HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 12-004-CCBOA� OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington IN TI�E MATTEI2 OF APPROVING � A PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION OF � RESOLUTION N0.12- �� l -CC COLiTlO�IBIA BLUFFS - P.U.D. PHASE 1 I INTO NINE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND FOUR T1aACTS LOCATED IN THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 23 EAST, WM, GRANT COU�iTY, WASHINGTON APP1tOVING THE PRELIIVIINARY PLA'T OF COLUMBIA BLUFFS P.U.D. PHASE 1 WHEREAS, the Board of County Cominissioners of Grant County have been advised that an open record public heaxing was conducted before the Grant County Planning Commission on December 7, 2011 regarding the matter of a preliminary plat of 27.45 acres into nine (9) residential lots and four tracts known as Columbia Bluffs P.U.D. — Phase 1, which is located in a portion of Section 18, Township 18 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington, and WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Comrriission on December 7, 2011 did approve a motion to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to approve this proposed preliminary plat with twelve (12) suggested Conditions of Approval and seven (7) Findings of Fact affirming the recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners held a closed record public hearing regarding this matter on January 3, 2012, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that tlus proposal will not adversely effect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public in the vicinity of the proposal, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found this proposal to be consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Development Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning," other land use regulations, and SEPA, and WgIEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the proposed Preliminary Plat, and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat, subj ect to the Conditions of Approval, meets the applicable requirements of the Unified Development Code Chapter 22.04 "Land Division," and WHEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does comply with the Health District's requirements for sewage disposal and potable water supply, and WFIEREAS, the proposed Preliminary Plat does contain an accurate legal description of the lots being created, and the roads and easements therein, and IN THE 1VIATT�R OF APPROVING COLUMBIA BLUFFS P.U.D. PHASE 1 WITH THIRTEEN RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND TOUR OPEN SPACE TRACTS VVFIEIZEAS, pertaining to roads, improvements, and the proposed. Prelirxunary Plat does comply with Grant County regulations utilities, dr�inage, access for emergency vehicles, and other infrastructure WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners h�ive made a decision to approve the Columbia Bluffs P.U.D. — Phase 1, NOW, THEREFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington hereby approve by this Resolution, subject to the twelve (12) Conditions of Approval listed below, a Preliminary Plat of 27.45 acres into nine (9) lots located in a portion of Section 18, Township 18 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County9 Washington (Parcel #15- 0433-000, 15-0433-001, 15p0433-002, 15-0433-003). CONDITIONS O�' APPROVAL 1) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, including, but not limited to: a) Before �nal plat approval applicant must either construct a water system with a construction complation report submitted to the Washington Department of Health (DUH) -ore Approval of the design by DOH, installation of the well, collection of samples for inorganic water analysis, recording of the protective covenant of 100 feet around the well, and a bond to assure completion of the water system in favor of Grant County. b) A site registration is required for each lot to determine the sutiabilty for septic system installation or if a community septic system is planned a site registration will be needed for the area proposed for installation of the drain iield. 2) The applicant shall comply with a11 requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Public Works Department, including, but not limited to: a) Provide a plat check fee of $200.00 for Major Plats. b) Provide a Plat Certificate from the title company for all land being dedicated to Grant County. c) Provide a complete road plan and profile with all centerline data and drainage facilities for new roads. d) Provide control monuments for all road intersections and centerline tangents. e) An Approach Permit shall be obtained prior to a Building Permit. � Prior to Grant County Public Works signing the �nal Plat all required road construction and improvement on Columbia Bluffs Way shall be completed and accepted by Public Worlcs, or a bond shall be in place for the required work. g) Private Road shall be built to Private Road standards 20' wide, unobstructed all weather driving surface. Provide design typical cross section. h) Private Road shall meet the current edition of the International Fire Code and these standards. i) All line types shall be added to the legend. 3) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Grant County Auditor, including, but not limited to: a) The name "Columbia Bluffs — Phase 1" is approved. Columbia Bluffs PUD Phase 1- BoCC Resolution - page 2 IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING COLUMBIA BLUFFS P.U.D. PHASE 1 WITH THIRTEEN RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND FOUR OPEN SPACE 'TRACTS 4) The applicant shall comply wi.th all requirements as deemed necessaiy by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, including, but not limited to: a) The following language will be required on the final plat prior to approval: BZarec�u of Reelanzcttion eoneurrence for this plc�t is limitecl to the extent of the plc�t's cornplictnce with the reqticiNements of RCW 58.17.310. Drain Construction: Rising grozcncl wateN tables c�re common in i�Nigcztion pNojects. Fec�e�al d�ain eonst�°uetion fi�n�ls ceNe not c�vczilable for clraining of subclivisions and other° czNec�s not in a eommeNeial c�gricZ�lture lczncl use, unless such dNainage rs ineiclental to the reqzaiNecl clr^c�anage of acljaeent czgrieultZaNrtl lancl anc� meets Federczl technical and economical feczsibility requzNements. This lan�l is includecl within the ColZ�mbicz Bctsin INNigc�tion Dzstrict ancl is subjeet to the lczws of the Unztecl Stcztes c�nd the State of YVashington relcztive to the Columbza Basin Project and is lzable for further^ assessments, zf any, levied by said Dzstriet. It is also undeNstood ancl agreec� that when this plctt zs served by Coun Roc�cls/Citv St�eets), irNigable lctncl within the (Roc�c�/Street,� r^ight-of-way or isolatecl by said declications will not become a charge assessable to (County/Citv,� ancl payable to the Columbza Basin Irrigation District for construction, opeNation c�nd rnaintenance of the ProjecP. District Sec�etczry-Manage�° Bureau of IZecic�mation IRRIGATIONAPPROVAL: Wate�° Supply: Concu�rency by the Bu�eau of Reclamc�tzon foN this plat cloes not assure the avczilc�bility o,�`'cz wate� supply, nor cloes it bincl the United Stc�tes to issue a permanent right fo�° a Federal water supply. A siipply of Fede�al pr^oject wate�° to this lanct is assured only upon full eomplianee with eo�°ollr.zry Federal ancl Stczte legislation. Bureau of Recic�matzon 5) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District, including, but not lixnited to: a) The applicant is required to pay a Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District Short P1at Fee of $50 for the first split (iirst two lots), plus $10 for each additional lot. b) USBR & QCBID signature block added. 6) The applicant shall comply with all requirements as deemed necessary by the WA State Department of Ecology (Spokarie-SEPA Coordinator), including, but not limited to: a) Proper erosion and sediment control practices must be used to prevent upland sediments frozn entering surface water. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be used as necessary during development and implementation of this proposal in order to minimize temporary disturbances to the subject area, to lessen the rislc of erosion, and to stabilize the site during construction. b) A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the proj ect site may be required and should be develop�d by a qualified person. Columbia Bluffs PUD Phase 1- BoCC Resolution � page 3 IN THE NIATTER OF APPROVING COLUIVIBIA BLUFFS P.U.D. PHASE l WITH THIRTEEN R�SIDENTiAL LOTS AND FOUR OPEN SPACE TRACTS c) Owners of sites where less than one acre of tot�l land area will be disturbed must �lso apply if the construction aativity is part of � larger plan of development or s�le in. which rnore than one acre will eventually be disturbed. Discharge of storm w�tter from such sites without a permit is illegal and subject to enforcement action by the Department of Ecology. Application should be made at least 60 d�tys prior to commencement of construction �ctivities. A permit application and related documents are available online at: http://www.ec .���ov/programs/wqlstormwater/construction or by contacting the Water Quality progr�m, Department of Ecol.ogy, P,O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600; (360) 407-6401. 7) The applicant/developer° shall comply w�th �11 requirements as deemed necessary by the Gr�nt County Assessor, including but not limited to; a) Please correct the legal description to reflect the map for phase 1 only. b) Please correct the parcel numbers listed on the plat to reflect the correct parcels. c) Please list the number of acres for Phase l. only in the legal description. d) Information in the Plat Information block should reflect information for Phase 1 only. 8) If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeo].ogical/cultur�l resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Gr�int County Planning Department, the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 9) The landowner/applicant/developer shall comply with all findings, recommendations, restrictions, and/or mitigation requirements of the Critical Areas Report with regards to Wetlands �nd Fish and Wildlife habitat from Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc dtd July 8, 2011 including, but not limited to: a) Please identify the "Type N" stream on the face of the plat. b) If at �iny time a road crossing occurs through the identified stream the appropriate pernuts shall be obtained. 10) Developer/l�ndowner shall provide notice with each parcel sale stating the existence of an approved Outdoor Shooting R.ange on adjacent parcel #15-0381-000, (Planning File # 08-5015 & 04-3877) 11) Developer /landowner shall add language within the CC & R's oFthe existence of an approved Outdoor Shooting Range located on adjacent parcel #15-0381-000. (P1lnning File # 08-5015 & 04- 3877) 12) The applicant shall comply with �11 requirement.s as deemed necessary by the Gr�nt County Planning Department, including, but not limited to: a) Development shall comply with the requirements of GCC § 22.04 Article V"Final Subdivisions and Short Subdivisions" �nd all other pertinant portions of Grant County Code. b) Please malce the following corrections/additions to the mapping: i. All line types must be clearly identified in the legend, ii. Pursuant to UDC 23.04.800 (p) (6) add dedication language to the flce of the plat regarding the dedication of open space p�rcels/tracts. c) Comply with the SEPA MDNS issued on. November 4, 2011. Columbia Bluffs PUD Phase 1� BoCC Resolution - page 4 IN THE IVIATTER OT APPROVING COLUIVI�[A BLUI�'FS P.U.D. PHASE 1 WITH THIRTEEN R�SIDENTIAL LOTS AND FOUR OP�N SPACE TRACTS EFF�CTIVE DATE: Upon signature. 1�AT�D this —��iY�l day of , 2012. � BflAl2D O� CO�INTY COIVINIISSI(�NE�2S Yea Nay Abstain GRAN'i CO�JNTY„��AS�IINGTON ATTEST: I� ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ C�'' ❑ ❑ Stevens, Chair Cindy Car�r, Vice-Chair / Carolann Swartz, Member Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grnnt County, Washington Columbia Bluffs k'UD Phase 1 � BoCC Resolution - page 5