HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-035-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE: 12� v35 CC An Ordinance relating to the amendments of the Unitied Development Code as follows: Recitals: Planned Unit Developments, Variances & Preliminary Subdivision to be heard bv Hearin� Examiner 23,04.040 (e) - Land Use Regulations - Allowable, Administrative, Conditional and Prohibited Uses; 23.04.120 - Temporary Uses (a) (5) (E) &(G) — Temporary farm labor camps; 25.02.030 - Definitions — sections B, F; 25.04.060 - Project Permit Types — Defined (b)(3); 25.04.080 Table 2— Summary of Administrative Review of Project Permit Applications; 25.04.270(a) — Type III Procedure — Quasi Judicial Decision; 25.04.270(b) — Planning Commission Recommendation; 25.04.280(a) — Type IV Procedure — Final Plat; 25.04.310(b) — Order of Proceedings; 25.04.410(a) — Administrative Appeals of Permit Decisions; 25.04.510(a) —Hearing Examiner Review Available. I�easonable Use Exception chanEin$ from a Tvpe III process to a Tvne II process 23.04,170 (c), (d), (e), ( fl- Reasonable Use Exception; 25.04.060 (b)(2), (b)(3) Project Permit types — Defined; 25.04.080 Table 1- Project Permit Classi�cation; 25.04.080 Table 2- Summary of Administrative Review of Project Permit Applications. Removal of the Building Board of Appeals and insertion of other appropriate appeal bodv as specified in Grant Countv Code. 25.04.100 (a) - Administrative Interpretations. Clariffcation resarding method of Public Notice for Preliminarv Short Subdivision 25.04.200(a) Method of Public Notice of Application by Application Type - Table 3. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County intends to comply fu11y with the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Growth 1Vlanagement Act compliant Comprehensive Land Use Plan in September of 1999, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County adopted a Unified Development Code implementing the Comprehensive Plan on October 1, 2000, and; WHEREAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Action" provides a process for amending the Code, and; WHEREAS, the Grant Count Planning Department initiated an amendment, under Chapter 25.12 to the Unified Development Code by amending several sections as outlined in Attachment 1, and; An ordinance relating to amendments of the Unified Developmenl Code chapteis 23.04, 25.02, 25.04 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Corrunission that an open record public hearing was conducted on Apri14, 2012 and tabled until May 2, 2012, on the matter of amending the Grant County Unified Development Code, and; WHEREAS, on May 2, 2012 the Grant County Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of County Cotnmissioners, approval of the UDC Amendment requests with several recommended changes and; VV�IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County held an open record public hearing on May 29, 2012, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Comrnissioners have been advised by the Grant County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendments were processed in accordance with the requirements of UDC Chapter 25.12 66Legislative Action"; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been advised by the Grant County Planning Department that the proposed UDC Amendments were processed in accordance with the requirements of UDC Chapter 24.04 "State Environmental Policy Act"; and, WI3EREAS, the Board of County Commisszoners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that, the UDC Amendments will serve the public use and interest. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County does hereby ordain amending the Grant County Unified Development Code, Chapters 23.04, 25,02, and 25.04 as outlined in Attachment # 1. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, the effective date of this ordinance shall be, 5 p.m. of the date of signature. PASSED AND ADOPTED this � day of June, 2012. Yea Nav Abstain Cf ❑ ❑ � ❑ BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G T COUNTY WASHING'I'ON ' _�_ Richard Stevens, Chair � ��,P�c.,�L� �� Cindy Carter, Vice-Chair � ����o� � � ❑ � Carolann Swartz, Member , rtrd of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington �2_ An ordinance relating to amendments of the Unified Development Code chapters 23.04, 25.02, 25.04 Attachment # 1 -3� 9 1Q 11 2S.