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The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:go a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
8:go a.m. — 9:0o a.m
9:0o a.m. — 9:5o a.m.
Elected Official Roundtable Meeting
J Strickler, ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to approve items 1
through g on the ASC Agenda as presented below. The motion passed unanimously.
10:0o a.m. — io:i5 a.m.
io:3o a.m. — io:45 a.m.
i. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or
grant administration. (Approved)
2. Contract renewal for Grant County Law Library subscription to
Westlaw, Account #ioo312ox29. Term is for 24 months.
3. Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of
Indigent Individuals in Grant County Superior Court (Adult Felony
Only) Overflow and Conflict Contractors between Grant County and
Alan White. Term is Apri14, 2012 through December 31, 2oi2.
Commissioners Office Safety Meeting (Cancelled)
Citizen Public Comment Period
Ed Stubington, Moses Lake, came to discuss the possible request from the Mayor of the City of
Quincy for an increase in sales tax of o.g%. Has the Mayor thought of the residential increase for
revenue other than increase taxes?
Mayor Jim Hemberry, Quincy, came to urge the Commissioners to put a measure on the
November ballot of o.g% for Law �nforcement, not just for the City of Quincy but the entire
County. He would lilce to see a full time gang investigator. The Quincy City Council is behind the
tax increase and would sign an Interlocal Agreement giving all 0.3% to the County.
Susan Hendrickson from Quincy speaks today on behalf of area farmers. Stated she and her
neighbors have been the victims of property crimes and described how it feels to be victimized by
these vandals. She stated she is in favor of the tax increase.
Chuck Allen, Publisher of the Quincy Valley Post Register Newspaper, discussed how crime in the
area is a problem. He is in favor of the sales tax increase to fund Law Enforcement. Urges the
County Commissioners to develop a plan and requests this sales tax to be placed on the November
Jack Park, Ephrata, commended the Ephrata Police Department. Says the County Prosecutors
and Judges are too "soft". He reads in the newspaper that criminals are not being sentences when
they should be. Judges are not enforcing the law properly and there needs to be stronger
punishment for criminals.
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Jesse Rose, Quincy, came to discuss governmental transparency and what the people would like
to see happen. He says if taxes are increased and citizens still do not see results, they will be
upset. He believes the City of Quincy Council should not give all of the tax revenue to the County,
but lceep some for a community center. He gave Quincy Chief Ackerman paperworlc that talles
about the "Northwest Gang Investigators Association" and hoped that Quincy police belonged to
this organization.
Michele Wurl, Quincy, says this is not a"City" issue but a"County" issue. She stated the workers
who worlc in the new Quincy data centers do not live in our County because of crime issues.
Peter Smith, Quincy, feels the sales tax increase funding should go to Jail, there are not enough
beds for all of the offenders.
Jim Hoersch, Quincy, discussed his recent dealings with the Prosecuting Attorney's Office.
Charges were dropped against a person who destroyed his property and was never notified. He
feels the Commissioners should put the measure on the November ballot.
Commissioner Stevens thanked everyone who attended and stated the Commissioners are looking
towards the Cities for assistance. Mayor Hemberry stated he would personally go to each city
within Grant County and attend their Council meetings to gain support. The meeting adjourned.
11:0o a.m. — ii:5o a.m.
i:3o p.m. —1:5o p.m.
2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m.
g:oo p.m. — 3:2o p.m.
6:go p.m. — �:go p.m.
�:oo p.m. — 8:0o p.m
TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 2oi2:
Commissioners at Road Supervisor Meeting (Public Works)
L Grammer, Assessor's Office Update (Cancelled)
T Hechler, Human Resources Update
J Whitener-Moberg, District Court / Technology Services MOU
C Swartz at Grant County PUD Redistricting Meeting (Moses Lake PUD
R Stevens at Quincy Valley Leadership Meeting (Quincy Fire
The session was continued at io:3o a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance.
io:3o a.m. —10:5o a.m.
ii:oo a.m. — ii:2o a.m.
