HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 13-005-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
ORDINAleTCE: 13- �a� -CC
An Ordinance relating to the amendment of the Uni�ied Development Code Chapter
23.12.075, Clustering Standards.
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County intends to comply
fully with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, and;
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Growth
Management Act compliant Comprehensive Land Use Plan in September of 1999 and
subsequently updated the Comprehensive Plan in 2006 as required by law , and;
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Unified
Development Code implementing the Comprehensive Plan on October 1, 2000, and;
WHEREAS, the Uni�ed Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Action"
provides a process for amending the Code, and;
WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Department initiated an amendment, under
Chapter 25.12, to the Unified Development Code for the purpose of amending portions of UDC
Chapter 23.12.075, Clustering Standards, and;
WHEREAS, the Board oi County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by
the Grant County Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on
December 5, 2012 on the matter of amending the Grant Couiity Unified Development Code, and;
WHEREAS, on December 5, 2012 the Grant County Planning Commission voted
unanimously to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval of the UDC
Amendment request and;
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County held an open record
public hearing on January 8, 2013, and;
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been advised by the Grant
County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendments were processed in accordance
with the requirements of UDC Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Action"; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been advised by the Grant
CoLtnty Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendments were processed in accordance
with the requirements of UDC Chapter 24.04 "State Enviromnental Policy Act"; and,
An ordinance lmending portions of
UDC 23.12.075, Clustering Standards
WHEItEAS, Adequate accommodations have been made for agencies, individuals and
interest groups to be heard and the Planning Commission has thoroughly considered the
testimony in the t•ecord, and;
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are consistent with adopted Comprehensive Plan
goals, objectives and policies, and do not create adverse impacts to offsite properties, and
promote flexibility of property use, and;
WHEItEAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is
consistent with the general purpose and intent of the Grant County Comprehensive Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that, the UDC Amendments
will serve the public use and interest, and;
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments will not adversely iinpact the Rural Community
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County does
hereby ordain an amendment to amend portions of Gr�ant County Uni�ed Development Code
Chapter 23.12.075, Clustering Standards.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, the effective date of this ordinailce shall be 5 p.m. of
the date of signature, , _
PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of January, 2013.
Yea � Abstain
C� ❑
rfi �
� �
indy Ca , Chair
Caro nn Swartz, V'ce-Chair
` �� �,%c�
Richard Stevens, Member
of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington
An ordinance amendiug portious of
UDC 23.12.075, Clustering Staiidards
Attachment # 1— Amendment to GCC 23.12.075, Clusterin� Standards
Chapter 23.12
DeveXapment Standards
23.12.075 C1iYstering St�ndards
(a) General: Clusterin� is � metllad af suigle-f�nuly resiclential iand developrnent char�cterized by
building lofis or envelopes that are smallet than typical of the zone, aild clustered, let�ving open space
for a�iculture, continuity of eilvirc�m��ent�l functions ch�iracteristic of the px•operty, �tid pi•ese�•vation
oi rural ch�racter. Clusterin�; results �n reduced itnp�t~vinus surface area ai�d lowered costs of
cievclopi��ent a�id n�aintei�at�ce. Clustering allaws variativns in tlie underlyiil� zoning re�ulati.ons, �ut
is not inte�lcleci as and does naG constitute z•ezo�ling.
(b) �'urpose. Th� purposes of tlus Secti.on are:
(1) To impleznent ttie provisions of rhe Compreher�sive Plnn z•elating to clusterii�g;
(2) To unplement innovatzve latid use mana�ement teclua�c�ues in accordanc� witl� RCV'V 36.i0A
i�iclt�diiig density bonuses, and cluster housil��;
(3} Protect the natural envirai�ur7ent by preserving subsiantial o}�en space areas for the enhailcetneiit,
presc;rvation and buC%ring aF envit•nnlx��xrtally sensiti�e lauds;
{�#) Preserve histot�ic sites wluch �re integral to �he cl�araater of tlie County;
(S) P��ot�ct atad preseive n�tural resauree laz�cls using innc�vative site ciesib 1,
{6) Freserve tlie Caunfiy's ��.���al character by eiicnura�;ing �exible standards in developmei�t for �
n�ore efficient, a�5thetic and environinentally saund �i�an�aer;
�'7) Miniinize the casl oi installing sex�vices fnr public and pi•ivate capit�l iacilities;
(4) Support tlie Conip�•ehensive I'lan provisian ta provicle t�aore afforclable ai�cl variety of liausin�
types in i�ural are�s; and
(9) Strer�gtl�en and lieitetit tl�e conulluiiity by p�•ovidin� �oilu�iututy-�"acused d�veto�rn��it such as
cotnman use areas, i•ecre�tioi� uses and provisions for ca�ni7�unity facilities.