�14.060 1� cn����Y• z�.a� PERIYIIT .�1.PPLICATION �'t:E'VIE�V PROCEDURES Pro�ect Permit'�yp�s - lle�ned 13 ��) "�"1��e Adniu�zs#x�►tive Offiaial s11a11 det�rnii�e tl�e procedural �Iassi#ication (Ty�e I, u, ICT ax N) for all 1� project ��i7aait �pplications, If a. c�uestion e;cisis as to the �ppeopriate procedure type, tl�e 15 Ac�mi�iistrative OfEicial slx�ll resolve it izl favar �f the higher prc�eedural classification. 16 17 18 19 2n 21 22 23 24 2S 2b 2'� �$ 29 30 31 32 3� 34 35 3�i 37 38 39 �� A� 1 42 43 44 4S 45 47 43 �t9 SO {b) �'lie ac:t of cl�tssifyi��g �ri applicatioiy �as to ty�e slaall be a Type �. rninisterial actiou. C1lssification oi an applicaCion sh�all be subjecC to appell Goaisist�nt with the appeal proc�dr.ire for a Type I actiox�. (1) T�e T ap�licatinns involv� �nin�sterial acts and ��e exem�t froxn tlle Detennizaatia�� of Completeness and public notice requiremei�ts. �"inal ciete.��ations ori Type I applications shall be made by the Adn�ustrative Off'ieial wifhout a public k�earing and may be appealed to Che Ba�rd of Cnunty Coxtunissiolxers, In tlle case t�f deival nf a buiiding per�nit based an the Unifoi�n Build'u1g Cade or tlie tiaaifox� Fire Cnde oY�ly, the a�pe�l shall b� to tile BuilditYg Board of Appeals. S�.ic1� Type I 1p�lications include, Uut are nnt li�rut�d, to p�z•al�itked uses not rec�uiruxg site plan review, bounda�y line adjusiz��exxts, se�•e�atipn �pplicatioais, and building parn�its. {2) Ty�e TI applications typically involve ad7�ninisti•�ttive acts anci geneza�ly, but not always, are exen�pk fr�tx� the public ncatice rec�uit•erz�etits. �inal deter�i�inations on Ty�e I� �►pplicaiions sl�all �e made 6y tlze Admii�istraiive t)ificial .�►n+.itlioufi �.pu�ilic h�ar-ing, aza�l caz� be appealecl �o the i3pard of County Coznilxissioners. Where a decisiozx azx a Type II application is appealed to tlie �aard of Cout�ty Carnmissionexs, pnblic notice of the open reoard ��z�e�l k�earing shall ba given. Su�� '�'ype II �pplicat�ons ii�cluds, but are not liznited to, short plats, sign pern�its, reasonabl� use exoeption, ,design reviews, revisians to slxoreline mana��n�ent pernuts, iiunor amendtne�ts to pl�tu�ed unit developments, a�ad otlger minpr adu�inzstrative amendznents ta lantl rtse ap�rov�ls. {3) Type �LI applicatians invalve quasi judicx�tl acts and requix� a�� op�r� record hearing before the P�utan��xg �ommissio� R^^�� ^� n a;,,�� ac• I��ari�igs �xazn.iz�ex•. Public �otice will be pr•ovided on Type �I� applications. '�'he Planz�ing Ca�rui�.ission's written decision canstitutes a recannxner�dation to the BoArd c�i �Coux�ty Commissioners. s"n R^�;.' ^� n�':,,^+,,,�r,�;-�We-�G��� �'^���i c^ri�*��-� ��n���=�€'i�t�-c�ec-�'s�ke�:-Sucl� Type III applications include, but axe not limited to, �z�e�iz�nary pints, v�cat�t�ns or alterations o� plats, bi.ndixa� site plans, canditio►xal use and variance permits, plan��ed unit develop�ents; mzjnr amenciments to p�a�vned un�t developn�ents, �ea���e--�s�--e�c���kie�:s-�nd zc�r�in� map amendments. The decision o� the �3ea��l e�€ �4�;j�t�e�I-Iearir��'s Ex�minex; oA• �3oard c�f Caunt� Comtnissioners is not subject to fu�tl�ez� adrn�a�istrative revaew, except where the ��r�l-ef-�j��t�ze�-Heax•iz�bs Exanvner; or Board of County Cocavr�issioners agrees, in iks d�scretiozi, to reconsider the n�,atter. Decisions aE'the �� �j-��rier�; ZI�arings �xaxniner; or Baard of Gaua�ty Commissioners are lppealable to the Grant County Sup�rior Caurt. (4) Type T� ap�lications refec fa �p�licatiaias for final plats. Chapter 2S.O�F ' OctaUer 1, 2UU0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1� 13 14 1� 16 17 l8 19 20 zi �z 23 24 25 26 �7 28 29 3� 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 4p �} i 42 43 44 45 �6 �7 �s 49 50 25.0�.080 Clussi�cation of �'roject Perrnit Applicatio«s — Adn�inistrsitive Rev�ew (�) Administrative review af project pernlit applications shall be baseci on. their classification as suznniaz•ized in Table 2. Tctble 1 Project P�rmit Classi�cntioi�. `�'Yiae I— Niinis�kerin� TY�'� �T - Type YI� �- Quasi- '�'ype IV — Finni Plat Administr�tive Judicial Buiiding