HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 11-077-CC . , (� ���L-'' _.�"- � - � � ��� ��. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County,Washington i i RESOLUTIO TNCREASTNG THE RESOLUTION No. 11- ��l - C � REVOLVING ECKING ACCOUNT � FOR NEVV HOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND EXUAL ASSAULT SERVICES W�IEI2EAS, it as been called to the attention of the Board of ounty Commissioners , that the Revolving Checl 'ng Account, Fund#001, Department#128 needs to be increased; WHEREAS, Resol tion No. 01-O55-CC dated Apri19, 2 O1 established this fund in the amount of$1000.00; WHEREAS, Resolutio No. 10-024-CC dated Apri 5, 2010 decreased this fund by $250.00 to an amount of$750.00, WHEREAS,New Hope Do estic Violence a Sexual Assault Services received a grant from the Gates Foundation and ow this Revol ing Account needs to be increased to $5,000.00; NO�V, THEREFORE, BE IT H B RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COU�NTY COMMISSIOl�ERS OF GRA COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, increase Fund#001, Department#128, Revo 'ng Checking Account, to the amount of $5,000.00, for the purpose of increasing th Pet Cash Fund at New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services. � Effective this�_ y � , 011. Dated this �' day o� b , 201 . BOA OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEI2S Yea ay Abstain GRAN OUNTY,WASHINGTON � d� � � � Carolann Swa z, Chair ATTEST: � � � � � Richard Stevens, mber f�,w Clerk of t e$q, .rd � � `� � � Cindy er, Member / , � Page 1 of 2 N:\Stat3lBVasquez�Resolution-Ordinance�Now Hope Domestic Violence revolving fund increase 110101,doc ��d th+isr.z�`y��ay ot � ��11 MEMORANDUM �nard Of CounqY Camrnissianer� Grant Caunty,W�Sh'tngton A rove Disapprove_ Abs4.� Dis4#�1 ._ Dist#1 ___ Di&4#�1 - To: Grant County Commissioners pist#2 _ pisq �2-�---� ���t�2—�.." C�iSt#�� Dist�#�_y_._.� bi5t�3 — �rom; Bernadine Warren �,.� .{k�"C'� ��,n�j� Z�t���:ST ,�,v,� I�ate: Octaber 14, 20�.1 I�I� I►� ����e.9'l"' Re: R�quest fior Specfal R�va{ving Account far New Hape �a r On (3ct�ber 6, 2Q�.1, I requested �hat New Hope be allowed to open a new r�vaiving account in the amount of$5,OQQ to cover authorized expenditures under Che Gaties Founda�ion grant. Fallowing conv��satlons with �ave �ir�b�ugh and Ken yollow�y,w€ h�vp u6r��d thut a better solution is�o incr�ase the balance In N�w I-lope's already exis�Cing revolving account from $750 to $5,000, The Gates Foundation grant provid�s funds to victims of damestic violence and/or sexual assault to obtain housing and ot'her immediate services that will help surv(vors begin the process of self�sufficiency frAm their abusers. For the most part expenses far client ass(stance can be processed thrau�h the Caunty's accounts payabl�system. There are�imes, however,wh�n immedia�Ce payment is required, For insCance, because lower income rental apartments are in great demand, New Hape must pravide immediate payment fio hold an apartment for a client, mas�of Che time with only ane or twa haur's noti�e. It is for situa�ians lil<e these that the request to increase the revolving accaunt balance is made. Thanl<you for your time and considera�kion in this matter. 1f I can provide you with any further informatiion, please do not hesi�ate to cantact me, ��� �,.��a,..� . ��������� a�T � � ��a» Gf�AN"f'C:C7L1N7'Y Ct1MM15SIQIV[�Ft� � j I BOARD OF COUN'�Y CO1VINdISSIOl��RS Grant County, Washington � ; I�SOLUTION TO RESCIl0i1) AND 1�SOLUT'IOl�i Ivo. 12- ��� -CC ' COgdRECT THE RESOLUTIOI�1 I1�1CItEASING THE ItEVOLVING � C�IECI�NG ACCOUNT FOR NEW HOPE ' DOMESTIC VIOLEIVCE AND SEX�JAL I ASSAULT SERVICES ; j WH�ItEAS,Resolution No. 11-077-CC adopted Noveinber 1, 2011 incorrectly stated � Fund#001 as the fund being increased, when it should read Fund #128; and � V�'HEREAS,Resolution No. 11-077-C;C is k�erby rescinded and replaced as stated below; ; and ' WI�[EI�AS, it has been called to the attention of the Board of County Cammissioiiers i that the Revolving Checicing Account, Fund#128, needs to be increased; WHEI�AS,Resolution No. 01-O55-CC dated Apri19, 2001 established this fund in the i amount of$1000.00; � WHEREAS,Resolution No. 10-024-CC dated Apri15, 2010 decreased this fund by $250.00 �o an amount of$750.00; WHEREAS,New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services received a I grant from the Gates Foundation and now this Revolving Account needs to be increased to j $5,000.00; ,; % NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEI�EBY IaESOLVEI) BY 7CHE BOAItD OF I COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUI�ITI', STATE OF WASHIlvGTON, I inerease Fund#128,Revolving Checicing Account,to the amount of$5,000.00, for the purpose ; of increasing the Petty Cash Fund at New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Sarvices. i � i , � , � � � Page 1 of 2 N:\StaRlIIVasquez\Resohition-OrdinanceWew Hope Domestic Violence revolviug fund inerease I 10111 RESCINDING TO CORRECT.doc � ; Effective this � � day of , 2012, i Dated this Z day of , 2012. ; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEI�S � Yea Nay Abstain ���T C0�J1�1T�'' �VA'�HING�'Ol� ' � � � � Richard Stevens, Chair A TEST: � � ' / Ciridy Cai�ter, ember �'� �--, lerk of th Boa �G�������i�;�L�--�(X/� � � � Carolann Swartz, Member Page 2 of 2 N:\Stafl�IIVesquez\Resolution-OrdinanceWew tlope Dontestic Violence revolving fund increase I 101 I 1 RPSCINDING TO CORRECT.doc