabl� rec�uxr�iatients for �re pxot�ctipn and �i�e sa���y. 3) Tf any Native American �ave szte(s) ar archaealogical/culiural resouxcas (Xndian Artifacts) axe faund all Go�astruction activity shall stop �d the awnez-/developer sk�all immediately not�fy the Grant Cau�ty Flan�ing �epartment, the Calv�lle Confederated Tribes and the i�Vashingtoz� State Oifxce af Archaealogy and Histori� Preservation. 4) Approval of tl�e PLT.D Subdivisio� sl�all be contingent upon conforxnance witla all applicable land ixse rules and r�gul�tions ian effect as af July 1, 2006. Page 2 oi 5 S) I7uring road grading �.r�d/or cozastruction activit�es, county roads sha�l be maintained clear of sail and rdcks at tk�e paint o�' ingress / egress. 6) This pxoposal slaall cqmply with the rec�u�r�m��ts o�'GCC 23, �2.080 Cl�aring, Grading and Draina�e Staa�dards, ir��lud�r�g but not limitec� �o: a) Cl�arin� a�d grading activities shall be canduct�d so as ta minimxze pote�atial advers� ��:'scts oz� �a£�sit� pxop�y, b) All developme�t shal� ensuare that soi� exasion a�d sed�me�tatinn o� drainageµways will be conxr�lled to pre�vent damage to adjoinxng propertxes. c) Surface dra�nage sh.all not be direct�d ta or disc�axg�d ontio �aunty Roads or ditck�es witk�i�n Caunty z'igk�t�of ways un�ess ap��roved by the County Engineer. '�) This propasal shall comply with the requiremer�ts of GCC 23, �2.100 Road �tandards, including but nat limited ta: a) Road narnes sha�l be approved by the Grant County Emergei�cy Sezvices Departmeant arnd �hall be established using the addressing az�d grid systi�m delineated in GCC 10, � 6. 8) Aevelopnnent sl�all comply with a�l xequirements o:f the Grant County Health Dxstrxct, including but not limited to: a} Tk�e watex system must be constructed and ap�roved by th� WA Aept. �f He�lth before final appraval ofthe pl�.t wi�l be given. If construction a�d approval cannat be completed, the Health District rr�a� agree ta accept a construction bond to be adminis�er�d by �ant Caunty sixnilar to t?nat dane for the Sun.serra project. b) The rnetk�od of sewage treatr�e�at has been discusse� with the Health District. The tqpe a£tr�atmer�t �z�aposed k�as b�en agreed �a. The Health District has accept�d the de�sity x�quest witk� th� candition that sewage treatment will be as desaribed. c) 9) Devslapment slaall aomply witk� all requirements o�the Gra�t County Planni�g Department, in�ludzng but not limited ta; a) Carnp�y with al� requ�rements listed �n LTAC Chapt�r 22,04 Article V�i�a1 Subdivisia�s and Short Subdivisions, b) D�veloper sh�,l1 com�l� �vi�h a11 p�r���Qu�sly �g�eed r�pp� requirements £ar t�e coo�eara�ive effort between develapers of MPR's to up�rade Cr�scent Bax R.aad. 10) De�velapm��t sha11 camply �vvi�h all r�quiremsnts of the Grant �ounty Departznent af Public Wor�Cs; 1, Provide a plat z��view fee �f $100.00 p�us $Z.OQ a lot for a tatal af $194.00. 2. Provide a��at certifiaate �ram the Tit1e Com�any. Page 3 af S 11) Development shall be �n complia�aoe with the Washington State Environmental Palicy Act, the Grant County Comprehe�nsiv� Plan, �k�e Grant County Unified Develapmer�t Code, and �11 applicable local, state, and federal regulations, rulings and requirements. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1) Do�s meet the app�icab�e requxxemen�ts a�U�7C Ch�.ptex 23,04 "Zoning", 2) �qes comply wi�h tk�e Compreher�sive Pla�n, the Slaareline 1VT�ster 1'xogram, �he zaning cad� and a�her la�d use rEgulaiions, and S�PA; 3) �oes Gomply witk� hea�th require�ne�ts �ar sewage disposal a�d patab�e water supP�Y� 4) Does com�l� with C�'rant County and State Taepartment of Tz ans�aortatxon r�gula�zo�s perta�nin� to aroads, utilities, drainage, access fox enae�gency vehicles, and otk�er in�'rastru�tuxe improvements, 5) Does fu�ctian as a single site with respect to, but not Xi�aited �a, access, xnterzoar circulat�on, ap�n space, landsc�piz�g, drai�aa�e faciliti�s, iacility rn�a�ntenanc� and parl�ing; 6) �s consistent in desxgn, character aald appeazanee with th� go�ls and pol�cies for the zoning dis�rict in whi�h tk�e prapased PUD is lacated; '�) The charact�risti�s of the PUD wi11 be r�asonably compa�ible with t�e types of uses pexmitted i�a surrounding areas; 8) The proposed PUU will nat create undue �oise, odor, heat, vibration, a�r ox water pollution i�npaats on surrounding existing or pntentia�l dwelling units; 9) Tk�e praposed PUD wxll nat materially sndanger the health, sa�aty and we�fare o� the community; 10) T�ae prop�sed �'UA �s such that pedestrian and vehicu�ar tra#£'ic associatsd with th� use will nat be �a� rdau ��r aonflict wxth existing and antiaip�.ted tr��"ic in the local a�rea; � 1) The ap�licatxan �ocs �t inelude ev�dence of availabil�t� of adequa�e public services and �acilities, including acc�ss, fixe �ratectian., water, storan water con.trol, and sevvage disposal facilxti�s; 12) The l�cati�n, size and 1n�igk�t afbuild�ngs, structures, w�.11s a�nd fenc�s ar�d scresnir�g vegetatiorz far the propossd PUD shaMl not hindex ar discaixra,�e ths �ppra�xxate deve�o�ment ar use o£nei��borring para�erties; 13) The impacts on tk�� �ong;-�exm natuxal resource mar�a�;ement of adjacent lands zoned as Agri�ultur� w�ll not be :m�nimized; z4) Th� praposed PUD docs zdentziy and �ratect critiaal areas, arclaa�a�agica� and �11.StOT1C I'ESOLIxC�S, a�C� Vl�ll�.� �xlf� �.ES�i1P��C ��SpUxGOS, a�.d ��vixoz��a.e�t�.l cansiderations are emploqed ia� the �lesign, placeme�at ar�d screea�in,g of �acilities and amenities; 15) T�e �raposed PT.J,I� w�l� �a+nt cause si�ni�"icar�t advers� impacts a� the huzxzan or natural �nvxxanmer�ts tlaat aamaat be m�txgated by condxtions t�f approval; and 16) The proposed �and t�sss, activiti�s, and structuxes do comply witla a�plicable development standards p#' GCC § 23.12 and p�rfarmance standards s�aecified in GCC § 23.08, and wit� a�y xequired mitig�tion measures. EFTECTTV� DATE: Upam signatur�. Page � of S DATED this �� 1�� day af , � 2006, . AT'�EST; � Claxk af t �oA�aa or+ cour�� co:na�xss�o�r�z�s Yea Nay Abs�ain GRANT CQUNTY, WASH�NGTO�T Pa�ge S of S