Peririiis� Shorelit�e ivllriaget��.ent Planned Unit �inal Plats' F'er��zitss Develapme�ts�a Per�nitt�d uses ��at �'reliminary Short Prelxminary Subdivisions6, requi�ing site plati review Subdivisions6, Plat Vacations� �, Final Short Plats7 P1aC Alteratians�� Bounda�y Line Minoa� ad�nizaistrative Binding Site �'lanns�3, Adjust�nents2 pea�nut aiaxendinents Site Plari Reviewi� Se�regation Sign p�rn�its9 Variances�5 Applications� AcinlinisCrative 1Vtinar ameiaclmen�s to Majar amendments to Consistency Review Planned Unit Planned Ut�it (C.ises Allowcd Outrigl�t)� Devel4pments1° De�velopx�.ez�tsr� R�zon� �?etern�ination of Dxscxet�onary Use Conditional Use Coa�sistency'� review`' Pexz��z'tsd,"s (Zc�nYng District Reasanable Use Miz�or Zoiung BOUTIC�1Tj� Ii1t�T�X�fc1�1O1.1S Exception �� Aaaxendmez�ts�G F1oad i�azard Az•ea �ar��J:�-tT�e i�evelopm�nt �'e�-znits �a�ce�t-�e�s�'x � 5e� GCG Titlt� t�4. See GCC � 22.04 Article ICi. See GCC $ 22.Q�1.�90. ° Se;� CCC � 23,04.150, � See GCC � 22 Article V. 3 sce ccC § z2.04.090. a See CGC $ 23.0�4.040. $ Se� Shoreline Niaster Pro�ram. ' See GGG § 22.04 Article V. $ Not used, g See GCC § 23.12,130. �o See GCC � 22.D�4,700. '' Se� GCC § 22.04.480. 13 Sce GCC § 22.04 Article V[C, �a gee GCC § 23.Q4.140. �s Sae CiCC § 25A$. " See GCC § 24,f18,110 and GCC § ?3,04.17q. Glta�te��.ZS.04 Octo6er l, 2000 Step in Permit Rev� w Process Pub4ic Notice of Applicatiou Notice oi Pubise Hearing __ __ __ Pablie Corrtment Period Table �— Surrtrnary of �dmirtistrative 1�eviet�v of Project 1'errrtif Applicatiorrs1. � Projt�ct Permr�t Appl�catfan Ty�e Type i-14f inisferial '➢'ype it — Adcninistrative Type i CE — Quas'cJ udieiad Consistency �load Bu6Fc�ing $i.A, Sf�oreline 1Pre16minary Discretionarr� Cenditio�aaE �'_���°-�� Reviewd Hazard Permits Segregatians, Pern�i#s Short Use, [ise, Variances &�:s�etts; Perm�is� �thers Subflivisions, Reasonable 1'ref�minarv n'� �ipml Short Use Subd`rv$sions., �e�se�ie-�3se Plat �xceptions, PIJDg £�ee�'se�s; E?thees Minor Rezones, �thers Na No N6 No Yes Yes No Yr� Yes Na i�a Na No Na I�io Mo Yes Yes No No No No Yes '�c;s No Yes Yes e'ype IV Finat Plat ?�a No I�fo Open-Reeord Predecision . - ftearing (Hearing Body) I�a No No No No No No Yes Yes No t� H�} tPc)s Decitionit�aherg AO AO AO AO AO AO A� �4HE I'C BOC� Open-Record Appeal Yes Yes Rearing (�1`earing Body) No T�ro No Aio N� (BOCC`) (SOCC} .No NQ No Closed-Record Appe�l Yes Yes Yes Yes ifearing (f3earing Body) No (BOA} {B$A) ($OCC) (BOCC} Yess Na Na No Na Jdsiicia! Appea! (i�'earing 1�io Yes Yes Yes Yes 1'es Yes Yes Yez Y�. BodY) f GCSC) (GCSC) (GCSC} {CCSC) (G�SC3 (GCSC} (GCSC) {GCSC) {GCSC) OtFte� A�peat No' No i�(o T�o SHB No No l�ia Na No � Abl�reviations: �AO: Administrative Qffrcial £iOCC: Board of Connry Cornmissioners �E,A: Boundary �.ir�e Adjustmenr - t-IE: Hearir�? Examiner BBA: Buiidin� Board of Appeals 3'G: Planning Comrnission SEtB: St�areiines Hearin� Board GCSC_ Gran� Cnunry S�perior Court = Not Used. 25.04.510 3 PC makes advisory recorrrmendat"ron to BOCC, who makes final decision (sez GCC § 22.(ia). � This table is a summary of reqnirements, refer to text of GCG far fuil pracedrirc:s. ' Yes, if part of appeaf ofunderlyina constnactian or devetopment permit � Consistency review for ilses Allowed Qutright {See CiCC § 23.0�.040) and Rezane l�eterminations of Consistency {See GCC § 23.0�.150. 7 See CCC Chapter 24_ I b. 6 ks,�___..__.t__ n....:,.:,._ xr_a_..,.:, .._....._c:,.a .�,..�.,� rs..«�,t „�' na..,,.k„a.�t__izn..,.a._�'� � ns r k t- s st, F,ng,a rr .. C�tflpfBY �.S.U� � CICtOI?G'P I, ZO�I� 1 2�.0�4..100 Atlminist�•ative Interpretntions 2 3 (�) Upon reqtlest, the applicable officinl sh�ll issue a fo�•mnl wz7tteii ir�terpret�tion of a develapment � regulatint� wliicl7. iilcludes the applicable shot�eline master prograx�►� pttrsuaz�t to WAC §�73-26-140. 