HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 09-075-CC�OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington IN THE MATTER OF VACATING A CERTAIN COUNTY ROAD EASEMENT Resolution No. 09- ���CC NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, has received a petition to vacate portions of certain County road easement described as follows: Legal description: That portion of easement as shown on the Plat Cox's Landing No. 2, AFN 1017667 Book 17, page 99; South ofi the Cul-De-Sac at the end of U SW, beginning at the southwest section corner N00°04'46" 1455.56 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence N00°04'46" 156.06 feet, thence N89°55'14"E on a curve radius of 50 feet to the midpoint of the Cul-De-Sac of U SW, 78.54 feet more ar less, thence S00°04'46" to the southern boundary of Parcel 1, thence S89°06'29"W 60 feet to fihe Point of Beginning and as shown on Attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that consideration should be given to vacating portions of certain County roads and rights-of-way and directs the County Road Engineer to prepare a report on the vacation and abandonment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing on the report and other related matters shall be held in the Hearing Room of the Board of County Commissioners of Granfi County, Washington, located in the County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington at 1:30 PM, on Tuesday, the 15t" day of September, 2009. Done �his �-� Att�st: Cindy C�i t�r, Chair " Richard Stevens, Vice Chair a�, �. Carolann Swartz, Board Member Constifutir�g the Board of Co�nty Commissioners of Grant County, Washington � V V � r ¢V ALTERATIC?1'�I A P{7RTION t3F THE SW C U $ V E Pbne pelia RoCius Lenqtl� CI 11•15'2Y �70.00 9Q.34 L2 ii'l5'25^ ]30.OD 4Pi.t3 C3 il`13'25^ 5W.o0 9D.24 C4 11•t5'25" 5W.00 96.24 CS �33•ao'(�" Sp.oO 117.9� ce ,ar�o�as- so.00 s:�_ss C7 @2't0'33' 23.00 27-13 C8 180•W'O�" 50.00 i37.08 C9 62'10'35" 56.06 54.28 T A B L E Bepring S OS•4'2'2B^ E S 03'4y'20^ E 5 OS'42'28" E 5 tl5•42'28^ E 5 67•3+'+8" E 5 OS'94'i3^ £ N 31'10'13" lf N 64•95'14" E N 31'10't3" Y LA�N�IN� PLAT NQ. �. QF ]PARCELS 1 j4 OF SECTION 15, T4WNS�IIP 14 NORTH, � ,o � rs ts Ci. Raad "26" SWy Ct�ord 7mtqertt �R� 92.19 46.32 ' � o i �' �au^tY RoaE Right '�:o�e +�s:2s a�0_"�2�.Qj{ �o I oi sa tio o. �'�eoch atar 98.08 49.2C � ~' Ddd�totW on Cox's 92.34 t20.7i a�� �� W�ing No_ 1 P1oY 8t3.+8 87.H6 � (p 25.02 13.08 N� N I IaO.OQ - `n s�.e+ so.,s 3 3 I LEGENIS m • 5�6 - inch irm pin rith aurvcyo�'a eoP aheq rp LS t2491^ rv.unumwnt aet Sapt'mber 22. t947 �a t $L4 12i81h �monnument�fa ntl�or'e caP ttwrked ,� T SeptdmWr 22. 