HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 15-059-CC BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ��,P�T C°°���
Grant County, Washington _
SjA�F O!pOpSNIN���
WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 6, Chapter 83, Laws of Extraordinary
Session of the State of Washington, Grant County did prepare a Comprehensive Transportation
Improvement Program for the ensuing six years; and
WHEREAS, priority array of projects prepared in accordance with County Road
Administration Board Standards of Good Practice (WAC 136-14) was made available and was consulted
by the Board during the preparation of this Six Year Program; and
WHEREAS, the Engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to the
Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program; and
WHEREAS, an environmental pre-assessment of the Six Year Program indicated that the
social, economic and aesthetic values would not be disturbed; and
WHEREAS, pursuant further to said Law, the Board of County Commissioners, being the
legislative body of the County, did prepare, revise and extend said Six Year Program and did hold a public
hearing on said Comprehensive Plan at 2:00 pm at the Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington on the 22nd day
of September, 2015;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant
County, Washington, that the Comprehensive Six Year Road Program presented at the public hearing be
hereby adopted.
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 22 , 2015.
DATED this �� day of j�f , 2015.
Yea Nay Abstain �
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� �I�'� ard S evens hair
❑ ❑ '
Cindy.Cai�te Vice Chair
❑ ❑ ❑ ����-�/ '
Carolann Swartz,Member ,
C erlc of the Bo rd
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
From 2016 to 2021
Agency. Grant County
Co.No.: 13 Co.Name: Grant County Hearing Date:Sept 22,2015 Adoption Date:Sept.22,2015
City No. --- MPO/RTPO: QUadGO Amend Date: Resolution No.: 15- -CC
Project Identification Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars Federally
- A Federal Aid No. B. Bridge No. � m m Fund Source Information Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency) Funded ProjecLs
� �� C. Projed Title E� � � R Federal Fundin �
� � 4 E D. StreeVRoad Name of Number �a m � �, a Phase Federel Federal State 20'19 Envir Required
LL � a z' E. Begin�ing MP or road-Ending MP or road �� � =° = Start Fund Cost by Fund State Local Total 2016 2017 2018 2020 Type Date
~ � � 2021 (mm/yy)
F. Describe Work to be Done a ear Code Phase Source Funds Funds Funds
"I I 2 I 3 I 4 � 5 I 6 I 7 8 9 l0 11 12 "13 '14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 2'I
BROS-2073 Bridge No.:08753400 PE 20'13 '112,000 28.000 '140,000 '140,000?
BRIDGE#399,W NW RW 4,000 1,000 5,000 S,OOOi
Rd.No.:32390-027 mi N of Baird Springs CN 2015 710,450 75,000 145,000 930,480 930,480;
�9 � From: MP 0_17 To: MP.38 9 S 021 P,T Oj CE No
Bridge Replacement-Workwill include temporary bridge,guardrail,approach
roadway and other associated work.
TotalEst.CostofProect $1,075,480 TOTALS BROS 82Q480 OTHER 75,000 174,000 1,075,480 9,075,480! 0� 0! 0
STR4TFORD RD.NE REALIGNMENT PE 2015 30,000 30,000 30,000�
Rd.No.: 94025-BNSF RR X'ing to SR 28 RW 0 i
�� 2 From: MP 20.28 To: MP 20.67 � S 0.39 p,T CN 750,000 370,000 1,120,000 7,12Q000�
Realign and Install Bridge-Work will include earthwork drainage,crushed �;
surfacing,BST,traffic control and other items.
Total Pro'ectCast $1,150,000 TOTALS USBR 750,000 0 400,000 1,150,000 1,150,OOOi 0� 0� 0
ADAMS RD_RECONSTRUCTION PE 2015 41,000 4,000 45,000 45,OOOi
Rd_No: 910 9 7/32470-SR 28 to Martin Rd to 200ft N of Martin Rd RW ��
08 3 From: MP 23.68/1.15 To: MP 25.53/�2'I 03 09 S L86 P,T CN 990,000 9'10,000 1,100,000 1,100,000!
Resurface and Install Bridges-Work will include earthwork,drainage,install �j
bridges,BST surface,traffic control and other items.