5 The ;request shall be oi� a tor��Y provided by the Grai�t Co�rnty Depac�tinenY of GoriuiYutiity G Develapanent 1nd shall include identificat�an of tlie regu�ltion i�l q�iestiat�, a deseriptiot� of t11e '1 prpperty {i� applical�le), and a clear stateinent af the issue oi• question ta be decided. Grant County 8 shall consuli witii tl�e Departrnent nf Ecalc�gy on inlerpr�tatioxis of the Shorelii�e Mast�r Pragr�m to � it�sure th�t at�y fari�ial wrxttexx intezpretatiotis ate cnnsistent �vitlx the �urpose �nd intent of RCW 10 � 90.58 atad �he applicaU�e guidelines of `VAC § 173-26-040. Formrtl written interpretations shall be 11 Ty,�� � 1cti�a�is, undess qtherwise s�peei�ed, ai�d as such may be �ppealed to tlie Gcant County �� ��u �issic�ners or= n: T�•�i'�'��^^ �^^ra ^� "�^���^'^ other a ra riate a eal bad as s ecified in Grant nty Cad� ar BoCC adopted policy. l4 iS �6 17 �8 l9 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 27 28 � 29 3�J 31 32 3� 3� 35 36 37 33 I 39 �40 �l 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 �49 SO 25.44.2Q�0 Nletl�ad of Yublic Nntice of Ap�ali�ation by APplicatian TYpe (�) Tl�e 1�.�et�iod of public a�otice o�' projeet �ea�nit apptications shAll b� b�sed on tl�eir classi�ication as delineated in Tabl� 3. ?'able 3 �vCetiao�l ofpirblicNo�ice bvflz�plicatian iVlaAlin ►� to Appli��t��n Agencies mf Acijacent .T._._,. Jarisdiciion� LaYndorvners5 Type I No " Ty�e ii Yes Tyg�e '�.TI Yes Tv�e N Yes No No2'�1 Yes Yes �licant° Pastin� of Prope�rtyT No3 Na � Yes Yes Yes Yes ' except ii'SEPA required. x e:ccept for shoreline substantial developt��ent pannits uauler [he County's SMP. � e.ccept if SBPA or slioreline substaa�tial developmenk perrxiit is required. " see § 25.04.190, subgaragrapli (b)(2). � see § 25,U4,190, subparagraph (b)(5j. d see § 25.04,190, subpara$raph (b)( I). 7 see § 2�.04.190, subparagraph (b)(fi). � s�� § 25.Q�i.190, subparagraph (b)(3). 9 see § 25.44.190, subpara�raph (b)(4), 14 except if pnrsuant to $ 23.04, l�{0, subparagrapii tg)(J). a� except Preliminar�Short Subdivision pursuant ta Tal�[e 2. 25,04.270 Type IIX Procednr�e W Quasi .Tradicial llecision Pubiis3�� No�'� "Yes Yes Natify Gz•oups �v/ �ntcrest� � Nor Yes Yes (a) Review. 1�1 Type TII application requires one (1) public hearing be£ore tl�e Plaz�ning Cotnmissian; �� ��A��ts#rxfe��; o�• the Hearinn Exazniner. In the case of a Planning Cotnmission hearing, their decisioz� constitutes a recornznendatiot� to the �3n�rd nf County Commissioners, The public he�ring slioutd be h�ld within xiinety (9{�) days after tl�e date Ylae Co�rnty issues the determination tl�at tlie applicatio� is technically coznp�ate. 1'relimin�ry Plats must be approved, disapprpved o�� returned to the �pplicant tar modificatian or correctiaz� witl�in tunety days Pz•om tlie filing date a£ aa applicatiotz that has been accepted by the Planning Department azid dekermii�ed to be technically camplete except as may be provided by this title. In determrn.ul� the numUer of tlays tlaat l�ave �lapsed after Grant 1 Cc�unty Laas �Zoti£ied t}�e applicaiyt tha� the ap�licatiUn is coinplete, tl�e periods stated in 25A4.370(c) 2 shall be eYclud�d, 3 � (b) P1lzacaii�g Co�i�missioi� Recomar►eixdatipn. �ip�--�e��et��i�te�l-�e-��-€;a��a�ee��The S I'lan�ung Go�xunission is a r�coxz�m�nding auti�oritye�}-tnr Typ� III applications as outlined in.Table 6 2; tl�e Board of County Ct�tn�nissianers randet•s final decisions. The Plannii�g Camrnission sizall clirect 7 tl�.e Planning Depaz�txnent wzt.ili�a fourte�eti { i 4) d7ys nf the date of the o�en record heai•ii�g ta prepnre a 8 written report settin; fa��tl� t�s reconam�sidatian o�' the Planning Corr�nission includiYi�: findings, 9 conclusinns, stlff re�ox-t,1nd testimony on th� re�oa�d fram a��t7cies and i�7terest�d pai�ties. ]0 11 25.b4.280 Type IV Procednrre - Fima�� �'1:�i 12 13 l4 l5 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 �i 32 33 3� 3S 36 3'7 �8 39 40 �1 42 43 G4 4S 46 4� 48 49 SO (a} R�view: P.inal Plats slaall be revier�ed £or confot�snance to all applicable local, state, and £edsral regulations az�d any conc�itions of Apprnval stipulated by �h H. earing Examiner. 25.0�4.310 Order o�' Proceedings {b) PLxblic hearin;s shall seive to creat� or supplex�nent an, evide�tiazy record upon w�aich the Planning G�inrnissioz�, Board of Gdttnty +Co�mnissioYlers, or the'�^n„r' �� "a;.,�}��^�' H�arin� �xaminer will base its decisioi� ar recomnxend�tiar�. Tl�e z��view autl�ority sl�all open the public heariY�g aaad, in �enerAl, obs�rv� the following sequence af events: (1) At ti�e beginn,il�g of a heari��� c�r �a�;enda of t�eariz�gs the x•evie�v aut��arity sl�all: (A) Stat� tl�.at tl�.e tsstirnany tir��ll l�e receiv�d o�11y i� it Ys relevant to tlae a�plicabl� approval crit�ria and dev�eiopnlent stand�rds and is not unduly r�petitious; {B) Identify the applicable apprmval crit�rta and developnneixt st�ndards; (C) Stat� that �1�.