HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2�, 2oi�: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:go a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:3o a.m. — 9:0o a.m 9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m: Elected Official Roundtable Meeting J Strickler, ASC Update and Misc. BOCC Actions A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve items i, �} and 5 on the ASC Agenda as presented. Items 2 and g did not arrive for signature. The motion passed unanimously. 10:0o a.m. — 1o:i5 a.m. 1o:go a.m. — io:45 a.m. i1:oo a.m. — i1:5o a.m. i2:oo p.m. — 5:0o p.m. i:oo p.m. — i:2o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. i. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. (Approved) 2. Anticipating: Lease between Grant County Public Hospital District No. 5, a Washington Public Hospital District having its principal place of business at Mattawa Community Medical Clinic at 210 Government Road, Mattawa, Washington 99349� and Grant County, by and through Grant Integrated Services, for undesignated office and procedure room space on a periodic basis in the building located at 2i5 ist Street and Columbia, Mattawa, Washington. Term is February i, 2oi3 through January gi, 2016 for $i,1oo/month. (Did not arrive for signature) 3. First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement Between the Counties of Adams, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Stevens, and Spokane for Mental Health Treatment and Services. The amendment changes Sections 3.4.i and 6.2.3. (Did not arrive for signature) 4. Grant County Request for Reimbursement No. 9 on CDBG Public Services Grant No. i2-65400-002 with the Department of Commerce and administered through the OIC of Washington, in the amount of $8,473•90. (Approved) 5. County Program Agreement, Residential Services, between Grant County, by and through Grant Integrated Services, DSHS Contract 1i63-29349� Revision #g. This revision adds one client and removes one client. (Approved) Commissioners Office Safety Meeting Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance) Budget and Finance Update (Cancelled) C Carter, Out B Smith, District Court Update T Hechler, Human Resources Update COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 25, 2oig MINUTES Page 2 of , MT�CELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $999•84� $159,403•96� $649,701.83, and $394�956.26, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for the February 22, 2o1g payroll. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 2oi�: The session was continued to 9:0o a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 9:0o a.m. - 9:2o a.m. 9�3o a.m. -10:2o a.m. ii:oo a.m. -11:go a.m ii:oo a.m. -1i:zo a.rn ii:3o a.m. - i2:oo p.m. i:go p.m. - 2:2o p.m. J Potts, Legislative Update Conference Call D Nelson, Community Development Update C Carter ai Canvasing Board Meeting (Elections Dept) W Swanson, Juvenile Court and Youth Services Update C Carter, Finance Committee Meeting D Pohle, Public Works Update i. Execution of Contracts: Misc. Equipment • Item 1) Furnish & deliver (g) 25o gal. Asphalt Sealant Melter/Applicators awarded to BearCat Mfg. Inc of Wickenburg, AZ for the bid amount of $x2g,�82.88 incl. use tax. (Approved) • Item 3) Furnish & deliver (x) Service Crane Body awarded to Titan Trucic Equip. of Spokane, WA for the bid amount of $19,1g8.22 incl, sales tax (Did not arrive for signature) • Item 3) Furnish & deliver (1) Electric Crane awarded to Cobalt Trucic Equip. of Spolcane, WA for the bid amount $��,q.79.80 incl. sales tax. (Approved) 2. Execution of Contracts: Herbicide Materials/Helena Chemical Company of Moses Lake, WA to furnish & deliver herbicide materials for the amount of $274,083.�2. (Approved) 3. Execution of Contracts: Shop Equipment/Spokane House of Hose of Spokane, WA to furnish & deliver (1) Power Crimp Hose Machine for the amount of $4,$29•31. (Did not arrive for signature) 4. Award Recommendation: Asphalt Cracle Sealant/furnish & deliver g6o,000 pounds Asphalt Cracle Sealant to Crafeo, Inc. of Chandler, AZ for the bid amount of $i83,�g2.12. (Approved) 5. Award Recommendation; Liquid Asphalt/furnish 4,30o tons of HFE i5o Liquid Asphalt FOB Hauser ldaho Terminal to Idaho Asphalt Supply, Inc. of Idaho Falls, ID for the bid amount of $2,28�,372.10. (Approved) COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 25, 2o�g MINiJTES Page 3 of 5 6. Recommendation from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) to phase out the County drop box system. (The Commissioners will hold a public comment meeting to take citizen input on April 16, 2o1g from 4:0o p.m. — 5:0o p.m.) i:go p.m. —1:4o p.m. Bid Opening, 6-SE Road Project (CRP io-o�) The following bids were received: 1. Tommer Construction $773,333•00 2. N. Central Construction $937�672•29 g. HLT Construction $�2�,882.6� 4. Halme Construction $844,�6o.1i 5. Advanced Excavation $692,229.04 A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to turn the bids over to Public Worlcs for their review and recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. 