TotalProectCost $'I,145,000 TOTALS R4P '1,03'I,000 114,000 'i,'I45,000 'I,'145,000; 0; Oj 0
STP(U}6090 PE 2015 87,000 13,000 100,000 'IOO,OOOj
Rd.No._41550-AinvaytoValley CN 2016 952,000 128,000 1,080,000 1,080,000�
�$ 4 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0_89 3.00 S 0.89 0;
HMA Surfacing-Workwilf include grade,drain,HMA surface,C&G,
sidewalks,Vaffic control and other items.
Total Pro'ed Cost $1,180,000 TOTALS STP US 1,039,000 0 141,000 1,180,000 1,'180,000; Oi Oj 0
STP(R}E'133 PE 0 40,000 40,000 40,000;
Rd.No.: 91017-SR26 Yo Frenchman HiIIs Rd. CN 2016 '1,595,000 249,000 1,544,000 '1,844,000;
07 5 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 6.18 7 S 6.18 P,T Oj CE No
HMA Overlay-Work will consist of HMA Overlay,shoulderfinishing,2ising
guardrail,traffic control and other items.
Total Project Cost $1,584,000 TOTALS STP(R) 9,595,000 289,000 1.884,000 1,884,000:
20-NE RD.RECONSTRUCTION PE 85,000 85,000 55,000�
Rd.No.: 94046-Adrian Rd to Stratford Rd RW �i
From: MP 4.38 To: MP 926 03 CN 1,100,000 9,100,000 1,100,000;
OS 6 S 4.88 P,T
Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic 05 Oj
control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $'I,'185,000 TOTALS 0 9,'I85,000 t,'185,000 1,185,000!
Joirn wlMoses Cake PE 11,800 1200 13,000 13,000 i
PATTON BLVD SIDEWALK(SaferSchools Program)(Pending Funding) RW ��
Rd.No.:45�70-22ndAvetoRandolphRd CN 123,400 13,100 136,500 �36,500;
'14 7 From: MP'1.28 To: MP'I.S7 07 S 0.59 P,T Oj
Safety Project-Install rapid-flash beacons,crosswalkwaming lightsystem,
school zone flashing beacon and other items
TotalProjectCost $149,500 TOTALS SRTS '135,200 14,300 '149,500 149,500;
A.SSW RD (2016G2veltoBSTProgram] S P,T PE 12,000 �2,000 'I2,000;
Rd.No.13650-12 SW to 13SW Priority 8 RW 0!
09 $ From: MP 0.00 To:MP 1.13 03 S 1_13 P,T �
Gravel to BST-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control CN 240,000 240,000 240,000 i
and other items Gravel 0;
Total Project Cast $252,000 TOTALS to BST 252,000 252,000 252,OOOI 0: 0; 0
[2016 Gravel to BST Program] PE '16,000 16,000 16,000;
U-SW RD 823-SW R� Priority 14 RW 0�
Rd.No.10591-24SW to 23SW to SR 243
�9 9 From: MP 0.00 To:MP 7.61 03 S 1.61 P,T CN 330,000 33Q000 330,000!
Gravel to BST-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control Ot
and other items Gravel
Total Pro'ect Cost $346,000 TOTALS to BST 346,000 346,000 346,000� 0 j 0� 0
HSIP- (SafetyPrqed) PE 2015 28,530 31,700 60,230 60,230j
COUNTY RD SAFETY:2015 RPM's,Rumble SVips,Flashing Signs RW 0�
Vr 10 From: MP To:MP 21 P Vr P,T CN 20�6 364,700 364,700 364,700? CE No
Safety Project-Work will include installation of Raised Pavement Markers, 0 i
Rumble Strips,Flashing LED Stop Signs and other items.
TotalProectCost 3424,930 TOTALS HSIP 393,230 39,700 424,930 424,930j Oj Oj 0
HSIP- [SafetyProjedJ PE 2015 36,540 4,000 40,540 40,540;
COUNTY RD SAFETY:20"IS Guardrail Safety Data Collection RW 0j
Vr "I1 From: MP To:MP 21 P Vr P,T CN 0 CE No
Safety Project-Work will include existing guardrail data collection and 0�
analysis and other items.
TotalPro"ectCost $4Q540 TOTALS HSIP 36,540 4,000 4Q540 40,540? Oi Oi 0
HSIP- (SafetyProject] PE 2015 96,210 10,690 �06,900 106,900;
COUNTY RD SAFEIY:2015 Horizontal Curve Signs RW
�9 12 From: MP To:MP 21 P Vr P.T CN 2016 513,000 513,000 513,000� CE No
Safety Prqect-Work will include installation of Horizont2l Curve Signs and 0�
other items.