� r�view autllority will consider any part�'s request that the hearin� be cantinued ar tll�t the reco�d be kep� t�peaa fax� a periad of t�nne and may grant ar deny that reqtaest, (D} State �l1�at the review arxtharit� must be ilnpax�tial and wl�etlier the revietiv autl�t�rity �zas l�ad any ex parte Contact or �as any personaX or business interest i�i tlae applicafion. The xevie+nr autl�arity shal� a#'fox•d p�rtxes �.n dppoi�tunity to cliallex�ge tlze impartiali�y �f the autharity; (E) State wl�et9ler the r�viewv auth�ority l�as visited the site; (F) St�te tl�at p�xsons wlto wani to rece�ve notice of tlae deaision may sign a list fnr that purpose at the hearing and where that list is kept; and {G) Sun�rnarize tl�e c�onduct of t��e hearing. St�ff presenta�ion, ancludiz�g subiauttal of any adnunistxltiv� rept�rts, The �'latu�ing �orzunission, Decision Mak�r c�z• R�view Auti�ority may asl� questians of'tlie staff, Applicant presentation, inclax�ling st�bmittal of any matei�ials. The a•eview autlzoriky may ask questions of tlle a�plicant. Testimony ar co�ncnents i�y t��s paxblic relative to th� n�atter being h�ard. Questions dixected to the staff or th� applicant shall b� pased by tlae .review autliaxity at its discretion but tlxe review authority sl�a(1 act to facilit�te rights ko confront and e�camine adverse witnesses. Rebuttal, response ar clariiying staten�ents by the stafF and the applic�nt. The public heaiting portion vf the hearing shall be closed and the review autliarity �nay delibez•ate on the �natter. At this ti�e, th�e re�vier�v autl�ority m�y further questioY� � persan subinitting inforinatian or the staff if opportunity for rebuttal is provided. 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 1� 1S lb 17 iS X9 20 21 �2 23 2�4 2S 26 27 �s j 29 �o � 3t 32 33 3�4 35 � 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4� 4S 46 47 4�i �9 SO (7j At tlie conalusion of t�ie helxiz�g oci each a�aplication, tlae �•evi�w �uttioc•ity shal� ai��oui�ce o�ze of the £allowiaig actiotas: (A) Tl�at the l�earing i5 a7i�tinued. If tlie he�ri�Yg is continuetl to a pince, dafe and tin�e certain, tlien addi2ion�t i�o�ice vf tl�e coiitinued hehtxng is �iot required tc� be mailed, pul�lisizeci or posted. Tf tlae hearing is not coi�til�ue�l to a�lace, date and ti�ne certain, the nntice of th� cozatinued h�araa�g s13a�1 be given as tliou�h �t was an initial l�earizig. Tl1e �•eview authaz�ity shall adopt guid�lines for reviewin� z'e�uests for contiaivances; (�) That taie puu�ic rea��d is held npen to a date aixd tim.e certaixi. Tha xevie�v autliority slx�ll state �vhere additional ivritten evitlence and testiznotry cat� be sent, ancl sh111 a2uiounce any limits on il�e tlatu��e of` the eviderlce t13at will be received at'ter the 1leari�g, Tl�e review aa�thority anay �c�opt �ide.liues for i��viewing rec�uests to hold open the re�:ord. {C) That kl�e appiic�tior�{sj is/axe taker� �7ndei� advisement, �nd a#inal orc�er will be issued ms provid�d ira ���C § 25A�4.375 (�) '�'hat tflxe applicationts) �s/are, cleni�d, a��rc�ved or app�•oved witli co�aditions, tagetller witlx a brxsf summai�y �f the basis for tlie decisic�n, ai�d that a�a�al �rder will be issued as provid�d it� G�� � 25.04.375. (�� Iri t�Ze cuse af a�'�aauYing Co►�7rnissian o�e�� recoz�d p�,iUlic l�.eariza�g, if � recc��i�ntaendation is m�c1e tQ �pprov�, appt�ov� witli cox�ditions, or den� the prapasal, the a�ecamniendation slYail be fc�nvarder� the Crant County Cnuinussion�zs fax approval at a clased recot�d public nze�tinb. 25,0�.410 Acim�nistrative Ap���euls of �'�er�'nit Dec�sions (a) A�nal dec�sion regarclin� a�i npplicatiot� subject to a Type I or II pmcedures may be ap�ealEd by an a�grieved par#y only if, wXthaz� faurkeen �14) cal�ndlr c�1ys aftex writtez� not.ic� of tlae decision is n�ailed, a written. appsal is iiled tivith tlle Bo�rd of County Cqmnaissio�ers. Type III decisions af the $���������r-a�; I-Iearing's E;�aanine�� or I3a�rd of Cmu��ty Caixunission�rs are nat subject to further