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A Resolution Relating to Comprehens�ve Planning in Grant County in
Accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act(RCW
36.70 A) and amending the 2006 Comprehensive Plan and Zone Changes.
WHER�AS,in 1990, the Washington State Legislature passed and�he Governor signed
into law the Growth Management Act (GMA) as contained in S�IB No 2929
� (Washington Laws, 19901st Ex. Sess., Ch 17), which was subsequently codified as
among other chapters, Chapter 36.70 A RCW; and
�VI3EREAS,the Washington State Growth Management Act requires all counties and
cities in the State to do some planning and the fastest growing counties and cities with
them, to plan extensively in keeping with state goals and policies on: sprawl reduction,
affordable housing, economic development, open space and recreation,regional
transportation, environmental protection, property rights, natural resource industries,
historic lands and buildings, permit processing,public facilities and services, and early
and continuous public participation; and
WHEREAS,the Washington State Growth Management Act requires all counties and
cities within the state to classify, designate, and conserve natural resource lands
(agricultural and mineral) and protect critical areas (wetlands, geologically hazardous
areas, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, aquifer recharge areas, and frequently
flooded areas); and
WHEREAS, Chapter 36.70 RCW required Grant County to adopt a Comprehensive Plan
that met specified GMA goals and. addressed the mandated GMA elements; and
WHER�AS, after complete review and public record of the State Environmental Review
process, Grant County issued a Fina1 Environmental Impact Statement on July, 2, 1999;
and subsequent amendments through 2011 and;
WHEREAS, over the past years, the Comprehensive Plan's policies may have changed
to insure that the development patterns in the Cou�ty remain consistent with the intent of
the communities' vision for the future and the Plan's goals and policies; and
Grant County
Board of County Coimnissioners 7 011
Resolution Adopting Amendments for the Xear 2011 ,�U�. � e
To the GranY County Comprehensive Plan
C`aFi�1f�!'T'CCaU�'1'Y C;C�MiVll�i�l�f��FZ�
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W�IEREAS, it is important that amendments to this plan retain the broad perspectives
articulated in the community vision statements, satisfies the goals and policies of this
I'lan, and remain consistent with the intent of the GMA; and
WHEREAS,the Growth Management Act (GMA) establishes procedures for the review
and amendment of Comprehensive 1'lans governing counties and cities planning under
� the Act; and
WHERFAS, the county has establ.ished a public participation program identifying
procedures whereby proposed amendmants or revisions o�the Comprehensive Plan are
considered by the governing body of the County no more frequently than once every
year; and
WHEREAS, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan fall into several major categories
or types and different review application and review criteria apply to each. The kinds of
' ainendments identified herein include:
• Urban Growth Area Boundary Changes;
• Plan policy or text changes;
• Plan Map changes;
s Supporting document changes; emergency amendments; and
Site-s ecific amendments; and
WHEREAS,policy amendments rnay be initiated by the County or by other entities,
organizations or individuals through petition; and
W�-IEREAS,petitions were received on forms provided by the Department, containing
appropriate maps showing the proposed change and addressing the policy or xnap
evaluation criteria as describe� in the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, On April 19, 2011 the�oard of County Commissioners directed staff to
initiate the SEPA review process and schedule each of the complete am.endments
proposed, along with staff recommendations before the Planning Commission for public
hearing; and
vV�IEREAS,public hearings vvere conducted by the Planning Commission on June 15,
2011, to hear staff recommendations and take public testimony on each of the proposed
amendments to the Grant County Comprehensive Plan and proposed Zone Changes;
making recommendations and listing Findings of Fact on each a�nendment and zone
change, and;
WHEREAS, the Planning Comm�ssion staff reports and recommendations are made a
part of the record of this public hearing as it relates to SEPA and the attached
amendments and zone changes.
