HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC MINUTES GRANT COUNTY SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' MONDAY,MAY 2i, 2oi2: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m.with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:3o a.m. —9:0o a.m. Elec�ed Official Roundtable Meeting 9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Stricl�ler,ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action , A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz,seconded by Commissioner Stevens,to approve items i through 2g,and 25 on the ASC Agenda as presented below. Item 24 did not arrive for signature.The motion passed unanimously. 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance,and/or grant administration. (Approved) ; 2. Amendment E to Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program(HPRP)Contract#10-4611i-6o8 with the Department of ' Commerce,which adds $g,o48 to the existing Administration Uudget � line and$i7,273 to the FA-Prevention categories(for a total of $2o,g21 additional funds)and extends the contract date from June � 30,2012 to July 31, 2012. (Approved) , g. 20�2-2o1g Davis Shows NS,Inc.Agreement between Grant County and Davis Shows,NW. Term is from date of final signature through j September go, 2oig. (Approved) � 4. Amendment to Agreement No.ICA-1219�between Grant County and ! the Washington State Office of Public Defense(OPD). The j arnendment facilitates Grant County's acceptance of the 2nd � installment of RCW 1o.ioi funds in the amount of$44,8i5.00 and ' extend s the period of use to December 31,2012. The 2nd installment �I brings the total allocation for zo12 from OPD to $89,630.00. i (Approved) i 5. Class V—Community Restitution Project Description,Washington i State Department of Corrections and Grant County,Washington for � Master Contract No.C000�221. Project location is the Grant County i Fairgrounds; project period is July 2oi2 through July 2oi3. '� (Approved) I 6. BOCC Chair signature on Attachment 4-C(Determination of � Exemption,NEPA,and Categorical Exemption,SEPA)for the ' Washington State Department of Commerce Community � Development Block Grant(CDBG)2oi2 Public Services Grant No. � i2-65400-002 in the amount of$x31,o42.00. (Approved) �. Memorandum of Agreement(Grant Integrated Services—Initial ( Services Employees)between Teamsters Local Union No.�6o and � Grant Integrated Services of Grant County,Washington;work ', schedule assessment trial period(2012), (Approved) ; 8. Working Agreement by and between Grant County and Teamsters i Loca176o,Teamsters,Food Processing Employees, Public � Employees,Warehousemen and Helpers; Grant Integrated Services, � Initial Services,from January i,2oi2 to December g1,2012, ; (Approved) I COMMISSIONERS'MAY 2i, 2oi2 MINUTES � Page 2 of 6 9. Use and Indemnification Agreement between Grant County and ; Arctic Cat,Tnc.,regarding use of the Moses Lalce Sand Dunes(alca Grant County ORV area)for the purpose of providing demonstration � rides and excursions June 2-g,2oi2. (Approved) � io. BOCC approval on Administrative Services Coordinator January i to June 30, 2oi2 general administration program record on , Washington State Department of Commerce Community Development Blocic Grant(CDBG)2oii Public Services Grant No. ii- 64ioo-oo2 in the amount of$i,5oo.00. (Approved) 11. Grant County Request for Reimbursement No. io on CDBG Public � Services Grant No. ii-64ioo-oo2 with the Department of Commerce � and administered through the OIC of Washington in the amount of $�6,803•93• Of this amount, $i,5oo.0o is for Grant County's Administration allocation for January i to June go,2oi2. (Approved) i2. Memorandum of Understanding,School Resource Officer(SRO), ; Wahlulce School District No.�g,between Grant County,by and I through the Grant County Sheriff's Office(GCSO),anc�the Wahlulce j School District No.73 for contract services in the form of an SRO to � the District for law enforcement and related services. Period of performance is"...from approximately May 1,2012,or as soon as the �I GCSO receives authorization from the Board of County i Commissioners for the budget extension,and as previously documented by the District,through the end of the 2oig school �, year."(Approved) i ig. Interagency Agreement between Grant County and the Department I of Corrections(DOC)for facilities and programs for the confinement, ( care,and treatment of DOC Offenders in accordance with RCW ', �2.68.040. Term is January i,2oi2 through December g�,2012. � (Approved) i i4. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and the Moses Lalce Irrigation and � Rehabilitation District for the provision of geographic information. � Agreement is effective through December 3i,2012. (Approved) 15. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement '� between Grant County and the City of Moses Lake for the provision '; of geographic information. Agreement is effective through December � g1, 2oi2. (Approved) i6. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement I between Grant County and Grant County Fire District#g for the ' provision of geographic information. Agreement is effective through December g1,2oi2. (Approved) x'7. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement ; between Grant County and the City of Quincy for the provision of � geographic information. Agreement is effective through December 31, 20�2. (Approved) 18. Amendment to Geographic Information Tnterlocal Agreement � between Grant County and the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District for the provision of geographic in£ormation. Agreement is effective through December 31,2012. (Approved) 19. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement '� between Grant Couniy and the Grant County Economic Development � Council for the provision of geographic information. Agreement is effective through December gi,2012. (Approved) i ; a � : COMMISSIONERS'MAY 2i, 2oi2 MINUTES Page g of 6 20. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and the City of Ephrata for the provision of geographic inforrnation. Agreement is effective through December 3i,20�2. (Approved) - 21. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and the Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC)for the provision of geographic information. Agreernent is effective through December 31,2012. (Approved) 22. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and the Port of Moses Lalce for the provision J I of geographic information. Agreement is effective through December 31, 2012. (Approved) 23. Amendment to Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between Grant County and Grant County Fire District#5 for the provision of geographic information. Agreement is effective through December gi,2012. (Approved) 24. Agreement for Services between Grant County,by and through the Prevention and Recovery Center(PARC)and John Porter,dba Pegasus Training and Consulting to provide consultation services to i PARC staff for the development and writing of treatment curriculurn. Term is June 4-�, 2012. (Did not arrive for signature) 25. Contract Amendment No. 2 between Grant County,by and through Grant Integrated Services, and the Washington State Department of + Social and Health Services for contract number i16g-2�goo to � increase the amount of the contract by$2go,000.00 to a new total ' maximum amount of$2,i2�,979.00. (Approved) I, io:oo a.m. — io:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting io:3o a.m. — io:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period Siri Martin and Nicole James, Larouche/PAC,Seattle,came today to discuss a national political action committee to gain support of local government bodies to endorse an emergency resolution. The resolution is titled"Emergency Resolution-NAWAPA XXI, Restoring the System of Public Credit"(Resolution is Exhibit A and was read into the record). They would lilce the commissioners to endorse this resolution. This plan consists of a water and power proposal employing a vast number of industries involved in material and machine production which are vital for the United States to develop and salvage, as well as new infrastructure routes stretching most of the continent,providing nnillions of Americans and Canadians long term employment,and training a new generation of highly skilled workforce; its construction will provide the basis to industrialize northern Canada and Alaska for the first time,while reviving the once proud rust belt state economies of the U.S. ii:oo a.m.— 1i:5o a.m. D Nelson,Community Development Update i:go p.m. —i:5o p.m. D Firebaugh, GP Update 6:0o p.m.—�:oo p.m. C Swartz at PARC Family Night Out Event(Moses Lake High School Commons) COMMISSIONERS'MAY 21, 2012 MINUTE� Page 4 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amounts of$i53,o48.i6, $1,405�492•91 and $90�.05, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for May i8, 2012. TUESDAY,MAY 22, 2oi2: 9:0o a.m. —9:go a.m. R Stevens,WRCIP Conference Call i io:oo a.m.— io:2o a.m. J Christian-Stoker, Grant Integrated Services Request to hire NAC Architecture for Architectural/Planning Services for space utilization of their Moses Lake facility,in an amount not to exceed$4,600.00. (Approved) 1i:oo a.m. — ii:2o a.m. W Swanson,Juvenile Court and Youth Services Update 1:go p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Works Update i i �. Authorization to Call for Bids D-SW/i3-SW&9-SW Roads(CRP 12- 04 and CRP i2-og). Bid opening date is June 12, 2oi2 at i:3o pm. (Approved) 2:0o p.m.