(c) Applicnbility: Clusterir►� of is �3ei�utted oniy i�i the foll��vin� zor��s:
(1) Urban Residential 1 (LTRI};
(2) Urban Residential2 (UR2);
(3) Rur�l �Z.esidential 1 (RRRR1);
(4) l�.ural �t�sicicntial 2 (Tt.R2};
(5) Rural Iiesidezxtial 3 (RR3);
{6) �ural Remote (RRem);
(7) StiorelineDev�lo����ezit 1(SD1);�
�,�Agriculhire (AG); antl:
���gj Rural Co�nrnuni� (RC).
(d) I�.�vieu� i'rocess: �'ro�ae�sals C�ar ulatsterizi� s�t�l1 �� �evie�t+ed in c�anjunctic�n wzt�� t��e ixncierlyin� l�t�cl
tlivvisi�in �erzl�ii a��tic:�tioia it �cca�n�aanies.
{e) Conciitioias of App��oval: The fe�llawwin�; ea�zr�itial�s af ap��roval apply tc� ait elusterirl� �roposals:
(�} Thc applieztiazi far el�isteriri� sll�li ax�eet the rec�tr�z•ezneuts of tlxe underlying land divisic�n pe�-zx�it,
tlae rec�t�ia•eni��ts o#"tlus S�ction, az�d all pertiuent requirements of tl�is UDC;
(2) Cliistering sllall nc�t �equire extension of urban seivic�s;
(3) Clustering shall meet the ct��veloptnent stanclarcIs in this �ection;
(4) �lusterin� shatl ensu�-e tk�ak th� prop�sed cievelopizrent tivill ��ot adversely impact a�ric�iltur�l an�t
inu�eral resourc� uses vn adjoil�ic�� and r�eaa•by lanci5 in Agriculturai (AG) ancl i�Jtineral Resource
Overl7y (l�IRO) 7o�u11g Distz-icts;
(S) "1'lie inG�xi.n�un� z•esiclential �rc�ss cic:aisities sl�all �.lot ex�eed tl�ose set f.n�-th in the Camprehensivc-:
Plan and GCC � 23.12.�70;
(6) "lfle m�i�imuzl� density t�llotived ic� tlie CorYipreheilsive Plan tnay l�o(. l�e 1c11ieved in every c��se if
critical nreas, archaeological or historical resources, and sinular sensitive at•e1s are �dti�ersely
i�ilpacted pursa�at�t ta GCC § 2��.08, or if a ciensiky Ii.��ai#atiori is reqnired to meet rec�uix•eznents
i°el�ttin�, to o�l-site se�vage dis��osa1 ai�cfilpi• �vntei� sul�ply, as sei forth it� G�G § 23,12.Q50 and �
(7) �tiy lai�d division propaseci thnt is Less thai� tl�e nziniixlum lc�t size icfeaZti�etl for tl�e underlyine
�r�r�c; s(��Il i�e �cquireci to coal���ly cvzth. tlzt Clustcr'tu� Sta��cl��•ds, 23.12.075; except as 4YutJlai°zzect
l�ereiix, c��• tar tlivisio��s tivitl�iz� Fl.�;z•iGulltir�l rc�ned lots tl7at 1��ve z�o ��esicleixtial develo��r1���1t
��) C7pen sp�ce sll�ill be reqiurecl izx all cl�lsterecl ctevela���l�.ents, At least fifty (50} parceiit of the
pnz°ei�t p�reei sli�tl be i7�aint�tin�;ci in ap��� space. All Iots, it3el�.ading the lnrge, balaixce lot ereatecl
fvr open space shall be counteti as �r lc�t for pirrpases of calculali��b tl�e ut.Ymbe1• t�f lo�s �ez•r��itted
(Etainple: 1Y1 t�i1 (1.0� �crc lot it� Rui°al Resic�ential 1(R�l) zonin� district lxavi��� a���aximui�i
clei�sity c�f'anc: {1) ci�;�ellix��, tmit per �ve (5) acces, m<�y be diuided intc� t�vo (2) orle�acre lots atld
<� �•emaincler ei�ht (�) ircre lot, The 8-�cre opeu space lat e;�c;�eds tltc SO°lo af tat�il p��rcel
reqtizre���ent. 'Thc �-��cx°e ta�l�nce lot tY1�y i�at be I'ui�thea� sul�cii��itieri; i�or tn��� a ch��ellins� uzait be
per7l�itted cm it. .A notatic>�i shall be �j14��;ed oz1 th� �ace of the pl�t docuxx�et�tin� s�i�h resirictions.)
