HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRAPTT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONElt� MONDAY, MARCH i2, 2oi2: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. 8:3o a.m. — 9:0o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting 9:0o a.m. — 9;5o a.m. J Strickler, ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Swartz, to approve items i, 3 through 11, 1g and i4 on the ASC Agenda as presented below. Items 2 and 12 did not arrive for signature. The motion passed unanimously. i. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, and/or grant administration. (Approved) 2. Anticipatfng: Professional Services Agreement, Horticultural Pest and Disease Board Coordinator/Inspector Consultant, between Grant County, by and through the Grant County Horticultural Pest and Disease Board and Jody Ann Kane. Term is February i, 2oi2 through February i, 2oi5. (Did not arrive for signature) g. Professional Services Agreement between Grant County, by and through Grant Integrated Services, and Dr. Barry L. Duncan for the provision of a two-day worlcshop April 10-1i, 2oi2, focusing on the use of the ORS Scale and engagement/ disengagement techniques. (Approved) 4. 2oi2 Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract between Grant County, by and through the Grant County Sheriff's Office, and Beeline Frame & Axle, Inc. Term is January i, 2o1z through December gi, 2oiz. (Approved) 5. 2oi2 Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract between Grant County, by and through the Grant County Sheriff's Office, and Jeff's Towing and Recovery. Term is January 1, 2oi2 through December g1, 2012. (Approved) 6. 2oi2 Grant County Sheriff Towing Contract between Grant County, by and thrnugh the Grant County Sheriff's Office, and T&J Services. Term is January i, 2012 through December 31, 2oi2. (Approved) �. 2oi2 Grant County Sheriff'Towing Contract between Grant County, by and through the Grant County Sheriff's Office, and Davis Towing. Term is January i, 2oi2 through December 3i, 2oi2. (Approved) 8. Request for 6 month extension from March 28, 2oi2 deadline on Strategic Infrastructure Project No. zoil-o2, Port of Mattawa — Fire Suppression System. The reason for the delay is that the construction will just be beginning on March 10, 2012; it is anticipated that completion will occur by the end of June 2o1z. An extension is necessary to secure the $i5o,000 grant and $150,000 loan on the project. (Approved) 9. Release of $�6i.43 (0.5% funds) from Washington State Department of Commerce and Grant County's Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) No. i2-46io8-io, administered through the Grant County Housing Authority, to the Washington State Coalition for the Homeless pursuant to CHG Guidelines provision for paying "organization-wide membership fees and dues". COMMISSIONERS' MARCH �2, 20�2 AGENDA Page 2 of 9 10:0o a.rn. — io:2o a.m. 10:3o a.m. — io:45 a.m. ii:oo a.m. — i1:5o a.m. i:oo p.m. — i:2o p.m. i:go p.m. — i:5o p.m. 2:0o p.m. — 2:5o p.m. 3:0o p.m. — 5:0o p.m. 3:0o p.m. — 4:0o p.m. This was included in the Guidelines specifically to encourage the CHG lead grantees to pay dues to the Housing Alliance following the merger with the Washington State Coalition for the Homeless. Release of the funds for this purpose is supported in writing by the Grant County Housing Authority. (Approved) NCWRSN — Grant County Community Mental Health Services Mental Health Blocic Grant Agreement, Amendment # 1, which amends Budget pages i6 and i� of Contract #i2o3. (Approved) Contract Agreement K243o for Support for Pregnant and Parenting Teens and Women grant project with the Attorney General of Washington State in the amount of $23�932•00. (Approved) Anticipating: Special Counsel Contract between Grant County and Wrenn Law Group, PLLC, to perform legal assistance and render legal advice, relative to environmental, Superfund Site and Landfill matters, and other matters/proceedings as directed by the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney's Office (PAO). Term is January 1, 2012 through December 3i, 2ox2. (Did not arrive for signature) 2012 Professional Services Agreement, Interpreter, between Grant County and Ross Miller (alea Personal Interpreter Service) for the provision of interpreter services to assist the Grant County Public Defense attorneys as they provide indigent defense services in the Grant County Court System. Term is March �, 2oi2 through December 3i, 2oi2. (Approved) Addendum to Professional Services Agreement, Conflict and Overflow Investigator, between Grant County and Jeff Wade of Citadel Training & Investigations for the retention of investigative services to assist the Grant County Public Defense attorneys as they conduct indigent defense services, for the term January 1, 2012 through December 3i, 2012. The Addendum modifies the PSA to reflect Jeff Wade as the sole contracted investigator and remove the agency name of Citadel Training & Inves��gations. (Approved) J Christian-Stoker, Grant Integrated Services Update Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance) Commissioners at Road Supervisor Meeting (Public Works) S Kozer, Public Defense Update L Grammer, Assessor's Office Update T Hechler, Human Resources Update (Rescheduled to March x3) C Swartz at State Auditor's Office Wants to Hear How They Can Help You: Worlcshop (Moses Lalce City Hall) Department Head Review TUESDAY, MARCH i�. 2oxz: The session was continued at 9:0o a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance. 9:0o a.m. — 9:2o a.m. J Potts, Legislative Update Conference Call COMMISSIONERS' MARCH x2, 2oi2 AGENDA Page g of 9 9:go a.m. — g:5o a.m. io:oo a.m. — 10:5o a.m. 1i:oo a.m. — ii:2o a.m. 1:go p.m. — z:zo p.m. Purchasing Policy Discussion R Thornton, Senator Murray's Office Update (Cancelled) R DeChenne, Facilities and Maintenance Update D Pohle, Public Works Update i. Intergovernmental Agreement between Grant County and Yalcima County for the purpose of equipment rental and Public Worlcs services. (Not ready for signature) 2. Request to the County Road Department for Reimbursable Work from Town of Hartline to perform sealcoat work on May St. (Division to Lenard); Lenard St. (May to Caldwell); Caldwell St. (Clark to Hill); and Clark St. (May to Main) to a maximum of $i�,o37.81. (Approved) 3. Contract Execution: Fuel Purchases between Grant County and Coleman Oil Co. of Lewiston, ID to furnish and deliver unleaded regular gasoline to seven locations within Grant County for the contract amount of $608,�65.00. (Not ready for signature) 4. Contract Execution: Fuel Purchases between Grant County and Inland Oil Co. of Ephrata, WA to furnish and deliver ULS No. 2 red dyed diesel fuel and red dyed heating fuel to seven locations within Grant County for the contract amount of $777,261.00. (Not ready for signature) 5. Authorization to Call for Bids Equipment Contract 2012-09 One — 4.25 cy Wheel Loader for Road District No. g. Bid opening was set for Apri13, 2012 at 2:0o pm. (Approved) 6. Out of State Travel request for