Grant County
Board of County Commissioners
Resolution Adopting.Amendments for the Year 20ll
To the Grant County Comprehensive Plan
WHEIaEAS, a non-project proposal to consider adoption of amendments to the
' Comprehensive Plan, incl.uding site-specific land use designation changes and changes to
Fign.ire 5-5 Future Land Use Map, were considered, and;
; WHEREAS, copies of th�s EIS �lddendum were distributed to agencies, organiz�tions
and individuals listed on the Plannin De artm
ent distribution list and re uestin that
g P �1 g
' comments be submitted in accordance with WAC 197-11-340 (2), and;
: WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners conducted an open-record public
hearing on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 to consider the 201.1 requests for amendrnent to the
Comprehensive Plan and zone changes, and the recommendation from the Planning
Commission for each of the proposed amendments and zone changes;
NOW, THER�FOl�, 13E IT RESOLVED,that the Board o�County Commissioners
for Grant County adopts the attached Findings of Fact per Attachment"B" and the
attached record pertaining to the approval of the 2011 Comprehensive Plan amendments
and Zone Changes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEll, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant
County adopts Findings of Fact as per Attachment 66A"in support of these actions.
PASSED by the Board of County Commissioners in regular session at Ephrata,
Washington,by the following vote, then signed by its membership an attested to by its
Clerk in authorization af such passage this " (��- day of
DATED this���day of 1,�i , 2011.
� Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTX,
; � ❑ � Carolann Swartz, Chair
�' ❑ ❑ - ° _
Richard Stevens, Vice Chair
le•k o-the oar
� ❑ ❑ .
Cmdy er, Member
Gi�ant County
Board of County Commissioners
Resolution Adopting Amendments for the Year 2011
To the Grant County Comprehensive Plan
Section I—General�inclings
1.1 Grant County has experienced and will continue to experience population growth and
accompanying development, resulting in compet�ng d.emands for public facilities,
services and land uses, and is required to prepare and adopt amendments to the
Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations pursuant to the Growth Managem.ent
1.2 Growth Manageinent requires that land be managed properly and wisely. Otherwise
meeting the demands of a rapidly growing county pop�lation is likely to cause urban.
and suburban sprawl, commercial strip development, development at inappropriate
locations and densities, damage to environmentally sensitive areas, and the loss of
natural resource lands, rural character, open space, and critical areas. Also, this
pattern of development is likely to create demands for urban services and utilities
that are insufficient to support their extension in a cost�effective manner.
1.3 The 2011 Comprehensive Plan amendment process responds to the environmental
concerns raised during the public hearing process, whole protecting property owners
from unconstitutional takings and substantive due process violations. �
1.4 RCW 36.70P�.020 sets for a list of 13 goals "to guide the develop�nent and adoption
of comprehensive plans and development regulations." In the ainendment public
hearing process, and these findings of fact, the Planning Commission and Board �f
County Commissioners considered the 13 Growth Management Goals, weighed them.
as they apply to the subject matter of these findings, and has attempted to achieve a
reasoned balance among them.
Section 2 - Public Participation
2.1 Petitions received by the Planning Department were reviewed by the Board of
County Commissioners, and the Board directed th.� Planning Department to proceed
with further review of the petitions and to prepare enviromnental documentation
consistent with the requirements of RCW 43.21 C and Grant County Code Chapter
24.04 (SEPA).
2.2 In accordance with Grant County Code Chapt�r 25.12 — Legislative Actions, the
Planning Commission held public hearings on JLine 15, 2011 at which time testimo�y
Graut Coimty Comprehensive Plan
Amendment 2011
Ceneral Findings of F1ct,
II .
was taken from interested agencies, organizations, and individual citizens, regarding
'� the proposed amendments and zone changes.
, 2.3 Board of County Com�missioners and Plannin Commission. meetin s hear�n s and
g g > g9
� study sessions requiring "legal notice" were advertised in the local paper of record
pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.70 and the Grant County LTnified
Development Code. Copies of the proposed amendinents, and 2011 Addendi�m to the
; Environmental Impact Statement were broadly disseminated for public and agency
' review at no charge. All meetings and hearings to which the public was invited were
conducted in an open. forum. At hearings, all persons desiring to speak were given an
opportunity to do so, Public testimony and written correspondence were gi.ven full.
aonsideration as part of the amendment process.
