HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 12-057-CCI�OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, VVashington AN ORDINANCE DISBANDING THE GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT oRnINANCE No. iZ- � � 7 -Cc RESOLUTION No. j-Z_o5� -CC WHEREAS, RCW 36.70.200 provides that whenever the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) creates a planning agency, it shall also a create a Board of Adjustment; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Board of Adjustment under Chapter 36.70 RCW is to hear and decide applications %r conditional uses or other permits when a zoning ordinance sets forth the specific uses to be made subject to conditional use permits and establishes criteria for determining the conditions to be imposed; applications %r variances pursuant to the terms of the zoning ordinance; and appeals, where it is alleged by the applicant that there is error in any order, requirement, permit, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the administration or enforcement of Chapter 36.70 RCW or any ordinance adopted pursuant to it; and WHEREAS, Grant County, by and through the BOCC, has previously created a Planning Agency, a Planning Commission, and a Board of Adjustment pursuant to Chapter 36.70 RCW; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70.970 provides that the county legislative authority (BOCC) may adopt a hearing examiner system under which a hearing examiner or hearing examiners may hear and issue decisions on proposals for plat approval and for amendinents to the zoning ordinance when the amendment which is applied for is not of general applicability. Such adoption is an alternative to those provisions set forth in Chapter 36.70 RCW relating to powers or duties of the planning commission to hear and issue recommendations on applications for plat approval and applications for amendments to the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70.970, the legislative authority (BOCC) may vest in a hearing examiner the power to hear and decide those issues it believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner, including, but not limited to: applications for conditional uses, variances, shoreline permits, or any other class of applications for or pertaining to development of land or land use; and, appeals of administrative decisions or determinations pursuant to chapter 43.21 C RCW; and Ordinance Disbanding the Grant County Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 3 Civil 8�Departments\Ordinances\2012\Disband BOA 9-14-12 WHEREAS, RCW 3b.70.974 speci�cally �rovides that any county which vests in a hearing examiner the authority ta hear and decide conditional uses and variances shail r�ot be required ta have a Zoning Adjuster oc Board of Adjustmer►t; and WHER�AS, The Grant County Uni�ed Developinent Code (UDG) 25,04.S1Q provzdes that nothing in this contained within UDC 25.04 (Permit Application Review Procedures} p�•ecludes Grant Gounty fram at any time adopting an ordinance authori�in�; the replacement of the Plannin� Commission or Board af Adjustment system cu7•rently emplayed under such chapter, with a hearin� examinat� system; and WHEREAS, the BOCC, by and through Ordinance 12-035, amended the Grant County Unified Development Cade, Chapters 23.04, 25.02 a��d 25.04 for the purpase of praviding a hearing examiner with authority to hear arld decide, inter alia, canditional uses and variances; and WHEREA�, except in the case of a rezane, the decision of the designated hearing examiner shall be given the effect of a�nal decision of the legislative autllority (BOCC); azld WHEREAS, Grant County no longer i'inds it necessary to have a separate Board of Adjustment in ligl�t of the assigntnent of all canditianal use perinit and varianc� decisions, and companion decisions, to a designated hearing examinex; a�id WHEREAS, tlle BOCC tinds that it is in the best interests af Gratlt County and its people to disband the Board of Adjustment consistent with Cllapter 36.70 RCW. NOW, THEREFOTtE, BE IT RESOLVED AND C?Rl)AINED by the Baard of County Commissioners of Grant County, State of Washington, as follows. Section l. The Grant County Baard of Adji�stment sha11 be disbanded effective September 17, 2Q12. Section 2. If any provisian of this ordinance or its application to any person, entity or circumstance is, for a11y reason, held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the (7rdinance or its application ta other persans entities or circumstances shall not be affected. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be effective when sigtled. Ordinance Disbanding the Grant County Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 3 CivilBiDepartments\drdinancas\2012iDisband BdA 9-14-12 A PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD ON THE ABOVE RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P.M., ON THE 17Tx DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2012. Enacted this ��� day of Septeinber, 2012. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Richard B. Stevens, Chair Cindy rter, ice- h ir �����ti��r�vC_- Carolann Swartz Member �— � � , 2012; Approved By Dalton L,�e� Deputy Pro — `� , 2012 ce ting Attorney Date: � �� � �-- Ordinance Disbanding the Grant County Board of Adjustment Civil 8�Departments\Ordinances\2012\Disband BOA 9-14-12 Page 3 of 3