HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC MINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, DECEMBER i�, 2oi2: � The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m.with all Commissioners in attendance. i 8:go a.m. —9:0o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting 9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Stricl�ler,ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action A motion was made by Cominissioner Swartz,seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 1 i through 3, 6 through 9, i2 and i3 on the ASC Agenda as presented. Items q.,5, 10, and 11 did not arrive � for signature. The motion passed unanimously. I 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance,and/or j grant administration. (Approved) � 2. Special Counsel Contract between Grant County and Graham&Dunn, � P.C. (Judith A. Endejan)to perform and render legal assistance and advice relative to the Washington State Public Records Act,and/or Best Settlement Agreement Materials(Act and/or SA Materials). Term is January i,2oig through December g1, 2oi4. (Approved) 3. Stationary Guard Agreement between Grant County and Moon Security Services for the provision of guard services on designated Grant County properiy. Term is January i, 20�3 through December g1, 2o1g. j (Approved) i 4. Anticipating: 2oi3 Municipal Services Agreement between Grant � County and the Grant County Economic Development Council. (Did not � arrive for signature) 5. Ant-icipating: Special Counsel Contract between Grant County and ! Ripley Law Firm, Inc.P.S.to perform and/or render legal assistance and � advice relative to professional disciplinary matters involving the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney,and/or any deputy appointed by the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney. Term is December i,2012 through December 1,2o1g. (Did not arrive for signature) 6. Recording Fee Surcharge Distribution Agreement between Grant County, the Housing Authority of Grant County(HAGC), and Grant Integrated Services'New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services(New Hope)for distribution of funds obtained by the County through a recording fee surcharge,pursuant to RCW 36.22.1�H,to support efforts in operating and maintaining certain low-income housing and emergency shelter projects. Agreement provides for 40%of the funds to be allocated to New Hope and 60%to the HAGC. (Approved) �. Recording Fee Surcharge Distribution Agreement between Grant County, � the Housing Authority of Grant County(HAGC), and Grant Integrated Services'New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services(New Hope)for distribution of funds obtained by the County through a � recording fee surcharge,pursuant to RCW 36.22.Y79 and 179i,to support � efforts in operating and maintaining certain homeless housing and � assistance programs. Agreement provides for 30%of the funds to be i allocated to New Hope and�o%to the HAGC. (Approved) i � � i I I COMMISSIONERS'DECEMSER i7, 2012 MINUTES Page 2 of 5 8. Grant Tntegrated Services'New Hope Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services application for United Way of Grant County funding. The funding will be for emergency shelter needs expended January i through December 31, 2o1g. (Approved) 9. Exhibit B, Revision 8 to Department of Social&Health Services Contract No. i163-29349�th Grant County for Residential Services. The revision amends the rates£or residential clients. (Approved) 10. Anticipating: Agreement Regarding Juvenile Court Administration between Grant County Superior Court and the Board of County Commissioners. Term is January i,2oig through December 3i, 2oi6. (Did not arrive for signature) 11. Anticipatang: 2oi3 Professional Services Agreement,Conflict and Overflow Investigator,between Grant County and Jason Dowd of Valley , Investigations,LLC. (Did not arrive for signature) i2. 2oig Professional Services Agreement, Conflict and Overflow Investigator,between Grant County and Jeff Wade of Wade Investigative Services.Term is January i, 2o1g through December g1,2o1g, (Approved) ig. Memorandum of Agreement between Washington State University (WSU)Extension and Grant County for$95,658.0o in funding for the provision of professional services. (Approved) Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.i1o(�)(i)Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at 9�45 a.m.to go unti19�55 a.m.regarding the Ochoa Litigation.In attendance were Commissioners Stevens, Carter,Swartz, Lee Pence, Civil Deputy Attorney, and June Stricl�ler,Administrative Services Coordinator. The session was then continued to io:oo a.m. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at io:oo a.m. 10:0o a.m.—10:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting io:go a.m. —io:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period(No public in attendance) i2:oo p.m.— i:go p.m. KIM HUSTED rAIRWELL RECEPTION 2:0o p.m. —2:5o p.m. T Hechler,Human Resources Update 3:0o p.m. —3:2o p.m. G Baleer, Discussion on RFP for Imaging Software 4:0o p.m. —4:2o p.m. B Smith,District Court Update MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amounts of$149,214•52� $743,958•82, ,as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for December 14, 20�2. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization forrn for the December io, 2oi2 payroll. � I i � � � I I COMMISSIONERS'DECEMBER i7, 2012 MINUTES Page g of 5 TUESDAY,DECEMBER i8, 2012: The session was continued 1:3o p.m.with all the Commissioners in attendance. 9:0o a.m. — 12:0o p.m. R Stevens,Courthouse,Juvenile,and Public Worlcs Union Negotiations � i:go p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Works Update i. Authorization to Call for Bids: 45o hp Chassis and i4 cy Dump Body with 12'2-way Plow and io cy Body Sander(Road Dist.No. 2) (Approved,the bid opening was set for January 8, 2o1g at 2:0o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 2:2o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Qwest Franchise Application ' Open Record Public Hearing to consider a franchise application from Quest Cornmunications Company LLC to construct, operate,and maintain condui�s and fiber optic cable at the aerial crossing of County Road 1i-NW located on the north east corner of S 8,T 20,R 24 WM, Grant County to provide long distance telecommunications service. Derek Pohle, Director and County Road Engineer,Public Worlcs discussed the application. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Coinmissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Swartz moved to approve the franchise application as presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Approved, Order Granting Franchise signed) 2:3o p.m. —2:5o p.m. D Lee,Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3:0o p.m. —g:15 p.m. Consent Agenda(Items 1 through 8) A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz,seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve all items on the Consent Agenda but hold an invoice from The Ripley Law Firm for further review. The motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers (Approved, but hold invoice from Ripley Law Firm) 2. Special Occasion license application for Grant County Fire District #8 Volunteers Association, PO Box 1�82,Mattawa,WA 99349 from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) g. Recommendation from the Grant County Horticultural Pest and Disease Board to reappoint George Smith and Sean Putnam to another 2 year term,expiring December g1, 2014. (Approved) 4. Recommendation from the Grant County Tourism Commission and request from Kevin Danby to be appointed to the Grant County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. (Approved) , HUMAN RESOURCES 5. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from Technology Services to restructure,rename and re-band the Help Deslc Technician position.The Director recommends renaming i the position to a Help Deslc Assistant and re-band it from a band 5 to ; a band 6. (Approved) 'I � I � � COMMISSIONERS'DECEMBER i7, 2012 MINUTES Page 4 of 5 CLERIC'S OFFICE 6. Request for approval to purchase two copy machines from Business Interiors and Equipment in Moses Lalce as approved in the capital ' expenditure budget for 2013.Estimated total is$24,865.00. (Approved) PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE �. Request for Out of State Travel for Deputy Prosecutor Lee Pence to attend a deposition regarding the Ochoa Ag Unlimited Foods,Inc. et al v.Grant County Superior Court on December 18- �9,2012 in Nampa, Idaho. (Approved. It was discovered that afternoon that this litigation had been settled so no travel was , needed.) 8. Request for Out of State Travel for Deputy Prosecutor Tyson Hill to attend CLE Seminar in Las Vegas,Nevada from Januaiy 2�- February i,2oi3.The training entitled"Evidence"is sponsored by the National District Attorney's Association. Estimated cost of registration,travel and lodging for the seminar is $i,895.0o and will be paid from the Prosecutor's budget. (Approved) 4:0o p.m. -5:0o p.m. R Stevens at Moses Lalce Trail Planning Team Meeting(Moses Lalze City Hall) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1g, 20�2: 7:0o a.rn.-8:0o a.m. C Swartz at GC Economic Development Council Board Meeting(ATEC, BBCC) 9:0o a.m. -9:3o a.m. R Stevens,WRCIP Fiscal Comrnittee Conference Call , 9�3o a.m.-12:0o p.m. TOURISM BOARD MEETING � i2:oo p.m.-i:oo p.m. HEARINGS EXAMTNER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2oi2: ' ii:oo a.m. - 12:0o p.m. R Stevens and C Carter atAllred Funeral(Royal Slope) �2:0o p.m. - i:oo p.m. C Swartz at 8���Forgotten Heroes Anniversary(Grant CountyAirport) 6:3o p.m. -8:0o p.m. C Swartz at Grant Transit Authority Board Meeting(Moses Lalce Facility) COMMISSIONERS'DECEMBER i�, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 5 of 5 FRIDAY,DECEMSER 21, 2012: 9:0o a.m. - 12:0o p.m. R Stevens,District Court Union Negotiations i:oo p.m. -3:0o p.rn. DOROTHY BLACK RETIREMENT CELEBRATION(Community Development Office) Signed this�day of • ,2013. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County,Washington � �.���,vs� Cin�Carter,Chair � Ca c� n Swartz,Vic hair A est: �� Richard Stevens Ba ara J.Vasquez er of the Board �� �