Total Pro'ed Cost $619,900 TOTALS HSIP 609,210 10,690 619,900 619,900't Oi 0! 0
J-NE REALIGNMENT PE 20,000 20,000 20,OOOE
Rd_No.: 53050-Pinto Ridge to 36-NE RW 0;
09 �3 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 072 03 P 072 P,T CN 175,000 175,000 175,000?
Realignment-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic 0�
contrnl and other items.
Total Projed Cost $"195,000 TOTALS 0 195,000 195,000 195,OOOi
J-NE/37-NEINTERSECTIONS PE 2,000 2,000 2,000�
Rd.No.: 53250/53200-J-NE at SR 2/37-NE at SR 2 RW 0 i
09 14 From: MP 0.00/0.67 To: MP 0.44/0.71 03 P 0.45 p,T CN 23,000 23,000 23,000�
Reconstniction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,HMA surface,treffic 0 j
control and other items.
Total Projed Cost $25,000 TOTALS 0 25,000 25,000 25,000%
PE 95,000 15,000 15,000; 15,000� 15,000� 45,000
�9 �5 *INCLUDING COST SHARE PROJECTS 03 S P,T CN 235,000 235,000 235,000; 235,OOOi 235,000� 705,000
TotalPro'ectCost 3250,000 TOTALS 0 250,000 250,000 250,000; 250,OOOj 250,OOOj 750,000
.,, . � -:.. . � .. ,�. . _ . ,. ,,. . . ., ,- , � , , . , . , ,. . ._
- � ' � ' � T'2IIt6-�1`'� ' .
3-NE RD RECONSTRUCTION PE 122,000 122,000 922,OOOi
Rd.No.: 94000-O-NE to Q-NE RW 0!
From: MP 5.03 To: MP 6.99 03 CN 1,100,000 1,100,000 ! 1,900,DOOi
08 16 Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,HMA surface,traffic 12 S 9-88 P,T �
conVol and other items.
Total Project Cost 31,222,000 TOTA�S 0 1,222,000 1,222,000 0; 1,222,000;
STP(R}E'131 PE 0 40,000 40,000 40,000;
Rd.No.: 9'1030-SR26 to Frenchman Hills Rd. CN 2017 1,531,000 239,000 1,77Q000 � 1,770,000;
07 17 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 5.90 07 P 5.90 P,T CE No
HMA Overlay-Work will consist of HMA Overlay,shoulder finishing,raising 0;
guardrail,traffc control and other items.
Total Projed Cost $1,810,000 TOTALS STP(R) '1,53'I,000 279,000 9,8'10,000 Oj 7,S'10,000;
9-NW RD RECONSTRUCTION PE 67,000 8,000 75,000 75,OOOj
Rd.No.: 30200-Quincy City Limits to Adams Rd. RW 0�
OS 18 From: MP 4.47 To: MP 7.98 03 P 3.51 P,T CN 683,000 296,000 979,000 j 979,000�
ReconsVuction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,treffic 0�
control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $1,054,000 TOTALS 0 RAP 750,000 304,000 1,054,000 i 1,054,OOOi 0
10 SW RD&F SW RD (2017Gravel to BSTProgram) PE 46,000 46,000 46,000;
Rd.No.12780-G SW to F SW to 11 SW P�iority 9 RW 0�
09 �9 From: MP 0.00 To:MP 2.10 a3 S 2.10 P,T j
Gravel to BST-Workwill include grade,drainage,BSTsurface,Vaffic control CN 4'16,000 4'16,000 416,OOOi
and other items Gravel 0;
Total Pro ect Cost $462,000 TOTALS to BST 462,000 462,000 0; 462,OOOj Oj 0
8-NW RD [2017G2veitoBSTProgram] PE 35,000 35,000 35,OOOj
Rd.No.39340-Dodson to 1.60 miles East P�iority 11 RW 0 j
09 2p From: MP 0.00 To:MP 1.60 03 S 1.60 P,T i
Gravel to BST-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control CN 317,000 3'17,000 3'17,000�
and other items Gravel 0 i
Total Pro'ect Cast $352,000 TOTALS to BST 352,000 352,000 Oi 352,000; 0; 0
,_, ,. ,. ,,. , ,.- . ,.; , ,, .;., . , ; ;�,T'2Q43T, ,, _ ,;.,, , . - , .. � , . , . ., , � , , , , , . , , . ,
4NE RD RECONSTRUCTION PE 76,000 �9,000 85,000 85,OOOj
Rd.No.:42900-N-NE to L NE RW 0 j
O$ 2� From: MP 0.00 To: MP 2.01 03 P 2-01 p,-r CN 919,000 102,000 1,021,000 j 1,021,000�
Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,&ST surface,traffic Oj
control and other items.