—2:2o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Declare Mobile Home Surplus located at 3675 Rd i2.8 NW, Ephrata The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing in the matter of declaring surplus and selling a mobile home located at 3675 Rd. i2.8 NW in Ephrata,WA(Parcel#.The mobile home is ' 14'x66'Liberty Homes model KAi47oii and includes an 8x10 storage shed and is valued at $32�500.0o by the Assessor. Dave Heilman stated the County acquired the property , approximately 1 month ago from Barbara Whitson,she lived in the mobile home located on the property. Public Worles acquired the property because of well issues on the land. Staff recommends the surplus of the property and give to the County Treasurers office for sale at public auction. Staff also recommends the Board value the real property at$i5oo excluding the well, foundations and other utilities and recommends a minimum starting bid of$2,500.00 on the sale of the property. This also excludes the land. It is requested that the successful bidder remove these items from the land within 3o days of the purchase. Commissioner Swartz moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Comrnissioner Carter moved to approve the recommendation of the Public Works Department and surplus the mobile home.Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously, The hearing adjourned. (Resolution No. i2-o3S-CC) ' 2:3o p.m, —2:5o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.iio(1)(i)Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at 2:47 p.m.to go unti12:5z p.m,to discuss the REC Litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Stevens,Carter,Swartz,and Lee Pence,Civil Deputy Attorney. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 2:52 p.m. � COMMISSIONERS'MAY 21,2oi2 MINUTES Page 5 of 6 3:0o p.m.—3:15 p.m. Consent Agenda(Items 1 through�) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Cornmissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers(Approved) 2. Commissioners April2g and 30,2012 Minutes for approval. (Appro�ved) 3. Special occasion license application for Desert Aire Country Club— Men's Club, 323 Buttercup W.,Mattawa,WA 99349�from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) 4. New license application correction for Brovo Spirits,22561 Rd T� SW,Mattawa,WA 99349-1864,from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) 5. Review and appointment of 2-members to the Board of Equalization. The following citizens submitted their names for consideration: a. Frank Wagley—Moses Lalce j b. Tirnothy L. Brockman—Soap Lake � c. Brian P.McGowan—Moses Lake d. Gary Mann—Moses Lalce e. Tom Hayes—Moses Lake i (After discussion and review of the applicants,the Board appoin�ed Ga�y Mann to the BOE. No other appointments were made at this time) ; TREASURER'S OFFICE 6. Request from the Treasurer to transfer the Trial Court Improvement � monies from the Law and Justice Fund per SSB 5454•The amount is $ii,�29,00. (Approved) GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES �. Held from the May 8 and 2i,2oi2 Consent Agenda to gather further information: Request to award the RFP for the lawn care service around the Cityview building to Tatum Lawn Care in the amount of ' $6,525.00. (Denied. The Board requested that GrIS put together new specifications and rebid) MISCELLANEOUS ITEM� Services agreement between Grant County and GSI Water Solutions,Inc.to support in planning,bid preparation,and contractor selection for the Fairgrounds Monitoring Wells,conduct field oversight, perform the first water quality sample,train County staff, compile and analyze ground water quality monitoring data,and prepare monitoring report. Term of the agreement is June 15,2oi2 through May 31, 2oig. i I COMMISSIONERS'MAY 21, 2oi2 MINUTES ! Page 6 of 6 WEDNESDAY,MAY 2�, 2oi2: g:oo a.m. —9:2o a.m. B Hill, Public Defense Update 9�3o a.m. —9:5o a.m. S Kozer,Public Defense Update(No show) xo:oo a.m. — zo:�o a.m. G Baker,Technology Services Update io:oo a.m. — i2:oo p.m. R Stevens at PCC Meeting(Davenport) i 1o:go a.m.— io:5o a.m. T Jones, Sheriff's Office Update(Cancelled) i1:oo a.m.— ix:2o a.m. KAllen,Clerlc's Office Update THURSDAY,MAY 24, 2oi2: , 10:0o a.m. — i2:oo p.m. C Carter at Homeless Task Force Meeting(Moses Lake Community Health) i1:oo a.m.— i:oo p.m. R Stevens,Courthouse,Public Worlcs,Juvenile Court Union Negotiations 6:0o p.m.—8:0o p.m. C Carter at GWMAAdministrative Board Meeting(Othello City Hall) (Did not attend) FRIDAY,MAY 25, 2oi2: i1:oo a.m.— 12:0o p.m. Scontrino Powell Consultants Review MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Vice-Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Steve and Lisa Duvall(Duvall Short Plat) Fi�le #12-565S-oi,Final Plat Submission and Review. Signed this �6�/1 day of �ct►'���.. ,2oi2. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G-� unty,Was in,�t 5 _ � � `_ Ric a S evens, � a'� 1 Cin y art � A est: 1,��� ��/G Carolann Swartz Cler the Boar