HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-038-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION INCREASING THE FAIR CHANGE FUND FOR THE GRANT COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS RESOLUTION No. 12- (� ��-CC WHEREAS, it has been called to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners that the Fair Change Fund, Fund #116, Department #159, needs to be increased; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 90-53-CC dated June 25, 1990 established this fund in the amount of $100.00; WHEREAS, the amount of $100.00 has been demonstrated to be insufficient; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, increase Fund #116, Department #159, Fair Change Fund, to the amount of $400.00, for the cash registers at the Grant County Fairgrounds. "72 Effective this .�' day of , 2012 Dated this _ J G�of , 2012. Yea Nay � ❑ � ❑ Abst� �N ❑ ❑ BOARD OF COUN'TY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTOI�T ]/ ❑ � � � � Carolann Swartz, Member N:\Staft�BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Pnirgrounds Change Fund Increase 2012.doc Page 1 of 1 C�r��t +�nunty �'airgra��ds 3953 Aire�vay Dt�ive NE + Mnses Lake, WA 98�3'7-1029 509-7�65-�5$1 x34 • �+,AX; 509-7G6-7940 www.gcfairgrounds.cam June 7, 2012 Board of C�unty Commissior�ers Gran� County Caurthou�� P.O. Box 37 EphP�ta, WA 9$$23 D�ar Nc�narabie C�mmissian�rs, Qated this J�•�_. day af_�S,ju n-�. , 20� Bc�Arci ofCounty Cornmissioners Grant County, Washington ���.+. Dist # I 1Jist #2 Dist #3 is r v Dist # 1 Dist # 2 �_ pist # 3 A.�I�, Dast � ! �,�, Dist # 2,�,,,,�, M_, D'ist # 3 The Grant Ccaunty Fairgrounds (GC�G} is requesting appraval far incre�sing th� C�sh l��c�i�t�r Funds, You have r�cently �pprov�d the incre�se in funds far Petty C�sh to $1,OQ0.�0, Petty Cash i� �n �xpens� b�sed account wher�as fihe Cash Register Funds is � Fievenue Bas�d Fut�d, W� �r� requesting ta incre�se the G�sh Regist�r �und fram �1QO.Q0 fio $400.00 (�n incr�as� of ���O.UO}, �IC� � �� �� �� ��� W� are requ�siir�g to m�ke this increase p�rman�nt in natur�. Thi� wili efimin�te the requiremenfi to incr�ase and decreas� the Cash Regis#�r Fund �maunt during th� y�ar. The funds wili sti(1 be tracked through accaunting (�P} and by utilizing Quickbo�ks �nfierprise. This prac��s wiil �Iso ke�p the P�tty Cash �'und �nd the Cash Regi�ter �'und ��para�e far accaunfiing purposed. Thi� request has b�en r�search�d and it has b�en recarr°�m�nded by ih� Accaunting Depar#men�. �in��reiy, �„�„'"'.� � � �' rry � n rich F�ir M nf�n�nc Mar►ag�r . , .. _ , �k� - - e ;� ;, r , _. . ,� ,... . Ct 'E', JUN � `'� 7..Q12 `�. ,, ;���• '1 .�.`y-s , . . ;!i' .. ' � 5�� _.i �I. ..,. .,� _ . �'' � � _ , �� 61�R+RD C�F �011P�7'Y �ONEMlS510NERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON P,li50LUT'.LON NUr113�R 90— 53 —CC A R1s5�LUTIUN r.elat;Ln� to elic e�Cut�l.LshmenL- ot � chan�;e Luud for. the County P'air llepartmenL-, to be cal7.ed: Tair Cliange Pwid. 1�111ERLAS, it lias been called Co L'he ael'enCion oP L'he l�ourd of County Commi�;siouers ehat a change fund �liould Ue est�blished as set fc>rth herej.nUelo�a; and IJFIER�AS, the establiehment uI sci.icl fund is in �iceurda�Gce with state and county laws and d�es not rec�u:Lre a public Uudqet hearing; NOW, '1'AFREP'ORE, BG TT RTSOLVGll 13Y THS BOARD Or C�Ur1TY CC1MMiSSTOPI�RS, �ts follows: 1. That a change Iuricl to Ue icnown as Fair Cliange l�und, is hereUy established in the �mounL- of $1.00.00 .Eor Che C:ouuty rair llepattment. 2. 7'hat the hend of s�id coutity departmenL eluill be cusCodtan of said fun�l, sl��i11 T:ecord a7.:L truusactions accordi.ng to proper accounting procedures, and s1�a11 use .it on].y Lor tlic: purpose oL making change. 3. Th�L all expeuditures Lxom saLd Fuud �ire lu be supported with appropriate recei.pts and reimhu'rsement of aaid fund sha11 be by claim voucher and warrant. � G N � �_ �. D� DONE THIS�..$�],_ DAY OF_ .lunc , �q_ 9l7 /� /-`" /"�_ —,�. / � ' � Chalrman' ATTEST: '.C���IiC__ ��§��CA_-- ��.. /d ti.. n,,...,a