R Schneider, Emergency Management Update
R DeChenne, Facilities and Maintenance Update
1:go p.m. — 2:2o p.m. D Pohle, Public Works Update
i. Contract Execution between Grant County and Tommer
Construction, Inc. of Ephrata, WA for the Rd R-NE and Rd3i-NE
Reconstruction Project in the amount of $�99�333•00. (Approved)
2. Authorization to Call for Bids for the Rd L-NE Overlay (CRP No. i2-
02). The bid opening date was set for May 1, 2oi2 at 1:go pm.
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3. Award Recommendation Letter for Central Machinery Sales, Inc. of
Moses Lalce, WA to furnish and deliver (i) 2012 Case 821F 4.25 cy
Wheel Loader in the amount of $204�454•32 including sales tax.
Also includes accepting trade-in offer from Fairgrounds.
2:go p.m. — 2:5o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
Pursuant to RCW 42.go.i�o (i)(i) Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at
2�45 P•m. to go unti12:5o p.m. regarding potential litigation and an REC Litigation Update. The
session was then continued to 2:53 p.m., and then continued again unti12:56 p.m. Commissioner
Stevens closed the session at 2:56 p.m.
g:oo p.m. — 3:i5 p.m.
g:go p.m. — g:5o p.m.
Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 9)
i. Commissioners Office anc� Public Defense Vouchers (Approved)
2. Commissioners March 26, 2oi2 for approval. (Approved)
3. Appointment of Elisabeth Lauver to the Health Insurance
Committee. (Approved)
4. Special occasion license application for Quincy Valley Tourism, i�9 F
St. SE, Quincy, WA 98848, from the Washington State Liquor
Control Board. (Approved)
Budget extension in the amount of $66,490.0o to proceed with
updating and converting to new software support vendors, A Systems
Integrator Inc. and Integrity Data, for their GP Software.
(Approved, public hearing has been set for May 1, 2oi2 at
g:go p.m.)
Request for County credit card to purchase supplies, travel, and
miscellaneous items for their office. (Approved)
�. Request permission to move forward in a formal effort to expand
services in Mattawa by leasing land and obtain plans for a modular
building. (Approved)
8. Proclamation proclaiming April, 2012 as Sexual Assault Awareness
Month. (Approved)
9. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request
from the Clerk's Office for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire a
Temporary/Seasonal Part-Time File Clerlc. The Director
recommends approval. (Approved)
C Gagnon, Department of Commerce 2oi4 Public Works Trust Fund
Discussion Conference Call
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As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $6o9,28i.96, $64�677�44� $371,2�2.go,
and $i51,189.i8, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.
9:go a.m. — ii:go a.m.
10:0o a.m. — 10:3o a.m
�:oo p.m. — 8:go p.m.
C Carter, Disability Board Meeting
R Stevens at WRCIP State Exit Conference (Canfield, Ephrata)
Commissioners at Health Board Meeting (Public Worlcs)
8:go a.m. — 9:3o a.m.
9:0o a.m. — io:go a.m.
10:0o a.m. — g:oo p.m.
ii:oo a.m. — i2:oo p.m
12:0o p.m. — l:oo p.m.
FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2012:
9:0o a.m. — g:3o p.m.
io:oo a.m. — ii:oo a.m.
Central Safety Committee Meeting (Multi-Purpose Room)
C Swartz at MACC Meeting (Armory Building, Moses Lake)
C Swartz at LEPC Meeting (PUD Building, Moses Lake)
R Stevens at Deputy Union Negotiation Meeting (Annex Meeting Room)
(Commissioner Stevens out sick)
C Carter at continued RSN Governing Board Meeting (Grant Integrated
Services Telehealth Conference Call)
12:0o p.m. — i:go p.m. C Swartz at BB RC&D Meeting (Ritzville)
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Signed this ���-� day of ��� I , 2oi2.
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