Total Projed Cost $1,106,000 TOTALS 0 R4P 995,000 119,000 1,106,000 ! 1,106,OOOI 0
28SWRD (2018Grave/toBSTProg2m] PE 66,000 66,000 66,OOOi
Rd.No.10290-O SW to R SW Priority i0 RW Oi
09 � From: MP 3.01 To:MP 6.02 03 S 3.01 P,T ?
Gravel to BST-Workwill indudegrade,drainage,BST surface,traffc control CN 596,000 596,000 596,OOOj
and other items Gravel 0�
Total Pro ed Cost $662,000 TOTALS to BST 662,000 662,000 0 i 662,000� 0
3-NE RD RECONSTRUCTION PE 194,000 194,000 194,OOOi
Rd.No.:94000-Q-NE to S-NE RW Oi
07 23 From: MP 6.9'I To: MP 8.91 03 P 2-00 p,T CN 1,106,000 1,'106,000 i i 1,106,OOOi CE No
Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,HMA surface,Vaffic 0;
control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $1,300,000 TOTALS 0 '1,300,000 1,300,000 0; j 1,300,000� 0
STP(U}6074,STP(U}1336&STP(R}H135 PE 35,000 5,000 40,000 40,OOOj
Rd.No.:45010-SR 17 to Moses Lake City L'vnits(east of 19th) 05 CN STP(US) 577,000 90,000 667,000 667,000�
09 24 From: MP 0.00/0.99/1.13 To: MP.099/1.13/1.73 �� P 1.73 P,T STP(R) 288,000 90,000 378,000 378,000� CE No
Overtay/Reconstruction-Work will include grind&inlay,HMA surface,ADA
ramps,sidewalk,traffic contrnl and other items.
Total Est Cost of Pro'ect $1,085,000 TOTALS STP 900,000 0 185,000 1,085,000 0; 0; 1,085,000; 0
....,.. . . ... . . .. . ... . ., ._. , . . . , . ._ , , , ., _ . , , , -
� ' ., � � , �..� ' ,�. � � � .'. . ., T2f}tE:�" � ' . , . ;, ., �'.,�. . .. , � . .,, , . ,
4NERDRECONSTRUCTION [PartialRAPFu`xling] PE 90,000 10,000 900,000 100,000
Rd.No.: 93004-Hiawatha to Westshore Drive (5128,OOOj RW 0 j
08 Zg From: MP 5.03 To:MP 9.45 03 P 4.42 p,T CN 9,103,000 123,000 1,226,000 � "1,226,000
Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,6a�c 0�
conVol and other i[ems.
Total Project Cost $1,326,000 TOTALS 0 RAP 'I,'193,000 133,000 1,326,000 9,326,000
3-NE RD RECONSTRUCTION PE '130,000 130,000 '130,000
Rd.No: 94000-S-NEtoU-NE RW Oj
07 2g From: MP 8.9'I To: MP 10.90 03 P "I.99 p T CN 1,17Q000 1,170,000 : 'I,'170,000 CE No
Reconstruction-Workwill include earthwork,drainage,HMAsurface,Vaffic 0�
control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $�,300,000 TOTALS 0 9,300,000 �,300,000 Oi 1,300,000
3-NE RD RECONSTRUCTION PE 195,000 195,000 195,000
Rd.No._ 94000-U-NE to Adams County Line RW 0�
�� z� From: MP'10.90 To: MP 13.90 03 P 3.00 p,7 CN 1,800,000 1,800,000 j 'I,S00,000 CE No
Reconstruction-Workwill include earthwork,drainage,HMAsurface,traffic Oi
control and other items.
TotalProjectCast �u1,995,000 TOTALS 0 �,995,000 �,995,000 Oj �,995,000
STP(R}13EP PE 35,000 5,000 4Q000 40,000
Rd.No.:91013-SR243toSR26 CN 2,802,000 437,000 3,239,000 3,239,000
�$ Z$ From: MP 0.00 To: MP 720 � P �-ZD P,T 0 CE No
Overlay/Reconstruction-Work will include grind&inlay,HMA surface,ADA
remps,sidewalk,traffic control and other items.
