HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 11-051-CC�Department of
���4,�V� �F.A �
Wnshington State
WH�REAS, the
Ordinance / Resolution No. /� --- C� S/— �C�
RCVV 84.55.120
Board of County of Grant County has met and considered
(Governing body of the taxing district) (Name of the taxing district)
its budget for the calendar year 2011 ; and,
WHEREAS, the districts actual levy amount from the previoits year was $ 14,067,458.00 ; and,
(Previous year's levy amount)
WHEREAS, the population of this district is � more than or ❑ less than 10,000; and now, therefore,
(Check one)
BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the taxing district that an increase in the regular property tax levy
is hereby authorized for the levy to be collected in the 2011 tax year.
(Year of collection)
The dollar amount of the increase over the actual levy amount from the previous year shall be $ 140,675.00
which is a percentage increase of 1 % from the previous year. This increase is exclusive of
(Percentage increase)
additional revenue resulting from new construction, improvements to property, newly constructed wind turbines,
any increase in the value of state assessed property, any annexations that have occurred and refunds inada.
Adopted this 28 day of June
If additional signatures are necessary, please attach additionai page.
This form or its equivalent must be submitted to your county assessor prior to their calculation of'the property tax
levies. A certi�ed budget/levy request, separate from this form is to be filed with the County Legislative
Authority no later than November 30t1i. As required by RCW 84.52.020, that �ling cei�tifies the total amount to be
levied by the regular property tax levy. The Department of Revenue provides the "Levy Certification" form (REV
64 0100) for this purpose. The form can be found at: http://dor.wa.�ov/docs/forms/PropTx/Forms/LevyCertf doc
For taY assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http•//dor wa eov/content/taxes�ropertv/default as� or call (360)
534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718.
REV 64 O101e (w) (10/12/10)
� Department of
� � M 4.,. N A1r��
Washinglon Stace
Levy Certi�ication
Submit this document to the county legislntive authority on or before November 30 of the yelr preceding
the yenr in which the levy nmounts are to be collected and forward a copy to the assessor.
In accordance with RCW 84.52.020, I, Barbara J. Vasquez ,
Clerlc of the Board , for Grant County , do hereby certify to
(Title) (District Name)
the Grant County legislative authority that the Board of County Cominissioners
(Name of County) (Commissioners, Cotmcil, Board, ete.)
of said district requests that the following levy amounts be collected in 2011 as provided in the district's
(Year of Collection)
budget, which was adopted following a public hearing held on 12/13/10
(Date of Public Hearing)
Regular Levy: Cur�ent Expense - $16,631,342
Mental Health - $226,400
Veteran's Relief- $101,900
(State the total dollar amount to be levied)
Excess Levy:
Refund Levy:
(State the total dollar amount to be levied)
(State the total dollar amount to be levied)
Date: �Q ��0 _ �/
For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http•//dor wa �ov/content/taxes/propertv/default aspx
or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718.
REV 64 O100e (w) (10/12/10)
OF �2E'V�N U.E
Ordinance / Resolu�ion No. // -- U� 3--�-�--
RCW 84.55.120
'WFIEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Grant County Road has me� and considered
(Governing body of the taxing district) (Name of the taxing district)
its b�idget for the calendar year 2011 ; and ao�v, therefore,
BE TT RESOL'VED by the Comm.issioners of Grant County � that an increase
(Governing body of the tasing dish•ict) (Name of the taxing district)
in the regular property taY levy is hereby authorized fbr the 2011 levy in the amount of $ 33,501.00
(Xea.i of eollection) (Dotlar increase)
which is a percentage increase of 1 % from the previous year.
(Percentage inerease)
This iiacrease is eYclusive of additional xavenue res�lting frorn new construction, irnpx�ovements to property, any
increase in the value of'state assessed property, any ant�exations that have occun�ed and refunds m.ade.
A CERT]FTED BUDGET request ox estimate is filed with the County Lagislative Authority, separate frozn this
resolution. As required by RCW 84.52.020, that �lina certi£'ies the total aznount to be levied by the t�ee Iar
property tax levy, The Department of Reventze provides a form for this purpose, REV 64 0100, "Levy
Certification". Certi�cation is rnade in a manner prescribed by the County Legislative Authority. ,
Adopted this 29 day of _ March , , 2011 .
If additional signatures are necessary, please attach additional page.
For tax assistance, visit http;//dor.�,va.7ov or call 1-800-647-7706. To inquire about the availab
alternate format for the visually impaired, please call (360) 705-6715. Teletype (TTY) users m
R�V 64 O101e (w) (1D/21/OS)
i----•----•-- - ------ - -- ....... . ... . .. .
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� or �vErruE Ordinance / Resolution No.
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`VIIEEREAS, tha Board oF Cornmissioners of Grant County R� has met and considered
(Govec�ning body of the taxing district) (Name of the ta�cing district�—
its budget for the cal ndar year 2011 ; and now, therafora,
�i�l-1�r� �ha�v e�,��
i�'�CG� �2��J/o`GI�J a�0 UC:�� �i�� � ���787�
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BE IT RESOL'V�D by tlle Commissioners of Grant County � that an increase
(Governino body of the ta�ing distr�ict) (Name of the taxing disirict) ��� � 7S'
in the reb la�� property ta.<Y levy is hereby authorized for the 2011 levy ul the amount of $�3;�0�� 0-»
(Year of collection) �� otlar increase)
which is a percentaje increase of 1 % from the previous year.