Janice Goeden, Solid Waste Supervisor, to attend SWANA NW Regional Symposium from April i8 - 20, 2or2 in Troutdale, OR. (Approved) 2:0o p.m. — 2;10 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Ordinance amending Ch. 11.04 of the Grant County Code titled "Maximum Speed Limits" The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a proposed Ordinance amending certain sections of Chapter ii.o4 of the Grant County Code entitled "Maximum Speed Limits". The general purpose of said ordinance is to establish or change the maximurn speed limits on certain county roads and pertain to Grant County Code Sections �i.o4.o20, ii.o4.o25, �1.04•035� 11.04.045, i1.o4.o5o,ii.o4•55� and creating 11.04.060 of the Grant County Code. SECTION i. Section ii.o4.o20 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include the ROADNAME LOG# OLD LIMIT DOOLITTLE LN 45029 50 E.3 N E 46211 50 FROM DOOLITTLE DR 6.6 NE TO MILES NEW LIMIT END OF RD .058 20 CUL-DE-SAC .233 20 LARSON BLVD 45056 50 CRAIG BLVD GATE .04 20 Y.5 SW 31001 50 SUNLAND END OF RD .144 20 SECTION 1. Section 11.04.025 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include fihe followinq: COMMISSIONERS' MARCH i2, aoa2 AGENDA Page 4 of g 1.8 NE 40539 50 F.5 NE CULDESAC .163 25 1.9 NE 40538 50 F.5 NE CULDESAC .135 25 2 AVE BEVERLY 11020 50 TACOMA END OF RD .108 25 3.2 NE 41222 50 KESTREL END OF RD 1.61 25 4 NE 40920 50 WESTSHOR� EDWARDS DR .q7 25 DR 4.4 NE 40854 50 E.9 NE E,6 NE .273 25 8.5 NE 44758 50 K.5 NE BN RR / CANAL .03 25 RtJAC;NAME LOG # O�D FRt3M TO MILES NEW LIMII' �-��ET AIRPORT WAY 1121Q 50 {�LD END OF RD WREN L04P .343 25 BASELINE,1 NE 21616 50 SCENIC END .�83 25 BRSELINE.1 SE 21771 5d K.7 SE END .06 25 BASELINE.2 SE 21772 50 K.7 SE �ND .d6 25 BASELINE.S SE 21621 50 SCENIC ERf� .042 25 BASEL(NE.6 2163� 50 YOUNG RD i.6 .174 25 BtJUNDARY AVE 10700 50 MATTAWA CL BtJUNDARY .185 25 25MPH CASTLEWOOR DR 21611 5Q SCENIC DREAM ST .341 25 C�AYT4N PL 10670 50 MOQNRNER CULDESAC .092 25 DRVIDSON BLVD 1Q667 50 MC?ONRIVER DAVIDSON PL .215 25 QAVIDSON P� 14671 50 MOONRIVER END .Q53 25 DREAM ST 21613 0 CAST�.EWOOD END .147 25 DUNE LAKE RD 2�705 35 FOUNTAIN END RD 2.05 25 E.6 NE 40858 50 N END OF RD S END (3F RD .159 25 E.7 NE 40851 50 5 NE END .19 25 EDWARDS DR 40857 50 N END S END .3 25 F.5 NE 40537 50 MA� VALLEY FAIRWAY DR .281 25 FARRER WAY 40856 50 WESTSHORE EDWARDS DR .06 25 DR FRONT ST 43200 50 3 ST 4 ST .d7 25 GRANDVIEW DRN 44021 50 GULDESAC N RANDOLPH .Q3 25 GRANDVIEW DRN 44021 50 F2ANDOLPH CULDESAC S .04 25 GRANDVIEW DR S 44026 50 CUL DE 5AC S PHOENIX DR .03 25 GRANDVIEW DR S 44026 50 PHQENIX DR CUL DE SAC N .Q3 25 HERITRGE LN 21722 50 POTATO FRNT ENQ .134 25 1.3 21618 5Q BASI.IRlE.1 END 0,091 25 1.4 2'(617 50 PASLINE,1 END .084 25 f.6 NE 21632 50 MORGAN BASELINE,6 .26d 25 IDANO LN 45139 50 TERI LN CUL-DESAC .23 25 K.5 NE 44757 50 9 NE 8.5 NE .42 25 COMMISSIONERS' MARCH i2, 2oi2 AGENDA Page 5 of g K.7 SE 21770 50 BASELINE E END .310 25 K.8 NE 43106 50 5 NE END .086 25 K.9 NE 43107 50 5 NE END .091 25 KIMBERLEE LN 21703 50 DUNE LAKE DUNE LAKE ,320 25 MOONRIVERVIEW 10666 50 CLAYTON PL AIRPORT WAY .083 25 PETEY RD 21707 50 DUNE LAKE END .06 25 PHOENIX DR 44025 50 SR 17 GRANDVIEW S .03 25 RANDOLPH DR 44020 50 SR 17 GRANDVIEW .03 25 RIDGEVIEW DR 44873 50 RIDGEVIEW RD 5 NE .189 25 SCENIC DR 21607 50 DUNE LAKE BASELINE.5 .052 25 SCENIC DR 21615 50 BASELINE.1 END .051 25 TACOMA ST 11050 50 1 AV BEVERLY END OF RD .098 25 SECTION 1. Section 11.04.035 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include the following: ROADNAME