Total Est Cost of Pro ed $3,279,000 TOTALS STP R 2,837,000 0 442,000 3,279,000 0; 0 i 0; 3,279,000
' Rd.No.:41690-Valley Rd to South Entrance RW 0;
�� 29 From: MP1.37-30'Rt To: MP1.37-530'Rt �2 S 0.10 p,T CN 18,000 18,000 ; 18,000
Sidewalk-Work will include grade,drainage,concrete sidewalk&ramp and Oj
other items.
- Paths&
.. Total Project Cost $20,000 TOTALS 0 Trails 20,000 20,000 Oi 20,000
CRESENTBARSIDEWALK PE 15,000 95,000 15,000
Rd.No.:31790-Sunserra Loop to Bridge No.425 RW ��
OS 30 From: MP 224 To: MP 2.60 �2 S 0.36 p,T CN 2'10,000 210,000 � 210,000
Sidewalk-Work will include grade,drainage,concretesidewalk(westside) Oi
curb and gutter,ADA ramps,traffic control and other items. Paths&
Tofal Project Cost 3225,D00 TOTALS 0 Trails 225,000 225,000 0% 225,000
STRATFORD RD NE RECONSTRUCTION PE 100,000 '100,000 100,000
Rd.No.; 94025-12-NEto26-NE RW 0�
07 31 From: MP 923 To: MP 1324 01 P 4-01 p,T CN 903,000 903,000 i 903,000
ReconsWction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic O i
control and other items.
Total Project Cost $1,003,000 TOTALS 0 0 '1,003,000 1,003,000 Oj '1,003,000
Rd.No.;94025-16-NEto20-NE RW ��
07 32 From: MP1324 To: MP'IZ24 01 P 4 p,7 CN 900,000 90Q000 ; 900,000
Reconstruction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic 0�
control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $7,000,000 TOTAIS 0 0 'I,000,000 1,000,000 0't 1,000,000
Rd.No.; 94025-20-NE to BNSF Crossing RW Oi
07 33 From: MP 1724 To: MP 2028 0'I P 3.04 p,T CN 684,000 684,000 j 684,000
ReconsWction-Workwill include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,Vaffic 0j
control and other items.
Total Project Cost $76Q000 TOTALS 0 0 76Q000 760,000 0 i 760,000
12-NE RD RECONSTRUCTION PE 19,000 99,000 19,000
Rd.No.; 94030-M-NE to East end of Bridge No.158 RW 0�
�$ � From: MP 824 To: MP 9.01 01 P 0.77 p,7 CN 174,000 174,000 i 174,000
ReconsVuction-Work will include earthwork,drainage,BST surface,traffic 0 j
control and other items.
Total Project Cost $193,000 TOTALS 0 0 193,000 193,000 0� 193,000 �
Rd.No.;43520-O-NE to Mases Lake City Limits RW Oj
08 35 From:MP 1'1.17 To: MP 13.92 01 P 275 P,T CN 699,000 6'19,000 � 619,000
Reconstr�ction-Workwill include earthwork drainage,BST surface,traffic 0 i
conVol and other items.
Total Project Cost 3688,000 TOTALS 0 0 688,000 685,000 0 j 688,000
STP(R}G132 PE 56,000 9,000 65,000 65,000
Rd.No.: 93010-SR281toSR28 CN 2,294,000 355,000 2,652,000 2,652,000
07 36 From: MP 14.07 To: MP 22.99 07 P 8.84 P,T CE No
HMA Overlay-Work will consist of HMA Overlay,shoulder finishing,raising Oi
guardrail,tra�c control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $2,717,000 TOTALS STP(R) 2,350,000 367,000 2,717,000 0? 2,7'17,000
MAPLE DRIVE NE PE 15,000 15,000 15,000
Rd.No.:42600-Strafford to Grape RW 0 j
07 37 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.75 03 P 0.75 p�T CN 300,000 200,000 500,000 � 500,000
ReconsWction-Workwill includegrede,drainage,curb and gutter,BST CR=$50 Oj
surface,HMA path,traffic control and o}her items. P&T=$150
Total Prqect Cost $515,000 TOTALS 0 300,000 215,000 515,000 515,000
WILSONCREEKTRUCKBYPASS(R-N� JoiMw�lsonGeekT(B PE �0,000 10,000 1Q000
Rd.No.:N/A-4th St to 300'E of 6th St RW 0 i
From: MP 0_00 To: MP 025 CN 75,000 75,000 75,000
09 38 03 P 025 P,T
ReconsWction-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control 0
and other items.
