HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC MINUTE� GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIMISSIONERS MONDAY,APRIL;�o, 2oi2o The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:go a.m.with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:go a.m. —9:0o a.m. �lected Official Roundtable Meeting 9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz,seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items � through 3, 6, 8,and 9 on the ASC Agenda as presented below. The motion passed unanimously. 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance,and/or grant administration. (Approved) 2. Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in Grant County Superior Court(Adult Felony Only)Overflow and Conflict Contractors between Grant County and Mike Felice. Agreement is for representation of Evan Savoie in State v.Savoie, Grant County Superior Court Cause#o4-i-oo211-0. (Approved) g. Professional Services Agreement for Legal Re.presentation of Indigent Individuals in Grant County Superior Court(Adult Felony Only)Overflow and Conflict Contractors between Grant County and Ken Therrien. Agreement is for 2nd Chair representation of Evan Savoie in State u.Savoie,Grant County Superior Court Cause#o4-i- oo2i1-o. (Approved) 4. Anticipating: Proposal and Contract for Professional Engineering Services between Grant County and Gray&Osborne, Inc.,relating to the Fairgrounds water/septic system. (Not ready for signature) 5. Anticzpating: Services Agreement between Grant Couniy and GSI Water Solutions,Inc.(Not ready for signature) 6. Agreement Regarding Use of County Properiy for Public Purpose between Grant County and Sage N Sun, Inc.for its recreational event for the period June�-i2, 2012 at the County Courthouse and immediate surrounding area. (Approved) �. Anticipating: 2012-2o1g Davis Shows NS,Inc.Agreement between Grant County and Davis Shows,NW. Term is from date of final signature through September go, 2o1g. (Not ready for signature) 8. Renewal of Small Municipal and County Enterprise License Agreement between Grant County and Environmental Systems Research Institute,Ine. (Esri)for GIS software access,maintenance of the software,credits for web-based training,and ability to deploy the software when and where needed. This is for a three year term in the amount of$i6i.85o.00. (Approved) 9. Grant County,by and through Grant Integrated Services'New Hope application to the Washington State Department of Social&Health Services(DSHS)for FY2oig in the amount of$268,56o to provide emergency shelter and advocacy services to survivors of domestic violence in Grant and Adams Counties. (Approved) io:oo a.m.— 1o:i5 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting i � , � � COMMISSIONERS'APRIL 30,2oi2 MINUTES Page 2 of 6 ; �I 1o:go a.m. — io:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period Jim Ellis from Soap Lake came to discuss putting County Vehicles duel fuel systems-Natural Gas � and Gasoline. He was previously here in October of 2o1i.He spoke with Kyle Lynch of i Representative Warnicle's Office about putting the WA State Ferry System on Natural Gas but � found it was too expensive. He says he has spolcen with a Schwan's driver who stated they use propane. Commissioner Stevens stated the Board discussed this issue with Public Worizs the last '; time he visited and it is an issue for Grant County since there is no"natural gas"distribution point i in Ephrata. There is a natural gas capability in Moses Lalce but they have heard that the pipeline I� is too small.There are cities within the United States that run their entire bus system off of I natural gas. Most vehicles can be"duel fuel"capable.The Board will discuss this with Public ' Worizs again. Mr.Ellis says the Board should discuss this issue with the PUD also, i 2:0o p.m. —2:5o p.m. T Hechler, Human Resources Update 'li i � MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ! As of this date the Board b a ma'ori vote does a � , , y � ty , pprove for payznent those vouchers certified by the , auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the I auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amount of$448�597•12,as recorded on a listing and � made available to the Board. ; The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the Apri125, � 2012 payroll. � ; TUESDAY.MAY i, 2012: The session was continued at 1i:oo a.m.with all the Commissioners in attendance. ! �:oo a.m. — 8:0o a.m. C Swartz at i9�Annual Grant County Mayor's Prayer Breakfast(ATEC, BBCC) i 11:0o a.m.— i1:2o a.rn. D Firebaugh and G Balcer,Technology Services Accounting Proposal 1i:3o a.m.— ii:5o a.m. L Stoltman,Conservation District Update i:go p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Worles Update 1. Franchise Amendment Letter for Port of Royal Slope for worlc on Rd E-SW. (Not ready for signature) 2. Request for Property Management to establish a quarry site for the manufacture of road building and maintenance mineral aggregates on portions of S2o,T16N, R26E WM which Grant County owns ig8 acres.The site is about one and one-half miles south of the Royal City Shop on Road E-SW. (Approved) g. Resolution No. i2-o28-CC Notice of Hearing in the matter of declaring surplus and selling a mobile home located at g675 Road i2.8 NW in Ephrata,WA. Hearing to be held at 2:0o pm on May 22, 2oi2 in the Commissioners Hearing Room. (Approved) ' 4. Resolution No. i2-o29-CC in the Matter of Initiating a County Road Project Designated as CRP i2-o9b, Road C-SE. (Approved) COMMISSIONERS'APRIL 30, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 3 of 6 �:go p.m. — i:4o p.m. Bid Opening,L-NE Road Overlay(CRP i2-o2) The following bids were received: 1. Granite Northwest $655,155•00 2. Central Washington Concrete $6i9�253•62 A motion was made by Commissioner Carter,seconded by Commissioner Swartz,to turn over the bids to Public Worlcs for their review and recommendation. The motion passed unanimously. 