HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC i f I� MINUTES l GRAN'I' COUNTY BO.ARD OF COMMISSIONERS � MONDAY,JULY 25, 2o1i: The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m.with Commissioners Stevens and Carter in : attendance. Commissioner Swartz was out and excused. 8:3o a.m. —8:5o a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Discussion � ; io:oo a.m.— io:2o a.m. R Stevens,WRCIP Final Budget Conference Call �� 10:3o a.m. — io:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period(No public in attendance) i i1:oo a.m.— 11:5o a.m. Budget and Finance Update '� i:3o p.m. — i:5o p.m. S Davis,WRCIP Claims Update(Cancelled) , 2:0o p.m. —2;5o p.m. T Hechler, Human Resources Update ' MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS , As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,in the amounts of$6r6,o4o.2g and$854,6i9.i5,as , recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. TUESDAY,�dULY 26, 2011: The session was continued at ii:3o a.m.with Commissioners Stevens and Carter in attendance. Commissioner Swartz was out and excused. � 1i:go a.m. — 11:5o a.m. Open Record Public Hearing,John J. Hagedorn and David Graham application for Open Space Land Classification for Current Use Assessment under Ch.84•34 RCW The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an application from John J. � Hagedorn and David Graham regarding an application for Classification or as Open Space Land for Current Use Assessment under Chapter 84•34 RCW. Property is located in Lot 225 of Eagle Springs Ranch,Phase 3(Parcel #18-o4i4-oi2).Pam Hill discussed the application as presented. The Assessor's Office recommends approval of this application.Laure Grammer explained that � the parcel is currently in Open Space Agriculture and is requesting to be put in Open Space ' Conservation. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the rnotion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Carter moved approve the recommendation of the County Assessor and approve ' the application as presented. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 � Commissioners in attendance.The hearing adjourned. i i � COMNIISSIONERS'JULY 25 2o1i MINUTES , Page 2 of 4 1:3o p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Worlcs Update , i. Execution of Contract with North Central Construction for the Dry , Coulee Road project. (Approved) 2. Contract Award Recommendation Letter for the Fair rounds Valle g / Y Rd Sidewalk project. (Not ready for signature) 2:0o p.m. —2:io p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,6 Year Transportation Improvement Program The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to adopt the 6 Year Transportation j Program for 2oi2-2o17,as presented by the Public Works Department.Derek Pohle,Public ; Works Director,discussed the program.Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Cornmissioners in attendance.Commissioner Carter moved approve the recommendation of the County Assessor and approve the application as presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.The hearing adjourned. (Resolutior�No. ia-o59-CC) 2:3o p.m. —g:2o p.m. D Lee,Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3:0o p.m. —g:go p.m. GRANT COUNTY REDISTRICTING MEETING(Annex Meeting Room) 3�3o P•m• —3�45 P•m. Consent Agenda(Items 1 through 10) COMMISSIONERS OFFICE i. Commissioners Office Vouchers 2. Addendum to 2o1i Memorandum of Agreement(Grant County- Jeffery A.Wade)for Investigative Services. The addendum is for a trial period from date of signature through September 30,2011 at which time the Investigator will be evaluated.(Approved) 3. 2-Special Occasion license applications for the Columbia Basin Rodeo Association,3953�r'�'ay Dr.NE,Moses Lalce,WA 98837,to use the small and large beer garden at the Fairgrounds,from the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (Approved) 4. Resolution No. x1-o6o-CC relating to Comprehensive Planning in Grant County in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act(RCW 36.7o A)and amending the 2006 Comprehensive Plan and Zone Changes(heard on July i9,2oi1). (Approved) HUMAN RESOURCES 5. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request from the Sheriff's Office to authorize wage increases for 2 Correctional Officers. The Director does not recommend approval. (Approved) SHERIFF'S OFFICE 6. Letter of out of state travel advisement that Detectives Chris Lafferty and Jason Mitchell to attend a"NW Gang Investigators Association Fall Conference"from October i1-i4, 2oii in Missoula,MT. (Approved) COMMISSIONERS'JULY 25 2oii MINUTES Page g of 4 I 7. Washington State Patrol(Contract No. C1io824GSC)Interlocal ; Agreement—Interagency Narcotics Enforcernent Team(INET) between the Grant County SherifPs Office,City of Moses Lalce,City of Ephrata, Ephrata Police Department,Moses Lalce Police Department,Washington State Patrol, and the Quincy Police : Department.Term of this agreement is from July i,2010—June 30, 2ox2. (Approved) WSU EXTENSION 8. Budget extension request in the amount of$4,000.0o to cover staff expenses to support the Pest and Disease Board through the end of 2oi1. (Approved,the public hearing was set for August 2�, 2oii at g:go p.m.) ' SUPERIOR COURT 9. Proposal letter for the Commissioners to begin the adminisfiration of Juvenile Court,Juvenile Probation Counselor Services and Detention Services,as provided in RCW i3•o4•035• �Approved) FAIRGROUNDS �, io. Transfer of funds request in the amount of$ioo,000.00 to cover expense vouchers and payroll liability. (Approved) I FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE 11. Recornmendation from the Manager to award the removal of two houses,seven trees,small shrubs and sod project to Desert Rocle Excavation in the amount of$i5�645•5o including tax. (Approved) 4:0o p.m. —4:5o p.m. K Hand,Veterans Advisory Board meeting to discuss Bylaws and Procedures 6:3o p.m. —8:0o p.m. Commissioners at Department of Ecology Shoreline Master Program Update Meeting(BBCC) WEDNESDAY,JULY 2�,2oii: The session was continued at 9:0o a.m,with Commissioners Stevens and Carter in attendance. Commissioner Swartz was out and excused. 9:0o a.rn. —9:2o a.m. B Hill,Public Defense Update 9�3o a.m. —9:5o a.m. R Gonzales, Public Defense Update Pursuant to RCW 42.go.iio (i)(i)Commissioner Stevens called an executive session to order at io:o2 a.m.to discuss an employee issue. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at io:o4 a.m. io:oo a.m. — io:2o a.m. G Baker,Technology Services Update I COMMISSIONERS'JULY 25 2o�a MINUTES Page 4 of 4 I io:3o a.m.— io:5o a.m. T Jones,Sheriff's Office Update ` ii:oo a.m. — 11:2o a.m. KAllen,Clerlc's Office Update i MISCELLANEOUS ITEM� ; The Commissioners approved and signed the July 25,2oii Payroll Authorization Pick-up Sheet. THURSDAY,JULY 28, 201�: � C Swartz, Out , 8:0o a.m. —9:3o a.m. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE STAFF MEETING � 8:3o a.m. —i2:oo p.m. C Carter at Regional Healthcare Strategic Meeting(Moses Lalce) �, j 9:go a.m. —2:go p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HEARINGS � i:oo p.m. —2:3o p.m. R Stevens at MACC 2012 Budget Meeting(Moses Lalce) � 2:0o p.m. —4:0o p.m. C Carter at Homeless Task Force Meeting(Moses Lake Fire Department) I I 6:0o p.m.—8:0o p.m. C Carter at GWMA Meeting(Othello) (Did not attend) FRIDAY,JULY 2A. 2o1i: ; C Swartz,Out i 9:0o a.m. —3:0o p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HF.,ARINGS ' � I � Signed this day of ,2o�i. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County,Washington I � ��1�-�e.�Q-- Car Swartz Cha' q _.__.- cha tev ns test: ' ' /n Cinc�y Carter �+v ' Cl of the Board I ; �