(Percentage increase)
This increase is eYclt�sive of additional revenue resulting from new consi��uction, impxrovements to property, any
increase in the vahie of state assessed propariy, any anuexations that have occur�•ed and refiu�.ds made,
A CERTIFIED BUDGET request or estimate is �led with the County LegisIative Authority, separate frozn this
resolution. As required by RCW 84.52.020, that �ling certi�es the total amount to be levied by the red Iar
property tas levy. The Deparhnent of Revenl�e provides a form for this purposa, REV 64 0100, "Levy
Certi�cation", Certification is made in a mannex• prescribed by the Couiity Legislative Authority.
A.dopted this 29 day of
March , 2011
Tf additiona� signatures are necessary, please attach additional page.
For tax assistance, vzsit http,//dor.�.va,�._ov_ or call 1-800-647-7706, To inquire about the availability of this document in an
alternate format for the visually itnpaired, please call (360) 705-671�. Teletype (TTY) users may call 1-800-451-7985,
REV 64 0101e (Fv) (10/21/OS)
�-,��,�e,�� �� �. ,���.��� ��
Department of
Wasfdngton Sture
Levy Cert��cat�on
Submit this document to the county legisl�.�ive authority on or before November 30 of the year preceding
the year in which t�e levy amounts are to be collected ancT farward a copy to the assessor.
Ita. accordan.ce wi.th RCW 84.52.020, Z, �C�f'',�Z�'GL � VC� Gf,e
(il L�l�'� f17� `7�/�,". �G�2l�'C�- , for �j''G�/���CG/2�G/ , do hereby ce�tify to
(Title) (Distitict Nnme)
the �`-�G/��l Cotuity legislative authoriiy that the c��'C�DF��/2���pyy��,( �'�`2��G/�'
(Name of County) (Commissioners, CoUa� il, Board, ete.)
of said distxict rec�uests that th.e followi.nb levy amounts be colleated in �vl / as provided in the district's
(Xear of Collection)'
buclget, whick� was adopted �oZlowing a public hearing held on �— /� �-/l3.
(l�ata of Public �Iearing)
(jurr�n.�-�p�tis� /5, 8s.�5oo
�Ccr� fa� 1��1_ fh .22�, �oo
Regular Lec'1'� j%�h's /P�/�c��' �v�, 4ov
(State the tatal dollar amount to be levied)
Excess Levy:
Refund Levy:
(State the total dollar atnounC to be levied)
//�, .�0�1 �
(State the total dollar amount to be levied)
Date: 3-L�t--~// .
For tax asszstana� or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor,wa.gov/conten�/t�
or ca11(360) 534-1400. Teletype (T'TY) users may oall (360) 705-6718.
RE'V 64 O100e {w) (10/12/10)
U t' /v
�� '� +� i t�q a ��tb .;;� a;�::,
�� �' {t t �r ����I�f�t�� ��R �..r
� �i��i!, �� �`3
Dei�arkment of ,
eV�I��C�' Levy Certx:�catio�x
Wositington State
Submit tb;xs document to the county legisZative authority on oz• befoxe November 30 of the year� preceding
fhe year zaa which tTae tevy amounts are to be coZiected and farrvard a copy to tTae �ssessor.
Ts� accorda�.ce with RCW 84.52.020, I, �J��"��Q �J ' l�� �--� �
,�if L�F''r�' G�T� ��f �'' �G�Y'G'� ,�'or C�Y'�fh��c�LGf'lG�`G�° , do hareby certi.Cy to
�T�t��� (DisMct Name�
the �Y�%/�""� Cotu�ty leb slative authority th�,fi the ej.��.Z1�`C���( DI,G12 ./�1 �01'r2�l�I'L15�'d�/�I�f�'
(Name of County) (Cammissioners, Co'u iI, Board, etc,}
of s�id distsiat reques�s that the followin� lav� amQunts be colleGted in �d1 / as provided in tha dastrict's
(Xear of Coilection)
bud�et, �vhich was adopted �ol.lawin4 a pziblic hearing held on ��� `i�
(Date of F�zbiic �Searing}
(�t,�rr�n.t�,o�r�s�. �5-�:5'�'��� � J�� / .� /i �'r��
,�-�fae�iZ.l I, �'ol�h 2.2�, 5�ao
Reb IarLevy; �l��e�z.h's IPelic� /vf,`���'
{State the total do2lar amonnt to be levied}
�xcess Levy:
(State the total doll�r amount tq be levied)
Refiand Levy: ff�� ���
{State the tatai dollar amount to be levied}
Date: � — Z i — /f .
Pax ta,~� assistance or to zequest this docrament in an alternate formaC, visit http:l/dor.wa,aov/contandtaxes/prapertv/defattlt,�spx
or call (360) 534-I400. Taletype ('T'TY) users may c1ll (360) 705-6718.
REV 64 OIOOe (w) (10/12/10)
G 14,�i N %
June 22, 2011
Board of County Commissioners
P.O. Box 37
Ephrata, WA 98823
RE: Levy Corrections
Dear Carolann, Cindy and Richard,
P.O. BOX 37
Telephone 509-754-2011
Fax 509-754-6575
� :?:f:s;�r,R
The 2011 Levy Certification and Ordinance 11-023-CC that have been submitted for the
Current Expense fund have been found to need alterations in order to meet the guidelines of
the Department of Revenue. The original filed documents include errors, the use of an
outdated Levy Certification form and the omission of the Abeyance stemming from the
Microsoft Lawsuit. I have supplied you with copies of the Levy Certification and Ordinance
documents as they were submitted, copies with the corrections that need to be made and new
forms containing the corrected information. We would like to request the approval of these
corrected documents or a letter informing us of the individual changes that need to be made, in
order to give us the proper authorization to levy for the updated amounts.
Kind regards,
,���k� i���r ..
Gail Smith
Grant County Chief Deputy Assessor