Total Projed Cost $85,000 TOTALS 0 0 85,000 85,000 55,000
BASELINE.5 SE RD (2019 G2vel to BSTProgram] PE 22,000 22,000 22,000
Rd.No.22'100-N SE to O SE Priority 13 RW 0!
09 39 From: MP 9.01 To:MP 2.02 03 S 1.01 P,T
Gravel to BST-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control CN 200,000 200,000 200,000
and other items Gravel 0'
Total Pro'ect Cost $222,000 TOTALS to BST 222,000 222,000 Oj Oj 222,000
LOWER CRAB CREEK RD (2019 Gravelto BSTProgram] PE 55,000 55,000 55,000
Rd_No.11130-E-SE to 2.50 miles easi Priority 15 RW 0�
09 40 From: MP 0.00 To:MP 2.50 03 S 2.50 P,T
Gravel to BST-Work will include grede,drainage,BST surface,traffic control CN 495,000 495,000 495,000
and other items Gravel 0 i
Total Pro'ect Cost $550,000 TOTALS to BST 550,000 550,000 0; Oj 550,000
H-NW [2020 Gravel to BST Program] PE 22.000 22,000 22,000
Rd.No.38830-7 NW to 8 NW Priority 16 RW 0�
09 4� From: MP 2.17 To:MP 3.'17 03 S 1.00 P,T
Gravel to BST-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control CN 198,000 998,000 198,000
and other items Gravel 0;
Total Pro ect Cost $220,000 TOTALS to BST 220,000 220,000 0! 0; 220,000
H-SW (2020GraveltoBSTProgram] PE 22,000 22,000 22,000
Rd.No.12530-12 SW to SR 26 Priority l7 RW 0�
09 42 From: MP 0.00 To:MP 1.02 03 S 1.02 P,T
Gravel to BST-Work will include grade,drainage,BST surface,traffic control CN 202,000 202,000 202,000
and other items Gravel 0!
Total Pro'ed Cost �224,000 TOTALS to BST 224,000 224,000 Oi Oi 224,000
GR4PE DRNE NE RECONSTRUCTION FFC changesreq'd PE 27,000 3,000 30,000 30,000
Rd.No.:42350MEW-SR17 to Loring Drive NE 01 RW 0 j
07 43 From: MP 0_00 To: MP'I.00 03 P � P T CN 405,000 45,000 450,000 j 450,000
OS Reconstniction-Work will include grade,drainage,HMAsurface,curb and 07 p�
gutter,sidewalk,traffic control and other items. 12
TotalProjectCast $480,000 TOTALS 0 432,000 48,000 480,000 Oi 480,000
NAT WASHWGTON BLVD JoiM w/Ephrata&Develope� PE 45,000 5,000 50,000 50,000
Rd.No.:37850/New/37750/New-SR282toSR28 01 RW 50,000 5,000 55,000 55,000
�� � From: MP'1.43/'1.60/0.00/0.00 To: MP 1.60/2_10/0.49/0.07 03 P �Z3 P T CN 900,000 100,000 1,000,000 � 1,000,000
Reconstruction-Work will include grade,drainage,HMA surface,C&G,RR 04 0;
Xng&signal,streel lights,traffic control and other items. 12
TotalProjectCost 31,105,000 TOTALS 0 TIA 995,000 1�Q000 1,�05,000 0: 1,105,000
BRIDGE#313,ESE BROS-2013 BrNo.:08972800 PE 92,000 4,000 16,000 16,000
Rd.No.:20790-0.01 mi S of 14.8-SE RW 0
09 qs From: MP 1.15 To: MP 1.36 pg p 02� p,T CN 112,000 25,000 '14Q000 i 140,000 CE No
Bridge Replacement-Work will include demolition,sVucture replacement, O i
approaches,traffic control and other items.
Total Project Cost $156,000 TOTALS 0 BR 124,000 32,000 156,000 Oj 156,000
BRIDGE#382,H NW BrNo.:07990000 PE 22.000 6,000 28,000 28,000
Rd.No.: 30430-0.40 mi N of SR 28 RW 0
OS 46 From: MP 2.17 To: MP 2.39 pg p 021 p T CN 300,000 76,000 376,000 j 376,000
Bridge Replacement-Work will include demolition,sVucture replacemenL 0�
approaches,traffic control and other items.
TotalProjectCost $404,000 TOTALS 0 R4P 322,000 52.000 404,000 Oi 404,000
BRIDGE#i353,R-NW atMARTIN RD BrNo.:07990000 PE 6,000 6,000 6,000
Rd.No.:30330/93025-0.01 mile N of Martin Rd RW 0
09 47 From: MP 0.01/1_93 To: MP 0.12Y2.03 09 P 021 p,T CN 88,000 88,000 ; 88,000
Bridge Replacement-Workwill include demolition,structure replacement, 0;
approaches,traffic control and other items.
Total Projed Cost $94,000 TOTALS 0 0 94,000 94,000 0't 94,000
McConihe Rd NE(West Access for Port of M.L.) (PoR of ML fvnds) PE 55,000 55,000 55,000
Rd.No.: NEW-SR 17 to Port of Moses Lake RW 0;
09 48 From: MP 0.00 To: MP 0.85 p� p 0.85 p,T CN 498,000 498,000 ? 498,000
Reconstruction-Work will include grade,drainage,HMA surface,curb and Oj
gutter,sidewalk,traffic cnntrol and other items. Port of
Total Project Cost $553,000 TOTALS 0 Moses Lk 553,000 553,000 0� 553,000
� �
13,002,660 6,217,000 18,869,690 38,089,350 9,922,350 5,150,000 4,403,000 19,864,000
Grant County Six Year TIP 2016-2021 Page 1 of 2
Revenue 5
9/22/2015 07:32 A.M.
BARS# 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-21
308 10 Beg.Cash Balance-Unreserved `:=',6.;��7{''�00' 6,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 12,000,000
311 10 Property Tax =_8;;7b'Q,6000, 8,787,000 8,874,900 8,963,600 26,89Q800
12 Annex.Impact(Moses Lake)/RSA �_;�.Q: 0 0 0 0
317 20 Leasehold Tax 1;4:1;(SOb; 150,900 161,500 172,800 627,300
332 15 20 Taylor Grazing Act �,Qb�� 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000
15 60 Fish&Wildlife ` 9;p;0;p. 0 0 0 0
81 10 Federal In-Lieu-Hanford Reserve �2�?6;0'b9: 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000
333 20 21 Fed.Aid-BR '=:'';Q(J;�,U(�C� 700,000 0 0 124,000
20 23 Fed.Aid-STP(R),(U) -�,-;: T,3�'$,i�00 2,547,000 1,531,000 900,000 6,087,000
20 24 Fed.Aid-STP Rural Safety ;jQ 0 0 0 252,000
20 26 Fed.Aid-STP(TE) ,;i1`_ 0 0 0 0
20 26 Fed.Aid-HSIP ,,0; 950,000 0 0 0
334 03 61 WSDOT Planning-QUADCO 2018 "'�;tl` 0 0 0 125,000
03 71 RAP ;��'i��;1�bQQ,: 1,031,000 750,000 995,000 5,632,000
03 72 CAPP 1��447''4�_ 1,358,189 1,371,771 1,385,489 4,198,032
03 81 TIB ',b; 0 0 0 1,427,000
03 82 Safer Route to Schools(Patton) ;'"_�(�;��'�60�; 135,200 0 0 300,000
336 80 Motor Vehicle Tax = _:�':°���83ti!��$; 6,600,000 6,666,000 6,732,660 20,399,960
337 07 In-Lleu Taxes �`',;Q; 0 0 0 0
338 40 Intergovernmental Revenue ;'„��,jOQO 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000
341 69 Printing/Duplicating __ __:l_�::;�€3OU 2,500 2,700 2,900 10,500
75 Map Sales ,fiQ�= 100 100 100 400
345 83 Plat Checking Fees ` ='2;�.Q.Q; 2,000 2,000 2,100 7,600
349 90 Road Const./Eng.Services `0'; 0 0 0 0
363 10 Insurance&Recoveries ,':Q; 0 0 0 0
367 10 Contributions/CostShare/Dev.Mitig. <-.1_�IAy50(� 75,000 75,000 75,000 347,041
368 11 12.8 CRID ?,';;+�;l�,Q,� 3,207 3,207 3,207 6,414
12 10 NW CRID ;:.; A;� 347 347 347 1,041
369 40 Other Judgements/Settlements 0�: 0 0 0 0
90 Misc.Revenue ___��a�,OOQ 754,000 4,000 4,000 12,000
395 10 Proceeds form Sales of Fixed Assets -=_ ='_`_;;1;y_Q49`
397 10 Transfers-In(P&T) tl=' 20,000 225,000 0 150,000
20 Transfers-In(ER&R) ";:;b,; 0 0 0 0
30 Transfers-In(Solid Waste-Neva Lk Rd,';,,`.:;;�-".s;.=;;"-„"{.�; 0 0 0 0
40 Transfers-In SignShop) j;.,�,Q' 0 0 0 0
Total Revenues: ;:-._:'::���';7>1!�:6 '7. $29 418 443 $23 969,525 $23 539 203 $79 504 088
Grant County Six Year TIP 2015-2020 Page 2 of 2
9/22/2015 07:32 A.M.
BARS# 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019-21
508 10 Ending Cash 6';�37,��6 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 12,000,000
519 70 Reimbursables `.=�,b;;QQb 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000
521 70 Traffic Policing 2Z0',OOp 270,000 270,000 210,000 630,000
71 Motor Traffic Unit - _ ,..,�.;(}' 0 0 0 0
542 30 Road Maintenance 7,67q,�170. 7,000,000 7,035,000 7,070,200 21,316,700
40 Drainage ..,�/��,ib(��0„ 650,000 656,500 663,100 1,999,200
50 Bridge Repair/Malntenance ''�'.'i��74�0�0; 272,700 275,400 278,200 838,800
60 Traffic&Pedestrian Services �;$p���f1n; 1,821,500 1,839,700 1,858,100 5,602,200
70 Vegetation Management �.,,,1;;Q5�;bOp 1,060,500 1,071,100 1,081,800 3,261,600
90 Administrative Maintenance °'.- �'f�bbQ 919,100 928,300 937,600 2,826,900
543 00 Administration/Overhead ':-�'�;4:1�Y�86 1,300,000 1,365,000 1,433,300 4,321,400
544 00 Road and Street Operations ' �87,�40' 500,000 505,000 510,100 1,538,000
545 00 Extraordinary '.`;;;,1"3,q,�p"DQ' 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000
548 Supplies and Materials ::>_..70; 0 0 0 0
591 Bond Redemption(Col.Basin Project) :-:;:. '.;:.;�.:'1';$Od 1,700 1,530 1,500 4,000
594 43 Ephrata HVAC ;� 0 0 0 0
44 Hartline Shop _�`„Q 0 0 0 0
48 Machinery/EquipmenUAdmin/Eng -- - ,,;;`Q, 0 0 0 0
597 00 Transfers-Out(General Fund-Software > 3'��8Q.0_: 35,500 37,300 39,200 127,000
10 Transfers-Out(Paths&Trails) ;�::;2�;.�p0; 31,400 33,000 34,700 112,400
40 Transfers-Out(E,R.&R.Cap.) ,'';,�����,;,��0; 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000
60 Transfers-Out(Misc.) '.,-,0 0 0 0 0
80 Transfers-Out(Facilities Reserve) `-"G�' 0 0 0 0
90 Transfers-Out(Pits/Quarries Land) _ ;'_,;'0= 0 0 0 0
598 10 STP Cities �+t;;;"4.���'b,(�: 550,000 450,000 450,000 1,350,000
Total Ex enditures: i'.��"'1��'��',�.�5- $18 762 400 $18 817,830 $18 917 800 $56 978 200
Available Construction Dollars: ,'`:$'."15'� 4:�` $10 656 043 $5 151 695 $4 621 403 $22 525 888
Six Year TIP Totals `;.`:�:=6'�.7.�QOOi 9 922 350 $5 150 000 $4,403 000 $19 II64 000
Grant Count � p � � ���
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'� � -No.10-COUNTY ROAD SAFETY PROJECTS , � � t'��1�,;"I I W zl� � � � i „
_ Various areas Raised Pavement markers, Nw NE �' GQ� ' ! Z� ZI WI �L�L— ' � "
f':� �' . 37 NE
LED flashing Stop Signs,Rumble strips o_-_�,.,'• .;�-�.: Z � i � a�
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-No.11-COUNTY ROAD SAFETY PROJECTS '— ��i =:n��- - i � � � �
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