LOG # OLD FROM TO MILES NEW LIMIT LIMIT 6.7 NE 46219 50 D NE D.2 NE .26 35 7.2 N E 46208 50 D.5 N E D.2 N E .3 35 7.4 NE 46233 50 D.5 NE END RD .473 35 10.2 NW 37453 50 F NW END .294 35 10.7 NW 32660 50 P.2 NW END/ CITY .170 35 13 NW 37751 50 RAILROAD AVE LANDFILL .184 35 GATE 14.6 NW 37814 50 DODSON END .150 35 20 NW 93032 50 ST. ANDREWS DIVISION N .5 35 COLLEGE PRKWY 45372 50 ARNOLD RANDOLPH 1.329 35 D.2 N E 46234 50 7.4 N E 7.2 N E .222 35 D.2 NE 46219 50 6.5 NE MCCONIHE .257 35 E.7 NE 46210 50 MCCONIHE CUL-DE-SAC .330 35 F.8 NE 40526 50 N.FRONT.ML PRIVATE .1 35 P.2 NW 32660 50 10.5 NW 10.7 NW .120 35 SECTION 1. Section 11.04.045 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include the following: ROADNAME LOG # OLD FROM TO MILES NEW LIMIT LIMIT COMMISSIONER�' MARCH 12, 2012 AGENDA Page 6 of y G RD SW 12710 35 ROYAL CITY 12 SW .7 �5 SECTION 1. Section 11.04.050 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include the following: ROADNAME LOG # OLD FROM TO MILES NEW LIMIT LIMIT F RD SW 12890 35 ROYAL CITY 12 SW .67 50 SECTION 1. Section 11.04.055 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include the following; ROADNAME LOG # OLD FROM TO MILES NEW LIMIT LIMIT U RD NE 92035 50 N. FRONTAGE 3 NE 2.96 55 SECTION 1, Section 11.04.060 of the Grant County Code is proposed to be amended to include the following: ROADNAME LOG # O�,D FROM TO MILES NEVV LIMIT LIMIT ADAMS RD 91017 55 SR 26 SR 28 23.68 60 BEVERLY-BURKE 91013 55 SR 243 BASELINE W 20.69 60 BEVERLY-BURKE 93000 55 BASELINE W SR 281 1.469 60 ROADNAME LOG # OLD FROM TO MILES NEW LIMIT LIMIT DODSON RD 91030 55 SR 26 EPHRATA 27.99 60 U NW/5NW AKA 93010 55 ADVISORY W OF ADVISORY 16.216 60 WHITE TRAIL RD DODSON MP.612 45MPH MP16.828 U NW/5NW AKA 93010 55 ADVISORY 6 NW MP18.910 4 60 WHITE TRAIL RD 45MPH MP16.828 Commissioner Swartz moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Carter moved to adopt the Ordinance as presented. Commissioner Swartz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. (Ordinance / Resolution No.12-ox9-CC) 2:go p.m. — 2:5o p.m. D Lee, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.i10 (i)(i) Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at 2:33 P•m. to go unti12:53 p.m. regarding potential litigation — Health District Insurance, Conditional Use Permits, and Walkup Issue. The session was then continued until g:og p.m. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 3:03 p.m. COMMISSIONERS' MARCH a2, 20�2 AGENDA Page 7 of 9 3:0o p.m. — 3:15 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 14) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE i. Commissioners Office Vouchers (Approved) 2. Commissioners February 2�, 2oi2 for approval. (Approved) 3. Request from the Sage-n-Sun Festival Committee to use the Courthouse lawn, steps, restrooms and parleing lots for their festival to be held June 6-10, 2012. (Approved) 4. REVISED request from the Basin Summer Sounds Chairman (Revision of Consent Agenda item from March 6, 2oi2) to hold their annual event on the Courthouse lawn and steps. The event is scheduled for July 20-21, 2oi2. (Approved) 5. Multi Agency Communications Center Claims Payment Request (Batch o1-47) in the amount of $�8,928.2i. (Approved) HUMAN RESOURCES 6. Personnel Action Request Recommendation to initiate the County sicle leave donation policy for a Public Worlcs employee, Recipient i2- oi, who suffers from an illness which is extraordinary in nature. The Director recommends approval. (Approvecl) �. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from a Public Worlcs employee for an extended leave of absence without pay. The Director recommends approval of the request not to exceed 90 days. (Approved) 8. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from District Court for an exception to the hiring freeze to hire one Deputy Lead Clerk due to a recent retirement. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) 9. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Sheriffs Office to re-name the Records Sergeant position to Records Supervisor. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) 10. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Fairgrounds Manager for an extension of a Temporary/Seasonal Employee. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) FAIRGROUNDS ii. Request to purchase a used Case 82iC Wheel Loader (Equipment #g92o) from the Gxant County Public Worles Department in the amount of $46,000.00, using Fair Bond funds. (Approved) 12. Request to attend a Washington State Fair Association Management Team Meeting on March 16, 2012 in Monroe, WA. (Approved) SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1g. Budget extension request in the amount of $ig,45i.00 to purchase Motor Traffic Unit Communications Systems (headsets) using Law and Justice funds. (This item is being held for further review) COMMISSIONERS' MARCH x2, 2012 AGENDA Page 8 of y 3�3o p.m. — 5:0o p.m MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ASSESSOR'S OFFICE i4. Held from March 6, 2oi2 agenda: Voluntary Resignation and General Release Agreement between Grant County and Barry Moos. (This item is being returned until Mr. Moos signature is received) T Hechler, Human Resources Update Proclamations to the following schools: i. Almira, Coulee, Hartline High School Girls Baslcetball Team and their zoi2 State 1B 31•a place Title; 2. Almira, Coulee, Hartline High School Boys Basketball Team and their 2ox2 State iB ist Place Title; and 3. Warden High School Boys Wrestling Team and their 2oiz State 2B/1B ist Place Title. Special occasion license applications for Columbia Basin Allied Arts, �662 Chanute St NE, Moses Lalce, WA 98837� and Mattawa-Desert Aire Lions Club, PO Box 219i, Mattawa, WA 99349� from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the March 9, 2oi2 payroll. As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $i5o,�8i.94, $6io,23o•43� $6,425•07� $606,o66.4i, and 15o,78i.94, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. WEDNESDAY. MARCH i4, zoi2: 9�3o a.m. — ii:go a.m. 1i:oo a.m. — i2:oo a.m 1:go p.m. — 2:go p.m. �:oo p.m. — 8:go p.m. C Carter, Disability Board Meeting P Scontrino, Scontrino Powell Consultants (Annex Meeting Room) C Carter at WebSense Meeting (Annex Meeting Room) Commissioners at Health Board Meeting (Public Works) THURSDAY, MARCH 1�, 2012: 9:0o a.m. — �o:oo a.m. C Swartz at KBSN Radio (Moses Lalee) io:oo a.m. — 12:0o p.m. C Carter at QUADCO Meeting (Ritzville Public Works Building) COMMISSIONERS' MARCH i2, 2oi2 AGENDA Page 9 of 9 i2:oo p.m. — i:oo p.m. i:oQ p.m. — 5:0o p.m. �:oo p.m. — 8:go p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012: 4:0o p.m. — 5:0o p.m. R Stevens at Deputy Union Negotiation Meeting (Annex Meeting Room) (Cancelled) C Swartz at GTA Worlc Session (ATEC) C Swartz at Grant Transit Authority Board Meeting (Moses Lalce Facility) C Carter and C Swartz at Grant Integrated Services Leadership Meeting (Moses Lalce Office) Signed this �� day of , 2012. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS � Carolann Swartz