HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC, MINUTES
The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:3o a.m.with all Commissioners in attendance.
8:3o a.m. —9:0o a,m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting
9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and MISC BOCC Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Carter,seconded by Commissioner Stevens,to approve items i and
!i 3 on the ASC Agenda as presented below.Item 2 did not arrive for signature. The motion passed
� unanimously.
' 1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications,insurance,and/or
grant administration. (Approved)
2. Anticipating: Geographic Information Interlocal Agreement between
Grant County and the Washington State Department of Ecology for
access to bi-monthly/monthly updates of spatial and tabular data as
maintained by the County uia on-line ftp site or quarterly updates of
s atial and tabular data as maintain
p ed by the County via CD/ROM or
DVD. Term is April 6,2o1i to December 31,2011. (Item did not
' arrive for signature)
3. Grant Application for U.S. Department of Justice,Office of Justice
Programs,Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for
Fiscal Year 2oii Mentoring for Youth with Disabilities Initiative by Grant
County,by and through Grant Integrated Services Mental Health.
io:oo a.m.— io:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting
1o:go a.m.—10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period(No public was in attendance)
ii:oo a.m. —11:3o a.m. Commissioners at Road Supervisor Meeting(Public Works)
i:3o p.m. — i:5o p.m. L Grammer,Assessor's Office Update
2:0o p.m. —2:5o p.m. T Hechler,Human Resources Update
g:oo p.m. —3:2o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Ronald and Wendy Kosloski Application
for Classification or Reclassification as Open Space Land for Current Use
Assessment under Ch. 84•34 RCW
The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an application for
Classification as Open Space Land for Current Use Assessment under Chapter 84�34 RCW. The
application is from Ronald J.and Wendy J.Kosloski for property located i mile south of Electric
City on the south shore of Osborn Bay of Banles Lake(Parcel No. 182g15000 in S 21,T 28,R 3o W
M). Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing.
Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Stevens
moved approve the recommendation of the County Assessor and approve the application as
presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.The hearing
adjourned. (Approved)
i Page 2 of 7
', 3�3o p.m.—g:q.o p.m. Open Record Public Hearing,Homeless Housing and Strategic
� Infrastructure Program Budget Extensions as follows:
I i. Auditor's Office in the amount of
$300,000.0o for the distribution of money received in 2oio
' from the North Columbia Community Action Council when they disbanded,and returning it to
the Homeless Housing fund
2. Strategic Infrastructure Project Numbers 2oii-o1, 2011-02, and 2oii-og, approved by the BOCC
through Resolution No. xi-o21-CC. Budget extensio.n is needed for committed funds to be
transferred from the Economic Enhancement Strategic Infrastructure Ending Fund Balance
(ii3�55-00-0000-308000000)as follows:
Pro'ect Amount/T e Transfer to:
SIP#2011-01: Coulee Area Park& $ 20,000 Grant 113155-00-9905-558700000(Planning)
' Recreation District, Community
Wellness Center Feasibtlity Study
SIP#2011-01: Coulee Area Park& $ 20,000 Grant 113155-00-9905-558700000(Planning)
Recreation District,Comnaunity- —
Wellness Center Feasibili Stud
SIP#2011-02: Port of Mattawa,Fire $ 150,000 Grant 113155-00-9922-551500001 (Facility Improv.)
Suppression System 113000-00-0000-163020000(Loan)
$ 150,000 Loan
SIP#2011-03: Poi�t of Coulee City, $ 150,000 Grant 113155-00-9913-552500000(Marina Improv,)
Marina Im rovement Pro'ect
TOTAL $ 470,000.00
Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner
Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously.The Clerk of the Board discovered that the
hearing notice amount was advertised for the wrong amount. The SIP extension should have
been for$490,000.00, not$470,000.0o which means the hearing must be advertised for the
correct amount. Commissioner Stevens moved to continue�the hearing to a date i5 days out to
correct the advertising. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed unanimously.The
hearing adjourned.The hearing was immediately continued as an error was discovered. SIP
project#2oii-oi—Coulee Area Park and Recreation district was listed twice. The budget
extension amount is correct in the amount of$470,000.00. Commissioner Carter moved to
approve the budget extensions as presented. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.The hearing adjourned. (Resolution No. 11-og6-CC)
As of this date,the Board,by a majority vote,does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080,and�hose expense reimbursement claims certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.ogo,in the amounts of$150�293•54� $594�i52•68�
i,o68,948•99,and$890.06,as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.
The Commissioners approved and signed a letter of non-objection for date change of the Moses Lalee
Chamber of Commerce Liquor License at their Wine Tasting even to be held on May i4,2011 from 5:00
p.m. — io:oo p.m. at the Grant County Fairgrounds.
TUESDAY,MAY io, 2011:
The session was continued at 9:0o am with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerle of the
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9:0o a.m. —9:5o a.m. J Christian-Stolcer,Grant Integrated Services Update
1. County Program Agreement—Mental Health Project between Grant
County,Grant Mental Healthcare,and the Washington State
' Department of Social and Health Services Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation(DSHS Agreernent No. i163-26740)for supported
' employment. (Approved)
10:0o a.m. — io:go a.m. Employee Performance Review
io:3o a.m. — 10:5o a.m. S Lorenz, Emergency Management Update
ii:oo a.m. — i1:2o a.m. V Cummings,Facilities and Maintenance Update
i:oo p.m. —5:0o p.m. C Carter,Out
i:go p.m. —2:2o p.m. D Pohle,Public Works Update
i. Resolution No. i1-oS7-CC initiating Counly Road Project
Designated as CRP ii-o6, Road E-NE. (Approved)
2. Release of Interest re: Impact and Mitigation Fee Agreement
between Grant County and Robert W.Barton II,Norma Korte-
Barton,and Frank A.Korte for A-NW Improvements (Parcel nos. i6-
0572-ooi and i6-o572-002 in the NW and SW quarters of the SW
quarter of S i,T 2o N, R 26 E,W.M.)(Approved)
i:3o p.m. — i:4o p.m. Bid Opening, x1-SW Road Project CRP 10-10
The following bids were received:
i. Copenhaver Construction $9r2,62o.45
2. North Central Construction $888,888.8�
3. Selland Construction $827,322,50
4. KRCI $992�853•50
5. Tommer Construction $793,333•00
6. Chris's Excavation $86�,�22.5�
�. HLT Construction $8go,46i.90
8. Piplcin Construction $988�970•85
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens,seconded by Commissioner Swartz,to turn the bids over to
Public Works for their review and recommendation.The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in
2:go p.m. —g:2o p.m. D Lee,Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
Pursuant to RCW 42.3o.iio (i)(i)Commissioner Swartz called an executive session to order at 2:g8 p.m.
to go until 3:0o p.m. Commissioner Swartz closed the session at g:oo p.m.
3�3o P•m• —3�45 P•m. Consent Agenda(Items 1 through ii)
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens,seconded by Commissioner Swartz,to approve items i-1i
on the Consent Agenda as presented below,with the addition of items i2 and ig from the Sheriff's Office.
The motion passed unanimously.
I Page 4 of�
i. Commissioners Office Vouchers (Approved)
2. Commissioners April i8 and 25, 2oxi Minutes for approval.
3. Recommendation from the Manager of Mosquito Control District#i
, to appoint Joshua Roberts, Ephrata,as a member of their Board of
� Trustees(District#3)(Approved)
4. Personnel Action Request Recommendation regarding a request
from Superior Court to re-band the interpreter position from Band 9
to Band 13. The Director recommends approval. (Approved)
5. Request for 2 additional credit cards for use at the main jail,each
with a$5,000.0o credit limit. (Approved)
6. Budget extension request in the amount of$16,�00.0o to purchase
jumpsuits for their personnel. Funds used will be frorn their
Forfeiture budget. (Approved,the public hearing was set for
May gi, Zo11 at 4:0o p.m.)
�. The Coroner received the following 3 quotes for consideration to
purchase a Leer 10o CC canopy for their service vehicle:
a. Pioneer II $2,231.gi
b. All Seasons RV $2,334•91
c. Canopy Country RV $2,255•04
The Coroner recommends purchasing from Pioneer II, Ephrata,in the
amount of$2,23i.gi. (This item was held for further review then
approved by the Commissioners on May ii, 2oi1.)