adn�inistra�ive xeview, except �rhere t�c decisio�-making body a�rees, in its discretioi�, to �reco�aszdez� the rr�axter. ��cisions af tl�e �^�:.a ��-�-�^ ���r�;-Hearing's Examiner or Bc�ard of County Coxaunissia�e�•s ac�e app�alable �o Cl�e Gramt CoLinty Supe�ior �c�urt. � 25.04.510 lEi�ar��g Exarnin�r Reviedv Av�i��ble (a) Under tl�.e terzns of t�is ordi�3a��ce, wlaerever the �,���-�-e�' n'_„^*�„�,^�, Boa�d af Couniy Co�nnussinne.rs or �lae �'la�aa�in� +Ca�xur�iss'ron h�s autl�o�•ity to review, znake a recornznendakion on, or maks a decision on a�Sxnject �ermii appli��tion, tl�e ap�licant or the Boarc! of County Cc�rta�xaissioi��xs, may at tl�e�r optioxa, e��ct to l�ave a 4aearing examiY3er take tl�e place of tl�e pi��aning cornniissior�; oz• Boax•d af C�un�y Coaramissione�s; {o-r-�3a��� ^�' n a;,,�«�,^„* in r�vi�Wing, +ar makin� a recornmendation or decision on a�ra,j�ct perrnit appl�catia�, pxovided; t11� ap�licant c�r th� �oard af County �Camt�nissio��ers agrees to pay �za� and all costs, ch�z•�;es, and fees associated therewitl�. 25.04.52U County Nnt Preclutiec� F�rorr� Adopti�ig Hearing Exami��er Ordin�nce {a) Natliing iri this C3�apter ��recludes Grant Cc�ui�ty fi�ozn 1t an,y time adopting an ordinance a�ithorizing th� replacement of the .Pl�nning Gomnussian or �oaz•cl of A<ijustxale��t system currently employed under this C�lapter, with a hearing exaxc�.iz�er s�stem. 1 z � �. s 6 7 8 7 1� 11 12 13 14 15 iG 17' �8 19 2Q 21 22 23 2� 25 2b 2'7 2� 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 �6 �7 38 3�l 40 A� 1 42 43 44 45 45 �� 48 49 50 Sectiou 25.02.030 � De�niti�ous 1� �C � � ► � • � Chapter 2�.02 DErI�t�T�aNs B � Fs�mily 1Vlember, Exte�idec�: individuAl(s) who is related by ki.nsliip of no less than tlxe secodad degree as coniput�d according to tlie �ul�s of the Civil Lav��,-v��--«e��°�,;���� '��. «���«�t�r�-�-r�--e€ �-,�tz-s�t�� t-e-l-ae�-�F-��t-�o�-�te�i�d�it=�;;-c�A , ' ' �sa� 2 � � 6 7 8 9 1(9 11 12 13 �.4 1� 1G �.i �.8 19 �� 2�. 22 23 23.d�4.0�4�D Chapter• 23.04 zo�v��vG i,�taad Use Re ;u��ntious — Allowable, AdtninAstrntive, Condi#io�al and Pyohibited Us�s (e) Land �Jse Ivia�rix: Tal�les 3, 4 aixd S presez�t a rnata•ix af allawable aud proliibited land uses for each zoaiing distx�ict, "�'he Lanc1 Use Matrix does not �incl��de det�iled reqr�iremenks, whic�Y are re�ected in �he text �af ��a� z�ana�ig disttxc�; it is i�itendcd as aYx aid ta pxovide a geaieral u�lderstai�ding about the land uses wh'rcl� �nay be a�lovved in specific zoaYing districts. Zn addition to the Land Use Matrix, re�'er�enc� to {i) th�e various zWnin� disiricts in this sectaan, (2) the ap�lica�le deve�apm�nt st�ndards of ��� § 23.12, aiad �3� pe.rfi��7nance ancl tase-specitic standards ut�ique to tlte proposed use specified ia� ��� § 23.t�8 is �ecessaiy to c�eterinine i�ar�y sp�cific requir��nents apply to tlie listed use. The la�ul use mntrix �('�'ables 3, � aild S) shall be used in aanjunctiaxa with GCC § 23.08 —Perinrm��xce aazd Use-s�ec�iic Skaatda�ds aaatl GCC § 23.12 — Developrnent Standards. Puxsu�nt to section 23.0�.O�f�, t��o�� �ases speci�ied 'u� �`a%les 3, 4 And S ns allowed outrigl�t (A), discx�etionary use (D), or conditiouAl use �C), sh�l� coniply «itll the requi.rements of GCG § 23.12 — l�evelopmen#. Standards. Those uses specifiec� in T�bies 3, 4,and S as discretionary use (�!) ar condiiinzial use (C� sllall comply w'sth �he requirei�raents of dGCC � 23,08 — Perforz��ance and Use-specific Standards. Z4 Tf, #'or eacan3�l�, an ��plic�tion is sub�i�ited to devclop a T'layi�ng Fielrl, th� fixst quest�on is wlxeth�r it 2� is an a]l��,vab.l� use in t�e zoning district rvhere the de�relopn�ent is propased, Table 3 specifies 25 �'�ayirng I�ie�ds as a D�scretionary LJse (D) in the Rurml Comraluility (R�) zot�ing district, wl�i�h meaz�:s 2i t'h�tt ihe p�oposed c�evel�pment 1vi11 be allowed anly if it zne�ts �l�e per%rnxanca and use-s�eci#ic 2�3 requzre�xa�A�.�s of C�C § 23.08.�90 a�xd any applic�sbie developrr�ent standards o� GCC § 23.1'�. Tal�le 29 3 apecifies P��y.ing �'i�ids �s a Conditic�nal Use (C) i�t the Rural Getaeral Con�rnarcial (RGC) zonina 30 district, tivhic�t in��a�as t�iat the proposed tieveloprr�ent wil� be allowed anly ai it meets t�.