2,4 The existing enhanced public participation policies within Granti County ensure that
; the public had an opportunity to provide meaningful cornments on the proposed
2.5 The appeal mechanisms contained within Grant Co�nty ordinances provide sufficient �
� due process to allow interested parties an opportunity to respond at a meaningfiil
� time and in a meaningful manner.
Section 3 —Criteria for Amendment Approval
3 01 A petition for a site-specific land use redesignation was reviewed for conformance
''�, with pertinent provisions of the Grant County Comprehensive Plan and Unified
I Development Code.
3.2In reviewing the amendments, the Planning Commission and Board of County
Commissioners considered testimony provided at public hearings and
recommendations provided by staff and interestied or affected agencies with
jurisdiction. The Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners
� approved, approved with conditions, or rejected an application for a change of
designation or density based on the following criteria:
' (a) The change would benefit the public health, safety, and/or�vvelfare;
', (b) The change is warranted because of changed circumstances or because of a need
for additional property in the proposed land�use designation.
(c) The change is consistent with the criteria for land use designations specified in
the Comprehensive Plan.
(d) The change will not be detrimental to uses or property in the iinmediate vicinity
of the subject property.
(e) The change has merit and value for the community as a whole
(� The change, if granted, wil� not result in an. enclave of property owners enjoying
greater privileges and opportunities than those enjoyed by other property owners
Grant Coiuity Compreheusive Plan
Amendment 2011
General Findings o£Fnet.
in the vicinity where there is not substantive difference in the propert�es
themselves with different designations.
(g) The benefits of the change will outweigh any significant adverse impacts o�the
(h) The change is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Pla�.
and the requirement s of Grant County Code Titles 22, 23, 24, and 2S; and
' (i) The change complies w�th all other applicable criteria and standards of GCC
Chapter 25.12
Section 4—Board of County Coint�ussioners Final Recommendations
And/or Actions
, 4. 1 Recorded motions by the Board of County Com�nissioners for each proposed
axnendment and Findings of�act are listed in Attachment"B"
4.2 Recorded motions by the Board of County Commissioners for each pr.oposed zone
change and Findings of Fact are listed in Attachment"B"
4.3 Support�ng Findin s of Fact for each decision were identified under Section 3 as
detailed above, unless otherwise noted in the record of the Board of County
' 4.4 Detailed applicati.ons along with supporting documentation and staff reports are
made a part of this recornmendationo
GrnnC Cowity Comprehensive Plan
Amendment 2011
General I�'indings af Fact.
I e
, 1) 11-5563 —Marcus Kinion
2) 11-5564—Nick Todd
3) 11-5565 —Andres Negrete
' #1. FILE NO. ll�5563
� The subject area is a 7.02 acre portion of parcel#17-1418-000. The parcel is located.east of Coulee City
and is bordered on the west by McEntee Street, on the South by Pin.to Ridge Road NE and is located in a
� portion of S. 03,T. 24�N,R 28 E. WM., Grant County Washington.
The applicant has submitted a request for a site-specific land use re-designation of 7.02 acres of an 11.04
acre parcel from"Agricultural(Rangeland)"to"Rural Residential— 1". The parcel is bordered on the
north and west by the city limits of Coulee City and to the east by lands designated as Rural Residential-
1. The current use of the property is residential and it appears it has not been farmed or grazed for several
Soi1s on the site are not considered to be Prime Farmland soils according to the Soil Survey of Grant
County. This parcel is not located in an irrigated farm unit associated with the Columbia Basin Irrigation
_ Project. The parcel is not and has not been enrolled in Current Use Program according to the Assessor's
Offica nor does it appear to meet the criteria as defined in the Comprehensive Plan for Agriculture(Range
This parcel appears to meet the criteria for the Rural Residential- 1 designation in that the parcel
maintains the rural aspects of the County and provides a buffering or transitions between existing rural
developments and areas of higher ar lower densities.
The Planning Commission conducted an open record hearing for this application on June 15, 2011. At
their hearing the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this Site Specific re-
designation from Agriculture(Rangeland)to Rural Residential— 1.
The Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to uphold the recommendation.of the Planning
Commission to approve the following request for a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation.
Decisions and Findings of Fact
Board of County Commissioners
2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zone Changes
, n
1) Re-designate�arcel#17�1418-000 from"Agriculture(Rangeland)99 ta "Rural Residential—
,, �".
The Board of Caunt Comxnis i ne
y s o rs established the followin Findiri s of Fact:
g g
1. The change would benefit the public health, safety, and or welfare;
2. The change is warranted because of changed circumstances or because of a need for additional
property in the proposed land use designation.
3. The change as consistent with the criteria for land use designations specified in the Comprehensive
, 4. The change wrll not be detrimental to uses or property in the immediate vicinity of the subj ect
� 5. The change aloes have merit for the community as a whole.
6. The change, if granted, will not result in a group of property owners enj oying gre�ter privileges and
opportunities than.those enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity where there is not
substantive difference in the properties themselves which justify different desig�nations.
, 7. The benefits of tihe change will outweigh any significant adverse impacts of the change.
8. The change is consistent with.the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements
; of GCC 22, 23,24 and 25.
9. The change does comply with all other applicable criteria and standards of Chapter 25.12 UDC,
Minoa�Zone Change
The Planning Corrunission conducted an open record hearing for this application on June 15,2011. At
the hearing no members from the public spoke for or against this proposal. The Planning Commission
made a unanimous recommendation to approve the proposed Minor Re-zone from Agriculture to Rural
Residential— 1,
The Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to uphold the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve.
� 1) A Minor Re-zone of parcel# ].7-1418-000 from Agriculture to Rut°al Residential—1.
The Board of County Commissioners established the following Findings of Faet:
1) The proposed rezone will not be contrary to the intent or purposes and regulations of the Grant County
i Code or the Comprehensive Plan;
2) The property in question is suitable for uses�llowed under the proposed zoning district;
� 3) Uses allowed under the proposed zone change are compatibl.e with neighboring land uses;
4) The proposed rezone can be served by adequate facilities including access,fixe protection,water,
storm-water control,and sewage disposal facilities;
5) Substantial changes do�.�ist to warrant an amendment to the current zoning district;
6) A public need does Pxist for the proposed rezone.Public need shal.l.mean that a valid public purpose,
' for which the co�nprehensive plan and this chapter have been adopted,is served by the proposed.
i rezone.
7) The proposed rezone will not result in significant adverse impacts on the human or natural
environments that cannot be mitigated by conditions of approval;
8) The cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions(the total of the rezones over time or
space)rvill not produce sigauficant adverse effects to the environment that cannot be mitigated by
conditi.ons of a roval•
� P� �
Decisions and Findings of Fact
Board of County Commissioners
2011 Comprehensive P(an Amendments and Zone Changes
9) The pedestnan and vehicular traffic associated with the rezone will not be hazardous to existing and
, anticipated traffic in the neighborhood; and
10)The proposed zonin district does not include an allowable use or activit that would result in the
g Y Y
location of an incompatible use adjacent to an airporC or airfield(RCW 36,70).
' #2. File No. 11-5564
; The subject area is located approximately'/2 mile north of SR-28 �vest of Quincy and on the east side of
Rd S NW, The situs address is 10525 Rd S NW, Quincy,WA and is identified as a portion of Farm Unit
219, Block 73 located in a portion of S. 12,T. 20 N,R. 23 E,WM, Grant County,WA. (Assessor�'arcel
The applicant has submitted a Comprehensive Plan Amendment requesting a Site Specirc Land Use Re-
designation of approximately 3 �cres from"Urban Industrial" LO 66Residential-�Suburban(R-1)", The
applicants has identified that the site is a home site which according to the Assessor's records was built
around 1965.
. It appears vvhen the Comprehensive Plan and Urufied Development Code were adopted in the late 1999
' and early 2000 this parcel was included in the original Urban Growth Area of Quincy and designated as
Industrial. The parcel has a natural separation of an irrigation ditch which runs along the south boundary
, of the parcel. Tha parcel is small in nature and should return to a residential designation.