2:3o p.m. —2:5o p.m. D Lee,Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.iio (i)(i)Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at 2�49 P•m.to go unti12:54 p.m,regarding REC Litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Stevens, Carter, Swartz,and Lee Pence,Civil Deputy Attorney. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 2:54 p.m. 3:0o p.m. —g:i5 p.m. Consent Agenda(Items i through i2) A motion was made by Commissioner Carter,seconded by Commissioner Swartz,to approve items i through i2 on the Consent Agenda as presented below. The motion passed unanimously. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE i. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers(Approved) 2. Commissioners April i6,2oi2 Minutes for approval. (Approved) 3. Special occasion license application for the Fraternal Order of Eagles 2622 Ladies Aux, i5i�W Broadway,Moses Lake,WA 98837,from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) HUMAN RESOURCES 4. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Prosecuting Attorney's Office for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire i-Prosecuting Attorney. This position would be primarily responsible for handling contested infraction dockets and be paid at a District/Juvenile Court Deputy Prosecutor I-II level. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) 5. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from District Court for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire i- District Court Clerk II position due to a recent promotion. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) FAIRGROUNDS 6. Request from the Columbia Basin Rodeo Association to move the site of their Moses Lake Roundup Rodeo and Demolition Derby"Wine and Rodeo"tent closer to the rodeo and derby arena. (Approved) PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 7. Budget extension request in the amount of$�2,i6o.00 to cover the salary and benefits of a new Prosecuting Attorney position as discussed in item 4 above. This request is based on item 4 being approved. (Approved,the public hearing was set for June 5, 2012 at ii:oo a.m.) COMMISSIONERS'APRIL go, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 4 of 6 GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES 8. Out of state travel request for Susan Wolf to attend a Human Resources Conference from May 9-i2,2oi2 in Phoenix,AZ. (Approved) 9. Certified Community Residential Services and Supports Information Update between Grant County,Directions in Community Living, and the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (Aging and Disability Services Administration). (Approved) CORONER'S OFFICE 10. Out of state travel request for Craig Morrison to attend International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners convention from June 23-29, 2oi2 in Las Vegas,NV; and a budget extension in the amount of$2,85i.00 to cover the expenses for this convention. (Approved,the public hearing was set for June 5,2012 aC ii:oo a.m. ) JUVENILE COURT AND YOUTH SERVICES i1. Request to begin the Emergency Generator project for their facility as budgeted in their Capital Outlay budget by hiring MW Consulting Engineers to develop the scope of worlc details for the bidding process and for providing limited project oversight for a cost of $1g,9oo.00. (Approved) SHERIFF'S OFFICE i2. Request to surplus a x992 GMC Yukon purchased and used by the Sheriff's Office Reserve Unit for off road vehicle patrols and other routine patrols around the county. The SherifPs Office intends to return this vehicle to the Reserve Unit to dispose of as they wish. (Approved,Resolution No. a2-ogo-CC) 3�3o p.m. —3:4o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Auditor's Office Budget Extension Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a budget extension request for the Grant County Audztor's Office in the amount of$66,490.0o to proceed with updating and converting to a new vendor£or their GP Accounting software. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing.Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Swartz moved to approve the budget extension as presented. Commissioner seconded Carter and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Approved,Resolution No. 12-og�-CC) 4:0o p.m. —4:5o p.m. J Gingrich,Fairgrounds Update 6:go p.m. — 8:go p.m. Commissioners at Big Bend Community College i�h Annual State of the College Address (ATEC,BBCC) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Public Worles Director to award the bid for the L-NE Road Overlay(CRP 12-02)to Central Washington Asphalt in the amount of$6i9�253•62• ' f i ' • � � a COMMISSIONERS'APRIL go,2oi2 MINUTES Page 5 of 6 WEDNESDAY�MAY 2. 2oi2: C Carter, Out �:oo a.m. —8:0o a.m. C Swartz at Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting(ML Chamber Office) 9:0o a.m. —i2:oo p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS 2:0o p.m. —2:3o p.m. C Swartz at SherifPs Office John Bernard Memorial Unveiling(Law and Justice Building) 5:0o p.m. —9:0o p.m. C Swartz at WSAC Board of Directors Meeting(Campbell's Resort, Chelan) 7:0o p.m. —8:3o p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION THURSDAY,MAY�, 2or2: C Carter,Out 8:0o a.m. —5:0o p.m. C Swartz at WSAC Board of Directors Meeting(CampbelPs Resort, Chelan) 9:0o a.m. —10:0o a.m. R Stevens at KBSN Radio(Moses Lake) 10:3o a.m.—ii:oo a.m. R Stevens at Canfield Website Training Discussion(Canfield, Ephrata) xi:oo a.m.—i2:oo p.m. C Carter at Area Aging/Council of Governments Meeting(E Wenatchee Office) (Cancelled) g:oo p.m. —3:go p.m. R Stevens at Impaired Driving and Public Safety Event(ATEC, BBCC) 4:0o p.m. —5:0o p.m. VETERANS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING FRIDAY,MAY 4, �oi2: C Carter,Out 10:0o a.m.— 11:0o a.m. R Stevens,Human Resources Generalist Interview 1i:oo a.m. —i2:oo p.m. R Stevens, Human Resources Generalist Interview COMMISSIONERS'APRIL go, 2oi2 MINUTES Page 6 of 6 Signed this_�day of �2012. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Gr o n ,Was ingto ..r..�,,i �`��";� `, � � c a S evens, hair Cind Cart Attcst: ����%Lo/,� Carolann Swartz � 1 rlc of the Board �� �