HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � I MINUTES ' I GRANT COUN'I'Y BOARD OF COMMI�SIONERS � i � MONDAY, SEPTEMBER�2. 20�1: � The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:go a.m.with all Commissioners in attendance. , 8:3o a.m. —9:0o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting ' ; 9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action I � i. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance,and/or ! grant administration. (Approved) i 2. Grant County Fiscal Year 2oii Spending Plan with 2012 Planned � Expenditures on Department of Social&Health Services(DSH5) i Contract#1i63-31930, County Program Agreement—DDD County Services. (Approved) i 3. Professional Services Contract for Coordinator/Facilitator of the �� Columbia Basin Groundwater Management Area. Contract is i administered by the Franldin Conservation District and will be ; between it and Grant County(BOCC). (Approved) � 4. 2o1i-2o12 Professional Services Agreement for Coordinator and Facilitator(Executive Director)Consultant: Project: Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area. Contract is between Grant County � and Paul Stoker&Associates. (Approved) 5. Agreement regarding use of County Property for Public Purpose between Grant County and Cumulus for a fundraising event for � "Marty O'Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund",Brewers'Harvest Expo, � which will be held at the Courthouse and immediate surrounding �;' area Saturday, September 24, 20�1 from 12:0o p.m.through 6:0o i p.m. (Approved) � I io:oo a.m.— io:i,a.m. Comrnissioners Office Safety Meeting 10:3o a.m.— io:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period i Rita Mayrant,Historical Society Board Member,came today to discuss the Grant County Museum I barn that is being rebuilt since it burned down a couple of years ago.Rita stated she was told by ; H&H Steel Buildings that Vern Cummings said he would be deferring the framing of the � bathroom until spring. Rita also asked H&H to paint the cement the same as the walls. Mr. � Cummings stated this was not going to be done. The Commissioners wonder if this is in the contract signed between the County and H&H. The BOCC will meet with Vern this afternoon. Canfield(the insurance carrier)has stated H&H will not get paid until the project is complete. ',';. The issue with the restroom framing being deferred is a concern. The Commissioners will discuss j this with Vern Cummings and get back with her. i x1:oo a.m. — ii:go a.m. Commissioners at Road Supervisor Meeting(Public Worles) i i2:oo p.m.— i:oo p.m. Elected Official/Department Head Luncheon i:go p.m. —1:5o p.m. L Grammer,Assessor's Office Update i I 2:0o p.m. —2:5o p.m. T Hechler,Human Resources Update a � I i COMMISSIONERS'SEPTEMBER i2,2oia MINiTTES Page 2 of 6 � ; 3�3o p.m. -3:5o p.m. Closed Record Public Hearing, Lakeview Parlc Plat Minor Zone Change and SEPA ' i The Commissioners held a Closed Record Public Hearing to consider an Minor Zone Change and ! SEPA for several parcels located in the Lakeview Parlc Plat from Urban Commercial- i to Urban Residential-4. The change will malee the zoning district of the subject area consistent with the ' Comprehensive Plan Land-Use Designation,which was changed as part of the 2002 I Comprehensive Plan amendment process.The subject area is located on the easterly side of ' Ephrata Avenue NW and the most of the parcels located on westerly side of Moses Lake Avenue. � All parcels are located in Section 25,Township 22 North, Range 26 East,WM,Grant County,WA. �I Assessor's Parcel #'s o8-i244-o04, o8-i2�4-o06,08-1245-000,o8-i245-ooi,o8-i247-o00, 08- i i246-o00, o8-i248-o00, 08-1249-000, o8-i25i-000, 08-1250-000,o8-12go-000,o8-i23i-000, � 08-1232-000,o8-i234-o00,o8-i235-o00,08-1238-000, o8-2i�-000, o8-12i8-000,o8-i219- ; 000, OH-1220-0OO,OS-1221-000�OH-1222-000,o8-i2o6-o00, o8-x2o�-o00,o8-i208-o00,08- ,I 1209-000, o8-i210-o00, 08-121i-000, o8-12ii-ooi,o8-i2ii-oo2, o8-i212-o00, 08-���5-005, o8-iii5-oo6,08-1115-007, o8-11i5-oo8,o8-ii15-oog, o8-iii5-oo2,08-1115-000, o8-ii39-oo0, � o8-ii38-oo0, o8-1i36-oo0,o8-1ig5-000, o8-1i84-oo0,o8-ilgg-000, o8-iig2-000,08-1131- i 000,o8-ii29-oo0, o8-ilgo-000,08-1185-000,o8-1i84-oo0,08-118g-000, o8-ii82-oo0, 08- ; i18i-000,o8-i192-o00,and o8-1i92-ooi. Dorothy Black,Senior Planner discussed the history of � the application.The Planning Commission is recommending approval for all but 4 parcels that are � located on the highway.The Planning Department recommends all parcels be included in the , Minor Zone Change. Commissioner Carter moved to deny the Planning Commission ! recommendation and approve the Planning Department recommendation,noting the io Findings � of Fact.Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing � adjourned. (Ordinance Noo 1i-o66-CC) I q.:oo p.m. -4:5o p.m. V Cummings, Fairgrounds Update i I , � � TUESDAY.SEPTEMBER 1,3, 2oii: i , The session was continued at 9:0o a.m.with all the Commissioners in attendance. ' 9:0o a.m. -9:2o a.m. D Nelson,Community Development Update 9�3o a.m. -9:5o a.m. J Poling,Housing Authority Update � 10:0o a.m.- 10:2o a.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Urlin and Bonita Thomas Open Space ' Classification Application ,I j The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an application for ! Classification as Open Space Land for Current Use Assessment under Chapter 84•34 RCW from � Urlin and Bonita Thomas for 4o-acres in Lot i5 of Eagle Springs located in 528,T21, Rgo(Parcel No. i8-1472-004). Pam Hill stated the property is in Current Use Agricultural and the proponent i would like to change it to Current Use Agricultural Conservation. The Assessor's Office ! recommends approval. Commissioner Stevens moved to close the public comment portion of the i hearing.Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner � Carter moved to approve the application as presented.Commissioner Stevens seconded and the � motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. � ,�� i:go p.m. -2:2o p.m. D Pohle, Public Works Update I i i COIVIMISSIONERS'SEPTEMBER 12, 2oi1 MINUTES i Page 3 of 6 � 2:0o p.m. —2:2o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Level g Communications, LLC Franchise The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a franchise application from Leve13 Communications LLC. The application requests to construct,operate and maintain a ' telecom network on certain County Road Rights of Ways within the county for providing ! Telecommunications Services along,over,across Rd R-NW,Rd ii-NW,Rd P-NW,and Rd io.5 ' NW,located in S�,T 20, R 24,W M. Derek Pohle, Director and County Road Engineer,Public � Worlcs, stated Public Works recommends approval.Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed i unanimously. Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the application as presented and sign the order granting the franchise.Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The hearing adjourned. I 2:3o p.m. —3:zo p.m. D Lee,Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update I 3:0o p.m. —g:go p.m. GRANT COUNTY REDISTRICTING MEETING(Annex Meeting Room) � I 3�3o P•m• —3�45 P•m. Consent Agenda(Items i through 1�) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE � I i. Commissioners Office Vouchers(Approved) '� 2. Request from the Central Basin Traffic Safety Task Force to use the ; Courthouse steps and front lawn for their"Distracted Driving/Cell I Phone/Texting campaign to be held September 29,2oii at 2:0o p.m. li (Approved) 3. Claims Payment Request from the Multi Agency Communications ! Center(MACC)in the amount of$21.560.04 for the E9i1 System ; Bond. (Approved) '� � SHERIFF'S OFFICE � 4. Request to close and eliminate their Interlocal llrug Fund(1o6.i48) �� as it is no longer needed, and transfer the remaining$99.05 to the INET Forfeiture Fund(109.151)(Approved, Resolution No. 11- o67-CC) 5. Request to change the names of the following funds: (Approvecl, ,I Resolution No. i1-o68-CC) �I a. Sheriff's Drug Fund(�0�.149)to Sheriff's Forfeiture Account b. State Drug Seizures(io9.1�i)to the INET Forfeiture Account 1 6. Out of State travel request for Detectives Lloyd and Wentworth to � attend the Northwest Gang Investigators Fall Conference in � Missoula,MT from October 11-15,2oii. (Approved) � �. Out of State travel request for Deputy Melvin to attend NIJ Technical Worlcing Group for Communications Meeting in Washington,D.C. ' from September 19-22, 2oii. (Approved) � TECHNOLOGY SEI�VICES j H. Out of State travel request for John Martin to attend SANS CISSP � security training in Las Vegas,NV from September 19-24, 2o1i, (This item was held for fuxther review,then approved on � Septernber iq., 2o1i) � I I I J � � i I COMMISSIONERS'SEPTEMBER a2, 20�1 MINUTES �, Page 4 of 6 ; FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE I 9. Request for payment of H&H Steel Buildings Invoice #oi2 in the ' amount of$53�950.0o and Invoice#013 in the amount of $37,�65.00. These are for the Museum Building Project. (Approved) HUMAN RESOURCES 10. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request � from Juvenile Court and Youth Services to: i a. Revise the position description and salary banding of the i GAL Coordinator Position; b. Change the GAL Coordinator Position from Part-time to Full � Time; and ' c. Revise and re-title the position description of the Guardian , Ad Litem Program Administrator. ; The Director recommends approval for all g items above. i (Approved) ii. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from Juvenile Court and Youth Services for an Exception to the , Hiring Freeze to hire a Regular Part Time CASA GAL Volunteer Coordinator due to a recent resignation. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) i2. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request '� from the Prosecuting Attorney's Office for an Exception to the Hiring � Freeze to hire i-Deputy Prosecuting Attorney due to a recent i resignation. The Director recommends approval. (Approved) 13. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request � from the Clerk's Office for an Exception to the Hiring Freeze to hire � 1-Deputy Clerk II Position due to a recent promotion. The Director � recommends approval. (Approved) � � PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ; I i4. Out of State travel request for Deputy Prosecutor Schaff to attend a ! Vehicular Assault and Homicide Prosecution Course in Salem,OR i from September 20-23, 2oi1. (Approved) j GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES � � 15. Request for payment of Integrus Inv#20834.04.-11 in the amount of i $i2,747.i6; and Inv#20884.o4-i1.1 in the amount of$1g8,�g. These are for the Cityview Boarding Home project. (Approved) I 16. Resolution No. xx-o�o-CC declaring personal property surplus I and disposition of sale proceeds for g-automobiles declared surplus i on the September 6, 2011 Grant Integrated Services agenda. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT—PLANNING DIVISION � i�. Ordinance No. ii-o69-CC relating to the amendments of the � Unified Development Code(UDC)to allow electric vehicle i infrastructure(Ch. 2g.o4—Tables g,4,and 5; and Ch. 25.02 � Definitions). The hearing was originally heard on August 29, 2011 at I q:go p.m. I i i I� � COMMISSIONERS'SEPTEMBER 12, 2oia MINUTE� Page 5 of 6 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amounts of$i57�3o8•43, $99,563�35� $i,1�i,295.0�,and$645�948•26 as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Worlcs County Payroll Salary Fund for September 9, 2oi1. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2oii: � C Swartz,Out 9�3o a.m.— i2:oo p.m. C Carter, Disability Board Meeting ii:3o a.m. — 2:3o p.m. HEARINGS EXAMINER �:oo p.m. — 8:3o p.m. BOARD OFADJUSTMENT �:oo p.m. —8:3o p.m. Commissioners at Health Board Meeting(Public Works) THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER i5, 2o1i: C Swartz,Out 9:0o a.m. —g:3o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS i2:oo p.m.— i:go p.m. C Carter at Columbia Basin Domestic Violence Consortium Meeting (Samaritan Hospital) (Did not attend) , FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER i6, 2011: C Swartz, Out ii:oo a.m. — 1:0o a.m. R Stevens at Housing Celebrations(GrIS,Moses Lalce) i2:oo p.m.—i:oo p.m. National POW/MTA—You Are Not Forgotten Event(McCosh Park, Moses Lalee) 5�3o p.m. —6:3o p.m. R Stevens at MLIRD Support the Troops Dinner(Connelly Parlc,Moses , Lake) i COMMISSIONERS'SEPTEMBER 12, 2oii MINUTES ; Page 6 of 6 i Signed this �- �' day of�Q�_, 2oi1. , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant Coun ,Washington � Ca nn Swartz,Ch 'r � �Ric a� Stevens , i G ► � Att t: , Cin y arte �; � C lc o�the Board ' ! I � i i i I i i I ,i q �I I �I I I' i i I i