7997 � p i � U.S @�reav nf RqClamation braae CnD mOnumant x $ ro�na secta+neer sz. �997 � � I � 6roa cap monumeM se.k in monumeM ca3e October, 7997 � ♦ 8�ma coP mGnvmeeK �et in moe+um0[ft cOse Oecember 21. t9S4 q. Centertins I() Grcriousy reeorCed U_S. Bureau af Reclomation daio I Eam't EavemenT tor puDtie utfiiGes. Hos. irriga6on. and cq61e tebviaiOn_ � [ l Mfwnrotion from RecorA a! S�.rrvsy fibd in Book 2 Of SuNeya, poqs J9 recoMsd u der the Grani County Avditor'e Fle NumOee' 666587. � a � I � • s5�is 20 • � t �� E �� � y� � I'- �� N OQ"04' 46" W � o 0 0 1�� 2$9.28' �p� I�n Yy '[� O p � xJ Cau�tY f2oaC Right oi iYay - ZVZ I � Detlieated on Cox's lyntling No. 2 PIOS .... � � / ` N 89'55'14^ E 30.00' 1L T �., � h � �' M �'v�i BABIS O F BEARINGS 6Q' Covrtty Rvatl � W 7h> :»or�r�q a£ ;ry� w¢.st boundary !im of Sa ht af W fl DmtlicateC on Coz's - � ifj H+a Northwe�t quarWr of 5ectiorr t5 ia et ���� � y P'� equol to tM U.S. Bureau of Reclamotion's . : mn =� twwrin9 a# N QQ�04'46" W tor Um aomn Gnn ' � � "Qi '� � 9 �#�: a -- --.,... . . -:.:. .; .. - . �. : tp. - p �_: . '. � :.: '. : . :.. :..� � �� # `� � G7 70' Emm't (TYGical) aQ �� �u as=ss=�a•• � sao.aa� - � _. _ - I � .r m•''--___-�270.00'�_-�___�____._-2�0.00�.,.._1__ ..� ' 3':04 � �F ![ 1 • V • � h 1 �NI? 2 RANGE 23 EAST, W.11�I. 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Rpr�je 23 East, •.M_, that tNe -�' tltatances 4M c4urses antl arpfes oY'e sMwn thereon CorrcGtly to _t � �-�"--'--N 89"S5'14^ E 5IX7.00'___'__ �_-�1 , r_-:: _z30.0a•=.____ �_.---.=-rsnnn•__.-.---.� the DO3t o{ my krmpleOqt, lnformption, a�C bci�ef: onC that proper moYiuments Iwva OO�n 30t anU lot wrnern ore mLGkBC on khe grountl. C. S, ' �i+..�.+.�.: �.��" " Fredarice C. Skinner, P.E./P_�.5. 'Qoa�lrylon LonC Surveyor Wa. 72491 vE.SSERN PAC(FtC EMGiF�ER3Nfi, iNC. Pionppr Mny Profeaalonol Center 7328 Hunter Plaee wo�a �oke. r�. �ass� � a.. 4i� tfM N 89°55"14•' E "I-� �� ��-�' PARCEL 1 � J i 2.001 AC., i l� �, �G�g more or less i . , : T Easemer2 ,Y � - I . � _60' Eam t _' ' _'__._--�-'270.03' _- - J s ss�ae�2e•• w soo.os� ifD [ N 8&'39'15" E 600.062` 7 i� � �n . .. . _ .. . : ............. 1Yb�1j 55 -" ' " " "' ' " ' '__ _ 21 A22 INS"tRL'SOAT US£D IN!(()-'�7�--'���C'•"•��D�ATA Geodimeter System 4tl00 t�:�i1.� 4ne YSA Surveyln[ 57st m Elec4anic Total 9Ltion [+/- 1 Second Theodolite and +j- {4_WT• a. g ppm) Electranfe DietmmCe 1letrtr] 515 714N H29E lYES1'ERN PACIFIC ENCINEERINC, INC. YOS$S IAI(E, EL78NSHIIRG. wdSHINGTpN Pionecz lfsy Pmfc:wiona2 Ccnt=r 1828 Huntsr Placp (509)ie5-1�23 Moeo Lkc, 1laah. VEftN C{7X A ParLiaa af the SW 2f4 of Sec#.ion 15, Township 14 North, Range 28 East, IY.M. Sux+eyed D� L3tA Date 88-97 Scaie i" = S00' Drawn by eavp/NDN Date 09-8? Sheet 3 of 2 QasrcYed Ly FG4 Date G9-97 projsct No. 99431