� perfox•xnanc� ��. �equ�r��a�n�s �f �GCG § 23.08.29Q, any ap��icable dev�lopz�ent staz�da�•ds of GCC § 23.12, and a 32 � c�raditgoa�al use pernlaf is �anted �y the e�Hearings Examin.er ui 3� ac�arda�ace witla. tl�s requirements of GCC § 25.Og fallawing a public hea�ing. Playing Fiel�ls are 34 ��s�kAibited ia� the Rur�� Viliage �ldush�al {��.VI) zoning district. 3S 36 37 38 39 �0 41 �2 43 44 �� 46 47 48 49 � 50 �3.04.120 T�nnporary Uses (aj 'The �3ui9dirag C)���ial rn�y .yssue t�rnpor�ry use perznits for the followa��� uses: (S) °I'�anpora�r f�r�n l�bor ca���s. Te�npor�zy faA�an l�bor caznps or housulg ot&xer than manufactured hames aceessory to � farnl dwelling unit nn propet�y meeting t�e detuution of � farn� in RGW 84.34.02� t+� accorr�tisodate agriculrival woxker•s azyd tl�eu fa�niXies einployed an the premises, as pro�vided: (A� T'he prn�ez-ty r�aust zneet tl�e defu�ition of a�"atm in RCW 84,34.024 (Opez� Space Taxatian). {k3� Demozastrate compl�ance wit1� the t�nnporary worlce�• staz�daxds in Washin�o�� Skate Law incl�ding I�CW 19.27, RCW ?0.114a, RCW 4917, RCW 43.22, and R�W 43.70; (C) '�'i�e c�in�s shal! be occti�ied no more thazi eigl�.t (8) znontlas ia� at��'twelve {12)-�o�itli period. (Dj Use shall be subjec:t to sile plan revi�w and approval pu�suant to Sectian § 23.O�t.140; (�) Use s��all be subJect t�s candition�� use permit pursuant to �CC § 25A8, an open recard public hea�ing conducted by the—$�^��' ^�' "�'�„^+,,,� Hearin� Examiner, and approval of the �ollo�ving: 1 2 3 4 5 5 i 8 � �.0 13. �� 13 14 i5 1� 17 1� �.9 24� 21 22 23 24 25 2�6 �7 2� 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 3�' 38 39 40 A�1 42 43 44 45 46 (i) Departt�ient of Co�nmuiuty Developczlent; (ii) He�lth �Of�icial; (iii) County Bn�ineer; (iv) �'ire Marshall; (v) 8uilding Ofticial; and {v�) Otkaer �ocat, state ai�d %c�er�l ofticials h�vit7; juzisdiction, (E�) Tl�e term of axly canditional tlse pe��nut sl�all be �or oz�� (1) yeaz; (G) Coir�plairzts z•eceived pe�taizling to stttutation, disposal of waste n�aterials, or if the conduct of the c�n7p creates extraardinary requu•eznenC foa• public services, �nclildix��; services ot tl�.e build'rrlg, sanit�tion, planning, or sheriff departmeiyts, sh111 be sufticient caus�: ta revoke or s►�sp�nd th� condition�l use per�nit or to x�enuire ndditional ca�ditians, subject ta an open public h�ax�in� auci decisic�n by th�e�a�.�t�t�e�� �earin Examiner; i 2 23.Q3�4.170 Reasor►able LJse CxcepExan 3 6 10 11 12 1� 1� 15 i6 li 1S �9 20 �� ?�, 23 �� 25 zs 2'7 28 2� 30 31 3� 33 �� �s 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 4� 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Applacabi�ity: Re�so►�able use exceptians sh711 only apply to legal lots of record established prior to th� eff�ctive date o� tlus Chapter. A landawner ar applicant may apply for a reasonable use e;�ceptic�n pursuant to �his sectian i�: (1� If tl�e applicataan o#' tlais C9�apter �voulc! A•esrtlt iz7 deni�l af aay fiindaanei�tnl 7ttril�ute af priv�t� pa•operly or�vnership �nconsistent �,vitli th� 1'vl�itztions upo�i athex• pz•ope�-kies iz� tl�e zozu��� district ui wluci� the �roperty is situatecl; ox (2) If t13e �pplicatian of tl�is Chaptez• wauld result it� de��ial of a11 economic�lly viable use of privata pro�ert�r as �a wllola or cxeat�s a severe .impact ata a landowner's economic interesC in tlYe property as � whc�le; alxd �3) �f s�c1� reasort�t�le �atl�i econotnically viable use of the property cannoi be obtained by consideratian o�' a vai��nce pursuant to GCC § 25.08 to ai�e or more ia�dividaaal requi.reme��ts of' tlizs Chapter ar other ��ap��rs c�f the GCC. (b) �s�ntents �f Applacation: The �pplica#ion for a reasonable use exception sliall include tlie followi�z�: �i) � descriptic��n o£ tlie site, and a descz�i�tion of tise at�eas of the sits tivhicli do not canfarnl to the re�r.ilatory xequireanerr�s c�f the chap#er of the GC.0 fro�n wlucl� tlxe applica�it seelcs tl�e reaso���blc: use exce��ion; �'�) A d�scriptic�n of the proposed d�velaprriant, fncludin.g a sit� p1az�} (3) ��cialysis oitlie n�adi�icatio�i needed ta tl�e standards of tk�� G�CC c��tapter �rnin wllich tlae appli�ant s��ks tlie reaso�zable �ase exception ko accomr�lodate tiie praposed developrnent; ancl (4) Suc� �ther infonnation �►s the 1-1dr�nii�istrative Off�cial or Decisio;i 7viaker determines re�sonably n�cessary to evaluatc tlie issue of re�snnabis use as it relat�s fiQ the proposed de�elopment, including, �ut �xpt �imited to, the i�fc�rmation rz�uired by a ReasonaUle Use Exceptio;i Submitfal Requirements checklis� as prepared oi� fo�x�as provided by the Department. (�) R�vier�v Frocess: U�on rccaipt nf applicable fees, requests £or reasonable use excep�io�i shall be classafied a�d prc�cessed as a T�pe �- TI pennit as specifie� in �CC � 25.Q4.