HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-050-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CRESCENT BAY RESORT PI.ANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY CONVERTING A 14 UNIT MOTEL TO 14 UNIT CONDOMINIUMS LOCATED IN SECTION 18, NORTH, TOWNSHIP 20, RANGE 23 EAST, WM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHIl�TGTON RESOLUTION N0.12-�-CC APPROVING AN AM�NDMENT TO THE CRESCENT BAY RESORT PLAlvl�TED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been. advised that an open record public hearing was conducted before the Grant County Planning Commission on June 27, 2012 with regards to the proposed amendment to the existing Crescent Bay Resort Planned Z7nit Development located in a portion of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington, and WHEREAS, the Urant County Planning Commission on June 27, 2012 did approve a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval of the proposed amendment to the Crescent Bay Resort Planned Unit Development with two (2) suggested Conditions of Approval and twenty one (21) Findings of Fact affirming the recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners held a closed record public hearing regarding this matter on August 7, 2012, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have reviewed the application material, staff report, and a summary of the Planning Comtriission hearing, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal will not adversely effect the health9 safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does comply with the Comprehensive Plan, the Shoreline Master Program, the zoning code and other land use regulations, and SEPA; WHEREAS9 the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does comply with health requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does cont�iin an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein9 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does cornply with Grant County and State Department of Transportation regulations pertaining to roads, utilities, drainage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure improvements; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does comply with requirements of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Department of Reclamation and/or a recognized Irrigation District when the proposed PUD is within the boundaries of an Irrigation_Di,����c.t,�„�.��^��� ���.�.�������'�� �� °� ,� � �) �t? �:� m ��������° ��:sa:s��-v �c���;���,�,wc������ IN THE MATT�R OF APPROVING AN AM�NDMENT TO CRESCENT BAY RESORT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WI3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does function �s a single site with xespect to, but not limited to, lot access, interior circulation, open space, landscaping, clrainage facilities, facility maintenance and parking; WIIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal is consistent in design, ch�racter and appearance with the goals and policies for the zoning district in. which the proposed PUD is located; W�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal will not be unreasonably incompatible vvith the types of uses permitted in surrounding areas; WIIEItEAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal will not create undue noise, odor, heat, vibration, air or water pollution impacts on. surrounding existing or potential dwelling units; W�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal will not materially endanger the health, safety and welfare of the community; WHEREAS, the Board of County Co�nmissioners have found that this proposal is such that pedestrian and vehicular traf�c associated with th.e use will not be hazardous or conflict with existing and anticipated traffic in the local area; WHEI2EAS, the Board of County Comrrussioners have found that this proposal does includes evidence of availability of adequate public services and facilities, including access, fire protection, water, storm water control, and sewage disposal facilities; WH�I2EAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the location, size and height of buildings, structures, walls �nd fences and screening vegetation for. the proposed PUD shall not kunder or discourage the appropriate development or use of neighboring properties; WIIEREAS, the Board of County CoYnrx�issioners have found that this proposal is not in conflict with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan or the basic purposes of this Chapter; �'HEItEAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that tlus proposal is not adjacent to lands zoned as Agriculture (AG) and thus the impacts on the long-term natur�il resource management and production will be minimized; `W�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that tlus proposal did require land division. or a binding site plan, and it does meet the requirements of GCC § 22.04; W�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that this proposal does identify and protect critical areas, archaeological and historic resources, and visual and aesthetic resources, and environmental considerations are employed in the design, placement and screening of facilities and amenities; �VHER�AS, the Board of County Coxntxussioners have found that tlus proposal will not cause significant adverse impacts on the human or natural environments that cannot be mitigated by conditions of approval; Crescent Bay Resort PUD - BoCC Resolution - page 2 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO CRESCENT BAY RESORT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WI3EREAS, the Bo�ird of County Commissioners have found that the proposed land uses, activiti.es, and structures does comply with applicable development standards of GCC § 23,12 and performance standards specified in GCC § 23.08, and with any required mitigation measures; and 'V�'�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that this proposal does pass all concurrency tests as provided by GCC § 25.20. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to approve the proposed amendment to the Crescent Bay Resort — Planned United Development (PUD), NOW, TH�REI+ORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washingtion hereby approve by this ResQlution, subject to the two (2) Condition of Approval listed below, Crescent Bay Resort Planned Unit Development, located in a portion of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 23 East, VUillamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. (Parcel #14� 1285-840) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant/development/landowners shall comply with the following: a) All Conditions of Approval Iisted in Resolution 2005-307-CC approving the PUD Subdivision of Crescent Bay Resorts. (Planning File No. OS-4043) b) All Conditions of Approva� listed in Resolution 2005-175-CC approving an amendment to the Master 1'lanned Resor�. (Planning File No. 04-3933) c) Parking shall comply with UDC 23.12.130. 2. The applicant/development7landowner shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by Grant County Public Works, including, but not limited to: a) Access to the additional parking shall be by internal designated streets. No direct access to each parking stall will be allowed onto Grant County Road Right of Way for Crescent Bar Road. EFFECTIV� DATE: Upon signature. DATED this � day of f1.ugR.ist, 2012. k of the Yea Nay Abstain L� ❑ ❑ BOARD OF COUN'TY COMMISSIONERS COLTNTY, �VASHINGTON � ❑ ❑ Cin y C er, Vice- air / _ � �,�.. � ❑ � Car.olann Swartz, Member the Soard of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington Crescent Bay Resort PUD � BoCC Resolution � page 3