The Planning Corrunission conducted an open record public hearing for this application on June 15,2011,
- At their hearing the Coinmission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this land use re-
designation application from"Urban Industrial"to"Residential--Suburban"
, The Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to uphold th.e recomrnendation of the Planning
Commission to approve the following request for a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation:
1) Re-designate parcel#20-0�64-000 from Industrial(Urban)to Residential� Suburb�n.
' The Board of County Commissioners established the following Findings of Fact:
1. The change would benefit the public health, safety, and or welfare;
2. The change is warranted because of changed circumstances or because of a need fox additional
property in the proposed land use designation.
3. The change is consistent with the criteria for land use designations specifzed in the
Comprehensive Plan.
4. The change will not be detrimental to uses or property in the irnmediate vicinity of the subject
5, Th.e change does lzave merit for the community as a vvhole.
Decisions and Findings of Fact
Board of County Commissioners
2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zone Changes
6. The change, if granted, wrll not result in a group of property owners enjoying gz°eater privileges
and opportunities than those enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity where there is not
substantive difference in the properties themselves which justify different designationse
7. The benefits of the change will outweigh any significant adverse i�mpacts of the change.
8. The change is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive I'lan and the
requirements of GCC 22, 23, 24 and 25.
9. The change does comply with all oth.er applicable criteria and standards of Chapter 25.12 L7DC.
1VIinor Zone Chan�e
The Planning Corrunission conducted an open record hearing for this application on June ].S, 2011. At
the hearing no members from the public spolce for or against this proposal. Planning Comrnission rnade a
unanimous recommendation to approve the proposed Minor Re-zone from iTrban Industrial to Urban
The Board of County Commissioners voted unarumously to uphold the recommendation of the Planning
Comm�ssion and approve.
1) A Minor Re-zone of parcel#20-0864-000 from Urban Industrial to iJrban Residential- 1
T'he Board of County Commissioners established the following Findings of Fact:
1) The proposed rezone will not be contrary to the intent or purposes and regulations of the Grant County
Code or the Comprehensive Plan;
2) The property in question is suitable for uses allowed under the proposed zoning district9
3) Uses allowed under the proposed.zone change are compatible with.neighboring land uses;
4) The proposed rezone can be served by adequate facilities including access, fire protect�on, water,
storm-water control,and sewage disposal facilities;
5) Substantial changes do exrst to warrant an amendment to the current zoning district;
6) A public need does�.rist for the proposed rezone, Public need shall meati that a valid public purpose,
for which t11e comprehensive plan and this chapter have been adopted, is served by the proposed
7) The proposed rezone wrll not result in significant adverse impacts on the human. or natura�
environments that cannot be mitigated by conditions of.approval;
8) The cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions (the total of the rezones over time or
space) will not produce significant adverse effects to the environment that cannot be mitigated by
conditions of approval;
9) The pedestrian and vehicular traffic associated with the rezone will not�be hazardous to existing and
anticipated traffic in the neighborhood; and
10)The proposed zoning district does not include any allowable use or activity that would result in the
location of an incompatible use adjacent to an airport or airf'ield(RCW 36.70).
The subject area is the southern 2.14 acre porl:ion of parcel#1.5-0044-OUO and all of parcel#15-0054-002.
T'he parcel is bordered on the north by Mattawa's city limits and 4t�'Street E,to the East is S �d SW and
Decisions and Findings of Fact
Board of County Commissioners
2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and 7one Changes
�{ ,
the West is Broadway Ave. Extendede Parcels are located in a portion of S. 2,T. 14 N.,R. 23E., WM,
Grant County WA
� The applicant has submitted a request.for a site-speci£�ic land use re-designation consisting of two p�rcels.
Parcel 15-0054-002 is 2,00 acres and a 2.14 acre portion of Pa�•cel 15-0044-000 for a total of 4.14 acres.