�250.-- The Ad�ninistrative Official m�v approve the Reasonable Use Exceptiorr if the propvsed devel'agment camplies �vith Criterial far Approv�l. '�',� r_,.�,..+ r„ �„+.. �,,,.,..;,,,. r, nr,�„ �„�.���-e�e� 3�1389Ytt`� ,1-•r�viiv� i:cc-cc�cii� �ci=��„n•,'� +., r_r-�r'ti fi'7S,n�f;�tn% nl,.,ll r„nl,�. ., .•�s,��ii�i8�lit{I�?61i-�6-���3e �Bft�E���Hk7:�'y'-�.-`eH�t�'3�i��ci�-s"�.�^-c^c�133���Pt�'tFRI-E3��Yi�%6��l��G�ft�fA23 �t3�-F��t'S6i `�-�G-kIS� �ej�%6�i. {d� Cnite�i� �o�• 1�pproval� �c�e�-a ,.z���t,�t-�-��i�s-ie�e .. ,.._„ _ ,.�== = ��..,, ,aa„pr�n,. .,r �„ ,<.,,�f�: �, -r'i�er-i�: (1� '�J'h�t�er tl�e appli�atiox� o� this C.���ptez• �vould deny all econoanically vi�ble or ben�ficial uses oF the �xo���-ty, absent a de�r�onst�•afion by the county that the proposed use(s) are pz•ohibited by tlie laws df nuis�n�e or oth�r ��e-existuig lxi��its o� tlxe property which pxohibit s�ach use(s); �2� Wl�eth�r tlXez'e ars ��o okhec• reasoual�ie titses to which the prop�rty can be p�rt; �3'� '�/liether the �ro�osed iise or developinent. poses an uzzreasonable kh�•e�it to the l�arm sougl�t to be avo�dec� uy the application of this Chapter or the public he��th, sa�'ety ar tivelfa�•e an ar ofi` the sita far whicl� tk3e re�sonaUle us� exception is saught; {4) '1�Jhether t11� inability of the applicant ta derive reasonable use of t1Ye property is the result of' actians by the applicant izi subctividing the propeity or adjusting a bdundaiy line tliereby creatin; the undevelopabie condition lfter tlie ef£ective date of'tlais chapter; (S) Whether the use excepti��� U�itxg sou�hx is the minimum necessaiy ta a11aw fox x•easonable uses of the ,pro�ezty; � (G) 2 3 �7) 4 5 � 7 8 9 143 ll 12 13 14 iS 16 17 1$ 19 2D 2i 22 23 2�4 25 2� 27 23 z� �o �� 3� �3 3� 35 3�i 37 3$ 39 40 �1 42 43 44 4S 4G �7 4S 49 50 {sa �Ihetl.ier sttc.h r.ise exceptioti being s�ught is coi�sistent with t11e �enerai put�a�ses of tl�is chapter and other ehapters of the GCC and C�Ze publ'tc i�tea•est; `VVhether t1�e �tpplicant has a•equested and been denied ��rariznce under the pravisit�ns of GCC § 2�,fl8, un�e�s t4�� ��elsonabie use e.�cception beiulg sou;l�t includes relief frnm sta�rdards �or wluch a vnriance ��t�iot �e branred; ��d 'i b.e �a��t-�-��t�t�--�e�����issi��- AdrninisCrative Official may xsstie, as pax�t o� the �i.ndings in ���y tie�ision �na�ie uiider this Subsectio��, conditinx�s af app��ova�, �lc�udixxg z�lodi�cations tc� ti�� si�e �nd placei�eni a� stn�chra•es and fnciiiti�s to nui�smize noncor�f'onnity to the rec�iurexxients af tlus claapter and otlier cliapters af al�e GCC. ts} �nmlaizaed �te�rie�v Aratlloi�ity: In tht�se cases whexe � pro�osed �c�iox� seekiti� a reasonat�le t�se exce���on also requires otlier coti�ty perr�its, the fpli�a�vi3i� pr�oce�ur�s s1�a13. ap�ly: � 1) �'�aen atlier pes�its r�qu�re � pu�lic �iearing befor� t�i�P' "�, Hearint Exarniner, tl�e revie�� o�" tiie reasonable use exc�ption shal� b� ��m1��1ed �itl� �IZe �Cher pern�t(s); or ��� �ien other pern�its ai•e adrivnistrative�y ap�rov�d, a•�vi�e�r oi �he re�so��,b1e use sxceptioi�. znay, 1t �i�e cliscr�tidr� c�f tl�� Ad�nin�s�atiue lJfficial, �e aoanl�ined �ritk� otlaer pei�n�its. I�� no case, hor�vever� sh�all a}�p�a��i of otl�er per�nits depa�den# on t��e gr�a�ting o� a reasaslable use exce�tion pi•oceed �t�ior ta ��ie revie�v a�xd approval o�such reason�l�le use exc�ption. (3) �� a�l �as�s of coxnl�iaxed z�evie�v, the �nast �estrictivt� provisions �qr anodifiaatic��i azid pracessiz�� slxall ;c�verr� th� revrew oi kh� reasox�l�le use �xception request. {t� A��eais; �ecisians issu�d or� xequests for reasoa�able use exceptioz�s may be appeaied �e-��i�-fi-x� �'^,,,���, c„��,.°^,. �'^,,,.f accorcling to tlie �rovisio�s af �C� § 25.04 At�ial� X.