HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-005-CCGRANT COUNTY BOARD t�F C4MMISSIONERS Grant Cou�ity, Washii�gton RESOLUTI4N No. I2- t��� -CC ORDINANCE No. 12- p�� -CC AN CIRDINANCE AMENDINCT CHAP'I'ER b.02 OF THE GRANT COUNTY CODE. RECITALS: WI�EREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissioners adopted by Grant Couraty Resalutian and Ordinance, Graz�t County Code 6.02.020, the same ariginally adopted by Clydinance/Resolutian 94-52-CC on April 3, 1995, thareafter amended by OrdinancelResolution No. 97-119-CC an July l, 1997, and thereafter amended by OrdinancelResolutionNa. Ob-179- CC on Jut�e 2b, 2006. WH�REAS, the Tioard of County Commissianers has determined that it is reasonable, advisable and necessary for the pubiic health, safety and welfare of the residents of Grant Caur�ty ta amend Sectian b.42.024 of tha Grant County Cade. BE I.T OR�AINED LY THE BQA12U C!F COUNTY COIVIMISSI�NERS OF GRANT C+QUNTY, �TA'TE UF WASHINGTON, THAT CHAPTER b.U2.020 OF THE GItAl�IT CQUNTY CODE BE AMENDED AS SET FC►RTH BEL{)W. Section 1. Grant County Code 6.02.42Q, adopted by Qrdinance/Resalution 94-52-CC on April 3, 1995, tllereafter amended by Ordinance/Resolution Na. 97-119-CC on July l, 1997, and thereafter amended by OrdinancelResolution Na. 06-179-CC on June 26, 2006., is hereby amendad to read as follows: (4) Freshwater Estiates On Crab Creek Area and Rathbone Propertv more t�articularlv described as follows; Freshwater Estates, Lots 1-7, with vacated road adjacent (Harris), Block 1; Lots 1-6, Block 2, inclusive of Vi1ci�lg Raad; and Rathbol�e Parcel #170480000, all oF which are a portian af the NW 1/4 of the NE %4, S� 11, T 19 N, R 28, E.W.M., Grant Caunty, Washington. a 1� Section 2. This Ordinanoe shall talce effect on the _� day of January, 2012. A public hearing was held an tlie abave ordinance at 3:30 a'cloc� p.rn., on the g`n day of January, 2012. ORDINFINCB AMENDING CHAP'I'ER 6.02 RCW �'agU -� Civil 8U7epartments\Ordinnnces�2011\Pirearm Control Area 1-6-12 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE GRANT COUNTY COMMISSION�RS adopt this Ordinance/Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this � day of January, 2012. Approved as to Form: M,,,...---��-� By �.` Dalton Lee.� Deputy Pros Attorney Date: [ �` C "� ( �----- ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6.02 RCW Civil 8\Departments\Ordinances�2011�Firearm Coutrol Area 1-6-12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHiNGTON -----_ Richard Stevens, Chair �� Cindy Ca r, Vice Chai � Carolann Swartz, Member Page - 2