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Resolution 12-016-CC
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington o�IN��c� No. lz- C� /� oCC An ordinance relating to an amendment of the Grant County Zoning Map, changing the zoning of multiple parcels located in the Cascade Valley Area from Urban Residential3 to Urban Residential 2. The parcels are located in Sections 8, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28 and 29 Township 19 North, Range 28 East, WeM., Grant County, WAe (See attiached list of parcel numbers) Recitals: WHEREAS, in compliance with the Growth Management Act of 1990, Grant County adopted a Comprehensive Plan in September of 1999 and a mandatory update in 2006, and WHEREAS, Grant County adopted the Unified Development Code (UDC) in October of 2000, establishing official zoning districts in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 25.12 "Legislative Actions" § 030 establishes a process for making Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, the Unified Development Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Districts" § 150 establishes a process for Minor Zoning Amendments (Minor Rezones) which are consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, on the 1St of March, 2004, Resolution No. 04-036-CC was adopted by the Grant County Board of Commissioners, which, in part, established the Comprehensive Plan designation �or the subject properties as "Residential — Low Density" and WHEREAS, an application (#11-5643) for a Minor Zone Change has been processed in accordance with the UDC Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Districts", Chapter 24.04 "SEPA", and Chapter 25.04 "Permit Application Review Procedures," and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission held on February 1, 2012 an Open Record Public Hearing regarding this proposed Minor Zone Change, at which they voted unanimously to recommend approval of this Minor Zone Change for all parcels. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a Closed Record Cascade Valley Area Minor Zone Change - BoCC Ordinance - page 1 Public Hearing regarding this proposed zone change on March 5, 2012, and WHEREAS, after consideration of the Planning Coinmission's recommendation and staff cominents, the Board of County Commissioners voted to approve this Minor Zone Change for all parcels, and WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners have established the Following ten "Findings of Fact" supporting their approval of this Minor Zone Change: 1) The proposed rezone will not be contrary to the intent or purposes and regulations of the Grant County Code or the Comprehensive Plan; 2) The property in question is suitable for uses allowed under the proposed zoning district; 3) Uses allowed under the proposed zone change are compatible with ne�ghboring land uses; 4) The proposed rezone can be served by adequate facilities including access, fire protection, water, storm-water control, and sewage disposal facilities; 5) Substantial changes do exist to warrant an amendment to the current zoning district; 6) A public need does exist for the proposed rezone. Public need shall mean that a valid public purpose, for which the comprehensive plan and this chapter have been adopted, is served by the proposed rezone; 7) The proposed rezone will not result in significant adverse impacts on the human or natural anvironments that cannot be mitigated by conditions of approval; 8) The cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions (the total of the rezones over time or space) will not produce significant adverse effects to the envirorunent that cannot be mitigated by conditions of approval; 9) The pedestrian and vehicular traffic associated with the rezone will not be hazardous to existing and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood; and 10) The proposed zoning district does not include any allowable use or activity that would result in the location of an incompatible use adjacent to an airport or airfield (RCW 36.70). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the Grant County Board of County Commissioners hereby rescind the current zoning designation of Urban Residential - 3 for the attached list of Parcels located in the Cascade Valley area and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that through the adoption of this ordinance the Grant County Board of Commissioners approve the minor zone change for the attached Parcel list from Urban Residential - 3 to Urban Residential - 2, and Cascade Valley Are1 Minor Zone Cl�ange - BoCC Ordinance - page 2 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the effective date of this ordinance shall be 5:00 pin of the date signed. DATED this �`� day of March, 2012. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain G T COUNTY WASHINGTON IJ ❑ ❑ � - --- - -.�.�.. Richard Stevens, Chair �� � � Cindy C er, Vice-Chair � / �'' ❑ � Carolann Swartz, Member Board of Cowity Commissimiers of Grnnt Cowrty, Washingtmi Cascade Valley Area Minor Zone Change - BoCC Ordin�nce - page 3 F �;�#� a���� �r��#���i �� �120000500 . 120000501 , :120000502 120000503 � - _ ... _ . . 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