{9) Open space sly�ll eithcr be locaCed in:
(t1) A�e��ar�te trnet ti��itl.7in th.e eruster•ecI su}�divisi�rl, �•et�ined in �ts �i�tirety f�or opeia s��sfce,
t�ncler tlye c�wvnershi}� c�f �jn inclividi��tl, lic�mt�o�v��ers` �tssaeiatiot�, ar si�tail�t�' Je;�11 e�itity; or
(I3� A ciec�ic��ted apen sp��ce az�c7 c��� ��Ie oF tlle loCs in. tlie clustered cievelapinez7t; suel� a Ic,t
si�all l�ave � stipulateci build"u�g envelope ir� ivlai�I1 the p�•in�aiy resiclerxti.al stritctut•� 7nt1
acc�ssoi°y sti°aict�.ir�s m�ty l�e lc��:�ieci, �vhiGly is no lar°�„er than t��e inaxi����i��a Ic�t sir� allowveci
uncler this S��;tian.
(G) 4V}�cn clust�r•i��.w� ir� tlxL ����ic;t�ltur�l �or�c, a�in sp�ce sl�.�ll be lac�tcci iai sucl� a m�►��«cz� tl�at
��rc��lic�tes o�ex� s�ac� Ea�- a�r�i.culturc �cti�vities, caz�tit�.i�ity c��" tlie ar��s etivix•c�aa�l�u�7ta1
fi��i�tians Gtz�ci char�tctez•istics, �nd presen�es the r�ar�al cl�aracter c>f t�otl� tlae cieuetopxnent sitc
nad s�r���•c�utyGii��b p�•ope��tie:s.
(10) Tlae znaxirnu��� nutt�ber c�1' �Isveilin� uilit� iz� � chrst�rcci clevelc�pme�It sl�ail z�at e:xce�cl tlie r1�.t���b�r
speci�ed in 'C'�bl� 4. It� c��scs �vl7ere tiae mariirn���1 t�u�nber of tlwelling tiuii.ts wl�c.n caLc��Iatin�
inaxiznum density �'ar n given site eYceeds khe Ftxaxiitlun7 ntti�lbei� Qf d�veilil�� units ��er cluster �s
speciiied in 'I`able �, addition�l cltzsters rz��,jy be allc��ved tivitlxit7 the cle�clopl�lent plzrsu�utt to
compli�ncc ti�,�ith GC�` ��3,12,075. Tl�e size of etustercci develcapments ��Zay be #urthcr lii��it�:cl
by septic E`i�lcis, 1�ott� ccm�i�tinity anci i�ldivicival, at�dlc�r camz���u�ity �v�ter systeiz�s, if suclt
iiia�itatzoi� is necessat•y tca xtYcet c�risite seti��a�e dispasGll andlo�• «�atei• systeix� r�qtiire�ne��ts as set
fortli it� CCC � 23.1�.050 �ncl §�3.12.Q60;
(1 1) Wl�en t;lustc:rin� is �.�tilirccl, tlie rnini�»tttt� nuza�be�� of d�vellin� units per �l�.tster shall l�e aclueved
ii� fill c�tses ��u�°suant to T�tble 4; except whe�i th� ctweitin�; urgit density ctoes not �7e�•mit. it, or
tivlaen � sin�(� tiivision is solely fo►• t11e pui��ase of clivicii��g c�ff �.�t} exist�ng chvelling unit izl
eristet�c� �rior to 3ai1�3ai°,�� X, 20()f . It� t1�e e�•�nt at7 �:xc�ptioi� is �rat�tecl aud there is the patei�tial
for adciitional dtivellin� u�uts, �he a��provccl lai3d divisic�n sl�all ba recc�t•ded �vith a i�ote stipulatin�
thai nr�y fut�u•e s��bc�ivisian of` tlie run�ai�Yit�� pareel tmdei• t}ie cl«sCei•iii,� skaz�tl�rcls �vill be
rec�ttired to cori�ply �vik�x GCC § 23,12.{i�5 as tl�ou�l1 tl�e eticeptcel lot �,vas ii�clndecl �uiti�iz� tlxe
(l.2) svlttliiplc clu�te�•s �z�ay orcly t�� atic���°eci afitc�• octe hnlf (112) e�f the znaxim�im tiuTiib�r of ci�ve(lin�
�i»its per cluster is re�cliec! pu�siat�nt to `I'�ble 4. Eacl� cl�,tst��' tlxe�`eafter t��ust also rneei the s��me
stazldaa•c� �riar t.c� ci-e�ti�Y� adcliti���a1 ciustei•s; e�ce�?1. t11at tl�e t�tin�zistratij�e Of7:icial may allc�ti�
�t�i e;�ce��tion �vheri c��id�z7ce is preserited that the r�qui�•ed rtatr�nl�er Uf ehvcllirig uriits �ez• clusker
cam�ot. be achi�`�°eci r1Gi�; t€� unic��i� Iit��itatic�ns o�• cot�st�•aints on the site, i��cludizt� i�ut nat lin�ited
to: co�npliance witl� sepkic systex�l, and/or water system rec�uirements, critical area setbacks oz�
Uuffers, unic�ue physical canstraints etc. Finaneial lZardships alozze, sueh as the clevelopment nf
necessaty roads, sl�all t�at be reason fa�• granting an eYceptiori.
(13) In cases wllere multipl� clusters are exercised withiz� a single develapn�er�t iu order to m�:citnize
tlie residential units pei7iutteti under the zon�, e�►ch cluster sl�all be separated by a�en space,
Open space sepa�•ating multi�ale clusters sl�all minina�lly be no less ti�an tvvice (2X) �ve�'a�e
cteptll of the clusterzd lats; a�;r�ater apez� space separation is encouraged.
(14) E�clx cl�tster s�a�ll l�e sei-ved by nat ��ore tizazl one common access point to an existing County
right-of �vay, exce��t �vhen the incernal road systetn is laoped,
(15) Miziiixlu�n lat sizc sha11 be one (1) acr�, provided thai �uc� lat size meets oxisite se�vage dispos�Yl
ancUor tiv�ter systenl r°equirez�lents as set fortl� isa CiCC § 23. i 2.450 aiid § 23.12.060;
e���;except minimuxn lat size shall be one-quarter (1/4� in LAIviRID areas provided fil�at such
lat size meeis onsite sewa e ciis osal aczd/nr water s stam re uirements as set farth in GCC �
23.12.050 and �23.12.QG0; and exce t�, tlie rni�iiinuizY Iot siz� shall be one-ei�hth (1/$) acre whet�
located �vithin an urban �;rowtll area wl�eu it is serv�d by adec�«�te city wat�r and sewer
facilikies; �nd
{�6) Max111"�i�xx� lat ize r�vitlxin tl�� l-+��ricullural �'o��c s17111 b� t�vo and �i�e-half (2'/z) �cz•�s, trYxicss a
lar��r lot is ne�de�{ far an� a�� Ynore o1'the f`c�(lowin� reasoK�s, in wllicl� a�se tl��t lot sIiall be no
larg�r rf�an t�ecess�try to acconi��iish t�ie purpos� c�f'the exceptiou.
(A) To s�tisfy iiidividual water system supply (CCC § 23.12.OS0) atxcUor onsite s��v�ge sysiem
t�equirezlxents (GCC § 23,�2.060); or
{B) To z�ieet special setback re�ui�•cinents fro�� A�;x•ict�ltural (AG) ai7ci Miner�l Resource
Overlay (IVIRO) Zailing Distixcts �s set forth i�1 GCC § 23.12.070(�); ar
(C) Tc� contain both an existit�g �•csidei�Cis�l btzilding and cxistin� accessory baildiii�(s).
rxcept, lots larger tl��n t�va an�l one half {2 'l2) acres within the „fllgricultural �on� shall be
allar�recl tivhet� Yio resiciezltial developnie�it capacity is �lla�,ved ancl such restrictioi� is recarded o��
the face of tl�e plat.
(l7) in adclition to the exceptiot�s �iscusseci tulder sut�sect�on (9), abave, orxe p�rcel witl�in eacli
cluste�•ed develapr��ent Y�aay be far tlae svl� p�r��osc of cc�ntai�un� z•equired open space. I�1 s�Ych a
parcel, only on� (1) �cre may be usecl for a residenti�il ci�velling uz�it ancl residential accessory
bui�ciit��;s; except thlt �vl��n locatetl tiviihin ��ricti�lturally zoneci lands, a illaxiinut�� of five (5}
acres may be used for a�icultural rzc�essory buildinbs.
(l.�) Cluste�•ed develop����nts sh.all comply with alI ather provisions of ti�e CiCC, itYcludia�g'�'itle 22 _
Subdivision and Plattiz��;,
Co���rchensAve Plan
Land Use Designatioi�
Urban R�siclential 1 (UR 1)
Urban Residential 2 (UR2)
Rural Re�iciential 1 (RRl)
Rural R.esid�ntial2 (�2.IZ2)
Rural Itesidential 3 (R�t3)
R.ural Reni�te (RRen�)
Shoreliz�e D�velap���ent 1(S�1)
k�c�ral C�mrnunitw (RC)
As?riculture (AC'ri
(Ord. 06-15G-CC, OS106)
7`ctbde 4
Dyvellcn r tinzt.r Per C7c�ste�
I�iax�mazn No. of
�7��ve7tirag Units �aer
.�._.� $
NZin�mum Iila. crf
T�welling UI11iS �.@(�illt'�'t�
for �IusteriiY