HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 11-083-CC�� Depar[ment of Ordinance / Resoluiion 1010. I t L���`���
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4�Poshing!anState �i.,�V C3�.JJ.1GQ
WHEREAS, the �p,w�w►��SS i ov� ��'"S of C�`ovv� "�"Y �� has meC arad considered
(Crovcrning body of the taxing district) (N1me of the t�xing district)
its budget ior the calendar year �„C�� 2,. ; and,
WI3PRE�.S, the districts �ctr.tal tevy amount from the previaus year was $�, ���% �p� ; and,
(Previous ycar's levy aal�aunt)
WHLREAS, tha populatian of this district is (� marc than or ❑ less than 10,000; and now, therefore,
(Ci7eck onc}
SE IT I2ESOLV GD by the governin� body nf the ta�cing district that an increase in the rem.�lar propez�y t�x levy
is het�eby authorized far the Ievy to l�e callected 'zn the �+b 1 Z- tax year,
(Year af catlection)
Tl�e dollar am.ount of the increase over the actua.t levy amount from the previous ycar shall be $ �� � 9'�
�,vhich is a percentage increase of !- v� % froYn the previot�s year. This increase is eYchisive of
(Per•cenCage incx�ease)
aclditional revenue resulting from ne�v constri.�ction, improveinerzts to property, ne�vly constructed winc� turbines,
any increase iti the value of state assessed property, any a�inexations that have occurred ax�d r•efirnds lnade.
Adopted this _��� /ht,�'day of �� , �_ �//
l.e�_ � _ :. 1,-.,. , ./'�.1_..,�•
�rv1�.i: , �f�l
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If aclditional signatures �re necessary, please 2ttach additional page.
This form ar its ec�uivalent must be submitted to your county assessor prior ta their catculatian af tl7e property t�x
levies. t� ceri:ified bud�et/levy request, separate from this form is to be fi.led �vith tlle CoL�nty Legislative
Authority ia.o Iater than November 30`l' As required by RCW 84.52.020, that filing certifies the tatal amount ta be
levied by the regi.11ar properiy taY levy, The Departznezzt of Reventi�e provides ti�e "Levy Certificaiion" form (RCV
64 4104) for this purpose. The form can be fourtd at: http•/idot� �va �ovldocsifo��ns/I'ropT�'ormslLevyCertf.dac.
For tax assistance or to request tl�is clocument in an �ilternate fo�•mat, visit http://dor.wa.�o,v/content/taxes/propert, /r�default,as x or catl (3C0)
534-i400, Teletype (TTY} users may call {360) 70S-b7I8.
REV 64 O101e (w) (10/l2/10)
/ Department of
r �eve���'
b�asf�ir,gton Scate
Levy Certi�cation
Submit this document to the county legislative luthority on or before November 30 of the year preceding
the year in �vhich the levy zmounts are to be collected nnd for�vlyd a copy to the assessor.
I�z accordance with RCW �4.52.020, I, ��re.�� ld � �� /�'L� ,
�� 7�y �octc� �^h�rl �..r- , for L'.ov,� 1�y le.oa d , do hereby certify to
(Title) (District Name)
the G r a✓� � County legislative authority that the CoNn t,� � s s/ C�✓� r2V`S
(Name of County) (Commissioners, Council, Board, etc.)
of said district requests that the following levy amounts be collected in ZU1 Z as provided in the district's
(Ye1r of Collection)
budbet, wluch was adopted following a public hearing held on /� -��- // :
(Date of Public Hearing)
Regular Levy:
Excess Levy:
Refiind Levy:
� ?vv, �oc�
(State the total dollar ainount to be levied)
(State the total dollar amount to be levied)
(State the total dollar amount to be levied)
�.��.�� ,��-�.�,��~-
/y' ,
Date: �C� !/ //
For tax assistance or to request this document in an �lternate fortnat, visit http://dor.�va.�ov/content/taxes/property/default.as�
ar call (360) 534-1400, Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718.
REV 64 O100e (w) (10/12/10)