8. Request to purchase a used LED Reader Board sign from Columbia
Sign and Light in the amount of$i4,o1o.82 (including tax),using
Construction Bond funds, (Approved)
9. Out of state travel request for Gail Goodwin and Suzi Fode to attend
the 2o1r National Forum on the Human Right to Housing in
Washington, DC from June 6—9,2oi1. (Approved)
10. Architect's Certification for payment#4 from Integrus Architecture
for Rimmer and Roeter Construction in the amount of$103,975•32
for their Boarding Home. (Approved)
1i. Invoice Voucher for payment#i from Integrus Architecture for
Shawn Cole Construction in the amount of$60,241.97 for their
Lobby Remodel project. (Approved)
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i2. Out of state travel request for Deputy Delarosa to attend the Incident
Response to Terrorist Bombing conference in Socorro,NM from May
' i6—20, 2011. (Approved)
ji3. Out of sCate travel request for Deputy Bernard to escort the family of
Deputy John Bernard to a national recognition of those law
enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2oio. The event is in
Washington D,C.on May 12-1�,20��. (Approved)
6:0o p.m. —6:5o p.m. C Swartz at Republican Woxnen's Group Meeting(Emperador Azteca
Restaurant,Moses Lake)
�:oo p.m. —8:0o p.m. C Swartz at Sheriff Tom Jones Town Hall Meeting(Huck Fuller Building,
, 7:0o a.m. — 8:0o a.m. C Swartz at Grant County Economic Development Council�xecutive
Board Meeting(EDC Office, BBCC)
. oam. - 12•0
9•g . . o p.m. C Carter,Disability Board Meeting
i1:go a.m.—2:go p.m. HEARINGS EXAMINER
3�oo P•m• —3�3o p.m. C Swartz at Canvassing Board Certification of Election(Elections Office)
5�3o p.m. —6:3o p.m. Open Public Meeting to take public comment on a proposed Ordinance
amending Ch. 8.28.i90 of the Grant County Code titled"Unrestricted
Load Ordinance"as follows:
8.28.igo Solid Waste Dxs�osal—Unsecured Load Fee
"Unsecured load" means a shipment of solid waste in or on a vehicle that is not covered with a
tarp, inside an enclosed vehicle or otherwise secured or tied down by safety chains or other
fastening devices in a manner that will prevent materials from spilling, escaping, falling or being
blown or deposited outside the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion. For purposes of this
definition, solid waste contained in trash bags that are not covered with a tarp,inside an enclosed
vehicle or otherwise secured or tied down is an unsecured load.
(i) Pursuant to RCW �0.93.097, a fee shall be charged to all vehicles with unsecured loads
arriving at a dropbox or landfill maintained and operated within Grant County. The operator of
the vehicle containing the unsecured load, unless otherwise exempted as set forth below and
pursuant to RCW 46.6i.655,shall be required to pay a fee. The proposed unsecured load fee is:
Passenger licensed vehicles 1-3 yards capacity $5.00
Trucks and other vehicles over 3 yard capacity $i5.00
(2) A vehicle transporting sand, dirt or gravel in compliance with the provisions of RCW
46.6i.655 shall not be required to secure or cover a load pursuant to this section.
(3) The fee collected under subsection (i) of this section shall be deposited, no less than
quarterly, in an identifiable account with the Solid Waste operating fund.
, Page 6 of�7
Derek Pohle,Public V�rarlts I7irector stated this proposal eames from a state law from approximately sgg�
� to close the loop on unsecured laads,safety on tlie highway,littering, etc,by adding this piece of
requirement for counties to update their Code and require an unsecured load ordiiiance.Public Worlcs has
modeled Yakima County's ordinance.The idea behind this is to pramote safety on the highway and the
expense of roadside littei. This is a"fee",nat a"fine". Fees received will be put in�a special aceount and
� be used for raadside clean up.The 13oard thanked the Public Worlcs/Solid Waste Departments far their
hard work. Coxnmissianer Carter moved to close the public cornment poi�tian of the hearing.
Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motiozi passed with z Commissioners in attendance.
Commissioner Carter lnoved to ap�rove the amended Ordinance as presented. Commissioner Stevens
seconded and the i�otian passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.The hearing adjourned.
(This hearing was only to take public camment. The Board in errar rnada a�notion to
' �pprove the ordinance which is now null and void as this meeting was not advertised for
' this action. The Ordinance hear%ng has been set for June iq,,2oi�at 2:0o p.m,)
�:oo p.m. —8:go p.m. Comtnissioners at Health Board Meeting(Public Works)
' The Cornrnissioners approved the recornrnendation of the Ptiblic Works Director tc�award fihe�i-SW Road
project(CRP ro-io)ta Toinmer Construction Co,Inc.,in the amount of$793�333•00.
� R Sfievens,Out
� C Swa��tz at WSAC Board of Directors Maeting(Campbell's Resort,Chelan}
$:3o a.m. —9:3o a.m. Central Safety Committee Meeting(Multi-Purpase Rm)
g:oo a.m. — ro:go a.m. C Carter at MACC(Moses Lake Armary Bldg)
11.0o a.m.-12:0o p.m. C Carter at LEPC(PUD Building,Moses Lake)
FRIDAY�MAY s.�,2aixs
C Swartz at WSAC Board of Directors Meeting(Cainpbell's Resort,Chelan)
g:oo a.m, —�3:3o p.m. BtJARD OF EQUALIZATItJN HEARINGS
xg:gQ a.m,—12:3o p.m. R Stevens at NCWRSN Meeting(Davenport)
12:ao p.m.— 2:ao p.m. C Swartz at BB RC&ll Meeting(Casuela's Restaurant, I2itzville)
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Signed this ���� day o ,2o1i.
Grant County,Washingto
� � �
Ca an Swartz, hai
� �_
Ri har tevens
' Attest:
�' Cin y Carte
� Clerk of the Board
, ��'''' �