1:45 p.m. — i:55 p.m. Bid Opening, Materials Contract 2oi3-og (Culvert Pipe) See attached bid tabulation for bids received. A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to turn the bids over to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. 2:3o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.iio(i)(i) Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at g:o2 p.m. to go until g:o5 p.m. regarding the REC Litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Carter, Stevens, Swartz, and Lee Pence, Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Commissioner Carter closed the session at 3:05 p.m. 3:0o p.m. — 3:15 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items i through 5) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers (Approved) 2. Recommendation from the Health Insurance Comrnittee to appoint Melissa McKnight to the committee. (Approved) g. Special occasion license application for Columbia Basin Allied Arts, �662 Chanute St NE, Moses Lalce, WA 988g�, from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) 4. Budget Extension request from the Administrative Services Coordinator in the amount of $749,000.0o for Strategic Infrastructure Projects as listed below: (Approved, the public hearing has been set for March 25, 2013 at 3:go p.m.) Pro'ect Amount/T pe Transfer to; SIP #2012-07: City of Moses Lake, Utility $ 100,000 Grant 113155-00-9974-538052000 Infrastructure for Project Jackson (Grant) $ 60,000 Loan 113155-00-9974-538052001 Loan SIP #2012-08: Port of Coulee City (GC Port $ 70,000 Grant 113155-00-9975-572752000 District #4 , Cou/ee City Marina Boat Dock Grant COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 25, 2o1g MIIVUTES Page 4 of y Expansion SIP #2012-09: Port of Grand Coulee (GC Port District #7), Banks Lake Golf Course RV Sites SIP #2012-10: City of Soap Lake, Soap Lake Main Avenue Improvement Project SIP #2013-01: City of Warden, (Emergency) Water System Improvement, Phase 2 7OTAL $ 30,000 Loan $ 7,500 Grant $ 56,500 Grant $ 25,000 Loan $ 400,000 Grant SHERIFF'S OFFICE 113155-00-9975-572752001 (Loan) 113155-00-9905-576652001 , 113155-00-9976-595352000 (Grant) 113155-00-9976-595352001 (Loan) 113155-00-9977-538052000 (Grant) 5. Continued from the February i9, 2oi3 Consent Agenda: budget extension request in the amount of $35,269.0o to cover the cost of the new Facilities and Maintenance Specialist position previously approved. (It was determined that a budget extension was not needed; only a budget transfer. This was approved.) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2�, 201�; The session was continued to 9:0o a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 9:0o a.m. — g:2o a.m. 9:3o a.m. — 9:5o a.m. io:oo a.m. — io:2o a.m io:go a.m. — g:oo p.m. io:go a.m. — 10:5o a.m. 1i:oo a.m. — ii:2o a.m. 2:go p.m. — 5:0o p.m MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS B Hill, Public Defense Update S Kozer, Public Defense Update G Balzer, Technology Services Update C Carter at Homeless Tasicforce of Grant County Field Trip to Yakima Sunrise Outreach Center (Yakima) T Jones, Sheriff's Office Update K Allen, Clerk's Office Update DISTRICT COURT JUDGE CANDIDATE REVIEW COMMITTEE The Commissioners authorized the Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney to extend the Northland Cable Television Franchise through April i, zo1g. The public hearing will be held March ii, 2oig at ii:oo a.m. COMMISSIONERS' FEBRUARY 25, 2ogg MINUTES Page 5 of 5 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28�2oi�s C Swartz, Out 8:0o a.m. — 9:3o a.m. io:oo a.m. — i:oo p.m. io:oo a.m. — 12:0o p.m. 2:3o p.m. — 5:0o p.m. 6:0o p.m. — 8:0o p.m. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ASSESSOR'S OFFICE STAFF MEETING (Cancelled) R Stevens, Juvenile/Courthouse/Public Works/District Court Union Negotiations C Carter at QUADCO Meeting (Public Worlcs) R Stevens, Juvenile/Courthouse/Public Worlcs/District Court Union Negotiations R Stevens at GWMA Administrative Board Meeting (Othello City Hall) (Cancelled) The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Randall and Tawnya Johnson (Randy Johnson Short Plat) File #11-5591-oi, Final Plat Submission and Review. FRIDAY, MARCH i, 2o1�c C Swartz, Out 8:0o a.m. — i2:oo p.m. 12:0o p.m. — i:oo p.m. CIVIL SERVICE MEETING C Carter at Mattawa Soccer Park Discussion (Mattawa) Signed this � day of , 2oi3. OF COUNTY �unty, Was � irt , Chair ���� i Swartz 0 � Stevens