� from"Residential—Mediuxn Density"to "Commercial". The parcels are bordered on the north by the
' city limits of Mattawa,to the East and West by Residential—Medium Density and to the Sauth by Urban
; Heavy Industrial. Currently the proposed area is vacant< The remaining portion of parcel 15-0044-000
i not part of this application has an existing homes and garage.
; Based on research done by the GIS Department in January 2010 the Mattawa Urban Growth Area
i boundary consists of approximately 2,070 acr.es of which 652.51 acres are designated.Commercial. This
, proposal is located on the east side of Mattawa where there exist approxiznately 30 acres of undeveloped
, commercial lands close to the city's core. Most of the commercially designated lands are located on the
west side of Mattawa around Hwy 243.
The Planning Commission conducted an open record.hearing for this application on June 15, 2011. At
their hearing the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this application.
The Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to uphold the recommendation of the Plaruiing
Commission to approve the following request for a Site Specific Land Use Re-designation:
: 1) Re-desfgnate a 2.14 acre portion of parcel#15-0044-000 and all of parcel#15-0054-002 from
Residential—Medium Density to Commercial(Urban).
' The Board of Count Cornmissioners established the followin Findin s of Fact:
Y g g
1. The change woudd benefit the public health, safety, and or welfare;
2. The change is warranted because of changed circumstances or because of a need for additional
property in the proposed land use designationo
, 3. The change is consistent with the criteria for land use designations specified in the
Comprehensive P1an.
' 4. The chan e will not be detrimental to uses or ro ert in the immedi te vicinit of the ub'ect
g p p y a y s �
5. The change does have merit for the community as a whole.
6. The change, if granted, will not result in a group of property owners enjoying greater privileges
and opportunities than those enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity where there is not
substantive diFference in the properties themselves which justify different designations.
7. The bene�.ts of the change will outweigh any significant adverse impacts of the changee
8. The change is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the
requirements of GCC 22, 23,24 and 25.
. 9, The change does comply with all other applicable criteria and standards of Chapter 25.12 UDC.
, Attachment"B"
Decisions and Findings of Fact
Board of County Comrnissioners
2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zone Changes
� , ..
The Planning Commission conducted an.open z°ecord hearing for this application on June 15,2011. At
the hearing the applicant's agent and one member of the public spoke in favor for this proposal. The
Planning Cornmission made a unanimous recoxnmendation to approve the proposed Minor zone change
from"Urban Residential—3"to"IJrban Commercial—2".
The Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to uphold the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve:
1) A Minor Re-zone of a 2.14 ac�e portion of parcel#15-0044-000 and all of Parcel#15-0054�
002 from Urban Residential—3 to iTrban Commercial-2.
The Board of County Commissioners established the following Findings of Fact:
1) The proposed rezone will not be contrary to the intent or purposes and regulations of the Grant County
Code or the Comprehensive Plan,
, 2) The property in question is suitable for uses allowed under the proposed zoning district;
3) Uses allowed under the proposed zone change are compatible with neighboring land uses;
' 4) The proposed rezone can be served by adequate facilities including access, fire protection, water,
storm-water control,and sewage disposal facilities;
5) Substantial changes do exist to warrar�t an amendment to the current zoning district;
6) A public need does�,rist for the proposed rezone. Public need shall me�n that a valid public purpose,
� for which the comprehensive plan and this chapter have been adopted5 is served by the proposed
7) The proposed rezone will not xesult in significant adverse impacts on the human or natural
environments that cannot be mitigated by conditions of approval;
' 8) The cumulative impact of additional z°ec�uests for like actions (the total of the rezones over time or
space) will not produce significant adverse effects to the environment that; cannot be mitigated by
conditions of approval;
9) The pedestrian and vehicular traffic associated with the rezone wilC not be hazardous to existing and
anticipated traffic in the neighborhood;and.
10)The proposed zoning district does not include any allowable use or acti.vity that would result in the
location of an incompatible use adjacent to an airport or airfield(RCW 36.70).
« >,
ttachment B
Decisions and i'indin s of Fact
' Board of County Commissioners
2011 Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zone Changes
; 6